Zong Tomb: Starting from Huangpizi Tomb

Chapter 275 Arriving at the 9th Floor Demon Tower

After hearing Bai Jing's words, Lei Xianming couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.

Along the way, Lei Xianming also saw Bai Jing's miraculous performance too many times.

In the end, Lei Xianming and his party finally defeated greed with reason.

Although they didn't quite understand what Bai Jing was talking about, it didn't stop them from understanding that it must be a very dangerous thing.

In the end, I could only reluctantly cover the ice cap.

But it can be seen that after Lei Xianming came up, he looked unhappy.

Seeing Lei Xianming's appearance, the fat man couldn't help but tease: "Uncle Ming, aren't you here to find your father? Could it be that the body under there belongs to your father?"

Upon hearing this, Lei Xianming suddenly became furious and said excitedly to Fatty, "Fatboy, I have tolerated you for a long time."

As soon as he heard this, the fat man immediately wanted to reply.

But then, Bai Jing looked at the two of them and said: "Save your energy, we are not far from the nine-story demon tower. I roughly calculated from the location of the tomb of the reincarnation sect leader.

The body of the reincarnation sect leader is located in the Li position, which represents fire. According to the position on the picture, there are eight such positions. According to my judgment just now, the Li position corresponds to the earth fire. The remaining seven locations are also different.

But using this position as a benchmark, we can already determine the location of the nine-story demon tower. I estimate that if we continue walking, we should be able to reach the location around noon tomorrow. "

After listening to Bai Jing's words, everyone was refreshed.

Immediately, Bai Jing and others continued to move forward. This time, Bai Jing was at the forefront.

Bai Jing can walk firmly in a given direction without yaw.

Therefore, at this time, everyone is moving in the direction pointed by the snow-capped golden mummy.

Everyone was not moving very fast in the snow. After walking for about ten kilometers, it was already approaching evening.

As a result, when night fell, Hu Bayi looked at the stars in the sky and understood something instantly.

Immediately, Hu Bayi called everyone out.

The tomb of the leader of the Samsara Sect is distributed on the ground according to the Bagua, and in terms of corresponding astrology, it corresponds to different constellations. Among them, the tomb of the leader of the Samsara Sect that everyone has visited before corresponds to Douxiu. After comparison with the drawings, Another sect leader's tomb is in Zhensu.

It is only necessary to connect the positions of the two sect masters' tombs, and the intersection in the middle is where the nine-story demon tower of the first generation ghost mother of the Demon Kingdom is located.

Early the next morning, everyone continued to set off and launched the final charge towards the location of the tomb of the Demon Mother.

After Bai Jing and his group walked through a snowy slope, they pointed to the location ahead and said, "That's the location."

As soon as Hu Bayi heard this, he looked around and immediately discovered that the four surrounding snow peaks were located just in front of him.

Immediately, Hu Bayi picked up the compass and judged the surrounding directions.

Bai Jing was also judging the location. Finally, Bai Jing stood at a location, inserted a small red flag here and said: "Yes, this is the location, the center of the entire location."

After Hu Bayi calculated it through the compass, he used a few of them to form a circle, and the position where Bai Jing put the flag was just inside the position where Hu Bayi put the flag.

Hu Bayi said: "I can only confirm that the location of the nine-story demon tower must be within this range, but I am not sure of the more specific location." Bai Jing pointed to the place where he planted the flag on the ground. : "This location should be right on the edge of the nine-story demon tower. This location is easier to get up and down."

Then, Bai Jing walked to another location, pointed to the ground and said, "This should be the middle of the entire nine-story demon tower."

After listening to what Bai Jing and Hu Bayi said, the others had nothing to say for a while.

After all, in such a large area, no matter which one of them, Bai Jing or Hu Bayi, can lock their position in such a small area, they are very powerful figures. However, I don't know who is more powerful in the end.

Since the position chosen by Bai Jing is included in the position chosen by Hu Bayi, everyone naturally starts working from the position chosen by Bai Jing.

Shirley Yangdang started spraying ginger juice where Bai Jing had placed the flag, while Bai Jing, Hu Bayi, and Fatty also started to pick up tools and dig into the ground.

After a while, after all the ice layers above were removed through excavation, traces of the artificial buildings below were revealed. Everyone couldn't help but look at each other when they saw this.

It seems that no matter what, this is definitely where the ninth floor will be.

Immediately, everyone began to destroy the top of this layer of building, and soon, a hole was exposed on the ground.

Seeing this, Bai Jing lay down at the entrance of the cave and looked down, and then said: "It's true, this is the top floor of the nine-story monster building."

After hearing this, everyone began to expand the size of the cave entrance.

As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers, and when everyone comes to help, everyone moves very quickly.

After a while, a hole large enough for people to enter and exit was revealed.

Bai Jing was the first to reach the bottom.

After Bai Jing came down, Ake, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang also came down.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Xianming and Han Shuna also came down.

After everyone came down, they saw the crystal plate on the ground.

The fat man saw that several people had gone down, and immediately climbed down along the rope.

As soon as he came down, the fat man stood on the crystal plate, looked at the crystal under him in surprise and said, "Here, is this crystal? What are the carvings on such a big crystal?"

Bai Jing ignored the fat man's thoughts and walked to the side, looking at the ice fog on the wall that had formed due to the instantaneous drop in temperature, making it difficult to see the murals on the wall.

After walking around for a while, Bai Jing first tried to chisel the ground in other places. It was obvious that other places were made of whole stone slabs and there was no way to chisel them. Only the crystal plate in the middle was left. .

Bai Jing and Hu Bayi looked at each other, and Hu Bayi nodded and said, "It seems that we can only go down to the next level after we cut it open."

Upon hearing this, the fat man immediately said eagerly: "Don't smash it, such a big piece of crystal is too big."

Then the fat man raised his head and saw Bai Jing and Hu Bayi looking at him calmly, knowing the purpose of their visit.

Immediately, the fat man said a little aggrievedly: "Oh, you can chisel it if you want, but I have to break a piece and take it back." (End of Chapter)

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