Chapter 211 Sacrifice: The Three Ultimate Shocks!
Holding the corner of his clothes, Qi Ningbing looked at Jiang Che's disappearing figure, froze for a few breaths, let out a sigh of relief, and then suddenly showed a relieved smile on his face.

Although a man like her brother-in-law who is excellent in all aspects is not her husband-in-law, he is at least her sister's. She is also sincerely happy for her sister at this moment.

He is extremely talented, the best among his generation, and at the same time has a good heart and is not deceived by beauty. Such a person is really suitable for her sister. As for the previous thought of being disappointed, it was just her subconscious reaction.

On the other side, Jiang Che is also dealing with the snake king. As an innate beast with strong intelligence, the snake king's body is full of treasures, including snake blood, snake skin, and snake scales.
And the most important thing is snake gallbladder, which can be said to be a great tonic.

The snake king, who was on the verge of death after being blasted by Jiang Che, had no ability to resist at this moment. After Jiang Che disembowelled him, his vertical pupils also gradually lost their luster.

At the same time, Jiang Che also quickly searched the Snake King Valley.

As a dangerous place that has been rarely discovered for hundreds of years, the Snake King Valley not only contains hundreds of thousands of various snakes, but also contains various natural and earthly treasures.

Just in the Snake King's lair, Jiang Che found a lot of shed snake skins and elixirs.

Unfortunately, most of them are elixirs that are two to three hundred years old, and there are only two that are over a thousand years old, but Jiang Che is already satisfied with this.

After all, even in the Medicine King Valley, only one elixir was discovered that had not yet been completely transformed into a treasure. Counting the five-color sacred flowers in the Snake King Valley, there were three treasures.

"Snake gallbladder is not poisonous and is indeed a great tonic. However, I sensed an aphrodisiac power in it." Qi Ningbing came to this conclusion after checking it over.

Soon, Jiang Che lit a fire in an open space and threaded pieces of snake meat on a black iron rod.

Jiang Che's words were comments from the heart.

No matter how bad it is, it can still be exchanged for other precious medicines.

Jiang Che didn't refuse. Although he didn't push it, he actually wanted to get the five-color sacred flower. He estimated that this elixir might be useful in the future.

"Then who is more beautiful, me or my sister?"

Speaking of the inner world, the atmosphere between Jiang Che and Qi Ningbing instantly became a bit charming, because when they suppressed the aphrodisiac, Qi Ningbing had already been confused a lot.

Mentioning it now made her somewhat embarrassed.

Snake gallbladder is indeed a great remedy, but if it contains snake venom, it will be worth the loss. Qi Ningbing is very knowledgeable and has more knowledge than Jiang Che, so he can usually tell some clues.

But Jiang Che looked at it very carefully and said seriously:
"If it's just about appearance, then you sisters are no different. As for what's going on inside,"

As for the remaining snake meat, Jiang Che did not touch it again, but turned it around to help Qi Ningbing roast it.

After half an hour, the power contained in the snake blood was completely refined, and his qi and blood increased by no less than 10%. It can be said that a meal of snake blood was worth his months of hard training.

"You look good, no matter what you wear, you look good."

Qi Ningbing lowered her head and tucked a strand of long hair from her forehead behind her ears, and smiled:
"The light armor prepared before the arrival is just to prepare for emergencies. How about it, brother-in-law? Does it look good?"

That was one of the Lin family's innate weapons, and it was now suitable for use as a barbecue grill.

After eating the snake meat, Qi Ningbing handed the five-color sacred flower to Jiang Che without hesitation.

But the memory is still there, and I clearly remember kissing my brother-in-law on the face.

"Ning Bing, do you want a bite?"

Fortunately, Jiang Che's own digestion ability is very strong, especially after breaking through the Xuandan, it has reached a new level. Not to mention that there is no waste at all, but it can still reduce some losses.

But the storage space is very small, only three feet square, which can't hold so much snake blood and snake meat.

"Brother-in-law, you should hold this five-color sacred flower."

"Ning Bing, why are you wearing your sister's clothes?"

The clothes were also torn a lot, exposing a lot of youth. Although the key parts were not exposed, their identities were still somewhat unavoidable for people to think about.

Without much persuasion, Jiang Che smiled and began to swallow the snake's blood like a cow drinking.

Jiang Che looked Qi Ningbing up and down and asked with a smile.

Afterwards, Jiang Che received a lot of snake blood from near the snake's head. Compared with snake meat, the power contained in snake blood is more powerful and can replenish the body and enhance the qi and blood.

After all, the impression of that aphrodisiac poison was so deep that I almost couldn't see anyone.

Jiang Che has a treasure in his hand. It was specially given to him by the elder of the Qi family before he came. It is a bracelet called the Spiritual Storage Ring, although the name is big.

Qi Ningbing reacted quickly and changed the subject with a slight blush on her cheeks. She really didn't want to recall what happened before. Although she was confused at the time.

"I definitely can't take it with me. The storage space is too small, but it would be a waste of money to lose this precious snake king. When the time comes, you can try my craftsmanship."

Jiang Che let out a breath of turbid air and felt that his whole body was bulging, and the energy and blood in his body were restless. He immediately sat cross-legged and began to refine the hard-won innate snake blood.


This kind of harvest is already enviable when word spreads about it.

After cleaning up some of the snake meat, Jiang Che and Qi Ningbing did not leave immediately, but planned to stay for a while. At the same time, Jiang Che also took out the snake gallbladder for Qi Ningbing to explore first.

"Brother-in-law, you'd better drink it yourself. I can't smell this smell." Qi Ning Bingqiong took a sniff, and suddenly the smell of blood hit her face, and she waved her hands to refuse.

"What are you going to do with this snake king?"

After searching the Snake King's lair, Qi Ningbing had also tidied up again and put on a brand new light armor. Her long hair was tied up. At first glance, she looked quite like Qi Wanjun.

Qi Ningbing is tall and has a beautiful appearance. She really looks good in anything she wears, especially her skin is very white. He had already accidentally tested this when he suppressed his aphrodisiac just now.

"it is good."

"As for the reason, it may be that it is the mating season of snakes, and the power naturally arises. However, with your cultivation level, brother-in-law, it should be no problem to suppress that power."

Qi Ningbing didn't have any other ideas, she just wanted to make a joke with Jiang Che.

"That's it. Okay, then I'll just refine it, otherwise the snake gallbladder will be useless in a short time."

"it is good."

With Qi Ningbing's approval, Jiang Che did what he said without any hesitation, and quickly swallowed the snake gall containing the essence of the snake king into his belly. In an instant, a fishy stench filled his heart.

However, Jiang Che gritted his teeth and endured it.

Soon, with Jiang Che's refining, the power in the snake gallbladder quickly broke open, and streams of warm current poured into Jiang Che's limbs and bones, making the energy and blood in his body more and more restless.

At the same time, Jiang Che finally felt the power of the aphrodisiac poison. In just a short moment, some part of his body was raised and his whole body was restless.

Hot thoughts flooded into his mind, making Jiang Che feel like he wanted to put a dragon's head into a tiger's den.

His opened eyes also immediately stared at Qi Ningbing.

"Brother-in-law, you."

Qi Ningbing was stared at by Jiang Che's fiery eyes, and she quickly took half a step back with worry on her face. If her judgment was wrong, with her brother-in-law's cultivation strength, she would have no way to resist and could only be forced to be happy.

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

The heat in Jiang Che's eyes faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, replaced by a clear look. Just as Qi Ningbing expected, with his cultivation strength, it was more than enough to suppress the aphrodisiac.

Unless he doesn't want to suppress it
"That's good." Qi Ningbing secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't that she hated Jiang Che. In fact, through a series of contacts, her affection for Jiang Che was gradually increasing.

But again, their identity is taboo.

Once she crosses that gap, she will surely suffer the wrath of her family. She does not want to cause the marriage of her sister and her brother-in-law to break up because of her, or even be regarded as a shame by the Qi family.

"You be on guard for me while I continue to refine the snake gallbladder."

"it is good."

In fact, Jiang Che refined snake gallbladder very quickly. The reason why he was still sitting cross-legged was that he had sunk his mind into the space of the heavenly monument, preparing to start a new sacrifice to increase his strength.

Now that Jiang Che's Xuandan has been completed and he has entered the realm of a grandmaster, the next thing he will consider is the cultivation of the Xuandan realm.

And the sacrifice target he prepared was the Three Jue Jingsha Dacheng.

Jiang Che had hesitated about this matter before he formed the elixir before. After all, no matter which one it was, his strength could skyrocket. In the end, considering the situation at that time, Jiang Che chose to form the xuan elixir first.

But this does not mean that the Three Jue Jingsha is not important.

Looking at the previous two sacrifices, the first sacrifice of Sanjue Jingshajiu gave Jiang Che a strength far beyond the same level. He entered a state of selflessness and greatly increased his fighting strength.

The second sacrifice of the three skills shocked Xiaocheng, which directly allowed Jiang Che to understand the artistic conception of the sea of ​​blood. With one hand, the sea of ​​​​blood pagoda destroyed the Jinyuan Temple and broke the Buddha's heart.

It also established his reputation as a genius.

This third time, he was already prepared.

Not surprisingly, the three great skills of Jingsha can bring him straight into the situation!

This is a realm that even his uncle Qi Shaoyan has yet to fully comprehend. Once he breaks through, Jiang Che's strength cannot even be simply regarded as being in the early stage of Xuandan.

The growth of its strength is absolutely terrifying.

Furthermore, Xuantian Dragon Transformation Technique has not yet been obtained, and at this moment, it is not easy for him to directly improve his cultivation. Understanding the situation is also related to his subsequent cultivation, so it can be said to be the most suitable choice.

Jiang Che even felt that he might be able to gather sacrifices within the Xuanling Secret Realm.

My mind sinks into the monument.

A line of small characters in seal script was slowly engraved.

[Sacrifice target: Three Jue Shockingly Great Accomplishment. 】

The runes on the sky monument lit up and flickered for a moment.

Then, the second line of small characters slowly emerged.

[The price of the sacrifice: ten thousand evil spirits, one fruit of Bodhi Enlightenment, one Divine Source Spirit Crystal, one wisp of Ming Shen Dao Rhythm, 30 years of life lost and 210 years of life remaining. Do you want to sacrifice? 】

Jiang Che opened his eyes and said secretly that it was true.

In fact, as early as when he learned about the role of the Bodhi Enlightenment Fruit from Qi Zhengnan, Jiang Che had the idea of ​​being a sacrifice. After all, the Enlightenment Fruit is helpful for sudden enlightenment and is very useful for understanding artistic conception and situation. .

Now that the sacrifices are out, it is indeed a prophecy.

However, he is currently in the Xuanling Secret Realm. With his strength, not to mention a Bodhi Enlightenment Fruit, no one dares to compete with him even if he occupies them all.

There is basically no problem with this sacrifice.

But the other types seem a bit difficult.

Jiang Che was no stranger to the Yin Evil Qi. He had sacrificed the Three Jue Jingsha several times before. This was a necessary sacrifice, but the amount of the Ten Thousand Yin Evil Qi was a bit too much.

All the evil spirits in Gu Yue Lake were swallowed up by him, and it was just enough, which meant that he had to find ten evil places to use.

Although the evil spirit is not precious to him now, it still takes some time.

Of course, Jiang Che could still afford to use energy some of the time.

But the last two sacrifices, the Divine Source Spiritual Crystal and the Mingshen Daoyun, made him a little confused. Not only had he seen these two things before, but based on his knowledge, this was the first time he had heard of them.

He did not expect that the sacrifice needed to understand the situation would be even rarer than the Xuan Dan Breakthrough.

If he sacrificed directly without breaking through to the master realm, it would probably take a lot of time.

As for the last thirty years of life, it seems too small.

Jiang Che has always believed in one idea. As long as the realm is broken quickly, the consumption of life span is not a problem at all. Before breaking through the Xuan Dan, Jiang Che still has 110 years of life left.

Now it is two hundred and ten years.

Calculating everything, Jiang Che broke through the Xuandan and increased his lifespan by more than two decades, which was enough for him to consume.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong?"

Qi Ningbing, who was standing by, saw Jiang Che's expression of deep contemplation and his eyes flickering, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Ning Bing, have you ever known what the Divine Source Spirit Crystal and Ming Shen Dao Yun are?" Jiang Che turned his eyes to Qi Ningbing. Compared with Qi Wanjun's talent in fighting, Qi Ningbing's many secrets and insights far surpassed Qi Wanjun's. .

As the legitimate daughter of the Qi family, Jiang Che felt that Qi Ningbing might be able to solve his confusion.

"Shenyuan Spiritual Crystal, Mingshen Daoyun."

Qi Ningbing thought for a moment and nodded:

"Talk about it."

"The Divine Source Spiritual Crystal is a spiritual object that is condensed by the Grand Master of the Divine Realm after his incarnation. If it is refined, it will be very helpful for enlightenment, but most sects from aristocratic families will not use it.

Instead, it was regarded as a relic and enshrined, and it was rarely spread in the world. "

"As for the Tao Yun of Ming Shen, this thing is the Tao Yun Qi contained in the heaven and earth in the Ming Shen Monument. It is very precious in the world. Generally, if you get the Ming Shen Monument, you will treasure it as a family heritage.

The Qi family has a Mingshen stele left by the first ancestor, which contains Taoist charm."

Qi Ningbing told Jiang Che everything she knew.

Jiang Che looked thoughtful.

Divine relics and Mingshendao tablets are not ordinary things. The price required to understand the situation is really tricky.

The Ming Shen Monument is okay. He only took a wisp of Tao Yun. It shouldn't be a big problem to ask his father-in-law for help.

But the Divine Source Spiritual Crystal is too difficult. You can’t dig the grave of the Great Master of Divine Appearance, right?


Asking for a monthly ticket!
Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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