Chapter 212 A mere grandmaster! It can be done easily!
Jiang Che understood that neither the family nor the sect would exchange such a relic left by the Grand Master of Divine Appearance, and even mentioning it might arouse anger.

After all, that was the only relic left by our ancestors.

To get it, you have to use other methods.
"Brother-in-law, you ask, do you need these things?"

Qi Ningbing is talented and intelligent, and has already vaguely guessed some of Jiang Che's intentions.

Jiang Che didn't hide anything and nodded:

"These two things are beneficial to me."


Qi Ningbing nodded, and was also thinking about how to help Jiang Che get these two things. As her brother-in-law's sister-in-law, it shouldn't be too much to think about her brother-in-law, right?
"By the way, Ning Bing, do you know if there is any evil place in this mysterious mysterious territory? I have practiced a magical power, and I need to refine a lot of evil energy."

Jiang Che knew that the news about Xuan Ling was very short. Even though he consulted Qi Shaoyan and Qi Wanjun, his understanding of the secret realm of Xuan Ling was still not as good as Qi Ningbing's. It would be best if he could get the evil spirit here.

"Brother-in-law, you are right to come to the Xuanling Secret Realm. It is said that the Xuanling Secret Realm was once used by the Xuanling Dao Sect as a place to imprison murderers. Seniors of the Qi family discovered it accidentally.

In the Jueling Valley in the southeast of Xuanling Secret Realm, there is a large amount of Yin evil energy. Over hundreds of years, a lot of Yin evil energy has definitely accumulated."

Qi Ningbing smiled lightly.

"The Jueling Valley where traces of the Nine-bend Scrophulariaceae have appeared?" Jiang Che's eyes lit up. When Qi Zhengnan asked him to focus on collecting three kinds of spiritual objects, the first thing he mentioned was the Jiu-bend Scrophulariaceae.

And Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae is hidden in Jueling Valley!

"Yes, this is the Jueling Valley. Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae is different from ordinary spiritual objects. It is a spirit-transforming object that has developed spiritual intelligence. The uncle of my Qi family once chased it all the way to Jueling Valley.

It’s a pity that Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae was not caught in the end.”

"Okay, in that case, our next goal is to go to Jueling Valley!"

Jiang Che said in a deep voice.

Not to mention the Yin evil spirit, he would not be able to let go of the Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae that transformed into a spirit. It was a treasure that even the great master of Shen Xiang coveted, and it was currently the most valuable thing in the entire Xuanling Secret Territory.

He is bound to win this!
Moreover, Qi Ningbing possesses a Xuanyin spirit body, which is extremely attractive to this kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure that can be transformed into a spirit. To transform a spiritual object into a spirit, it is necessary to swallow the energy of the moonlight and the energy of the sun.

Xuanyin Qi is a kind of Yuehua Qi.

It is precisely for this reason that Qi Zhengnan, his father-in-law, asked Qi Ningbing to accompany him this time, because he was going for the Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae. Now that Qi Ningbing was by his side, he just happened to catch the Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae first.

Maybe, he can also meet his fiancée Qi Wanjun.

"it is good."

Qi Ningbing fully supports Jiang Che's determination. Not to mention that the great elder had arranged for the disciples of the Qi family to follow the orders of Qi Wanjun and Jiang Che after entering the secret realm.

Just being calm in times of crisis and suppressing the aphrodisiac for her was enough to make Qi Ningbing fall in love with Jiang Che, and it was impossible to object to his decision.

After the two decided, they did not stay any longer. After packing up, they immediately got on the road and headed towards the direction of Jueling Valley.

The Xuanling Secret Territory is very large, and it has not yet been thoroughly explored by the Qi family and many other forces that control the secret realm. They only have a very thorough understanding of some places.

The two of them compared the map and knew that there were at least two days left to travel from Ten Thousand Snakes Valley to Jueling Valley.

Of course, if they go straight, it won't take that long, but in the Xuanling Secret Territory, their targets are not just three kinds of spiritual objects, but they will also search for some other elixirs and treasures along the way.

It opens once in twenty years, and this time it must be worth the price of admission.

Along the way, Jiang Che and Qi Ningbing walked and stopped, stopping from time to time to search for spiritual objects. During this period, they also encountered the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Taoist Sect of Lingjian Mountain and the Lin family.

Jiang Che and the two knew that Lingjian Mountain had a close relationship with the Qi family, and they did not kill each other when the other party showed goodwill. However, it was different for the Longhu Taoist Sect and the Lin family.

Without giving them a chance to speak, Jiang Che suppressed them with a flip of his hand, and then took away their harvest and made a small fortune.

It was also the fighting along the way that gave Jiang Che a vague idea.

The mysterious realm of Xuanling is so big that he cannot search it all by himself. If he kills everyone, he will only get some trophies after he dies.

The opening of the entire secret realm will last for half a month. Calculating it over and over, killing it late will bring greater benefits than killing it early.

Anyway, before everyone leaves, they will gather at the teleportation array at the center of the Xuanling Secret Realm. He can completely block the door. By then, all the gains will be his!

With the Qi family in charge, Jiang Che was not afraid of making enemies or not.

After having this idea, Jiang Che suddenly became less bloodthirsty. After meeting the children of the Lin family, the Longhu Dao Sect, or the Wei family, Jiang Che did not choose to expose his strength.

Instead let them 'get away' with it.

Qi Ningbing was also confused and couldn't help but ask Jiang Che:
"Brother-in-law, why did you let them go?"

"Haha, I'm ready to wait."

After listening to Jiang Che's explanation, Qi Ningbing couldn't help but open her mouth. She didn't expect that Jiang Che's goal would be to catch everyone in one fell swoop, but thinking about it, it seemed normal to do so.

With Jiang Che's master level strength, he is the top being in the entire Xuanling Secret Territory. Even Lin Yan, the legitimate son of the Lin family, cannot block a few moves, which shows how powerful Jiang Che is.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a secret realm.

Ordinary innate warriors do not have elite disciples who are capable of fighting against several major forces on their own, so naturally they would not think of this method, but Jiang Che can.

"Brother-in-law, you are so bad."

Qi Ningbing blurted out subconsciously, with a look of anger on her face, but soon the smile on her face stopped.

What is she saying?
It felt like he was flirting, so he quickly stopped what he said next.

Jiang Che glanced at her and didn't say anything flirty. He just pretended not to hear and changed the subject:
"Let's get on with it."


Qi Ningbing nodded slightly and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, my brother-in-law is measured.

But why would she suddenly say such a thing?

It wasn't like she should be as clear as usual. She attributed all the reasons to the aphrodisiac that had not been completely extinguished. It was that thing that affected her mind.


That's it!

At this moment, in Jueling Valley.

A figure stood in the void with his hands behind his back. A powerful aura lingered all over his body, and his consciousness scanned all places in Jueling Valley inch by inch.

He is looking for Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae!

Yingjiu was the first to arrive here before Jiang Che. Unlike Jiang Che and Qi Ningbing, he was preparing to search for various spiritual objects in the secret territory along the way.

His purpose is very direct, which is Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae.

This is a major event that King Tianying has been planning for a long time. For this reason, he started planning all this ten years ago and refined a high-quality fake elixir for him at any cost.

As a dead soldier next to the Dharma King, he would never allow any mistakes or omissions, otherwise he would be severely punished when he returned to the Dharma King. After forming the elixir, he had already sensed what the various divine patterns on the fake elixir were. It could be said that King Tianying had made all preparations in advance, and he would not make the slightest move.

That fake elixir would directly kill him.

As for the other spiritual objects in the mysterious realm of Xuanling, Yingjiu thought very simply, and he also thought about it with Jiang Che, that is, to plunder them directly before leaving the secret realm.

Time passed slowly, and Ying Jiu searched every inch of land in Jueling Valley in detail. However, it took more than an hour to search, until the entire Jueling Valley was searched with his spiritual consciousness.

No trace of Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae was found.

"Could it be that the news the Dharma King received is false?"

At this moment, this idea suddenly appeared in Yingjiu's mind.

But then he suppressed this thought. The Dharma King had been planning for so long, so he must have accurate information. It was impossible for him to enter the secret realm just because of a rumor or false news.

It must be that there hasn't been a thorough search there, or maybe it's underground.

Although his consciousness can be extended to seventy or eighty feet, it is above the open space. If it goes deep into the ground, it can only detect a distance of less than two feet. Going further down will be difficult.

Ying Jiu looked thoughtful. If he were to search underground, it would be too slow. The search might not be completed in ten days and a half. Other methods must be used.

Qi Ningbing!
There was a twinkle in his eye.

This is also what Tianying Dharma King once ordered him to do. Qi Zhengnan also knows about Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae, and Qi Ningbing happens to be pregnant with the Xuanyin spirit body, so it is likely that he will use it as bait to lure Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae.

If he can't find Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae, he can use this as a breakthrough.

Before entering the secret realm, he saw with his own eyes that Qi Ningbing also entered the secret realm. But the problem was that the Xuanling secret realm was so big, where should he go to find traces of Qi Ningbing?
On the other side, after two days, Jiang Che and Qi Ningbing finally arrived near the Jueling Valley. Along the way, the two of them had gained a lot. They had searched for no less than twenty plants of various rare elixirs.

It's a pity that there are only a few plants that can reach the medicinal age of a thousand years.

At the same time, the relationship between Jiang Che and Qi Ningbing was gradually warming up. Although the relationship between the two was awkward, they had some close contact after all.

The mutual feelings are enough to affect Qi Ningbing's thoughts.

She even thought that if Jiang Che was not her brother-in-law, she might really be willing to marry Jiang Che. Of course, on the surface, she still didn't show anything unusual.

He even made up his mind to gradually stay away from Jiang Che after leaving the secret realm.

Otherwise, she is likely to fall into it.

As smart as she was, she had already thought of how to deal with the aftermath when she had just had that thought.

"Brother-in-law, ahead is Jueling Valley. Jiuqu Scrophulariae was active in this area twenty years ago, and finally disappeared somewhere in Jueling Valley. It must be hidden somewhere.

Later, when I activate the Xuanyin spirit body, a strange fragrance will be produced, which is very tempting for this kind of spiritual creature. When the time comes, you should suppress the aura on your body and wait until the Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae appears.

Then take action and seize that Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae."

Qi Ningbing said softly.

But Jiang Che shook his head.


"Someone arrived at Jueling Valley one step ahead of us. His aura is not weak, and he is probably a master." Jiang Che responded with a slightly solemn expression.

Yingjiu unabashedly let go of his aura and searched Jiuqu's spiritual body. With his spiritual consciousness, he could naturally sense that there was a strong aura in the Jueling Valley.

"What, Grandmaster?!"

Qi Ningbing's brows suddenly condensed, and her heart sank slightly.

There is also a confusion.

When did Grandmaster Xuandan become so easy to break through?
Could it be that it's not just the brother-in-law who is planning to use Xuandan to suppress the secret realm, but there are other people who have the same idea?
"Brother-in-law, can you handle it?"

Qi Ningbing asked in a low voice.

Jiang Che felt it carefully, and a faint smile appeared on his face:
"You should ask, as a master, how many moves can that person block from me?"

Qi Ningbing: "???"

Is your brother-in-law so confident?

Facing a master of the same realm, do you not take him seriously?
That was a Grandmaster, a Grandmaster who had been broken through by the elite disciples of several major forces. His strength was definitely not weak, comparable to that of extraordinary people.

But what she didn't know was that in Jiang Che's perception, although the man's aura was indeed at the master level, it was very vain, and he had even discovered him.

The other party has not yet sensed anyone approaching.

Obviously, either that person forcibly used resources to pile it up, or the thing that may be formed is not a mysterious core. Otherwise, it will definitely not be like this.

Such a grandmaster is far behind even Qi Sanjia.

Even if he is stretched to death, he is only a little stronger than Lin Yan, who is at the peak of his innate nature.

"Let's go in, kill him, and then lure the Jiuqu Scrophulariaceae!"

Jiang Che did not hesitate, turned into a stream of light, and stepped into the Jueling Valley without any disguise.

A mere grandmaster, you can defeat him with just a few flips!
When Jiang Che appeared, Ying Jiu, who was in Jueling Valley, finally realized something was wrong. He immediately looked up and saw two figures standing in the void, overlooking him.

Jiang Che!

Qi Ningbing!
The moment he saw Qi Ningbing appear, Yingjiu's face suddenly lit up with joy.

Zhengchou didn't know where to look for Qi Ningbing, but he didn't expect that he would find him at the door.

It really takes no effort at all.

God helps me too!

God helps the Dharma King!

God helps the Holy Religion!

As for Jiang Che, he was completely ignored by him. No matter how talented he was, he was still just an innate warrior. Even if he could deal with the grandmaster for a while, he was not strong enough to rebel against the grandmaster.

It just so happens that this son has a deep grudge with the Holy Cult, and it’s time to settle the accounts!

Therefore, Yingjiu released the powerful aura from his body without hesitation, stepped into the void step by step, stared at the two of them, and was about to say a few cruel words, but suddenly found out.

Under the pressure of his momentum, Jiang Che didn't shy away at all, without any panic, as if he had something to rely on.


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(End of this chapter)

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