After all the sacrifices have been made to speed pass, who is still practicing hard skills?

Chapter 228 Let’s get things done with the family! Returning home in glory!

Chapter 228 Let’s get things done with the family! Returning home in glory!
Listening to his father-in-law's words, Jiang Che really felt flattered at this moment.

This father-in-law is a bit too powerful!

Not only is the future planned, but safety is also a concern.

"This junior would like to thank uncle."

Suppressing all the emotions in his heart, Jiang Che saluted with a sincere expression.

This time, Qi Zhengnan was able to win Jiang Che's favor. He was simply a replica of Liu Zhi. He even felt a little ashamed at the moment. The other party treated him like this, but he wanted to accept his sisters together.

"My family, you don't need to thank me much. This thing is called the Spirit Transformation Talisman. It has been cultivated by me for many years. It has a very powerful power. It can be used to activate it with my spiritual thoughts, and it can get three hits from me with all my strength.

If you encounter danger in the future, you can protect your path. "

Qi Zhengnan said, a light flashed between his sleeves, and a talisman with a faint red light appeared in his hand. At a glance, Jiang Che could feel the terrifying pressure emanating from the talisman.

The power of three strikes from the great master of the Divine Realm!

Since the other party had invested so much money, Jiang Che could not possibly just muddle through. After all, the guidance of a top grandmaster was also very beneficial to him.

"You want to travel?"


Jiang Che took the talisman with both hands, unable to conceal his excitement.

Moreover, he also told about the forces within Yuezhou that could gain the upper hand, so that he could have a clear idea.

After all, Jiang Che's talent is too great.

In the peach garden, Qi Zhengnan couldn't help but frowned after listening to his daughter's words.

"Looking for another genius who can rival Jiang Che?" Qi Zhengnan couldn't help but laugh.

Is it so easy to find a peerless genius like Jiang Che?

In this turmoil, apart from Jiang Che's amazing talent, the other thing that attracted the most attention was Jiang Che's methods and courage. Even with the Qi family behind him, he could do this to the Lin family and the Longhu Dao Sect. Cruelty is also rare.

This conversation lasted for several hours, but Jiang Che was not impatient at all. He always looked thoughtful and nodded in agreement from time to time. He behaved very well.

Qi Zhengnan was very satisfied with Jiang Che's attitude and took him to continue chatting in the Taoyuan. The atmosphere was quite harmonious. At the same time, he also pointed out many issues in his practice.

"Ok, Ok."

Qi Ningbing nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice.

After all, he has personally witnessed the attack of a great master of the divine realm, which is simply devastating. At this moment, even if a great master of the divine realm attacks him, he is not worried at all.

"Dad, my cultivation has fallen into stagnation. My sister suggested that I go out for a walk to relax. Maybe I can gain something else. I have rarely been out of the house in recent years. You can't let me stay at home all the time, right?
Anyway, now that the marriage is over, I might be able to help you find another top genius who is comparable to Brother Jiang. "Qi Ningbing kept begging and acting coquettishly.

Everyone knows that the Xuanling Secret Realm is jointly controlled by several major forces. However, the Qingtian Sect has secretly disrupted the situation. If Jiang Che had not turned the tide, no one can guarantee how long those elite disciples who entered the secret realm would have survived.

As for the Qingtian Sect's secret interference, it disappeared quietly and no one mentioned it. Jiang Che thought about it later and figured it out. After all, it was not very honorable.

Regarding this matter, the Qi family is also adding fuel to the flames and building momentum for Jiang Che.

That is an existence valued by all ancestors.

He is still a top grandmaster like his father-in-law. Jiang Che feels completely at ease at this moment. With this thing, under normal circumstances, it can protect him from three crises. This is the real trump card!
"Thank you, uncle."

Jiang Che stayed at the Qi family honestly, waiting for a response from Yuezhou, but many children within the Qi family were very enthusiastic about building relationships with Jiang Che.

"It's more generous than your sister's dowry, right?"

However, Jiang Che always dealt with these disturbances indifferently and did not pay special attention. What he was thinking about at the moment was when the letter from Yuezhou would arrive.

It's really worth it.

"Really, how rich is that?"

With the spread of the news, Jiang Che could be said to be killing everyone in the secret territory, killing gods and killing gods, and destroying Buddhas. Even the disciples of the Lin family and the Longhu Dao Sect were wiped out.

The eldest daughter has an indifferent temperament and heroic appearance, but is too independent. In fact, he still prefers the temperament of his younger daughter Qi Ningbing, and he has no airs in front of her.

After all, for the top geniuses of the family, being able to enter the Alchemy Realm before the age of thirty is enough to be famous in the world. It is even more terrifying for Jiang Che to enter the Grandmaster Realm when he first turns twenty.

There is no other reason. The battle in Xuanling Secret Realm has already spread from other forces.

"If you can find a husband as talented as Jiang Che, I will prepare a generous dowry for you in the future." Qi Zhengnan chuckled, with a smile on his face.

At the age of more than 20, he entered the Xuandan realm with great force. Although his combat power was unknown, his speed alone was enough to stun many people.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Che's reputation as a ruthless person was established.

Furthermore, the Qingtian Sect has such a bad reputation now that several major forces are unwilling to completely turn against it. If the matter spreads, they will have to fight back for the sake of reputation.

After this battle, Jiang Che's name was completely spread to Yunzhou, and he was praised by many people as a true martial arts genius. Many people also laughed at his previous marriage, openly and secretly, because he relied on women to marry the Qi family. The relationship turned into the Qi family's wise eye.

Although she was somewhat estranged from her father due to the previous marriage, but now that the marriage was over, she still returned to her previous behavior in front of her father.

Although the Qi family is good, it is not their territory after all.

Qi Ningbing's eyes lit up.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

"What, dad, you don't believe it?"

As long as you don't encounter beings like the King of Heavenly Eagle of the Qingtian Sect, you will hardly encounter any danger.

"But being a father comes first. He must be a genius who has no background and can be used by the Qi family."

"Ah, let me work hard."


"So, dad, are you allowing me to go out?" Qi Ningbing changed her voice and was about to settle the matter.

"Your cultivation is too weak, and it's not time to make a splash in the world. Well, would you like to go to Yuezhou?" Qi Zhengnan pondered for a moment and suddenly asked.

"It's not impossible to go to Yuezhou. It's just, where should I go to Yuezhou?"

Qi Ningbing's bright eyes turned, showing hesitation.

“How about across the state border?”

"Why go there?"

"Your brother-in-law's matter has been decided. He will go to Tiannan Pass to serve as the unified position of the capital. You are reckless and will inevitably encounter danger, but your brother-in-law has a stable temperament. I can rest assured that he will take care of you."

"Ah this."

Qi Ningbing's face showed hesitation, as if she was a little reluctant, but deep down she was happy. She had previously thought of secretly going to Jiang Che after leaving the family.

But she didn't expect her father to be so considerate and directly arranged everything for her.

"You don't want to go?"

Looking at Qi Ningbing who was squirming, Qi Zhengnan frowned slightly.

"It's not that I don't want to, but Tiannan seems to be quite desolate and not interesting."

"You are here to train your mind and practice, not to have fun. That's settled. In addition, you have to pay attention to one thing."

"what's up?"

Qi Zhengnan stood up and said in a deep voice;

"You also know that your brother-in-law's qualifications are top-notch in the world, and my Qi family has invested so many resources in him. I will never sit back and watch him go to waste." "Brother-in-law should not be that kind of person."

Qi Ningbing opened her mouth.

"It's not that I don't believe him, it's that I don't believe Li Chengguo. That old guy always has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. He had looked at your brother-in-law in a different light before. If Qi Sanjia hadn't been smart enough to bring him to Beiling Mansion first.

Then Jiang Che might be Li Chengguo's son-in-law. My father discussed Jiang Che's official position with Li Chengguo, and the guy agreed to the matter without hesitation. There must be something fishy in this.

I know that Li Chengguo has several good-looking daughters, and for some reason I want to take advantage of this opportunity to poach Jiang Che. Your sister is about to break through seclusion, and the time is uncertain.

Just in case, someone must keep an eye on it. If Li Chengguo really does something devious, you must report the matter back to the family in time and keep an eye on it.

Jiang Che can find women, but he can't find other sects. Do you understand? "

Qi Ningbing suddenly nodded, then nodded solemnly:

"Father, don't worry, my daughter will not let Brother Jiang be confused by other coquettish bitches."

"Just understand this matter in private, don't show it, and don't control these things on weekdays. You still have to put your cultivation first, and I will let Jiang Che give you good guidance.

In addition, the Qi family will also invest some resources and strength to reach out to Yuezhou. You will also be able to assist Jiang Che by then. After your sister forms the elixir, she will take your place and stay with Jiang Che. At that time, for Father set you free again. "

Qi Zhengnan suggested.

"My daughter will definitely live up to her destiny!"

Qi Ningbing had a serious look on her face, but what she was thinking about was that if her brother-in-law hadn't allowed her to wait for her sister to form a pill, she would have given birth to a baby early.


Qi Zhengnan nodded slightly. He was very relieved about this quirky little daughter. Although her cultivation was not as strong as Wan Jun's, she was extremely smart.

With her by Jiang Che's side, he felt relieved.

Jiang Che had spent so much money on him. If someone intercepted him on the way, he might really get angry.

"Master, Mr. Jiang has arrived."

While the two were talking, a communication voice sounded outside Taoyuan.

Qi Zhengnan glanced at Qi Ningbing and told her not to say anything later, and then said in a deep voice:

"Let him in."

"Junior has met my uncle!"

"Come and sit"

When Qi Zhengnan faced Jiang Che, his expression was quite warm, and he felt like his father-in-law was growing fond of his son-in-law the more he looked at him. Of course, the most important thing was that this son-in-law could always surprise him.

Not only are his qualifications getting higher and higher, but he is also quite satisfied with his ability and personality.

"Thank you uncle."

Jiang Che sat as he was told and nodded to Qi Ningbing with an indifferent expression.

"Xin'er has already arrived from Yuezhou. You have been designated as the fourth-grade Wuwei General and the Commander-in-Chief of Tiannan Pass. You will take office at a certain date. After you go back and arrange things in Tai'an Mansion, you can go find Li Chengguo."

Jiang Che nodded, quite satisfied with this.

Although he is a general with some miscellaneous title, he is still more or less a general and not just a captain, which is really good.

"Thank you uncle for the arrangement."

"As long as you don't disappoint me in the future."

Qi Zhengnan waved his hand.

"This junior will definitely live up to my uncle's high expectations!"

"In addition, I also have something to ask you." After saying that, Qi Zhengnan changed his tone.

"Dare you ask uncle for instructions."

Jiang Che looked serious.

"Ning Bing's cultivation has hit a bottleneck in the past few years, and she is planning to travel around the world, but the world is too dangerous, and I can't follow you all the time, so I thought about letting her practice with you for some time.

After Wanjun forms the elixir, she will go to Tiannan Pass to look for you. When the time comes, she will let Ning Bing come back. What do you think? "

Although it was an inquiry, Jiang Che knew that he had no room to refuse this matter. Of course, he did not have to refuse. No matter what his father-in-law thought, he would be able to ask it from Qi Ningbing after he left the Qi family.

He immediately nodded and said:
"Since it is my uncle's order, I should obey it."

"Ning Bing has an arrogant temper and has been spoiled by me. Please give her a heads up when she is with you. If she does anything wrong, tell me and I will deal with it."

Qi Zhengnan smiled lightly.

"Dad, when did I become arrogant?" Qi Ningbing listened to her father talking about herself, and immediately curled her lips unwillingly.

Jiang Che glanced at his beautiful sister-in-law and said in a deep voice:
"Uncle, don't worry, I will take good care of Ning Bing."

"With your words, I feel relieved."

After chatting for a while, Jiang Che asked a lot of questions before leaving. At the same time, Wanjun also learned that Jiang Che was leaving and prepared some things for him to see off.

The news of Jiang Che's departure was a secret, and someone might have ambushed him secretly. Qi Zhengnan did not reveal it, but Qi Wanjun was his fiancée after all, so he did not refuse to see her off.

However, Qi Wanjun was really not very good at words. She looked at Qi Ningbing and then at Jiang Che, then handed over the package in her hand:

"Ning Bing is ignorant, you take care of me, and I will go to you after I form the elixir."

"I'll wait for you in Yuezhou."


Qi Wanjun nodded. Just when he was not sure how to say goodbye, Jiang Che took the lead and opened his arms to signal.

Qi Wanjun glanced at Qi Ningbing next to her, with a little shame on her face, but she still stepped forward and hugged Jiang Che, while Qi Ningbing curled her lips and turned her face away.

Feeling the impact of the mountain, Jiang Che took a deep breath of Qi Wanjun's fragrance and chuckled:
"Be at ease to break through and come to Tiannan as soon as possible."

"Well, have a safe trip."

Qi Wanjun whispered.

After saying goodbye, Jiang Che took Qi Ningbing and left, while Qi Wanjun stood there and watched from a distance, with complicated eyes. Only when the other party's back disappeared completely did he sigh softly.

Somewhere on the border of Beiling Mansion, Qi Ningbing, who had endured the whole journey, thought about her sister's instructions before leaving, and couldn't help but say:

"Brother-in-law, why do my father and sister think I'm ignorant?"

"It's probably because of your previous impression that made them worried."

"Brother-in-law, do you think I'm sensible?"

"Then do you listen to your brother-in-law?"

"What do you want to do?"

"You can help me later."

"Ah, can that thing be eaten?"

"That is the essence of my brother-in-law's whole body. Of course it can be eaten."

(End of this chapter)

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