Chapter 229 Sacrifice! The power of heaven and earth!

After successfully retrieving semen, Qi Ningbing picked up the water bag and poured it into her mouth. She shook her head a few times, then sprayed out a mouthful of water mist, which she continued four or five times before giving up.

At the same time, he gave Jiang Che a hard look.

She was the second young lady of the Qi family, one of the two beauties of the Qi family, but Jiang Che made her eat such filthy food.

"My father and my sister asked you to take care of me. Is this how you take care of me?" Qi Ningbing pouted and hummed.

"Just say Zhao didn't take care of it."

Jiang Che replied with a smile.

"Bah, you know how to mess with me, why don't you dare to let my sister eat it?"

"You two will eat together from now on."


With Jiang Che's qualifications, she believed that he could have an epiphany when he accumulated a lot of experience. But what she didn't believe was that he could achieve an epiphany by doing that kind of thing. Jiang Che's words somewhat subverted her knowledge.

At the moment when all the sacrifices disappeared, a powerful attraction rose out of thin air from the sky monument. In an instant, part of the powerful vitality in Jiang Che's body was forcibly taken away.

Of course, he would not expose the secret of the sacrifice to the heavenly monument, but once again took out the Bodhi Enlightenment Fruit to cover it up. In this way, although it was still shocking, it could be explained to some extent.

Naturally, he was not prepared to continue to suppress him. If he encountered any unexpected situation, he could improve his strength as much as possible, and he did not have much psychological burden when he broke through in front of Qi Ningbing.

Immediately afterwards, the huge evil energy that filled the space of the heavenly monument also began to change, as if it was being pulled by something huge, and it rushed towards the sacrifice to the heavenly monument crazily.

"Ah epiphany?"

Therefore, Jiang Che felt that it was definitely worthwhile to spend thirty years of life in exchange for entering the power realm. After all, even if he spent thirty years, he still had nearly two hundred years of life.

With a slight thought, the small words on the sacrifice tablet disappeared instantly.

It's just that Mrs. Zhu and Huang Shanshan didn't let him coax them before.

"Okay, it's all up to you"

Sure enough, under Jiang Che's offensive, Qi Ningbing, who was feigning anger, quickly went down the steps, but still warned with a straight face:

It's just a preliminary dabbling.

Seeing that Jiang Che didn't seem to be joking, Qi Ningbing also put away her playful temper and nodded solemnly:

Take Qi Shaoyan as an example. Even though he is the young master of the Qi family and has huge training resources to rely on, he has not been able to overcome that hurdle after entering the Xuandan realm for several years.

Qi Ningbing blushed and spat softly.

The epiphany that Jiang Che refers to cannot be true, but he is preparing to make a sacrifice to break through and step into the situation. There was no way in the Qi family before, but now he is almost out of Beiling Mansion.

[Sacrifice target: Three Jue Shockingly Great Accomplishment. 】

Qi Ningbing snorted lightly and turned away from Jiang Che.

"Ning Bing, help me protect my path for a moment. When you extracted the semen just now, I had an epiphany." After coaxing him for a while, Jiang Che took the other person's little hand and said.

Otherwise, a casual epiphany will definitely make people suspicious.

He is also very skillful in coaxing women.

The Bodhi Enlightenment Fruit, Divine Source Spirit Crystal, Mingshen Daoyun, and several other spiritual objects that could cause quite a stir in the world were swallowed up by that magical light in an instant.

【Sacrifice! 】

[The price of the sacrifice: ten thousand evil spirits, one fruit of Bodhi Enlightenment, one Divine Source Spirit Crystal, one wisp of Ming Shen Dao Rhythm, 30 years of life lost and 210 years of life remaining. Do you want to sacrifice? 】

In the forest, Jiang Che was sitting cross-legged on a blue boulder, with his palms clasped at his dantian, a solemn expression on his face. Qi Ningbing was holding a top-grade spiritual sword, looking at Jiang Che and at the same time wary of his surroundings.

What Jiang Che did at this moment was to skip everything and step directly into the situation.

It is precisely for this reason that Jiang Che's collection of sacrifices this time would be so difficult, if he did not have the Qi family as a backer, if he did not enter the mysterious realm of Xuanling, and want to understand the power of heaven and earth.


"Okay, I'll help protect the road, you be careful."

After all, she is his woman, and he has almost understood Qi Ningbing's character from the inside out. Qi Ningbing is indeed sincere towards him, otherwise she would not accommodate him everywhere.

He also took out the array disk obtained from the Qi family's treasure house to stimulate it. Even if a master attacks, he can still withstand it for a while.

Qi Ningbing looked confused and didn't believe it. As the second young lady of the Qi family, she was more knowledgeable than Jiang Che. She knew what epiphany meant. It was a rare opportunity.

Jiang Che stretched his back and felt comfortable all over, and all the depression in his heart was swept away. Then he started to hug Qi Ningbing and began to talk about love. He could destroy the Taoist hearts of Kukong and Changmei Monk with just a few words, and his eloquence was natural. It's a must.


Jiang Che nodded with a serious face.

"This is the first and last time."

Thirty years of life!
This is definitely the first time Jiang Che has had such a huge life essence extracted since he made the sacrifice. It is much more terrifying than when he broke through the pill formation. However, it can also be seen from this how difficult it is to understand the situation. .

Mysterious lines flashed one after another, lighting up one after another from bottom to top, until the densely packed inscriptions completely lit up, covering the entire sacrificial monument. Then, a mysterious light emerged, hovering over the sacrifices.

At this moment, the Sacrificial Monument is like a dark vortex that swallows everything. It does not reject anyone who comes. In just a short moment, the sinister atmosphere in the space of the Monument is swept away.

That is much more difficult than entering the middle stage of Xuandan.

Without wasting time, when Jiang Che closed his eyes, his mind slowly sank into the space of the sky monument.

As long as the cultivation level increases quickly, the consumption cannot keep up with the increase.

And thirty years of life, although it is still a big number for him now, it will definitely not break his muscles and bones, and he will not even have gray hair.

All the sacrifices were completely complete. At the moment when they were swallowed by the sacrificial monument, the familiar green and red light reappeared, hovering within the space of the monument. Then, just like before, the cyan light took the lead and penetrated directly. Jiang Che's body.

In an instant, the world turned upside down.

A familiar feeling followed, and Jiang Che felt as if everything in front of his eyes began to distort, and an inexplicable dizziness surged into his heart. When he opened his eyes again.

The scene has been changed. Heaven and earth are in a state, and the blood moon is in the sky.

The whole world was lonely and desolate. Jiang Che was sitting cross-legged in the void, staring at the blood moon with a strange red light, and there was a vague premonition in his heart.
This should be the key to him understanding the power of heaven and earth.

On the other side, when Jiang Che was offering sacrifices, Qi Ningbing also focused a lot of her thoughts on Jiang Che. Her eyes were full of concern, but she also knew the key to enlightenment.

At this moment, he didn't even dare to make a sound, and even suppressed his breath to the lowest level, just so as not to affect Jiang Che's state of enlightenment.

Looking at the lover's face, although it can't be called handsome, it is not ugly at all. Not only is his skin fair, his facial features are exquisite and regular, but his temperament is also different from ordinary people.

It is not like the frivolity and frivolity of those children from aristocratic families in the world, but there is a faint power.

There is depth in the ferociousness, and you can tell that he is extraordinary at a glance.

In fact, she had never said that besides following Jiang Che because he was ready to cook, the subtle temperament exuding from his body also deeply attracted him.

Confident, deep, and with a deep chest.
For a pampered young lady from an aristocratic family, this temperament is very attractive, and it is also extraordinary in itself, even with a touch of legend.

Observing quietly at this moment, Qi Ningbing only felt that Jiang Che's charm had increased a lot, his eyes were gentle, as if he was falling directly into it.

In the process of his observation, he also keenly noticed the strange changes in Jiang Che's body. First, he entered a state of selflessness, and then, an inexplicable aura of vicissitudes of life came out of his body.

It seems like I experienced a lot of the past in one moment.

Qi Ningbing sensed that the surrounding world seemed a little unusual, and it seemed that there was no change from before.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that every breeze blowing around and every leaf lifted from the ground seems to bring about a mysterious change.

Is this an epiphany?

Qi Ningbing saw this situation for the first time and couldn't help but ponder it secretly.

In the blood moon world, changes have begun at this moment.

First there is the change of seasons, from the vitality of spring to the scorching heat of summer. From the howling autumn wind in autumn to the misty white snow in winter, these scenes kept changing before Jiang Che's eyes.

He even saw the growth of life for the first time. It was a piece of green grass on the coast. It sprouted and grew in spring, withered and dissipated in winter, until each grass seed disappeared in the wind, and the cycle continued.

During this process, Jiang Che's mind completely sank in, as if he had turned into a piece of grass, personally experiencing the changes of the four seasons and the cycle of life and death.
At this moment, Jiang Che even forgot about the passage of time and everything around him. He observed himself, the four seasons, reincarnation, and the world.
At first, Jiang Che really couldn't feel anything, but as time passed, as if many years had passed, Jiang Che gradually gained his own insights when looking at all the scenery around him.

At first, he saw mountains as mountains, water as water, clouds as clouds, and seas as seas. He could not feel any changes at all. However, as changes occurred, his view of the world changed. He saw mountains as other than mountains. water is not water
Everything in this world seems to be analyzed from another angle.
Until the end, Jiang Che realized something again.

Mountains are mountains, water is water, clouds are clouds, seas are seas. Looking at everything in this world, it returns to its essence again.

The vicissitudes of life and simplicity escaped from his whole body. When Jiang Che raised his head and looked at the blood moon above his head, he was no longer as confused as at the beginning, and seemed to have seen through everything.

The blood moon hanging in the void seemed to be pulled by something at this moment, slowly falling from the void. Its size also increased from the size of a disk to the size of a house, and finally it covered everything in front of it.

Different from the ordinary sun and moon, the breath emitted by the blood moon is neither hot nor cold, but is shrouded in all kinds of evil thoughts, just like the blood moon falling from hell.

Jiang Che raised his hand and pointed it at the blood moon.

The next moment, there was a huge burst of blood, saturating the entire world.

There was a rumble between heaven and earth, and the world began to collapse and disappear. Jiang Che also gradually melted and dissipated under the light of the blood moon. At the same time, a series of magical insights also came to his heart.

Take advantage of the power of heaven and earth and move forward, integrating your body with heaven and earth.
This is what Jiang Che realized, and he felt as if he had entered a new realm.

The most obvious person to perceive this change was Qi Ningbing, who had been observing him. In her eyes, the aura of Jiang Che who was in enlightenment became more and more dusty, like a person from outside the country.

The whole person's temperament then became extremely indifferent.

Although his physical body was sitting on the blue stone without moving, his whole aura seemed to blend into the heaven and earth. A light breeze blew around his body, and the way Qi Ningbing looked at him gradually changed.

She didn't expect that Jiang Che actually had an epiphany, and judging from the situation, it seemed that he had gained a lot, which made her feel a lot of strange emotions.

Is this the real genius?
You can easily enter the realm of enlightenment that ordinary people only dream of.

Or is it because she extracted semen?
Before Qi Ningbing could think about it further, she discovered that something strange was happening.

Different from standing still before, this time, what was stirred was the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth. The essence of vitality seemed to be pulled. In just a short moment, it condensed into a ball of ten feet above Jiang Che's head. A vortex of vitality of many sizes.

And it is gradually expanding as time goes by.

The one who felt the deepest thing was Jiang Che himself. Ever since he came out of that magical world, another ray of light poured into Jiang Che's body.

Based on his previous experience, Jiang Che knew very well that this time he would probably improve his cultivation level again.

In the dantian, the illusory Xuandan moves slowly, frantically absorbing the vitality of the surrounding world to enrich the Xuandan, making it become more and more real until it is completely transformed into a real elixir.

The terrifying vitality of heaven and earth continues to pour into the body, along the meridians and acupoints, and into the Dantian, until it is completely integrated into the Xuandan. Even as time goes by, the gathering of vitality continues.

One after another, various kinds of vitality that almost turned into substance were continuously gathering towards Jiang Che's body. One after another, like chains, they were firmly attached to Jiang Che's body.

During this process, the aura around Jiang Che also changed rapidly.

After a full quarter of an hour, the huge movement began to gradually dissipate. The black clouds disappeared, the vortex dissipated, and the strange movements between the sky and the earth returned to the calmness just now.

But what was different from before was that this time Jiang Che's aura was deeper.

Cultivation has also taken a big step forward.

"Brother-in-law, you...have you really had an epiphany?"

Seeing Jiang Che return to normal, Qi Ningbing couldn't bear it any longer and hurriedly ran forward and looked Jiang Che up and down, his eyes filled with brilliance.

"Ning Bing, thank you for protecting me."

Jiang Che nodded and chuckled.

Qi Ningbing stared at Jiang Che, suddenly a little ashamed on her face, and whispered:
"Brother-in-law, do you think if I eat it again, will you still have an epiphany?"

"Ah, how about giving it a try?"

Jiang Che blinked and seemed a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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