Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 366: Jing Hongchen's regret, the oriole behind, Lu Yuan cheats the cheater

Chapter 366: Jing Hongchen's regret, the oriole behind, Lu Yuan cheats the cheater
Du Bu Si transformed into a green giant and rushed left and right.

That body that was almost comparable to that of the Extreme Douluo, at this moment, was simply ferocious and dandy.

Even with the strength of Jing Hongchen and others, they were swept away by Du Bu Si and had to temporarily hide.

"Hahaha, I won't play with you anymore. Goodbye!"

Du Bu Si laughed loudly, and after repelling everyone, he wanted to drill into the ground.

Jing Hongchen immediately took the opportunity to attack, and the other soul masters also quickly burst out with firepower.

The numerous fire powers bombarded Du Bu Si's body, causing his blood to boil and he couldn't help but groan.

But Du Bu Si managed to withstand this wave of damage, dived into the tunnel, and quickly disappeared in the long corridor.

In the hall, Jing Hongchen stopped attacking and looked at the hall which was now devastated. His heart sank.

The number of destroyed soul guides alone is an astronomical figure.

Adding those soul guides who sacrificed their lives, Mingdetang’s losses this time were simply too great to be imagined.

"Hall Master!"

Several old men appeared beside Jing Hongchen, each of them was very powerful.

They are all ninth-level soul masters, and they are all senior ones.

The strength of each one is comparable to that of a Super Douluo.

Otherwise, how could he help Jing Hongchen fight Du Bu Si?

Ninth-level soul masters are much rarer than Titled Douluo, and each of them has amazing strength.

"Take your men to clean up the mess. I will go downstairs to take a look."

Jing Hongchen looked anxious. Although the losses here were great, they were nothing.

If something goes wrong with that thing down there, it would be a real disaster.

As he spoke, Jing Hongchen went straight into the tunnel and went away at a very fast speed along a passage.

After a while, Jing Hongchen arrived at a place and a black metal door appeared in front of him.

Seeing the intact metal door, Jing Hongchen’s worries were slightly relieved.

He took a breath and opened the metal door.

As you step through the door, you'll see a spacious laboratory.

This laboratory is very large. The circular laboratory has a diameter of over a hundred meters and a height of thirty meters.

In the laboratory, there is a huge humanoid metal man.

This metal man is fifteen meters tall. His huge body is made entirely of metal and is covered with thousands of core magic arrays.

The level of sophistication and complexity is enough to make people jaw-dropping.

When Jing Hongchen saw this metal man, his heart suddenly dropped to his stomach.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not lost."

Seeing that the metal man was still there, Jing Hongchen breathed a sigh of relief.

All other losses can be explained, but now that this thing is lost, he is almost finished.

This thing is the result of countless years of technological development by the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy.

It can be said that almost all of the high-end technological achievements of the Sun-Moon Empire are on it.

This is the greatest research currently conducted by the Sun-Moon Empire.

Everyone involved in the research and development is a ninth-level soul mentor, and they have put in their life's work. You can imagine how important it is.

If this thing is lost, even if he is the head of Mingde Hall, he will be in trouble.

Fortunately, the people from the Body Sect were all barbarians and did not notice this thing.

Compared to this, the loss of a hundred thousand year old soul beast embryo is not a big deal.

"I regret not listening to Su Yu."

After breathing a sigh of relief, Jing Hongchen's face was full of regret again.

Su Yu had warned him at the beginning that the Xing Luo Empire had ill intentions and wanted to use the 100,000-year-old soul beast embryo to cause trouble.

Ask him to pay more attention to the internal security of Mingde Hall and beware of sneak attacks from the dark.

Although he agreed readily at the time, he did not agree in his heart.

Mingde Hall is heavily guarded, not even a fly can fly in, so how is it possible that someone can break into Mingde Hall?

But who could have thought that the Body Sect would actually break in, and use the stupid method of digging a tunnel.

Mingde Hall is a hundred meters underground, which means that the people from the Benti Sect must dig deeper.

To be honest, Jing Hongchen had never considered such a thing before, but now it happened.

It happened right before his eyes, and Jing Hongchen felt deeply regretful.

Or maybe he is too arrogant.

If he had listened to Su Yu's reminder at that time and not been so self-righteous, what happened today would not have happened.

"It was my arrogance that ruined me. I must remember this lesson for the rest of my life."

"Also... Body Sect, Du Bu Si, you are so arrogant that you dare to trespass into my Mingde Hall and cause such damage. Sooner or later, I will settle this account with you."

Jing Hongchen growled, anger rising in his heart, and he hated the Benti Sect to the core.

Even Shrek Academy was not as disgusting to him as the Body Sect at this moment.

In Jing Hongchen's opinion, this incident was a great humiliation for him and would be repaid sooner or later.

With a snort, Jing Hongchen walked out of the laboratory and returned to the hall.

This time, Mingde Hall suffered heavy casualties and losses.

But the Body Sect did not end up well either. Two Titled Douluo died, leaving behind dozens of corpses.

I really don't know if it's worth paying such a huge price for a hundred thousand year soul beast embryo.

"Master, something happened. Fan Yu, the teacher leading the Shrek Academy, was at the center of the explosion and was unfortunately killed."

"If this matter gets out, will Shrek Academy have any objections?"

A ninth-level soul master came to Jing Hongchen and reported.


"What's your opinion?"

"What can they say?"

"It's just that a team leader died. Didn't our Mingde Hall have many casualties?"

"Even if they have objections, they have to go to the Benti Sect to settle. They were the ones who killed the person."

Jing Hongchen snorted and said unhappily.

"What the hall master said is true, but Miss Meng and Master Xiao are still in Shrek Academy. Will they take revenge..."

Jing Hongchen shook his head and said, "No, they don't have the courage."

"First of all, we didn't kill Fan Yu. Secondly, based on the relationship between Meng and Su Yu, Shrek Academy wouldn't dare to touch her."

"We need evidence to do things, but Su Yu only needs suspicion."

"Shrek Academy is not that stupid."

The ninth-level soul master was delighted when he heard this and complimented him, "Master Su Yu is indeed a pillar of our Mingde Hall."

"It is a blessing for the hall master to have such a good grandson-in-law."

Upon hearing this, Jing Hongchen remained silent.

Su Yu and the Hongchen family naturally have a close relationship.

But as to whether it has any deep relationship with Mingdetang, that depends on one's own opinion.

Su Yu probably doesn't care about the casualties in Mingde Hall.

Having known Su Yu for several years, Jing Hongchen has a good understanding of him.

Su Yu is definitely close to him and Meng Hongchen, but to the Sun and Moon Empire, Su Yu may not be a friend.

Although he is the head of Mingde Hall, Mingde Hall ultimately belongs to the royal family and the Sun and Moon Empire.

The difference in time would probably make Su Yu have a completely different attitude towards the situation.

However, Jing Hongchen doesn't care about these. Although he is loyal, he is not a die-hard fan.

He is a minister of Sun and Moon, and also the helmsman of the Hongchen Family. Su Yu is the escape route he left for the Hongchen Family.

With Su Yu's relationship, no matter what the final outcome of the Sun-Moon Empire is, the Hongchen Family will definitely not decline.

Jing Hongchen is very optimistic about Su Yu. This young man may become invincible in the future, far surpassing anyone in history.

With his care, no matter what storms they encounter, his precious grandchildren will always be able to escape danger.

This is also the most important reason why he has always treated Su Yu so well.

Otherwise, although he valued talent, he would not be so generous.

"Okay, stop standing there. Go get someone to deal with the situation. I also need to report today's events to His Majesty."

Jing Hongchen waved his hand and sent away the ninth-level soul engineer.

And I left the hall and prepared to go to the palace.

With such a big commotion today, it is impossible for the palace not to notice it.

But they held Du Bu Si for so long and still couldn't get any reinforcements.

This made Jing Hongchen involuntarily have some strange thoughts in his heart.



Outside Mingdu City.

The people from the Body Sect were still flying at high speed.

Holding such a precious treasure as the 100,000-year soul beast embryo, they dared not stop for even a moment.

Only when they returned to the headquarters of the Body Sect could they feel at ease.

The two Titled Douluo who were leading the group were flying when suddenly, an indescribable huge pressure enveloped them.

All the people from the Body Sect who were flying were forcibly pulled to the ground.

"No, it's the field!"

The Titled Douluo who was in the lead shouted loudly, sensing that something was wrong.

Such a strong gravity field clearly indicates that a strong person is attacking.

They tried to break free, but the gravity was much stronger than they had imagined.

There are nearly a hundred people in the Body Sect, whether they are Soul Douluo or Titled Douluo.

Under this pressure, they fell heavily to the ground like birds with broken wings.

Before the people in the Body Sect could react, an extremely low temperature like the Ice Age enveloped them, and snow fell all over the sky.

Domain, also see Domain.

The pervasive ultra-low temperature froze the Soul Saints and Soul Douluos of the Body Sect into ice in an instant.

Even the dozen or so Title Douluo seemed to be having a hard time under the pressure of the dual domains.

"Who are you? How dare you attack our Benti Sect?"

The leading Titled Douluo was struggling to resist the double domains, his aura violent and fierce.

Behind him, more than a dozen Titled Douluo from the Body Sect, each emitting a powerful aura of oppression.

"Noumenon Sect?"

"Is it amazing?"

"I am fighting against the Benti Sect!"

A loud shout was heard in the sky, and dozens of figures emerged.

The leader was very tall, more than two meters and a half tall, like a little giant.

Next to him, there was a white-haired man who was also tall, nearly two meters tall.

Behind them, dozens of figures exuded the same icy aura.

Dozens of figures seemed to be connected by breath, and each of them was a powerful warrior above the Soul Douluo level.

Working together, they created an icy domain that even Titled Douluo would be terrified of.

"Is this... a joint domain?"

The Titled Douluo headed by the Body Sect looked at this shocking scene and his expression changed drastically.

Dozens of people are connected in spirit and create the same large-scale domain, which can push the power of the domain to the extreme.

Not to mention them, even if Du Bu Si came and entered the area, he would be greatly affected.

However, this kind of large-scale joint field has only existed in legends and is almost unseen.

It is because the conditions for its occurrence are too harsh.

Firstly, they must have the same type of martial spirits, and secondly, they must both possess strength of at least Soul Saint level.

Then, the number of people must be more than fifty.

The first three points are easy to explain.

The trouble is the fourth point, that is, there cannot be too much disparity between the martial souls, they must be at the same level.

Then there must be a certain degree of tacit understanding, and this can only be achieved after rigorous training.

Even their own Benti Sect, which was full of Bentiu spirits, couldn't get it out.

The force before us actually did it?
Moreover, each of their strength has even reached the Contra level.

What kind of divine force is this?
How could it be possible to achieve such an extent?

The Titled Douluo from the Body Sect could hardly believe his eyes.

"You actually recognize the joint domain?"

"There's something."

The leading burly man's voice had some surprise in it, as if he was surprised that you little punks could actually recognize such high-end stuff.

The contempt revealed in his tone made the Titled Douluo of the Body Sect feel unhappy.

"What do you want to do?"

"Although you have a joint domain, we in the Body Sect are not here to eat and do nothing."

"Our leader will be here soon."

The Titled Douluo of the Body Sect said with a stern appearance but a weak heart.

The leading man sneered and said, "You really know nothing about the joint domain. What can Du Bu Si do if he comes?"

"He's here, let's beat him up too!"

" guys are too arrogant."

"It takes money to be arrogant, and we have it."

The big man glared and said impatiently: "I don't want to waste my time talking to you about that nonsense. Hurry up and hand over the 100,000-year soul beast embryo."

" are here for the hundred thousand year soul beast embryo?"

The Titled Douluo of the Body Sect suddenly realized and finally understood why this group of people suddenly attacked them.

"Stop talking nonsense and hand it over."

"Don't even think about it. Our Benti Sect spent a lot of effort to snatch this from Mingde Hall. How can we give it to you?"

"You bastards, since you want the 100,000-year soul beast embryo, why don't you go to Mingde Hall to rob it yourself, but rob us instead?"

The big man grinned and said, "How can robbing Mingde Hall be as exciting as robbing your Benti Sect?"

"Besides, we are all law-abiding citizens and we never commit burglary."

"We just like to rob you guys who don't follow martial ethics."

"You rob others, so we rob you. This is called enforcing justice on behalf of heaven."

"I'll take your place, you bastards."

The Titled Douluo of the Body Sect couldn't stand it anymore and started cursing.

"You dare to curse?"

The big man raised his hand and slapped the Titled Douluo away.

The next moment, he rushed into the crowd, transformed into a huge white ape, and rushed around rampaging.

(End of this chapter)

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