Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 367: Embryo in hand, poison not dead: Ice Temple, I beep and you beep, Ice and Snow Girl Dan

Chapter 367: Embryo in hand, poison not dead: Ice Temple, I beep and you beep, Ice and Snow Girl Dance

Those Titled Douluo of the Body Sect were confident of their physical strength and wanted to compete with the big man.

But when the white giant ape rushed over, these Titled Douluo of the Body Sect had no power to fight back and were knocked flying all over the sky.

The big man's physical strength was so strong that even the people from the Body Sect were horrified.

" is this possible?"

The Titled Douluo of the Body Sect who was knocked flying was shocked and full of disbelief.

This kind of physical strength is almost catching up with their sect leader.

"You guys are really unsophisticated and have no idea about power."

"Since you won't cooperate, don't blame me for taking action myself."

The white giant ape spoke in human language, and nine soul rings, six black and three red, surrounded its body.

The terrifying spirit ring ratio shocked many Titled Douluo in the Body Sect.




The big man attacked without mercy. These Titled Douluo from the Body Sect were already suppressed by the United Domain, and their strength was greatly restricted. How could they be a match for this big man?
But in just a few moments, they were all knocked down by the big man.

But the big man did not kill them, he just knocked them unconscious.

After knocking everyone down, the big man searched them one by one, and finally found the target in the soul guide of the Titled Douluo who had shouted before.

He pulled the thing off with one hand, and the big man's mouth grinned like a lotus flower.

"Got it, retreat."

The big man flashed and was in the air, and the other middle-aged man with white hair also smiled.

With a wave of his hand, a group of people disappeared into the sky like flowing light.

About half a minute later, a tall green figure emerged.

Looking at these ice sculptures and the dozen or so figures lying on the ground, his face instantly became extremely ugly.

The entire army was wiped out?

A surge of rage surged in his heart, and Du Bu Si seemed like a volcano that could erupt at any time. The air was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

After checking the condition of everyone and finding that they were still alive, Du Bu Si breathed a sigh of relief.

The powerful soul power swept across like a raging wave, melting the ice on the bodies of those strong men.

The dozen or so Titled Douluo who were knocked unconscious will also be awakened.

A group of people from the Body Sect touched their heads and looked at Du Bu Si who appeared in front of them, as if they had seen their backbone, and all of their eyes lit up.




Many powerful men shouted, which made Du Bu Si frown.

"what is going on?"

"Why were you all knocked down?"

"And...what about the 100,000-year-old embryo?"

The leading Titled Douluo checked his waist and found that his soul guide was missing.

His heart skipped a beat and he quickly shouted, "Master, this is bad. The hundred thousand year soul beast embryo is missing."

Du Bu Si's face darkened and he grabbed him, "Hurry up and tell me everything that happened."

The man did not dare to delay and told the whole story immediately.

"Dual realm?"

"Large Joint Field!"

"Dozens of elite ice-attribute Soul Douluo?"

"Six black and three red spirit rings?"

The more Du Bu Si listened, the darker his face became, and the more angry he felt.

With so many conditions and so many notable features, if he still couldn't guess who did it, then he would be a fool.

"Ice Temple, I'll fuck your grandma."

"You are a bunch of bastards, bitches who gave birth to sons without an assholes, I will fuck you."

“You bastards, you only know how to target me, right? I’m beeping, beeping, beeping…”

Du Bu Si’s defense was broken, he really was broken.

He was beaten up by Hai Bodong in Shrek City, and had to pay compensation.

At most he was just a bad-mouthed person, but he endured it.

But now, these bastards are robbing people on the road.

They robbed Mingde Hall, and the Ice Temple robbed them.

Do you really think their Ben sect is easy to bully?

When has he ever suffered such an injustice if he couldn't be poisoned to death?

Doesn’t his Benti Sect have any respect?

I've worked hard for more than a year, but in the end, all my efforts were in vain. Isn't it all in vain?

This is intolerable. I can't swallow this unless I'm poisoned to death.

These guys from the Ice Temple are like ghosts, they are everywhere.

Du Bu Si felt like he had always been living in their shadow.

No, he couldn't bear it this time.

"Come on, follow me back. I will personally go to the Ice Temple to confront them."

"If you don't give me an explanation, I will fight them."

Du Bu Si shouted.

"Master...Master, can we win?" A weak voice sounded beside Du Bu Si.

The Titled Douluo had a sullen look on his face. Just from that large joint field, one could tell the huge gap in foundation.

Their Benti Sect probably can't afford to offend such a force.

Du Bu Si turned his head and looked at the Title Douluo expressionlessly. He reached out his hand and gently patted the Title Douluo's face.

"Duan, you can talk."

"That's very good, don't say it again next time."

"Next time, I'll tear your mouth to pieces."

Du Bu Si's eyes became fierce, and he said, "Come with me and go back to settle accounts with the Ice God Temple."

"I just don't believe it. There is no reason in this world."

"If they don't give me a satisfactory answer, I will stay in their Ice Temple and won't leave."

Du Bu Si hummed and flew away into the distance with the strong men of the Body Sect.



At the same time, the Arctic ice field.

The wind is cold and the air is filled with icy ice.

The cold and fierce gale was like the sharpest blade, enough to tear pig iron into pieces. The extremely low temperature made many powerful people shudder at the mention of it.

The ice cream covered the sky, and the bright rays of light passed through layers of obstacles, forming only a hazy colorful halo.

Here, the sky is blurry and the ground is cold.

Between heaven and earth, there is only eternal ice, snow and coldness.

In the snow, there are two figures moving slowly forward.

In this place where even the Soul Douluo masters need to circulate their soul power to resist the low temperature, these two people seem particularly leisurely.

The leisurely pace did not seem like they were in a hurry, but rather like they were having fun.

The two people were a man and a woman. The man was wearing a white robe with a silver-gray cloak draped behind him. He had long snow-white hair fluttering in the wind.

Next to him was a girl of about twelve or thirteen, who also had snow-white hair that fell to her waist. She was wearing a white palace dress, and her temperament was pure and clear, and indescribably noble.

This man and woman are naturally Su Yu and Xue Di.

Su Yu gently held Xue Di's hand, looking at the soft light in her ethereal eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

"You seem happy."

Su Yu said softly.

Xue Di glanced at him, raised her head slightly, and snowflakes fell down her cheeks, cold and beautiful.

"I haven't been back for a long time, and everything here is still so familiar."

As she spoke, Xue Di suddenly let go of Su Yu's hand, took light steps, and the exquisite and beautiful crystal shoes fell off her jade feet.

The Snow Queen lightly touched the ice with her jade feet, and her body flew into the air.

"Have you ever seen the Ice Girl Dance?"

The cool, gentle and pleasant voice slowly echoed in the air. In the empty eyes of the Snow Emperor, there was a charming look.

Su Yu was slightly startled, and the next moment, he showed a bright smile, "Then can I have this honor?"

Xue Di blinked her big eyes and tilted her head slightly, "Guess?"

Su Yu smiled, his eyes gentle and doting, "I won't guess."

"It's boring."

Xue Di rolled her eyes at Su Yu, and the next moment, she flew into the air, her body dancing in the air, and she actually stepped on the void and started dancing.

The aura from her body slowly released, and everything around her began to darken.

Throughout the world, the original white snow disappeared.

All the ice and snow turned blue, and only the one fluttering in the air was the only white one.

The long sleeves were waving, the white ribbons were dancing around her, and the blue snowflakes were stretching and swaying around her.

At this moment, the Snow Queen is like an elf in the snow, with graceful dancing posture that is natural and agile.

Su Yu stared blankly, completely immersed in Xue Di's dance.

It's not that he hasn't seen beautiful women before, but Xue Di's dancing is like that of a fairy from heaven. There is a purity and indifference that is detached from the mundane world.

The Snow Queen is already extremely beautiful, and at this moment she is even more beautiful to the extreme. It is a kind of flawless perfection that is difficult to describe in words.

As the Snow Emperor danced, even the fierce gale seemed to become gentle, and a blue light spread out into the distance with the Snow Emperor as the center.

In an instant, everything in the sky and on the ground was a clear blue.

Only that white figure is so pure, noble and beautiful.

Su Yu watched quietly, and he seemed to have sensed something in this dance that was unique in the world.

The ultimate icy soul power in the body seemed to have a soul, resonating and stirring with the Snow Emperor's dance.

Su Yu's thoughts gradually emptied, and for a moment, an inexplicable feeling surged into his heart.

He had an epiphany.

Under this beautiful dance, I entered the state of enlightenment again.

High in the sky, the Snow Queen seemed to be immersed in her own dance, and the aura of the Ice and Snow Girl almost spread throughout the entire core area of ​​the Far North.

In the core area, countless life breaths seemed to sense something and all shook.

Half an hour later, the dance ended and the Snow Queen floated down and landed beside Su Yu.

Her pure and beautiful ice-blue eyes fell on Su Yu, and she felt the extreme coldness surging in Su Yu's body, and her heart moved slightly.

"An epiphany?"

Xue Di looked at Su Yu quietly, with the corners of her lips slightly raised.

Su Yu closed his eyes slightly. At this moment, his mind was extremely empty, and his whole body seemed to have merged into one with the ice and snow in the sky.

The north wind howled and the ice was sweeping.

Su Yu's body began to emit icy blue light, and the extremely low temperature caused the surrounding ice and snow to condense again.

Xue Di looked on in surprise, feeling the pervasive extreme chill, her heart trembling slightly.

"What have you realized?"

Xue Di murmured softly, with a hint of deep curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

After all, the effect of Su Yu's sudden realization of the realm of self-dominance last time was quite explosive.

(End of this chapter)

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