Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 368: The Beasts Pay Homage, the Titan Snow Demon King, the Heir to the Far North

Chapter 368: The Beasts Pay Homage, the Titan Snow Demon King, the Heir to the Far North
After staring at Su Yu for a long while with her beautiful eyes, Xue Di raised a touching smile at the corner of her lips.

No matter what Su Yu realized, it would be great if he could gain something from it.

After looking at Su Yu quietly for more than ten minutes, Xue Di seemed to sense something and looked into the distance.

There was a large amount of life breath appearing in the distance, and these life breaths were approaching this side at an astonishing speed.

If someone could look down from a high altitude, they would be able to see this amazing scene.

Thousands of soul beasts are gathering in the direction of Snow Empress.

There are many types of soul beasts, not just land soul beasts, but even flying soul beasts that are relatively rare in the far north.

Every soul beast was extremely excited, and they were rushing here almost at the risk of their lives.

Such a huge number can be called a large-scale beast tide.

Thousands of beasts galloping, how spectacular it is.

Xue Di stood quietly there, gazing into the distance, with a beautiful curve gradually appearing at the corners of her mouth.

The group of soul beasts gradually approached, and the huge tide of beasts gradually stopped when they were a thousand meters away from the Snow Emperor.

After reaching this position, every soul beast would slowly crawl on the ground towards the direction of the Snow Empress, without exception.

As time went by, more and more soul beasts appeared in the distance. Outside the thousand-meter circle centered on the Snow Emperor, there were densely packed soul beasts from the Far North.

They all prostrated themselves respectfully, paying homage to the most honorable king in their hearts.

In this far northern land, the Snow Emperor is the true supreme ruler.

The north wind is howling and snowflakes are flying.

The ice-blue light slowly faded, and Su Yu slowly opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a scene that shocked him.

I saw large groups of soul beasts crawling on the ground. From a distance, they looked like snowy hills.

With just a slight shift of his mental power, Su Yu was shocked by the number of soul beasts here.

Such a huge scale of soul beasts is no less than launching a large-scale beast tide.

Su Yu instinctively looked at the Snow Emperor beside him. In this far north, if there was anyone else who could do this, it would only be the Snow Emperor.

Even the Ice Emperor cannot accomplish the feat of the Snow Emperor, who is respected by all beasts.

"Xue'er, this is..."

Su Yu couldn't help but speak, but then an idea flashed in his mind, and he remembered the Ice and Snow Girl Dance that had captivated everyone before.

It must be the Ice and Snow Girl Wu who spread the aura of the Snow Emperor, which attracted all the beasts to worship her.

Xue Di looked at Su Yu with a smile on her pretty face, "What did you realize this time?"

Su Yu was stunned for a moment, and said: "I just have some new ideas, but they are not perfect yet."


Xue Di raised her eyebrows slightly, "It sounds like another extraordinary ability."

Su Yu smiled and said, "It's not bad. If you can comprehend it successfully, it should be considered a new killer weapon."

"A trump card."

Xue Di looked at Su Yu deeply. Since Su Yu called it a killer move, it seemed that he had indeed realized something extraordinary this time.

But it’s good this way. Su Yu can gain something, and Xue Di is also very happy for him.

"Xue'er, what are you doing..."

Su Yu glanced at the herd of beasts outside, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Xue Di pursed her lips and smiled, saying: "I invited them here to explain something."

"Su Yu, let Bing'er out."

Hearing this, Su Yu nodded.

I saw a flash of ice-blue light at the mark between his eyebrows.

A green shadow slowly emerged from it.

A cold and violent aura like that of a prehistoric beast swept over in an instant.

Ice Blue Emperor Scorpion.

Even though only his spirit form remains, Ice Emperor's domineering aura remains undiminished.

"Snow Emperor."

As soon as the Ice Emperor appeared, he immediately looked at the Snow Emperor, very excited.

She finally saw Xue Di again.

Su Yu, that damn bastard, never let her out and showed his affection with Xue Di every day.

She was so angry that her lungs were about to explode.

"Bing'er, are you okay?"

Xue Di asked with a chuckle.

Bingdi bit his lip and said aggrievedly: "I'm not good, I'm not good at all, Su Yu bullies me every day."

Su Yu:? ? ? ? ?
Snow Emperor: (へ╬)
The Snow Queen's beautiful icy blue eyes moved towards Su Yu, with a hint of coldness in them.

Su Yu's mouth twitched, "Bingdi, you have to be responsible for what you say. When did I ever bully you?"

"Besides, I don't like scorpions."

"Who asked you to like it? You're just being sentimental." Bingdi scolded.

Xue Di glared at Su Yu, then said in a gentle voice: "Bing'er, how did Su Yu bully you?"

Bingdi put his hands on his hips and complained, "He flirts with you every day, deliberately irritates me, and holds me down, not letting me come out."

Hearing this, Xue Di’s pretty face turned red.

She originally thought that Su Yu had abused Bingdi in some way, but it turned out to be this bullying.

She knew what Su Yu was thinking without having to guess.

It was simply that Bing'er liked her, and Su Yu deliberately provoked Bing'er in order to make her give up.

Xuedi can still support Bingdi in other matters, but this...

Xue Di actually also thinks that Lala has no future. If Bing Di's orientation can be changed, it may not be a bad thing.

"Bing'er, I think you can also try a new beginning."

Xue Di carefully chose his words.

"Xuedi, what do you mean by this?"

Bingdi was puzzled.

Su Yu immediately added: "Xue Di means that Lala has no future, and wants you to change your mindset from now on and stop bothering her."

"I've already told you that Xue Di is mine, so you better stay away and cool off."

"It's you, Su Yu, I'm beeping, beeping, beeping..."

The Ice Emperor's defense was broken, and he immediately started cursing at Su Yu.

Su Yu was not angry either. He put his hands behind his back and did not take it to heart at all.

It's so funny, he has such a thick skin.

Anyway, he has already got the beauty, so Bingdi can scold him all he wants, it's not him who is broken.

Bingdi was obviously very angry and kept cursing for more than ten minutes.

Some soul beasts in the distance saw Bingdi's shrewish behavior for the first time, and they all said that they had learned something new.

"Bing'er, calm down. There are still many people watching here."

Xue Di grabbed Bing Di and admonished him.

Bingdi stopped reluctantly, but the look in his eyes when he looked at Su Yu was still full of indignation.

Su Yu shrugged his shoulders, looking nonchalant, which made Bingdi so angry that her body trembled.

Snow Emperor rolled his eyes at Su Yu, asking him to restrain himself, and then he led Ice Emperor forward.

Su Yu's mental power has reached the realm of being tangible and intangible. With the support of Su Yu's mental power, Bingdi can realize short-term activities outside.

Snow Queen pulled Ice Queen for a few steps and then stopped. Seeing Snow Queen's movements, the soul beasts that were already crawling became even quieter. The only sound on the entire ice field was the faint breathing of the soul beasts.

Xue Di looked at his people like an emperor.

Wherever the Snow Emperor's gaze went, all the soul beasts bowed in submission.

There are more and more soul beasts, and their number is still increasing.

At this time, the beasts in the distance suddenly became agitated, and the soul beasts crawling on the ground made way one after another.

This is a huge ice bear, like a walking hill.

Its huge body is covered in white fur, the tips of which exude a faint bright silver hue.

It walked all the way to the innermost circle, looked at the Snow Emperor in front of it, and slowly bowed down.

The huge butt was raised high, the upper body was completely crawling, the huge bear head was shaking slightly, and it made a soft whimpering sound.

Seeing the ice bear, Xue Di smiled and waved.

Seeing the Snow Emperor waving, the huge ice bear was overjoyed and immediately ran towards the Snow Emperor.

Its body was huge to begin with, and its running was like an earthquake, shaking the ground and causing snow and ice to fly everywhere and shatter.

It stopped about fifty meters away from Xue Di, and like a well-behaved puppy, it gently put its big head in front of Xue Di.

Xue Di raised her soft hand and gently rubbed its pink bear nose, jokingly saying, "Xiao Bai, you've gained weight again."

The Ice Bear King Xiaobai scratched his head innocently and grinned.

At this time, Su Yu also took a few steps forward, looked at the big bear like a small hill in front of him, and let out a clear laugh.

"Xiaobai, we meet again."

Xiaobai whimpered, raised his bear paw, stretched out one claw, and gently flicked it towards Su Yu, like playing with a marble.

Su Yu found it a little funny and stretched out his hand to block in front.

"Xiao Bai, I am not the same person I was before. I am not that fragile anymore."

Xiaobai smiled innocently, raised his bear paw and gently patted Su Yu's shoulder, as if to say, little brother, you have made good progress.

Xue Di chuckled as she watched this scene. Seeing that Su Yu and Xiao Bai had such a harmonious relationship, her eyes became much softer.

She looked into the distance again, and the thick herd of beasts parted again, and a huge figure came into sight.

As this huge figure appeared, a huge figure also appeared behind it.

This huge figure walked all the way to the inner circle, and no soul beast dared to block its way.

Its height can be said to be the only one Su Yu has ever seen in his life, which is over 120 meters.

Not to mention the Ice Bear King, even the Bear King in the Star Dou Great Forest is not as tall as this soul beast.

Behind it, there was a large group of figures that were equally tall, each one was at least eighty meters away, and more than a dozen of them were over a hundred meters tall.

They walk upright like humans, are covered with snow-white hair, are tall, and have muscles as strong as a dragon.

They look somewhat similar to humans, except that their faces are blue-gray and they have long fangs in their mouths.

Titan Snow Demon.

As a walking encyclopedia of soul beasts, Su Yu recognized this soul beast at a glance.

The Titan Snow Demons are a famous race of giants that are nearly twenty meters tall when they are born.

They possess the blood of Titans and Ice Gods, and are undoubtedly super soul beasts.

The second guardian of the Ice Temple, Lu Yuan, has the Titan Snow Demon spirit, so Su Yu knows very well how powerful this spirit is.

Although it is not the ultimate, it is not much inferior to the ultimate.

Generally speaking, once a Titan Snow Ape exceeds 100,000 years old, its height will also exceed 100 meters.

For example, the Titan Snow Demon Ape in the front, which is over 120 meters long, must have cultivated for nearly 300,000 years.

There is only one Titan Snow Demon Ape of this level in the Far North, and that is the third of the Three Heavenly Kings of the Far North - the Titan Snow Demon King.

The Titan Snow Demon King came to the inner circle, knelt on one knee in front of the Snow Emperor and saluted respectfully.

"Snow Emperor!"

Behind him, a large row of Titan Snow Demons also knelt down on the ground in unison.

"Atai, come here."

Xue Di waved.

The Titan Snow Demon King was overjoyed, and quickly strode forward to the side of the Ice Bear King and sat down cross-legged.

Looking at the Titan Snow Demon King beside him, the Ice Bear King moved his eyes and revealed a hint of disgust.

The Titan Snow Demon King also glanced at the Ice Bear King and returned the same look.

The bear and the ape looked at each other, their bodies leaning against each other, secretly competing with each other, and a large piece of ice under the ground shattered immediately.

The Snow Queen glanced at them with her beautiful eyes, and her cold gaze made the bear and the ape tremble at the same time, and they behaved like babies.

Xue Di raised her hand and pressed lightly, and instantly the whole place fell silent.

The Snow Emperor said calmly: "It's been a long time since we last met. I am very happy to see you all again today."

"Snow Emperor!"

"Snow Emperor!"

"Snow Emperor!"


A plain and cold sentence instantly aroused the emotions of all the soul beasts. For a moment, all the beasts cheered.

Su Yu quietly watched the demeanor of the Snow Empress. It was difficult even for Emperor Tian to achieve such a scene of winning food and followers.

Although the soul beasts in the Far North are not as strong as those in the Star Dou Great Forest, they are more united.

The soul beasts in the Far North all have complete respect for the Snow Empress, who is the master who has the final say.

As for the Star Dou Great Forest, although Di Tian is the only dominant one, there are also many people who have their own little ideas.

For example, Xiong Jun always has the ambition to shit on Emperor Tian's head.

It’s just that a certain bear couldn’t beat Di Tian.

It can be said that there are only two people who can make the Star Dou Great Forest as united as the Far North.

One is Gu Yuena.

The other is him in the future.

There are too many powerful soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest. Only those with absolute strength and status can truly be united into one.

His status is enough, but his current strength is not enough.

To be as good as Snow Empress, he would have to surpass Emperor Tian.

But speaking of it, Xue Di's current aloof and cold kingly temperament is really cool and beautiful.

As expected of the person he likes.

Xue Di raised her soft hand again and pressed it down.

In an instant, the huge sound of the roar of thousands of beasts stopped.

The Snow Emperor glanced at the Titan Snow Demon King and the Ice Bear King in front of him, and said calmly: "I called you here today because I have something to announce."

"First things first. Next, I will prepare to practice at another level and impact the immortal eternity. However, I don't know what the future will be like."

"It's possible that I will never come back, so I'd like to say goodbye to everyone here."

"The second thing is to determine my successor after I am gone."

Xue Di's voice was calm, but what he said made all the soul beasts present excited.

This news was so shocking that all the soul beasts were in an uproar.


Xue Di raised her hand and pressed lightly to suppress the sound waves again.

"After I am gone, A-Tai will inherit my position. In the future, A-Tai will be the new Lord of the Arctic Icefield."

(End of this chapter)

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