Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 369: Xue Di persuades Xiao Bai, worries, and God’s gift

Chapter 369: Xue Di persuades Xiao Bai, worries, and God’s gift

Xue Di is strong and decisive.

The identity of the successor to the Titan Snow Demon King was announced publicly.

This shocking news made all the soul beasts stunned.

After all, although the Titan Snow Demon King is powerful, there is still a gap compared to the Ice Emperor.

Why not pass the throne to the Ice Emperor, but instead to the Titan Snow Demon King?

Even the Titan Snow Demon King himself couldn't believe what he heard.

Xue Di explained a few words casually and then settled the matter.

Snow Queen’s style of doing things is inherently strong. Which soul beast would dare to question her decisions?

Half a quarter of an hour later, at the signal of Snow Empress, the group of soul beasts began to retreat.

The ice field that was originally surrounded by densely packed soul beasts gradually became empty.

Only the Ice Bear Clan and the Titan Snow Demon Clan remained where they were.

Xue Di looked at the soul beasts flying away, and a sense of melancholy emerged in her heart.

She has ruled the Arctic ice field for hundreds of thousands of years, but today she has to give up this place. She is really reluctant to do so.

But now, she is no longer the Ice and Snow Emperor, but Su Xueer who follows Su Yu.

She couldn't guard the Arctic ice field forever, and now it was time to let go.

With a slight sigh, the Snow Emperor turned his gaze slightly and fell on the Titan Snow Demon King, "Atai, the Arctic Ice Field is now in your hands."

The Titan Snow Demon King knelt on one knee and said respectfully: "Snow Emperor, no matter when, only you can be in charge of the Arctic Ice Field, and only you are the master of the Arctic Ice Field."

"I believe you will come back. When you are away, I will guard this place for you until you come back."

Hearing this, Xue Di was slightly moved. She glanced at Su Yu and said, "If one day I can break through the immortal eternity, I will definitely come back to see you again."

Meeting Xue Di's gaze, Su Yu was slightly stunned.

Is Xueer placing her hopes on him?

"Okay, I've finished what I wanted to say, Atai, you can go too."

"Lead your tribe as soon as possible and establish your prestige. You have a heavy responsibility and must not be careless."

"Yes, Xuedi!"

The Titan Snow Demon King bowed respectfully again, looked at the Snow Emperor reluctantly, and then turned and left.

With the departure of the Titan Snow Demon King, the group of tall Titan Snow Demons also left one after another.

Su Yu took a step forward, walked to the side of Xue Di, gently grasped her hand, and gave her strength.

Xue Di glanced at Su Yu and felt a little warm in her heart. Her originally melancholy mood seemed to brighten up a little.

"Su Yu, don't touch Xue Di's hand. Do you think you can touch Xue Di's hand?"

Seeing that Su Yu was so bold as to attack directly, Bingdi was so angry that he jumped to his feet.

Su Yu glanced at Bing Di with a hint of disdain in his eyes. Not only did he not let go, but he went a step further and stretched out his left hand to gently embrace Xue Di's slender waist.

Hyotei: (〝▼皿▼)
Jealousy has distorted the Ice Emperor beyond all recognition.

She rushed towards Su Yu and was about to punch and kick him.

Su Yu curled his lips in disdain, stretched out his right hand, covered Bingdi's head, and suppressed the little Bingdi Loli on the spot.

Bingdi was petite, with short arms and legs, so she couldn't reach it at all. She was so angry that she wanted to transform into her original form.


Xue Di patted Su Yu's hand with some amusement and said softly: "Don't bully Bing'er, let her go back."

"As a soul, you should not stay in the outside world for too long. It will damage your spiritual consciousness."

"Xue'er, you are right."

Su Yu nodded in agreement, and then, under Bingdi's angry eyes, he took her into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The enraged Ice Emperor rolled back and forth in his sea of ​​​​spirituality, cursing Su Yu to the point of spitting blood.

"You dare to curse?"

Su Yu muttered something, and then the Dragon God Seal cast a nine-colored light, directly forcibly banning the Ice Emperor.

"Xiaobai, come here."

Snow Queen looked at the Ice Bear King lying on the ground with a resentful look in his eyes and waved at it.

The Ice Bear King leaned forward with his big head and rubbed the Snow Emperor gently.

Snow Queen stroked the Ice Bear King's fur and said softly, "Xiao Bai, are you feeling aggrieved that I passed the throne to A-Tai instead of you?"

The Ice Bear King said nothing, but just whimpered softly.

Xue Di patted its head and scolded it with a smile: "Silly child, although I respect A Tai, you are closer to me."

"I raised you. In my eyes, you are like my own child."

"We kept you here so that you can go with us."

The Ice Bear King looked up in astonishment, scratched his head, and looked silly.

"Walk together?"


The Snow Queen looked at the Ice Bear King and said calmly, "Xiaobai, your third heavenly tribulation is not far away."

"According to my estimation, the probability of you surviving this catastrophe is no more than 30 percent."

"It would be okay if I were here. I could lend you a hand, and maybe you could survive the catastrophe."

"But I'm gone, and you're all alone. The chances of you surviving the catastrophe are slim."

"So, I want you to come with us. Bing'er has already taken this path, and you can too."

" mean?"

The Ice Bear King looked at Su Yu. He knew exactly what path the Ice Emperor had chosen.

When Su Yu absorbed the Ice Emperor's soul ring, it was still the guardian.

"Yes, it's just as you guessed."

"Xiaobai, you will be Su Yu's sixth soul ring."

"Su Yu is a man of extraordinary talent. He has long been noticed by the gods. His path to becoming a god is extremely smooth, and he will achieve eternity sooner or later."

"By becoming a part of him, you can also live forever with him." "Isn't this much better than your death in vain under the heavenly calamity?"

The Ice Bear King was stunned. He looked at Su Yu, then at Xue Di, and finally scratched his head.

"I...I'll listen to you. Whatever you say is what I will do."

The Ice Bear King showed his absolute trust in the Snow Queen without any doubt at all.

In the Ice Bear King's view, the fact that the Snow Emperor chose to let it stay instead of the Titan Snow Demon King was enough to make it happy.

This is Xue Di’s deep love for it.

Su Yu looked at the Ice Bear King with strange eyes. This Xiaobai was still as straight-lined as ever.

No wonder the Snow Queen chose the Titan Snow Demon King as the lord of the Arctic ice field.

With the simple nature of the Ice Bear King, even though his strength is not inferior to that of the Titan Snow Demon King, his brain is really not suitable for being a leader.

Xue Di nodded at it and said, "Since you are willing, then it would be the best."

"Xiaobai, take this opportunity to go to the tribe and explain yourself. I'm afraid you won't have the chance to do that again in the future."


The Ice Bear King grinned and ran away happily.

It was the first time that Su Yu saw a soul beast that could be so happy after making a soul ring for someone else. He really broadened his horizons.

"Xiaobai... is really naive."

Su Yu sighed.

"Xiaobai is indeed very innocent, so you have to be nice to him and don't bully him like you bullied Bing'er."

Xue Di looked at Su Yu and said coquettishly.

Su Yu hugged Xue Di, put his chin on her shoulder, and said with a grin, "This is natural. You raised Xiao Bai, how could I possibly treat it badly?"

"As for Bingdi, that was an accident. Who asked her to snatch you from me? Then I can only piss her off."

"You are just too petty."

"I can't help it. My Xue'er is so beautiful."

Su Yu said with a smile.

"Who is your Xue'er? Don't be ashamed."

The Snow Queen gently pushed Su Yu away and said in a tender voice, "I haven't agreed to your request yet."

Su Yu crossed his arms and chuckled, "So what do you think, will you agree to me?"

"Let's talk about it after you become a god. My man must be stronger than me, otherwise how can he conquer me?"

Xue Di held her head high, looking proud.

Su Yu laughed, "Okay, okay, whatever Xue'er said is fine."


Xue Di rolled her eyes at Su Yu.

The two of them were flirting with each other, and before they knew it, their hands were holding together again.

"You have Xiaobai on your sixth spirit ring. What are you going to do with the remaining spirit rings? Su Yu, I am really worried about your future."

Snow Emperor frowned slightly. Su Yu’s fifth soul ring was Ice Emperor.

The sixth soul ring is Xiaobai.

This means that the soul rings he will need to obtain must at least be of the ferocious beast level.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of the soul ring space and a waste of one's own talent.

Here comes the problem.

There aren't so many powerful ice-attribute soul beasts in the world.

Could it be possible that A Tai was killed and used as Su Yu's seventh soul ring?

Xue Di shook her head. This was definitely not possible.

The Titan Snow Demon King is her successor and the future lord of the Arctic ice field. He cannot disappear.

Otherwise the entire Arctic ice field will be in chaos.

But apart from them, are there any other powerful ice-attributed soul beasts in the world?

Xue Di was a little confused.

Su Yu pinched Xue Di's soft hands and teased, "Xue'er, the way you worry about me really makes you look like a good wife and mother. I really love you to death."

"Fuck you, I'm talking about business. This is a matter related to your future achievements."

Xue Di glared at Su Yu. This guy was so playful even about such a thing.

Su Yu raised his hand, gently stroked Xue Di's cheek, and said softly: "Xue'er, don't worry too much. I have already planned my future growth."

"At least the seventh and ninth soul rings, I have already planned them."


Xue Di hummed, looking puzzled.

Su Yu gently hooked Xue Di's nose and smiled, "Xue'er, have you heard of the God-given soul ring?"

"God-given...soul ring?"

Xue Di looked surprised, her beautiful eyes flickering.

"Yes, the God-given spirit ring is definitely suitable for me."

"When I take you back to the Ice Temple, you'll understand what this means."

Su Yu blinked and kept it a secret.

Xue Di seemed to be thinking about something. Could the God-given soul ring that Su Yu mentioned be related to the Ice God?

Ice God... God's gift, could it be...

Xue Di looked at Su Yu deeply. Seeing the confident and determined expression on his handsome face, she was a little dazed for a moment.

How many things is this guy hiding?

Looking at the thoughtful Xue Di, Su Yu smiled gently and looked into the distance with a flickering look in his eyes.

The ice spirit ring is really nothing, but the spirit ring of the second spirit, when I practice, I'm afraid it will be a bit troublesome to find it...

(End of this chapter)

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