Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 370: The 6th Soul Ring, Ice Bear King, Amazing Soul Ring Ratio

Chapter 370: The Sixth Soul Ring, Ice Bear King, Amazing Soul Ring Ratio

The wind is cold and the snowflakes are flying.

The ground was covered with ice and under the howling gale, the glaciers crisscrossed like curled up and crawling dragons.

On a glacier, two figures quietly emerged, a man and a woman, both talented and beautiful.

Su Yu gently plucked the snow lotus in front of him that was as big as a washbasin, his eyes twinkling.

This snow lotus is crystal clear, pure and flawless, like a fine work of art.

The leaves and branches are snow-white, and the petals are pure ice blue.

The petals opened, revealing the sparkling lotus seeds inside.

Each lotus seed is about the size of a thumb and is also ice blue, like a dazzling ice blue diamond.

"Ten thousand year old snow lotus, I didn't expect I could find this thing."

Su Yu looked at the snow lotus in his hand and chuckled.

The Snow Queen opened her red lips and said calmly, "The Arctic Icefield is ancient and vast, so a ten-thousand-year-old snow lotus is nothing."

"That's true. Compared to the 100,000-year-old snow lotus you took, it's really nothing."

"The Arctic Ice Field is a treasure land."

Su Yu sighed.

"If you are interested, you can search everywhere. There are still many hidden treasures in the Arctic ice field, but most of them are unknown."

Xue Di said casually.

Su Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "That's not necessary. I don't have that much free time."

"Besides, we just looted the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire, so we don't lack these things."

"It's up to you."

Xue Di said indifferently.

Su Yu chuckled, put away the snow lotus, and wandered freely in this world of ice and snow holding the hand of Xue Di.

The Snow Queen walked barefoot, her flawless jade-like feet lightly tapping the white ice and snow, and for a moment it was difficult to tell which one was whiter.

The snow was getting heavier. The two walked side by side, with the wind and snow blowing towards them. The biting wind was bitterly cold, enough to make even the Soul Douluo masters frown.

However, this kind of snow and wind did not cause any harm to the two of them.

He gently picked up a snowflake with his fingers, and then slowly touched it on the delicate nose of the Snow Queen. Su Yu couldn't help but let out a faint chuckle.

"Screw you."

The Snow Queen gently kicked Su Yu, scooped up a handful of snow with her bare hands, and then smeared it on Su Yu's face.

Su Yu refused to be outdone and fought back.

The two held hands with one hand and started a snowball fight with each other with the other hand.

After a fight, both of their faces and hair were covered with snowflakes.

Oddly enough, this extremely cold ice and snow adhered to the skin of the two people without any signs of melting.

The two of them couldn't help laughing when they saw each other's embarrassed appearance.


"The same to you!"

The two of them stared at each other, their hands held together, but their fingers were tightly intertwined.

Su Yu stretched out his right hand and gently brushed away the snowflakes on Xue Di's face, revealing her flawless face.

No matter how many times he saw her, Xue Di's perfect appearance always fascinated him.

Apart from Gu Yuena, no one can compare to her.

"What are you looking at? Isn't it enough?"

Xue Di said coquettishly.

Su Yu smiled gently and said, "I can't see enough. I can't see enough in this lifetime."


The Snow Queen gently wiped away the snowflakes on Su Yu's face with her snow-white hands and glared at Su Yu with her beautiful eyes.

This glance was so charming that Su Yu's heart almost melted.

He couldn't help but take a step forward and put his right hand on Xue Di's slender waist.

Xue Di's pretty face turned red, and she whispered, "What do you want to do?"

Su Yu stared at Xue Di's lips, his voice a little dry, "I want to continue the game that was not finished last time."

Xue Di's pretty face instantly turned red, and she gently pushed Su Yu, "I don't want it."

Su Yu grinned and said, "Generally speaking, if a woman says no, then she wants it."

As he said that, Su Yu was about to kiss her, but at this moment, a roar like an earthquake came from the distance.

The snow on countless glaciers was shaken, which actually directly triggered avalanches.

Su Yu turned around in surprise, only to see a huge ice bear about fifty meters tall running at high speed in the distance.

The huge body fell to the ground, and it felt like a mountain collapsing and the earth splitting.

Su Yu's eyes twitched slightly, "This Xiaobai, why did he come here at this time instead of earlier or later?"

Xue Di had regained his composure by this time, and said with a snicker, "I think Xiao Bai came at the right time, otherwise someone would have wanted to do something bad again."

"How can this be called a bad thing? I saw you enjoyed it last time."

"Go to hell, you are slandering this emperor, slandering this emperor."

Not sure if Su Yu was right, but Xue Di was so angry that she stepped on Su Yu's foot.

Su Yu didn't care and let Xue Di vent his anger.

After venting for a while, Xue Di broke away from Su Yu's arms, but still held Su Yu's hand and stood side by side with him.


A huge ice bear fell from the sky, splashing snowflakes dozens of meters high.

The Ice Bear King slowly lowered his head, crawled in front of the two people, and showed a silly smile.

Su Yu raised his hand gently and touched the ice bear king's snow-white fur.

The hair looks crystal clear and smooth, but in fact each strand is as tough as iron.

In the words of a certain God King, even this hair is an excellent material for making hidden weapons.

"Xiaobai, have you dealt with everything?"

Su Yu asked with a smile.

Xiaobai whimpered, rubbed Su Yu's hand gently, and then stretched out two bear paws to indicate that everything was done.

Su Yu couldn't help but laugh out loud. This newbie imitated him quite well.

Xue Di couldn't help laughing and said, "Now that everything has been explained, we can start now."

"Xiaobai, let me ask you one last time, are you willing to be Su Yu's spirit ring?"

Xue Di looked at Xiao Bai, wanting to make a final confirmation.

"I do!"

Xiaobai stood up and patted his chest with his huge bear paws, making a DuangDuang sound.

"it is good."

Xue Di nodded, "Xiao Bai, then you can start preparing."

"Su Yu!"

Xue Di gently pushed Su Yu.

Su Yu understood, took a step forward and came to stand in front of Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, please give me more guidance in the future."


Xiaobai let out a soft roar, his whistle clear and melodious.

Su Yu no longer hesitated and sat cross-legged. An icy blue light emerged, a trace of cold air spread, and the Ice Emperor's martial spirit appeared.

Red, gold, red, and red, five jaw-dropping spirit ring combinations are revealed to the world.

Among them, the fifth soul ring, the Ice Emperor soul ring, is as old as four hundred thousand years.

The first soul ring, which was originally at the one hundred thousand year level, now had another golden pattern on it, and had successfully evolved into a ferocious beast level soul ring.

This means that Su Yu now possesses two ferocious beast-level spirit rings.

Add to that the million-year-old third spirit ring, and the spirit ring ratio of Su Yu's first martial spirit is enough to scare a lot of people to death.

An extremely cold aura enveloped his entire body, and Su Yu was already prepared.


Su Yu shouted.


Xiaobai let out a long roar toward the sky, and suddenly a pillar of ice-blue light burst out from his body.

Immediately afterwards, a wild and vast wave of soul power rose into the sky.

A mini illusory ice bear about three meters in size slowly floated out from the mountain-like body of the Ice Bear King, and then slowly fell towards Su Yu.

This mini imaginary ice bear is naturally the origin of Xiaobai's soul.

The three-meter-sized mini ice bear became smaller and smaller as it approached Su Yu, and then turned directly into an ice-blue ice bead and penetrated into Su Yu's brow.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the Ice Emperor, who was still cursing, was stunned, looking at the Ice Bear King who suddenly appeared, her beautiful eyes flashing.

"Xiaobai, you are here too."

"Sister Bingdi, hehe."

The shadow of the Ice Bear King scratched his head, looking honest.

"Hey, hey, there's a new friend here, welcome, welcome."

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm twisted its fat body and rushed to the side of the Ice Bear King.

On the round head, the little golden eyes flashed with a cunning light.

The Ice Bear King looked down at the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm that appeared in front of him, and couldn't help but look at the Ice Emperor, with a hint of doubt flashing in his big eyes.

It seems to be saying, what level is this guy, how can he hang out with us?
Bingdi stroked his face and said, "Just pretend that this dead bug doesn't exist."


The Ice Bear King Xiaobai nodded obediently, then slapped the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm away with his bear paw.

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm: ?????
You're a newcomer, and you dare to hit me?

You really don’t consider me, the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, as a cadre, right?
Tianmeng Ice Silkworm was so angry that he rushed forward again.

The Ice Bear King raised his hand and struck with his bear palm again, causing Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's eyes to instantly become clear.

I can’t beat him. I really can’t beat him.

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, who faced the reality, was overwhelmed with sorrow.

Su Yu naturally knew exactly what happened in the sea of ​​​​spirituality, but he had no time to care about it.

As Xiaobai's spiritual essence entered his spiritual sea, a blood-red soul ring slowly appeared on the huge body of the Ice Bear King.

The scarlet blood color exudes a strength that cannot be ignored, and the two dazzling golden patterns on it add a touch of indescribable dignity.

As soon as this soul ring appeared, an aura that seemed to come from a ferocious beast in ancient times burst out instantly.

The breath was so violent and powerful, yet also full of richness and wildness.

The Ice Bear King's soul ring is different from the Ice Emperor's. The Ice Emperor's soul ring is colder and more violent, while the Ice Bear King's soul ring is more fierce and powerful.

Su Yu did not hesitate. With the traction of his soul power, this nearly 300,000-year-old beast-level soul ring suddenly fell on his head.

In an instant, surging soul power like a mountain torrent poured into Su Yu's body from the Baihui point on the top of his head.

In terms of the surging energy of the soul ring, this time the Ice Bear King soul ring is even better than the last Ice Emperor soul ring.

Previously, the energy of the Ice Blue Emperor Scorpion's soul ring had been compressed by at least three quarters, or possibly even more, due to the seal.

The energy of the spirit ring left behind is actually only equivalent to the level of a hundred thousand year spirit beast.

But this time was different. This time, the Ice Bear King's soul ring energy, which was close to 300,000 in strength, was poured out without reservation.

Even a Titled Douluo at the ninth soul ring might not be able to withstand such a terrifying infusion of energy.

Although there were not many people who possessed a hundred thousand year spirit ring during the Douluo II period, there were more than one or two.

But there is not a single one who possesses a ferocious beast-level spirit ring.

What's more, even an ordinary 200,000-year-old ferocious beast cannot be compared with the Ice Bear King.

Although the Ice Bear King is not famous, he is not weaker than the Titan Snow Demon King, one of the three kings of the Far North.

In terms of cultivation, the Ice Bear King is also among the top among the many 200,000-year-old ferocious beasts.

How could its soul ring be ordinary?

Fortunately, after Su Yu was tempered by ice and fire, his body was as strong as those of the veteran super Douluo.

With such a strong body, even the spirit ring energy of the Ice Bear King may not be able to do anything to him.

As for mental power, that is where Su Yu excels.

Su Yu's mental strength has reached the pinnacle of being tangible and intangible.

It is only one step away from reaching the ultimate level of tangibility.

Even a strong man like Du Bu Si is only comparable to Su Yu.

With both his spirit and body being strong, Su Yu is very confident that he has the energy to subdue the Ice Bear King.

The Supreme Divine Technique operated rapidly, refining the pure soul ring energy and then flowing it into the limbs and bones.

Strengthening Su Yu's already strong body.

And in this process of refining, a day passed quietly.


The next day, early in the morning.

Su Yugu sat in front of the huge body of the Ice Bear King.

His body was covered with a thick layer of snow, and from a distance he looked like a snowman.

Not far away, Xue Di's beautiful eyes were fixed on Su Yu's direction, motionless.

Perhaps because the energy of the Ice Bear King's soul ring was too vast, a whole day had passed since Su Yu began to absorb the soul ring.

If Xue Di hadn't noticed that Su Yu's breath was still the same, she would have been unable to sit still.

"It looks like it's almost done, Su Yu, please don't let me down."

Xue Di murmured softly, staring at Su Yu with her beautiful eyes, her eyes full of expectation.

As if he heard the voice of Snow Empress, not long after, Su Yu, who had been silent, suddenly changed his aura.

The blood-colored soul ring that was originally floating above his head directly sank into the Ice Emperor and turned into the sixth soul ring.

Then, a powerful aura burst out from Su Yu, and the snow covering Su Yu was instantly shaken away.

His eyes opened and closed, emitting a burst of brilliance.

Su Yu floated up and stepped into the air.

The surging extreme cold air spread out and swept across, and Su Yu's power was increasing step by step.

Su Yu took a step forward, and a blood-colored soul ring began to flash.

When Su Yu took the sixth step, the newly acquired Ice Bear King soul ring shone brightly.

In the blood-red light, the originally two golden lines suddenly had a third golden line added silently.

With the help of the original power left by the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, Su Yu successfully pushed the Ice Bear King's soul ring, which was nearly 300,000 years old, to 300,000 years old.

Although they are all ferocious beast soul rings, there is a threshold every hundred thousand years.

It seems that there is only a difference of 10,000 or 20,000 years, but the power of the soul ring is incomparable.

Su Yu stood in the air, and when he took the last step, his momentum was fully released, and the six red, gold, red and red soul rings under his body exuded unparalleled majesty.

(End of this chapter)

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