Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 371: Ice Bear King Trunk Bone, Little Rich Woman Snow Queen

Chapter 371: Ice Bear King Trunk Bone, Little Rich Woman Snow Queen
"Sixty-fifth level Soul Emperor, this kid has made great progress."

Feeling Su Yu's aura, a hint of surprise flashed in Xue Di's beautiful eyes.

Xue Di was very clear about the quality of Su Yu's soul power.

Even though Su Yu is only a Soul Emperor, the strength of the soul power in his body is no less than that of a Soul Douluo.

The quality of his soul power is comparable to that of a Titled Douluo who has already condensed his soul core.

Even though he had only been promoted to the 65th level Soul Emperor, this was already a huge leap for Su Yu.

Moreover, she could feel that Su Yu was not far from level 66. If Xiaobai's soul bone was added, he might be able to break through to level 67 Soul Emperor in one go.

This kid really made a fortune this time.

He has to kowtow to Xiaobai twice, otherwise it would be a shame to have such a big improvement.

In mid-air, Su Yu, with six spirit rings, felt more confident than ever before.

The benefits that the Ice Bear King's spirit ring brought to Su Yu were innumerable.

Why do people in the world covet the spirit rings of ferocious beasts?
That's because the benefits brought by the ferocious beast's spirit ring are far beyond the reach of an ordinary hundred thousand year spirit ring.

The help that the Ice Bear King provided to Su Yu was definitely not as simple as simply increasing his soul power by a few levels.

It is an all-round enhancement.

Su Yu at this moment is much stronger than before.

If the previous Su Yu could only fight against Titled Douluo.

Then the current Su Yu dares to compete with Super Douluo.

If Yan Shaozhe had not been taught martial arts by Moon En, Su Yu would really like to compete with him to see who is tougher.

But that’s it for Yan Shaozhe after he learned the skills.

Even though he is a fake, his soul power reaching the peak of level ninety-eight should not be underestimated.

Su Yu estimated that he would have to at least possess a martial spirit avatar before he could compete with those veteran Super Douluo.

As for now, I can only try my hand with those ordinary Super Douluo around level 95.

Although Su Yu is full of confidence now, he still has some limitations.

His eyes turned slightly and swept between heaven and earth.

Su Yu's figure flashed, and the next moment, he was in front of Xue Di.

Su Yu's sudden appearance surprised Xue Di who was not prepared at all.

Xue Di instinctively took a step back, but then she saw Su Yu's familiar face, and her original vigilance quietly dissipated.

"What are you doing? You scared me."

Xue Di glared at Su Yu and said unhappily.

Su Yu chuckled and said, "Xue'er, I didn't expect you to be so timid."

Snow Queen kicked Su Yu and said angrily, "You are like a ghost. There is no sign when you appear. Who would not be scared if they saw you?"

"What's your situation? You are obviously an ultimate ice soul master, but how come you are even worse than those agility attack soul masters?"

"Don't talk to me about the Ultimate Wind. I know you are not an Ultimate Wind Spirit Master at all."

Su Yu laughed and said jokingly, "Why, Xue'er, do you want to know?"

"It's simple. Kiss me and I'll tell you."

Su Yu pointed at his own face, looking grinning.

Snow Queen was furious when she heard this, "I will kiss your head."

"A kiss is fine too."

"you wanna die."

Xue Di was both angry and annoyed, and slapped him with her palm.

Su Yu dodged sideways.

Xue Di refused to give in and kicked him again.

Su Yu dodged again.

The two men surrounded the body of the Ice Bear King, chasing each other, just like Jing Ke assassinating the King of Qin.

Su Yu used the godly body skills like King Qin circling the pillar and always stayed one body length ahead of Xue Di.

After chasing for a quarter of an hour and still failing to catch up, Xue Di reluctantly chose to give up.


Xue Di cursed angrily, her big ice-blue eyes filled with anger.

Su Yu put his hands behind his back, looking smiling.

"What's wrong, Xue'er? Are you out of strength?"

Su Yu blinked his eyes, looking frivolous.

The Snow Queen gritted her teeth, her beautiful eyes ready to spit fire, "Su, if you have the guts, don't ever come near me in your life, or I'll show you how I'll deal with you."

Xue Di put her hands on her hips and glared at Su Yu fiercely, wishing she could bite Su Yu to death.

Su Yu laughed and raised his hands, "Okay, I surrender. Can I surrender half of my money?"

"You lose your head."

Xue Di rushed to Su Yu and started punching and kicking him, which finally vented her anger.

"If you dare to be a jerk next time, I will chop you off."

Xue Di said viciously.

Su Yu instinctively shrank back, "Hiss, so cruel?"

"I am so cruel. If you dare to offend me again, I will kill you."

Xue Di clenched her pink fists and looked fierce.

Su Yu smiled slightly, gently squeezed Xue Di's pink fist, and held her in his arms.

"Okay, okay, next time I act like a jerk again, you can kill me. It won't be a waste of my life if I die in your hands, Xue'er."

Su Yu looked at Xue Di with the same affectionate eyes that he would use to look at a dog. It was so deep and sincere.

Xue Di's pretty face suddenly turned red all the way to her ears, and she turned her head away uncomfortably.

Even though she knew that Su Yu was pretending, the look in his eyes still made her feel numb.

He is indeed a scumbag, even pretending is so good.

No wonder even the great master would fail at the hands of Su Yu, this scumbag.

This scumbag's acting skills are really good.

But since even the Great Lord has fallen, the gradual fall of her, the Snow Empress, should not be a big deal.


If anyone wants to blame someone, she can only blame the great master. It's her fault for not being reserved.

Yes, that’s right, it was all because the great master didn’t start well, which is why she, as a latecomer, couldn’t resist firmly.

It’s because the great master lacks concentration.

Xue Di put the blame directly on Gu Yuena, and then enjoyed Su Yu's hug with peace of mind.

What, I, the great Snow Empress, am not reserved enough?
That great master is even paying for it.

If you want to question someone, you must first find the Great Lord.

Gu Yuena shouted 6 and gave a thumbs up.

Su Yu gently embraced Xue Di's fragrant and soft body, feeling his heart beating fast.

The Xue Di was so fragrant that it made his bones feel soft.

If Xue Di didn't look only twelve or thirteen years old, Su Yu might not be able to control himself.

Xue Di was so beautiful that Su Yu couldn't refuse her at all.

Holding the Snow Emperor in one hand, Su Yu grabbed the tall body of the Ice Bear King with his empty right hand.

I saw an ice-blue light flying out directly from the Ice Bear King's body.

An ice-blue light swept over, then hovered in the air in front of Su Yu and the other person.

Su Yu looked carefully.

It was a whole body soul bone including ribs and spine.

Its formal name is trunk bone.

There is no doubt that the soul bone produced by the Ice Bear King Xiaobai is the torso bone among the six regular soul bones.

Of the six soul bones in the human body, if they are of similar age and quality, the trunk bone is the most valuable, followed by the skull.

Next are the left and right arm bones.

The lowest value is the right leg bone.

This ferocious-beast-level Ice Bear King trunk bone would be enough to cause a bloody storm if it were placed in the outside world.

Just this piece of torso bone is enough to create a truly strong man.

"It's a trunk bone. It looks good. Xue'er, it's yours."

Su Yu directly decided the ownership.

Xue Di was stunned for a moment, and looked at Su Yu in surprise, "To me?"

"Don't you know that the benefits are greatest when the spirit ring and spirit bone of the same spirit beast are absorbed by the same person?"

"And this is the trunk bone produced by Xiaobai, you don't want it?"

Su Yu shrugged and said, "You know, my soul bones have been determined long ago. They are all real dragon soul bones."

"What about Bing'er's soul bone?"

There was a hint of doubt in Xue Di's beautiful eyes, and she asked in confusion.

"That was the only accident. I will also find a way to get rid of this soul bone later."

Snow Emperor: "..."

What's wrong with this bastard's tone of disdain?

Don’t you like it?

Are Bing'er and Xiaobai's soul bones so inferior?

This bastard is really out of control.

The Snow Queen glared at Su Yu angrily and put away the Ice Bear King's torso bone.

Never mind. I am unwilling to let you waste Xiaobai’s soul bone.

Su Yu gently stroked Xue Di's snow-white hair and chuckled, "Xue'er, you still need five soul bones. I will arrange them for you."

Xue Di felt warm in her heart. Although this bastard was annoying, she was still touched that he always kept her in his heart.

But as the Snow Queen, she also has her own pride.

Although she was happy to have Su Yu's help, she didn't have to rely on him for everything.

The Snow Queen's pretty face puffed up slightly, and she slapped Su Yu's hand away, saying arrogantly: "Do you think I need your help to find soul bones?"

Su Yu was stunned, "What do you mean?"

The Snow Queen raised her snow-white chin and said proudly, "Emperor Tian has countless soul bones. As the ruler of the Far North, do you think I am short of soul bones?"

"Back then, there were even soul beasts in the Far North whose strength was no less than Bing'er's, but in the end they disappeared. Guess where they went?"

Su Yu's eyes widened, "You mean, you killed them all?"


Xue Di snorted arrogantly.

Su Yu looked at her in confusion. A soul beast that was no less powerful than the Ice Emperor, and the Snow Emperor could actually kill it just like that?

Is this reasonable?

As if seeing Su Yu's doubts, Xue Di sighed and said, "Although they have high cultivation, they are all very ferocious soul beasts."

"As for their origins, each of them is no less than Bing'er, and they all have the blood of ancient ferocious beasts flowing in their bodies."

"But perhaps it is precisely because of this that they are extremely murderous and aggressive."

"Fights often lead to the death of large numbers of soul beasts, and sometimes they even slaughter soul beasts in large numbers for fun."

"I have also advised them, but it didn't work."

"They kept killing people like this over and over again, and finally I couldn't stand it anymore, so I got rid of them all."

"Each of them has been cultivating for more than 300,000 years, and even the strongest one has survived four heavenly tribulations."

"Besides, this happened almost 100,000 years ago."

"If it weren't for this accident, the top strength of my Far North would not be much inferior to that of the Star Dou Great Forest."

Speaking of this, Xue Di felt a little lonely.

As the overlord, he personally killed several ferocious beasts. Even for the entire Far North, Xue Di still felt a little melancholy in his heart.

Su Yu was a little stunned, shocked by what Xue Di said.

But he quickly came to his senses and hugged Xue Di tightly.

"Xue'er, this is not your fault. As the ruler of the Far North, you did the right thing."

There is nothing wrong with being belligerent, and neither is killing soul beasts. After all, the food chain exists naturally.

But to kill people at will for pleasure is absolutely wrong.

Any creature that possesses this habit, whether it is a human or a soul beast, deserves to die.

If he were Xue Di, he would do the same.

Such dangerous soul beasts are not allowed to exist in the Far North!
Listening to Su Yu's comfort, Xue Di felt warm in her heart. This feeling of having someone to rely on and support her was really good.

Leaning gently in Su Yu's arms, Xue Di said softly: "After I killed them, I kept all their remaining soul bones."

"In addition, in the past countless years in the Far North, there have been many hundred thousand year soul beasts that failed in their attempts to break through the heavenly tribulation."

"I also collected the remaining soul bones after their death."

"Speaking of soul bones of ice-attributed soul beasts, I'm afraid no one in this world has more than I do."

"So how many ice-attribute soul bones over 100,000 years old do you have?"

"Well...about twenty bucks or so."

Xue Di estimated for a moment and said.

Su Yuma was stunned.

How many?

About twenty bucks?

I admit that I spoke too loudly just now.

He originally thought that it was his soft and adorable little Snow Emperor, but he didn't expect that she was actually a hidden wealthy woman.

He is so rich that he begins to doubt his life.

Looking at Su Yu's stupid look, Xue Di chuckled and said, "Actually, this is not that much. After all, this is my collection for hundreds of thousands of years."

"If I don't even have these things, then I, the Snow Emperor, would be a disgrace."

Su Yu said nothing, feeling that he had been severely slapped in the face.

It’s a pity that he is still worrying about Xue Di’s soul bone problem.

Who knew that Xue Di needed him to worry about her?

In terms of soul bones, Xue Di directly defeated him.

Compared to Xue Di, he is like a poor guy.

No, I have to get my face back.

Su Yu couldn't accept being embarrassed in front of the woman he loved.

Well, after getting out of here, he will take Xue Di back to the Ice Temple.

When the time comes, let Xue Di take a good look at the foundation he has laid for her (them).

With this thought in mind, Su Yu said, "Xue'er, I think it's almost time, why don't we prepare to go back now."

Su Yu's words directly extended the topic to a faraway place.

Xue Di looked at Su Yu in surprise, "Can't you just stay still?"

"…Forget it, since you want to go back, let's not waste any more time."

"I'm going to go to the cave where I hid the treasures before and take out the soul bones and the like. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to come back in the future, so I might as well take them all with me."

"And Xiaobai's body cannot be left exposed in the wilderness."

Su Yu nodded and said, "I will take Xiaobai's body away and put it in a proper place."

As he spoke, Su Yu stepped forward and put the body of Ice Bear King Xiaobai into the soul guide.

Xue Di and Su Yu looked at each other, and both of them rushed towards the deepest part of the Arctic ice field.

(End of this chapter)

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