Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 376: Long Xiaoyao appears, Hai Bodong fights Long Ye and the other two

Chapter 376: Long Xiaoyao appears, Hai Bodong fights Long Ye and the others
"Who am I?"

Hai Bodong sneered and said, "You are such an idiot that you are not worthy of knowing my name."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hai Bodong formed seals with his hands, and the Mysterious Ice Blade Formation swept wildly, turning the sea of ​​blood into pieces.

Countless ice blades whistled and flew towards Ye Xishui.

Ye Xishui did not dare to be careless at all. He gathered all his soul power and disappeared suddenly under the cover of endless blood mist, avoiding the attack of the Xuanbing Blade Formation.


Hai Bodong's figure flashed, a gleam of brilliance flashed across his eyes, and he pointed towards an open area.

The Ice Emperor pointed.

As a finger fell, the space shattered, a ray of blood light emerged, and Ye Xishui's figure was directly shaken out.

"Ghostly tricks, fancy tricks!"

Hai Bodong's eighth soul ring shone, and he raised his right hand and swung it down suddenly.

The eighth soul skill, Ice Emperor Sword.

A huge ice-blue sword that was a hundred feet long cut through space and slashed down.

Wherever the giant sword passes, energy freezes and water vapor turns into ice.

It was as if everything had come to a standstill when the sword fell.

Ye Xishui's expression changed drastically, and he felt a huge crisis.

This sword was even more dangerous than the previous attack.

Not daring to delay at all, Ye Xishui displayed his martial soul's true form and all his secret skills were displayed in an instant.

But after that sword fell, everything was false.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two soul guides shattered in succession, and Ye Xishui was chopped by a sword and flew hundreds of meters away. He screamed and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

As the cold air entered his body, even the blood that Ye Xishui spat out turned into ice in an instant.


Ye Xishui couldn't believe it.

Why is this guy in front of me so strong?
This is completely unreasonable.

"You know nothing about power."

Hai Bodong appeared in front of Ye Xishui strangely and slapped him in the face.

Ye Xishui had no time to resist. At the critical moment, a light shield popped out from the triggered soul guide device.

But under Hai Bodong's slap, the soul guide light shield shattered directly, and the slap landed heavily on Ye Xishui's face.

Half of Ye Xishui's face was swollen.

Ye Xishui was pushed back several steps and felt dazed for a moment.

She was stunned for a while, and looked at Hai Bodong with disbelief, " dare to hit me?"

"What's wrong with me hitting you?"

Hai Bodong slapped Ye Xishui on the other side of the face at lightning speed, and knocked Ye Xishui away again.

After being beaten twice in a row by two big cunts, Ye Xishui almost lost all her sanity.

She has never suffered such injustice in her life.

She has always had a high opinion of herself and doesn't take others seriously at all.

She even thought she could manipulate powerful beings like the Twin Holy Dragons.

She is proud.

What proud people cannot accept the most is this kind of humiliation.

Hai Bodong's two slaps not only hurt Ye Xishui's face, but also her fragile, sensitive and twisted heart.

"Hundan, I'm going to kill you."

Ye Xishui's eyes were red, and he was completely crazy.

With blood all over his body, Ye Xishui's aura became more evil and violent.

She stared at Hai Bodong intently, and the next moment, she actually rushed forward on her own initiative.




There were waves of sound coming from the sky, and the icy air and the bloody aura collided with each other.

After a while!
A beam of blood flew out, and blood kept vomiting out of his mouth along the way.

That's Ye Xishui!
She was so angry that she chose to confront Hai Bodong head-on.

But it was obvious that she didn't have the strength to go head-to-head with Hai Bodong.

The end result is that you end up vomiting blood!

"I don't understand what you're talking about, idiot. You can go on your way now."

Hai Bodong crossed his hands, and an ice-blue ball of light gathered in his hands.

The power of extreme ice was injected into it, making the originally ordinary ball of light filled with a terrifying force that could freeze everything.

"go with!"

Hai Bodong threw the ball of light directly at Ye Xishui.

"hold head high!"

The space vibrated, a dragon roar sounded, a black light fell from the sky, and a black light ball shot out. The two balls collided and exploded at the same time.


A sound of breaking air was heard, and a figure suddenly appeared behind Ye Xishui and held the flying Ye Xishui in his arms.

It was a tall figure, dressed in black, with a handsome face and a hint of domineering.

His eyes were very bright and sharp, with an indescribable wisdom.

Ye Xishui spat out another mouthful of blood, looked at the person coming, and a hint of joy emerged in his blood-red eyes.

"Xiaoyao, you are here!"

Ye Xishui's face was full of smiles, a smile that came from the bottom of her heart.

"Xishui, how can I let you go out alone?"

Long Xiaoyao sighed.

He stroked the scars on Ye Xishui's face, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Your Excellency Ice Emperor, you are going too far by humiliating a woman like this."

Long Xiaoyao looked at Hai Bodong and questioned. Ye Xishui was the one he loved most, how could he not be angry when he saw her being humiliated?
Hai Bodong sneered, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Long Xiaoyao became furious when he heard this, but he forced himself to suppress it because he understood how terrifying Hai Bodong was.

He is not Ye Xishui, who dares to approach anyone.

He was well aware of the name of the Ice Temple, not to mention that Moon had contacted him before.

Long Xiaoyao was actually quite wary of this man who was called the number one man on the continent by Moon.

"Your Excellency Ice Emperor, today's matter is not about right or wrong, how about we stop here?"

Long Xiaoyao said.

Ye Xishui was anxious when she heard this, and hurriedly said: "Xiaoyao, absolutely not."

"I'm going to kill him. I must kill him. If you still love me, help me kill him."

In Ye Xishui's opinion, since their two Ultimate Douluo are here, why should they be afraid of Hai Bodong?

Although she is no match for Hai Bodong alone, she still has Long Xiaoyao by her side.

Two fists can't beat four hands, who is afraid of who?

Long Xiaoyao: "..."

Listening to Ye Xishui's words, Long Xiaoyao was speechless.

If Hai Bodong was so easy to kill, he wouldn't be the number one person on the continent.

Do you really think that anyone can bear this title?

Long Xiaoyao didn't believe that Moon En would do something without a purpose.

What's more, having met Hai Bodong before, he knew deeply how unfathomable Hai Bodong was.

"Xishui, stop being so petty and come back with me."

Long Xiaoyao said softly.

"I do not!"

Ye Xishui pushed Long Xiaoyao away and said angrily: "This person insulted me so much, and you didn't even want to help me get revenge. How can you say you love me?"

"You don't deserve to hold me!"

Long Xiaoyao felt a pang of pain in his heart and was speechless for a while.

Hai Bodong wanted to laugh when he saw this. What kind of idiot is this? How could he be so weird?
He swung his sleeves impatiently and urged, "Stop whining there, both of you, come on together."

"Your Excellency the Ice Emperor, can you please give me some face? This matter..."

Before Long Xiaoyao could finish his words, Ye Xishui had already rushed out.

And this time, she was even crazier than before.

The corner of Long Xiaoyao's mouth twitched, but he was afraid that Ye Xishui might get into an accident, so he had to follow.

Hai Bodong laughed loudly and waved his hand, bringing both of them into the attack range.

Long Xiaoyao, who originally didn't want to take action, had to do so under the coercion of the two.

The sea of ​​blood is surging, the black dragon is raging, and the ice is freezing.

The three ultimate Douluo started a shocking battle in the sky.

The rumbling sound could be heard hundreds of miles away, and the terrifying energy fluctuations made countless strong men tremble.

Tianduan Mountains.

Many powerful men from various forces crouched low and watched the decisive battle in the sky in shock.

Compared with the three terrifying auras in the sky, they seemed extremely small.

The terrible destructive power, like a natural disaster, is enough to make people jaw-dropping.

This is not a Titled Douluo. Even a Titled Douluo is just an ant that can be killed at will compared to them.

The strength of these three people is probably beyond ordinary people's imagination.

If they wanted, perhaps one person could rule a country, and one person could decide the rise and fall of a country.

It’s too strong, so strong that it’s outrageous.

"Is this all your strength? Not enough, not enough!"

Hai Bodong fought with all his might, fighting one against two, making Long Xiaoyao and Ye Xishui suffer terribly.

Ye Xishui's so-called soul guide was completely useless when facing Hai Bodong.

When it reaches three meters around Hai Bodong, it will be forced to condense and lose all its power.

Long Xiaoyao saw it clearly, he understood that this was because Hai Bodong had realized the true meaning of the ultimate martial spirit.

With the almost perfected ultimate ice protection, it was difficult for him and Ye Xishui to cause much damage to Hai Bodong.

On the contrary, Hai Bodong's ultimate ice soul power was quite formidable, and even Long Xiaoyao found it a little overwhelming.

“Long Xiaoyao, my young master admires your strength, but I didn’t expect that this is all you have. It’s really disappointing.”

Hai Bodong's ruthless attack put Long Xiaoyao under tremendous pressure.

Long Xiaoyao's strength is much stronger than Ye Xishui's.

With the help of soul guides, Ye Xishui can have the combat power of a demigod.

However, Long Xiaoyao’s actual realm is demigod, and he is a senior demigod at that.

Strange to say.

Long Ye Mu and three others.

The stronger ones in the early stage are Long and Mu, among which Mu is slightly stronger.

In the middle stage, Ye who received the power transmission was able to suppress Long and Mu, and could even easily crush them alone.

But in the later period, Mu was useless, Ye was still strong, but Long overtook Ye and became the one who went the furthest to the limit.

It can be said that in the original novel, except for Di Tian and Xie Di, there is no one in the entire continent who can defeat Long Xiaoyao in a one-on-one fight.

The strength of a senior demigod is enough to explain everything. Even Ye Xishui is not as good as him.

There is no need to mention people like Kong Deming.

But at this moment, Long Xiaoyao is facing Hai Bodong.

An Ice Emperor Hai Bodong who can single-handedly challenge the Dragon God Claw Emperor Tian and give the Evil Emperor a middle-parted hairstyle.

Even in a two-on-one situation, Haibodong still has an absolute advantage.

Because Long Xiaoyao had to share the pressure for Ye Xishui, he had to bear most of Hai Bodong's attacks. It can be said that he was extremely depressed.

"hold head high!"

The deep darkness engulfed everything, and Long Xiaoyao, who was under special care, could only use his true abilities.

There is no way, reality no longer allows him to keep a low profile.

(End of this chapter)

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