Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 377: Mysterious Ice Dragon Soars, Phoenix Nirvana, Long Ye Flees

Chapter 377: Mysterious Ice Dragon Soars, Phoenix Nirvana, Long Ye Flees

There were waves of dragon roars, and deep darkness spread.

Long Xiaoyao seemed to have turned into a black hole, and the darkness around him seemed to be able to drown everything.

It was a sunny day with the sun shining brightly, but at this moment, the whole sky darkened.

It was as if there was a dark sky covering the entire world.

Long Xiaoyao's black eyes were sharp, and the dark power close to the extreme darkness enveloped his body.

He was covered in dragon scales, and his pitch-black dragon claws emitted a faint light, but there was not a trace of evil in him, only a pure aura of darkness.

Long Xiaoyao stretched out a claw and grabbed Hai Bodong fiercely.

Where Hai Bodong was, the surrounding space shattered like a mirror, and a deep dark hole emitted a terrifying suction force.

Everything around collapsed and was completely swallowed by the dark hole.

The omnipresent terrifying gravity attracted Hai Bodong, trying to drag him into the deep and dark hole.

Hai Bodong snorted coldly, and his body was nailed to the spot like a javelin, motionless.

There was an icy blue light shining on his body, and the icy blue light had the power to freeze everything.

Even the invisible gravity around him solidified in an instant.

The surrounding space seemed to be fixed by something and stopped breaking.

Ye Xishui seized the opportunity, and a huge energy magic puppet suddenly flew out from the space and exploded around Hai Bodong.

The blood-colored energy poured out, and the originally frozen space was shattered again.

The dark hole exudes a powerful gravitational force and blood-colored energy, which is incredibly corrosive and can almost dissolve all energy.

Being attacked from both sides is extremely terrifying.

Hai Bodong's eyes were cold and filled with chill, and the ultimate icy soul power gushed out.

Be it darkness or bloody energy.

Everything was frozen in an instant when it came within three meters of his body.

The terrifying attack that was enough to give even the Ultimate Douluo a headache was easily resolved by Hai Bodong.


Ye Xishui cursed angrily.

This damn extreme ice is so difficult to deal with.

Long Xiaoyao didn't say anything, but his expression became more serious.

He had experienced the power of the ultimate ice.

A black light flashed, and the seventh soul ring lit up. Long Xiaoyao's body shook, and under the cover of darkness around him, he transformed into a giant black dragon.

The seventh soul skill, the true form of the Dark Holy Dragon.

After displaying his martial soul's true form, Long Xiaoyao's momentum increased dramatically, becoming even more domineering and full of aggressiveness.

The Dark Holy Dragon is an extremely powerful super martial spirit.

Although it is not pure enough and cannot possess the ultimate dark attribute.

But the Dark Holy Dragon should not be underestimated.

Especially in Long Xiaoyao's hands, the power of the Dark Holy Dragon was exerted to the extreme.

The only person in the world who can utilize the dark attribute better than Long Xiaoyao is Di Tian.

The dark realm is unfolding, and the pure dark power is ancient, mysterious and powerful.

Long Xiaoyao is worthy of being Long Xiaoyao. Among the three ultimate Douluos today, he is the one who has gone the furthest.

His dark power was so strong that even Hai Bodong, who was usually aloof, looked down on him.

The dark domain expanded, wrapping Hai Bodong inside. The dragon roar resounded through the sky. Long Xiaoyao, who had transformed into the Dark Holy Dragon, opened his mouth wide and spit out a black beam of light, rushing straight towards Hai Bodong.

At the same time, a dark red light emerged from Ye Xishui's body, and a blood-red metal tube suddenly appeared.

Blood-red light balls emerged from the void and rushed towards the metal gun barrel one after another.

From time to time, the blood-red light ball was accompanied by sharp and noisy wails and roars, which were extremely harsh.

"Is this... a vengeful spirit?"

Hai Bodong's eyes changed. Each of the blood-colored light balls around Ye Xishui had the fluctuations of the soul.

Those are not balls of light; they are living souls.

However, these souls have been infected by evil forces and have turned into vengeful spirits.

One after another, vengeful spirits rushed towards the metal barrel, and were completely melted under the layers of blood, leaving only a little bit of resentment and soul power.

A moment later, the metal barrel, which had been replenished with a large amount of energy, shot out a blood-black light.

This ray of light was filled with a destructive power that made one's scalp tingle. It flew past everywhere, leaving traces of space behind.

In terms of destructive power alone, this attack was even more terrifying than Long Xiaoyao's attack.

Hai Bodong's originally calm face turned cold, and a hint of eerieness appeared in his icy eyes.

"Mysterious Ice Mirror!"

Hai Bodong stretched out his hands and used the power of extreme ice to create a smooth ice mirror.

The ultimate ice can block almost all forces. The dark light column that hit it did not cause any damage at all.

Immediately afterwards, blood-black light hit the ice mirror heavily.

In Ye Xishui's shocked eyes, the blood-black light was actually refracted directly and rebounded towards Ye Xishui himself.

Ye Xishui was shocked and was not prepared at all.

At the critical moment, the Dark Holy Dragon pushed Ye Xishui away, and the blood-black light shot directly onto the huge body of the Dark Holy Dragon.

Even with the powerful defense of the Holy Dark Dragon, it let out a muffled groan, and a large area of ​​the scales on the dragon's body that was hit by the bullet were corroded.


Ye Xishui was horrified, she could never have imagined that the one who would be injured in the end would be Long Xiaoyao.

Ye Xishui felt a pang of heartache, but it soon turned into anger.

"Asshole, I'll kill you."

There was a glimmer of madness in Ye Xishui's bloodshot eyes. This moody, neurotic woman was undoubtedly extremely angry at this moment.

A large number of vengeful spirits were sacrificed, and the bloody metal gun barrels exuded a terrifying power that was terrifying and frightening.

"Sacrifice your soul so that it will never be reincarnated, bitch, you really deserve to die."

Even Hai Bodong, who never cared much about human life, felt that Ye Xishui was a woman who deserved to die.

This woman is not only an idiot, she also has no moral standards and is not even a human being.

Others at most kill people, but this woman makes people never be reborn.

What's the difference between this and those evil soul masters who kill innocent people indiscriminately that the young master hates?
No, this woman is the leader of the evil soul masters.

His eyes became fierce, and extreme coldness gushed out from Hai Bodong's body.

With Hai Bodong as the center, streaks of ice appeared in the surrounding void.

Faced with such a bitch, Hai Bodong had completely lost his patience.

The seventh soul ring lit up, and the martial soul behind Hai Bodong directly flowed into his body.

In an instant, the already powerful momentum reached its peak.

The seventh soul skill, the true form of the Ice Emperor.

Hai Bodong condensed with one hand, and an ice spear about three meters long emerged.

Holding an ice spear in his hand, Hai Bodong flashed and dropped from the sky.

The shot was fired, carrying with it an extremely cold and murderous aura that shook the entire world.

"hold head high!"

The Dark Holy Dragon roared towards the sky and rushed forward forcefully.


"You are helping the tyrant, Long Xiaoyao. You really brought shame upon the Extreme Douluo."

Hai Bodong snorted coldly, pointed his ice spear, and the ice elements gathered. A hundred-meter iceberg appeared out of thin air and pressed down heavily.

The Dark Holy Dragon said nothing, and it was unclear whether he was feeling guilty or ashamed.

But it still pounced towards Hai Bodong fiercely.


The Dark Holy Dragon's claws grabbed the iceberg heavily.

This iceberg condensed from extreme ice was extremely hard. Even a dragon claw that was strong enough to cut a river in half was unable to break the iceberg.

Hai Bodong sneered and smashed hard with his right hand.

The huge iceberg pressed down heavily, knocking the Dark Holy Dragon away.

"Xiaoyao!" Ye Xishui carried the gun barrel that had just been charged and shot out another blood-black light.

This attack was even more violent than the previous one, and the number of vengeful spirits consumed alone was twice as many as the last time.

Under the blood-black light, the iceberg that even the Dark Holy Dragon could not break was actually broken into half.

Hai Bodong's expression remained unchanged as he fired a shot heavily at Ye Xishui.

The shot came extremely fast, and Ye Xishui, who had no time to dodge, was hit directly.

The soul guide exploded, and Ye Xishui's body was thrown away again like a cannonball.


The Dark Holy Dragon let out an urgent roar, and its huge body transformed into a human form again. The Dark Holy Dragon merged into its body and displayed its human form martial spirit true body.

Long Xiaoyao came later but was the first to arrive and caught Ye Xishui.


Ye Xishui spat out a mouthful of blood. Her already crimson lips looked even more sinister against the backdrop of the blood.

"One move, I'll take care of you."

Hai Bodong was a ruthless man who didn't say much. He threw away the ice spear and formed seals with his hands.

In the sky, countless ice elements gathered and condensed madly, and an unprecedented power was brewing.

Long Xiaoyao and Ye Xishui were shocked at the same time, feeling a fatal crisis.

Looking up, I saw Hai Bodong's indifferent eyes without any emotion.

"Xuan Bing...Long Xiang!"

Hai Bodong formed seals with his hands and displayed his unique skills.

There were bursts of dragon roars in the sky, and in Long Xiaoyao's shocked eyes, several huge ice dragons gathered together.

Each ice dragon is a hundred feet long, especially the one in the middle, which is hundreds of feet long.

An unprecedented feeling of oppression enveloped the two men.

"go with!"

Hai Bodong's eyes focused and he uttered a word.

The next moment, he formed seals with both hands and pushed forward.

"hold head high!"

"hold head high!"


Dragon roars sounded one after another, and a huge ice dragon roared towards the two.

When one dragon appears, five dragons follow.

Six ice dragons came one after another, almost locking up all the space around the two people.

With the Qi locked on, this attack was totally unavoidable.

Facing this earth-shattering blow in person, even Extreme Douluo like Long Xiaoyao and Ye Xishui felt their scalps tingling.

There was almost no time to think, and the two of them could only use all their skills.

"Black dragon covers the sky!"

"The sea of ​​blood is boundless!"

Darkness rose into the sky along with a sea of ​​blood.


Six ice dragons slammed into the air, and in an instant, an unprecedented energy storm was set off, and a strong light suddenly burst out.



Faintly, only two sounds of vomiting blood were heard, and then, in the energy tide in the sky, it seemed that a bright golden flame rose up, accompanied by a loud phoenix cry, and then disappeared in a flash.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The violent energy tide almost covered the entire sky. The extremely chaotic and complex energy made it impossible for Mu Wu, a Super Douluo, to see the specific situation inside.

However, the astonishing pressure made all the strong men within a hundred miles around tremble in their hearts.

It took a long while before the raging energy tide slowly dissipated.

Countless powerful people watching the battle stared at the center of the energy tide, but at this moment, there was no one there.

"This...are they all dead?"

Muwu muttered to himself.

Hai Bodong's attack was so terrifying that even an Extreme Douluo might have fallen.

"It's not that easy to kill an Extreme Douluo, not to mention those two guys, who both have life-saving trump cards."

"Especially that bitch, I never expected she had such a hidden trick up her sleeve."

Hai Bodong's figure appeared beside Mu Wu, and a faint voice sounded.


Mu Wu looked puzzled.

Hai Bodong glanced at him and said calmly: "That woman has twin martial souls, and the second martial soul is the Phoenix of Light."

"Phoenix Nirvana, hey!"

There was some sarcasm in Hai Bodong's voice, but no one knew what he was mocking.

Mu Wu was shocked when he heard this and asked in a lost voice: "Bright Phoenix?"

"How could this... this woman have the Light Phoenix spirit?"

"Blood Soul Demon Puppet and Bright Phoenix, these two naturally hostile martial spirits, actually appear in the same person?"

The Blood Soul Demon Puppet is an extremely terrifying evil martial spirit, while the Light Phoenix is ​​holy and pure, and is undoubtedly a light-type martial spirit.

It cannot be said that these two martial spirits have nothing to do with each other, but it can be said that they are completely unrelated.

Mu Wu was naturally shocked when he suddenly heard this news.

"Yeah, who would have thought?"

"The leader of the evil soul masters actually has the Holy Phoenix spirit of light."

"I was careless for a moment and let them run away."

Hai Bodong said casually.

"High Priest, even you can't keep them?"

Mu Wu asked.

Hai Bodong slapped Mu Wu on the head, and there was a loud slapping sound.

"I've already said that I was careless for a moment. You don't understand what I'm saying, right?"

"Besides, that Long Xiaoyao is a romantic man. He is willing to risk his life for that stupid woman Ye Xishui."

"If I chase him, he'll probably explode. It's not worth it."

Mu Wu scratched his head and said, "So you can chase her, right?"

“It’s possible, but it’s not worth it.”

"Those two are no match for me, but it's still difficult for them to stay completely."

"After all, I haven't fully recovered to the quasi-god realm. It's not difficult to defeat them, but facing the self-destruction of a demigod will at least cause serious damage."

"Just for the sake of their lives, I have to get hurt. Is this worth it?"

“It’s not worth it!”

Hai Bodong said lightly.

After all, Hai Bodong is not a person who hates evil.

If he could kill Long Ye and the other two, he would not show mercy, but if he had to pay a heavy price, then he would not make such a choice.

Unless that was Su Yu's order.

But since Su Yu didn't order to kill Long Ye and the other two, Hai Bodong wouldn't really fight to the death.

Mu Wu scratched his head again and said, "Doesn't that mean I will have another chance to take revenge in the future?"

"That woman is not dead yet, so you still have a chance to take revenge."

"Besides, even though they didn't die after being hit by my Mysterious Ice Dragon Flying Attack, they are at least half dead."

"It will take decades for them to recover from their injuries."

Hai Bodong said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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