Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 378 Ye Xishui's impotent rage, Xue Di's surprise, the Ice Temple barrier

Chapter 378 Ye Xishui's impotent rage, Xue Di's surprise, the Ice Temple barrier

"so serious?"

Mu Wu secretly smacked his lips.

Hai Bodong glanced at Mu Wu and said calmly, "What else do you think?"

"My Xuanbing Longxiang is not a vegetarian."


Mu Wu nodded, showing a look of understanding.

With such a massive attack, it would be strange if Ye Xishui and his team were left with nothing.

"By the way, where's Xuan Zi?"

Mu Wu looked around and finally remembered something.

"This...I didn't notice it either, but shouldn't I ask you this?"

Haibodong said.

In his eyes, there were only Long Xiaoyao and Ye Xishui. As for a rookie like Xuanzi, he was nothing.

He never paid attention from beginning to end.

Mu Wu: “…”

Listening to Hai Bodong's words, Mu Wu fell silent.

He looked at the empty space in front of him and guessed, "Could it be that Xuanzi has disappeared without a trace?"

Mu Wu remembered that Ye Xishui had once trapped Xuan Zi with a soul guide.

Under the attack of such terrible energy, the trapped Xuan Zi might really die.

That kind of terrifying energy could seriously injure even the Ultimate Douluo, so who would Xuanzi be?

Hai Bodong shook his head and said, "Who knows? Maybe he is dead, or maybe he was collected by Ye Xishui before he escaped."

"Anyway, he's just a Xuanzi, nothing to be afraid of."

"Long Xiaoyao and Ye Xishui were both severely injured by me. What kind of storm can a single Xuan Zi stir up?"

"But the task assigned by the young master..."

Mu Wu scratched his head, feeling a little distressed.

This was the first time that he failed to complete a task assigned by Su Yu. He really didn't know how to face Su Yu when he returned.

"The young master won't blame you, just keep your heart at ease."

"Although the young master doesn't like evil soul masters, the premise is to protect ourselves."

"Just be okay."

"As for Xuan Zi, it would be best if he's dead. If he's not dead, we can just kill him when he shows up again. What's the big deal?"

Hai Bodong said casually.

He really didn't care. A Xuanzi with a broken arm, even if he became a spirit, would be just a weakling.

After some time, when he recovers to the quasi-god realm, there will be no need to worry about it.

Overall, not a big deal at all.

"High Priest, you are so free and easy."

Mu Wu smiled bitterly.

Hai Bodong waved his hand and said, "You worry too much, kid. You have been with the young master for so long, don't you understand the young master's character?"

"Alright, stop talking nonsense and follow me back. Look at your injuries."

"You have the nerve to be beaten like this by a woman."

Mu Wu's eyes darkened, and he felt a little ashamed, but he clenched his fists again and said, "Sooner or later, I will avenge my previous shame and defeat that woman Ye Xishui."

"When the time comes, I will have to tie her up and bring her back to warm the young master's bed."

"Young Master doesn't like this kind of slut. Does she deserve it?"

"It's just a piece of rotten stuff. You think you are the young master. Are you so hungry that you are not picky about food?"

Hai Bodong rolled his eyes at Mu Wu and slapped him in the face.

"Let's go back and report to the young master."

As he spoke, Hai Bodong grabbed Mu Wu and disappeared into the sky in a few flashes.



Hundreds of miles away.

A barren mountain.

The space shook, there was a flash of blood, followed by a flash of golden and black light, and two figures suddenly appeared.

As soon as the two figures appeared, they staggered and fell to the ground at the same time.

"Woooa ...

The two men simultaneously spat out a large mouthful of blood, which was mixed with ice and emitted streaks of cold air.

"Xishui, are you okay?"

Long Xiaoyao was breathing heavily, and the strong smell of blood spread from his chest straight to his mouth.

This time, he was seriously injured.

Hai Bodong's Black Ice Dragon Flying is not so easy to deal with, not to mention, he also took a lot of damage for Ye Xishui.

The fact that he didn't die on the spot was already a reflection of his high level of cultivation.

But he didn't get any good results.

All of his internal organs were displaced by the shock, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

The most serious thing is that Hai Bodong's extreme ice soul power has invaded his meridians and lungs.

Although not fatal, it is extremely troublesome.

Hai Bodong's ultimate ice soul power is extremely overbearing and difficult to remove.

It will bring him considerable sequelae.

Long Xiaoyao estimated that this extreme icy soul power would continue to torment him for at least several decades.

Not only will it cause great harm to his body, but his strength will probably also be greatly damaged.

Just like Moon that day.

Perhaps not as strong as Moon, who is like a candle in the wind and falls down at the slightest blow.

But it is definitely a lot weaker.

Once a protracted war begins, I'm afraid we will run out of steam.

In addition, he is old and his physical functions are declining.

I'm afraid this injury will stay with him for the rest of his life.

It’s uncomfortable.

He was fine when he came, but was exhausted when he came back. He really suffered a great loss this time.


Ye Xishui spat out another mouthful of blood, which turned into ice as soon as it hit the ground.

A white chill rose up, and Ye Xishui's bloodshot eyes were filled with deep murderous intent.

"damn it!"

Ye Xishui cursed angrily, and she completely hated Hai Bodong in her heart.

She had never been so embarrassed before.

Not only did he escape in panic, but he was also covered in wounds, and all this was thanks to Hai Bodong.

Ye Xishui wished he could pull out Hai Bodong's tendons and bones and chop him into meat paste.

But the reality was that she was no match for Hai Bodong. If she hadn't run fast, she would have died there.

This made Ye Xishui feel very depressed.

"Xishui, are you okay?"

Seeing that Ye Xishui was still vomiting blood, Long Xiaoyao asked with concern.

Ye Xishui glanced at him and said, "You won't die yet."

Long Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Xishui, this thing on you..."

Golden flames were burning on Ye Xishui's body, emitting a rich power of light.

Against the backdrop of Ye Xishui's pretty face, it actually exudes a holy aura.

When had Long Xiaoyao ever seen Ye Xishui like this?

For a moment, I was actually fascinated by it.

Ye Xishui looked at Long Xiaoyao, her eyes suddenly softened. She sighed and said, "Xiaoyao, are you also surprised that I have twin martial spirits?"

Long Xiaoyao nodded.

Not only was he surprised that Ye Xishui had twin martial souls, he was even more surprised that Ye Xishui's second martial soul was the Bright Phoenix.

Who wouldn't be surprised to see two naturally opposing martial spirits appear in one person? Ye Xishui touched Long Xiaoyao's face and said softly, "In fact, I have had twin martial spirits from the beginning, but I have hidden the second martial spirit for more than two hundred years."

"Even old ghost Zhongli doesn't know that I still have this martial spirit."

"It is thanks to it that I am here today. If I hadn't used the power of the Phoenix Nirvana, I would have had a hard time escaping unscathed."

"Xiaoyao, who is that guy and why is he so strong?"

Ye Xishui was very puzzled.

She has always boasted that she knows all the powerful people in the world.

As one of the three greatest human beings, she had always thought that only Moon and Long Xiaoyao could stand on equal footing with her.

She almost looked down on everyone else.

But today, Hai Bodong taught her a good lesson.

That kind of terrifying strength made Ye Xishui feel deeply fearful.

If it weren't for the Holy Phoenix of Light and Long Xiaoyao's protection today, she might not have been able to come back.

Long Xiaoyao sighed softly, "That man is from the Ice Temple. He is the chief priest of the Ice Temple. His name is Hai Bodong, and the world calls him the Ice Emperor."

"Xishui, we have offended someone we shouldn't have offended this time. The Ice Temple is an extremely ancient force, and it is rumored that it worships gods."

"It seems that there are more than one Extreme Douluo-level warriors in the Ice God Temple. If they want to cause trouble for us, I'm afraid we will be in a very passive position."

"Humph, so what? Am I, Ye Xishui, afraid of them... Wow!"

Ye Xishui snorted coldly, and before he could finish his words, he spat out another mouthful of blood.

Her injuries were no less serious than Long Xiaoyao's, and Hai Bodong's extreme ice soul power also invaded her body.

She was not as advanced as Long Xiaoyao in cultivation, so facing this kind of injury, the soul guide device would not be of much use.


Long Xiaoyao was shocked and quickly supported Ye Xishui, letting her lean on his arms.

After all, Ye Xishui was no match for him, and he used the Phoenix Nirvana and the Blood Escape when he escaped.

Her situation is not good.

"I will definitely take revenge for today's grudge."

Ye Xishui said with gritted teeth.


Long Xiaoyao felt a headache. He said those words just to make Ye Xishui give up his hatred.

After all, Hai Bodong is too strong.

What's more, Hai Bodong has an entire Ice Temple behind him. It would be unwise to get entangled with them.

But Ye Xishui didn't listen at all and insisted on fighting to the death with the other party.

This made Long Xiaoyao feel helpless.

"Xiaoyao, are you...scared?"

Ye Xishui looked at Long Xiaoyao and said coldly.

Long Xiaoyao shook his head and said, "Why would I be afraid? Although I am not as good as Hai Bodong, I can still injure him severely even if I risk my life."

"I'm worried about you, Xishui. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Ye Xishui's eyes softened and she touched Long Xiaoyao's face, but in an instant, the warmth in her eyes disappeared without a trace.

She laughed loudly, as if she were crazy: "Xiaoyao, it's best if you're not afraid."

"As for me, what accidents can happen to me?"

"Besides, even if I die, I will make them pay the price sooner or later."


Looking at the crazy Ye Xishui in front of him, Long Xiaoyao just felt a little strange.

In recent years, Xishui has become less and less like herself.

Not only is he moody and often apathetic, he even suffers from intermittent fits of madness.

He was really tired.

Shaking his head, Long Xiaoyao hugged Ye Xishui and said, "Xishui, let's leave here as soon as possible, so as to avoid more trouble."

Ye Xishui's crazy expression subsided and he nodded expressionlessly.

Long Xiaoyao held her in his arms, suppressed his injuries, mobilized the remaining soul power in his body, and quickly fled away with Ye Xishui.



The wind is cold and the snowflakes are flying.

The sky and earth seemed to be covered with a vast expanse of white.

At first glance, there was nothing but snow and wind all over the sky.

On the ground, the thick snow was more than ten meters deep. The cold wind penetrated the clothes and saw through the joints, making people feel cold all over.

The temperature here is as low as that in the Far North, and it can also be called a Jedi for humans.

However, even in this human wilderness, several figures appeared.

They were wearing thin clothes, but they were able to move forward in the heavy snow as easily as walking on flat ground.

"The Ice Temple is right here?"

A slightly cold but extremely pleasant voice sounded.

A young girl in an ice-blue palace dress was looking at everything around her curiously with her beautiful eyes that were as bright as gemstones.

The girl had snow-white hair that fell to her waist, a delicate face, and a beautiful appearance, a kind of beauty that was not out of the ordinary.

In this snowy weather, it adds a sense of purity and ethereality.

And the only person in the world who possesses such an ethereal temperament that is detached from the worldly affairs is naturally Xue Di.

"Well, the Ice Temple and the Far North are not far apart. They are located in the northern border of the Sky Soul Empire."

"It's coming soon."

Next to Xue Di, Su Yu, who also had snow-white hair, spoke softly.

There were four people in their group.

Besides him and Xue Di, there are Chen Xin and Ma Xiaotao.

Chen Xin has a high level of cultivation and has already condensed his soul core to break through to the ninety-seventh level, making him one of the top masters on the continent.

After Ma Xiaotao evolved into the Ultimate Fire, her strength was no less than that of an ordinary Titled Douluo.

The ultimate martial spirit is just that powerful.

A Soul Master with the ultimate martial soul at the Soul Saint level is enough to rival an ordinary Titled Douluo.

So even in such a harsh and extremely cold place, they can still come and go freely.

"How soon is soon?"

Xue Di deliberately argued.

Su Yu blinked, "Guess?"


Xue Di snorted lightly and glared at Su Yu in pretended anger.

The current Snow Queen has lost some of the aura of a king who dominates the world, and instead has more of the cuteness of a young girl.

Su Yu smiled gently, moved forward and grabbed Xue Di's little hand.

Xue Di seemed to shake it off with disgust, but when she found that she failed to shake it off, she seemed to accept this reality helplessly.

Holding on to Snow Empress's flawless hand, which was as soft as ice jade, Su Yu was in a very good mood and even quickened his pace.

Half a minute later, Su Yu stopped.



Xue Di looked ahead in confusion. In his sight, the front was still empty and white. How could there be any abnormality?
"Is this... a barrier?"

Xue Di seemed to remember something and guessed.

Su Yu gave Xue Di an approving look and said with a smile: "Yes, it is the barrier."

As he spoke, Su Yu took out an ice-blue token from the Black Dragon Ring.

The token is crystal clear, like a large piece of transparent ice crystal, emitting an ice-blue glow.

On the token, there is an ancient carving of the word "ice", and below the word "ice" is a string of snowflake patterns.

Su Yu raised the token, and the word "ice" on the token suddenly lit up, and an ice-blue light shot forward from the token.


Along with a buzzing sound, the originally empty space suddenly twisted, and a layer of ice-blue light shield appeared, as if separating the two worlds.


The light shield twisted, and under the injection of ice-blue light, a portal three meters high and two meters wide quietly emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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