Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 379: The Guardians Welcome, Water Spirit, Ice Phoenix Palace

Chapter 379: The Guardians Welcome, Water Spirit, Ice Phoenix Palace

"Let's go!"

Su Yu gave Xue Di a look, then took her hand and walked straight forward.

Behind, Chen Xin and Ma Xiaotao also hurriedly followed.

As soon as he stepped into the door, Xue Di felt a strange force sweeping through his body.

Then, accompanied by a dizzying feeling, everything in front of me changed drastically in an instant.

What comes into view is an extremely spectacular ice and snow city.

As far as the eye can see, there is a world of ice, and almost everything is made of ice.

From afar, every place is sparkling and every building reflects the dazzling light, dazzling and brilliant.

Xue Di was stunned. When had she ever seen such a magnificent scene?

"This is the ice and snow city of my Ice Temple. All of its infrastructure is carved from thousands of years of ice. Do you like it?"

Su Yu looked at Xue Di and asked with a smile.

Xue Di nodded without hesitation. This kind of city was exactly what she liked best.

This is simply a world of ice.

"As long as you like it, you will be the hostess here from now on."

Su Yu said with a smile.

"You...what are you talking about? I...I haven't promised you yet."

Xue Di blushed.

"It's only a matter of time. You are destined to be my wife. You should get used to it now."

Su Yu smiled and pulled Xue Di forward.

In the Ice Temple, almost everything is inseparable from ice.

Even the tiles on the ground were neatly laid out in blocks of ice.

There are also many flowers and plants on both sides of the road, and without a doubt, they are all of ice attribute.

Su Yu led Xue Di forward and soon arrived at the river.

This is a wide, ice-blue river with extremely turbulent water. It looks extremely strange in this world of ice and snow.

Xue Di stared at the icy blue river and said in a lost voice: "Is this... Bihan Water?"

"As expected of Xue'er, you are very knowledgeable."

Su Yu praised and pulled Xue Di onto the ice bridge.

The ice bridge spans the entire river and is hundreds of meters long.

Su Yu looked at the other side and introduced to Xue Di: "After crossing this ice bridge, you will truly enter the city of ice and snow."

When Xue Di heard this, she looked at the tall buildings opposite and felt a strong yearning in her heart.

Su Yu did not disturb Xue Di, but just led her forward slowly.

From time to time, Xue Di glanced at the ice and snow city opposite, and then looked at the bottomless cold water below.

Her brows were slightly furrowed, and I don't know what she was thinking about.

The ice bridge was hundreds of meters long, and in just a few moments, they had reached the other side.

When Su Yu and others arrived at the other end of the ice bridge, many figures had already gathered in the small square under the ice bridge.

Seeing Su Yu, these people knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully.

"See Young Master!"

Su Yu glanced over and saw that there were about thirty people in the group.

Each of them is very imposing.

Judging from their aura alone, each of them is at the Titled Douluo level.

Among them, there are more than ten people whose aura has reached the Super Douluo level.

There were eight people in the lead, wearing special gorgeous robes, and there were ice-blue marks on their eyebrows.

These eight people, without exception, are all at the Super Douluo level.

And each one of them has reached at least level ninety-six.

Among them, there are many familiar faces who have been around Su Yu before.

For example, Lu Yuan, Feng Xue, and Luo Yi before.

Among these eight people, Lu Yuan is in the center. It is obvious that he has the highest status here at the moment.

However, Su Yu's gaze stopped at Lu Yuan for a moment.

It was a graceful figure, with long ice-blue hair, a beautiful face, a pure temperament, and a kind of classical and elegant beauty.

His pure ice-attribute soul power was no less than Lu Yuan's, and he had already reached the ninety-seventh-level Super Douluo.

But Su Yu just paused for a moment and looked somewhere else.

Su Yu glanced at them and said calmly, "Everyone, get up."

"Thank you, young master!"

Everyone stood up, forming a huge mass of white, which was extremely conspicuous.

People in the Ice Temple, due to the characteristics of their martial souls, mostly wear white robes.

Even their hair is mostly white.

White hair, which is rarely seen in the outside world, is everywhere here.

Su Yu counted carefully and found that there were twelve people who had reached the level of Super Douluo here.

In addition to the eight guardians, there are four others who have also reached the level of Super Douluo.

However, these four people only have soul power of level 95, which is still a gap compared with the eight guardians.

"So many strong men?"

Xue Di looked at the scene in front of her with her beautiful eyes and was somewhat shocked.

Everyone here has reached the level of Titled Douluo or above, estimated to be around thirty-five or thirty-six people.

What Xue Di cares more about is the number of Super Douluo.

Human beings’ Super Douluo is equivalent to the ferocious beasts in the soul beast world.

There are more than ten Super Douluo in this Ice Temple.

Among them, four even reached the ninety-seventh-level Super Douluo.

A level ninety-seven Super Douluo, a strong man of this level, looking at the entire Far North, the only ones who can deal with him are her and the Ice Emperor.

Now that she and Bingdi are not here, any level 97 warrior here would be enough to cause headaches for the Far North.

Even the strongest Titan Snow Demon King might not be able to defeat one of them in a one-on-one situation.

After all, these guys are all ice-attributed, and the environmental advantages of the Arctic ice field are non-existent in front of these people.

Xue Di was a little shocked. The Ice Temple behind Su Yu was so powerful?
This is way ahead of Shrek Academy!

Think about the two or three big and small cats in Shrek Academy. They are no match for the Ice Temple.

No wonder Su Yu is so arrogant sometimes. If she had this kind of background, she would be arrogant too.

"The eight guardians stay, the rest of you retreat, each doing your job."

Su Yu looked around and gave an order casually.

"Yes, young master!"

After the words fell, a large group of people left, and in an instant, the small square was empty.

Only eight people were left in front of Su Yu.

"Senior Muwu hasn't come back yet?"

Su Yu looked at them and asked.

Lu Yuan took a step forward, cupped his hands, and said, "Young Master, my elder brother has not returned yet."

Su Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "When he comes back, ask him to come find me."

"Is the Ice Temple peaceful these days?"

"Did anything happen?"

Lu Yuan looked behind him and saw a beautiful woman in palace dress walking out.

"My Lord, the Du Bu Si of the Body Sect brought some people to cause trouble a few days ago, but they were repelled by my subordinates."


Su Yu raised an eyebrow, "Is the poison not fatal?"

"Is this guy here because of the embryo?"

Su Yu guessed.

"Young Master, I will see you!"

Lu Yuan clasped his fists.

"What on earth did you do?"

Su Yu looked at Lu Yuan and asked curiously.

The fact that Du Bu Si couldn't help but come to his door obviously made him angry and broke down.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have the courage to poison him to death.

Lu Yuan told him everything in detail.

“Well done…”

Su Yu affirmed.

No wonder the poison is so unbearable.

This is no different from marrying a wife, with all the procedures of betrothal, wedding ceremony, wedding ceremony, etc., all completed. But when entering the bridal chamber, the bride was slept with by someone else.

Who wouldn’t be angry about this?

If he can't kill him with the poison, he will be angry.

But if you think about it carefully, after all, it was Su Yu himself who first proposed this idea of ​​robbing other thieves.

He just didn't understand the specific method chosen by Lu Yuan and others.

But in the end, it was his own idea to trick the Benti Sect.

Well... he is not a good person after all.

Su Yu still has some idea of ​​his own morals.

But he was not ashamed of it. The Body Sect was no good just like him.

In fact, they were just robbing people on the road, and at most they were bandits.

The Benti Sect is a group of real terrorists who commit burglary, murder and arson.

It is completely reasonable to rob the body sect!

"You have done a good job. Keep it up."

"If you can give the Benti Sect a chance, you must never let it go."

Su Yu said solemnly.

"Yes, young master, rest assured, I will take care of it."

Lu Yuan patted his chest, and it made a "duangduang" sound like patting a steel plate.

Xue Di on the side twitched her lips and looked at Su Yu with a strange look in her eyes.

This bastard is really not a good person. He can even say such a blatant thing as cheating others.

Su Yu smiled, then changed the subject and said, "I will stay in the Ice Temple for a while when I come back this time, and so will they."

"Give orders to arrange a place for them to live."

"Leave this matter to me."

A middle-aged woman who looked to be around fifty years old said.

There were faint wrinkles on her face and her smile was very kind.

"Then it's up to Senior Lao Xiao."

Su Yu looked at her and chuckled.

This person is none other than the third guardian of the Ice Temple, Xiao Qiancheng. Among the nine guardians, she is the oldest.

"It is the duty of the subordinates to serve the young master."

Xiao Qiancheng said.

Hearing this, Su Yu did not comment. He glanced at the eight people and said calmly, "Okay, don't crowd here. Those of you who have things to do, go and do them. Just leave one person to lead the way."

"Lingguang, then you stay."

Lu Yuan blinked at the beauty in palace dress beside him, with some inexplicable meaning.

Shui Lingguang's pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Lingguang, you stay and lead the way for the young master, we will leave first."

Xiao Qiancheng patted Shui Lingguang on the shoulder and walked away with a smile.

The other guards looked at each other and left with the same smile.

"come on!"

Lu Yuan gave Shui Lingguang an encouraging look and quickly ran away.

Only Su Yu and his group and Shui Lingguang were left there.

Xue Di gave Su Yu an angry look, as if asking what was going on.

Su Yu spread his hands, looking innocent.

How could he know what was going on? This was his first time in the Ice Temple.

"Young Master, I will lead the way for you from now on."

Shui Lingguang bowed slightly and said respectfully.

Her voice was very pleasant, cold and clear, like the sound of a flowing ice spring, tinkling and donging.

She was dressed in a white palace dress, with a graceful figure, elegant demeanor, a cool and noble temperament, and a beautiful face.

She is like an ice fairy, pure and lively.

Judging from her appearance and temperament alone, there is really nothing wrong with her.

Even with Su Yu's harsh eyes, he had to admit that she was a great beauty with a delicate appearance that was rarely seen in the world.

After coughing lightly, Su Yu said, "Then you lead the way."

"Yes, young master!"

Shui Lingguang bowed again and took slight steps, just half a step ahead of Su Yu, leading the way.

Su Yu followed.

A group of people shuttled through the streets of the city of ice and snow. Looking at the marks on Su Yu and Shui Ling's heads, passers-by on the roadside bowed and saluted.

The city of ice and snow is huge.

In terms of area, it is no less than Shrek City.

However, the number of residents in the city is not as large as that of Shrek City, which is as high as one million.

There are only tens of thousands of permanent residents in the city of ice and snow.

However, these tens of thousands of people are not simple, because they are all soul masters.

After walking for about half an hour, Su Yu and others had visited many places in the city.

Su Yu only knew many things but had not seen them with his own eyes.

I made up for it today.

"Lingguang, I have arranged for a girl named Jiang Nannan to enter the Ice Temple before. Do you know where she lives?"

Su Yu looked at Shui Lingguang and asked.

"Young Master, are you asking about Nan Nan?"

"She is practicing outside the palace where I am stationed."

Shui Lingguang said.


Su Yu raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised.

"Then let's go to your place and take a look."

Su Yu said.

Shui Lingguang nodded and headed towards the city center.

When you cross the outer city and arrive at the city center, what comes into view is a tall palace complex.

Each palace is a hundred meters high, guarding the four directions and protecting the tall palace in the middle.

The cold blue water flows towards the center in eight directions from the east, south, west and north.

In the center of the eight palaces is an ice-blue lake with a small island on it.

On the small island, stands the tallest palace.

The top of the palace was emitting an icy blue light, which enveloped the entire island.

Xue Di stared at the nine palaces, especially the tall palace in the middle.

From the ice-blue light, she felt an incomparably magnificent and sacred breath of ice.

That aura was so powerful that it seemed to transcend heaven and earth.

"So... is that where the Ice God is enshrined?"

Xue Di was surprised.

"Yes, that is the Ice God Main Temple dedicated to the Ice God. It is the most important place in the Ice God Temple."


"Don't worry, I'll take you there in two days."

Su Yu squeezed Xue Di's hand and said with a smile.

"Is this appropriate?"

"It shouldn't be a place outsiders can enter."

Xue Di said hesitantly.

She really wanted to go there and take a look, but she didn't want to violate the rules of the Ice Temple.

"You are mine, how can you be considered an outsider?"

Su Yu said with a smile.

Xue Di rolled her eyes at Su Yu, but she felt very pleased.

She stared blankly at the main temple of the Ice God. The vast icy aura had a huge attraction for her.

The group moved on.

The palace guarded by Shui Lingguang is in the center of the west and is called the Ice Phoenix Palace.

On both sides of the palace, there is cold blue water flowing.

The rushing green and cold water exudes a biting cold breath, and the water vapor carries the strong vitality of heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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