Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 380 Farewell Jiang Nannan, Shui Lingguang accepts a disciple? Narcissus Jade Muscles and Bon

Chapter 380 Farewell Jiang Nannan, Shui Lingguang accepts a disciple? Narcissus Jade Muscles and Bones

Most of the vitality of heaven and earth in the Ice Temple is provided by the cold blue water surrounding the city of ice and snow.

Although this cold blue water is icy, it is a rare and good thing.

For ordinary soul masters, if they can withstand this cold, it will be very beneficial to practice around it.

Especially for ice-attribute soul masters, who absorb the vitality of heaven and earth from the cold blue water all year round, their cultivation speed will increase rapidly.

There are many powerful people in the Ice Temple. In addition to the fact that there are many geniuses, it is also closely related to the superior conditions for training.

Everyone soon arrived outside the Ice Phoenix Palace.

The Ice Phoenix Palace is a hundred meters high and about two hundred meters long. It is a very tall building.

Outside the Ice Phoenix Palace, there are heavily guarded soldiers. They are wearing thick ice armor and holding spears, with an awe-inspiring majesty that cannot be violated.

There were only a hundred of them, but each of them had a very powerful aura.

What is rare is that their auras are almost integrated and full of murderous intent. It is obvious that they are elite soldiers who have been tempered through thousands of trials.

Among them, the four people guarding the two sides of the palace gate were wearing white robes, which were obviously different from the others.

There are red snowflake marks on their heads.

"This is the Ice Phoenix Army, a total of 120 people, including 80 Soul Emperors, 30 Soul Saints, and 10 Soul Douluos."

"The four leaders are all Title Douluo masters."

"In the Nine Palaces of the Ice God, except for the Ice God Main Palace that my eldest brother is in charge of, the other seven palaces all have similar armies."

"Their duty is to guard the palace and prevent any outsiders from entering."

Shui Lingguang looked at the army not far away and introduced them to Su Yu.

"There are so many powerful people in the Ice Temple?"

Xue Di was shocked.

Isn’t that all we’ve seen?

Eight palaces, times eight?

What a terrible number this is.

Not to mention anything else, there are thirty-two Titled Douluo alone?

If we add Shui Lingguang and others, would there be more than forty people?
Xue Di was shocked after just an estimate.

"It's not as terrible as this girl thinks. Among the eight palaces, including the Ice Phoenix Palace, only four palaces are configured like this."

"The protection of the other palaces will be slightly weaker."

Shui Lingguang explained with a smile.

"That's pretty awesome too."

Snow Emperor shook his head and said.

Shui Lingguang pursed her lips and smiled softly, her face was extremely beautiful, "The Ice Temple has a history of tens of thousands of years, this is very normal."

"Young Master, please come this way."

Shui Lingguang stretched out her jade hand and led the way.

Not far to the right of the Ice Phoenix Palace, there are several side palaces.

Compared with the tall Ice Phoenix Palace, these side palaces are inconspicuous.

Shui Lingguang came to a side hall and gently pushed open the door.

The side hall is not big, but it is very clean, and the furnishings inside exude a faint and elegant atmosphere.

"Young Master, please!"

Shui Lingguang stretched out his hand, and Su Yu strode into the side hall.

The side hall is also made of Ice Divine Crystal, emitting a faint blue light all over.

The interior of the side hall is inlaid with many pearls, illuminating the entire side hall.

Su Yu looked around and found that in addition to some furniture, there were also some ornamental flowers.

It adds a bit of color to this cold palace.

On the right side of the side hall, there is a bead curtain that separates it from the outer side hall.

"Nan Nan is practicing inside, young master, please wait a moment, I will go and call her."

Shui Lingguang said.

Su Yu nodded gently.

Shui Lingguang lifted the bead curtain and walked in.

After a while, hurried footsteps were heard and a beautiful figure rushed out from inside.

Jiang Nannan pulled aside the bead curtain and stopped one meter in front of Su Yu.

She looked at the familiar face, a look of surprise emerged on her delicate face, her eyes were moist and shining.

"Xiao Yu, you're back."

After not seeing each other for more than two years, Jiang Nannan's joy almost overflowed when she saw Su Yu again.

Looking at Jiang Nannan, who had grown into a beautiful young lady, Su Yu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Compared to two years ago, Jiang Nannan is undoubtedly more mature.

She is tall, over 1.75 meters, with a slender waist and long beautiful legs.

The long golden wavy hair falls on the shoulders, revealing the snow-white swan neck and the delicate collarbone, which is exquisite and beautiful, just right.

That pretty face was extremely delicate, with skin that was white with a rosy glow and a lustrous luster, like an alluring apple, making one want to take a bite.

Especially the extremely outstanding body proportions, which are perfect.

The curve in front of her body shows that she is a person with assets.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Nannan is now an absolute beauty.

"Sister Nan Nan, I haven't seen you for more than two years. You are getting more and more beautiful."

Su Yu teased.

Jiang Nannan's pretty face turned red when she heard that, her eyes were a little shy, and her two little hands were entangled with each other.

Obviously, Jiang Nannan, who was thin-skinned, couldn't stand Su Yu's teasing.

Seeing this scene, Xue Di's pretty face suddenly darkened, and her little hand secretly climbed up Su Yu's waist, and then pinched it hard.

This bastard has been flirting with me all the way. He is really not honest at all.

Previously, his eyes were always on Shui Lingguang, and now he is teasing Jiang Nannan.

This guy is getting more and more arrogant, is he trying to go to heaven?
Su Yu pushed Xue Di's hand away without leaving a trace and swept his eyes over Jiang Nannan.

Jiang Nannan's soul power fluctuations at this moment are not weak, and have reached the fifty-fifth level of Soul King.

This kind of soul power is even higher than that of Beibei from Shrek Academy.

There is no doubt that in the next two years and several months, Jiang Nannan will be able to reach the Soul Emperor realm.

This progress is in no way inferior to those top geniuses.

"Fifty-fifth level Soul King, Sister Nan Nan, you have made great progress."

Su Yu praised.

Su Yu was never stingy with his praise for a girl like Jiang Nannan who had a bit of inferiority complex in her character.

Because what Jiang Nannan needs is encouragement.

"This is all thanks to the teacher's teachings and the various resources in the Ice Temple. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to make such an improvement."

Jiang Nannan quickly waved her hands and said.


Su Yu was a little surprised.

Shui Lingguang explained, "Young Master, this is what happened. I got along well with Nan Nan, so I took it upon myself to accept her as my disciple. Please forgive me, Young Master."

"Excuse me?"

"What are you guilty of?"

"It's a blessing for Sister Nan Nan to have you as a teacher. It's great."

Su Yu waved his hand and smiled.

It must be said that this was somewhat beyond his expectations.

It's really interesting that Shui Lingguang actually accepted Jiang Nannan as his apprentice.

Jiang Nannan is talented, but compared with the geniuses in the Ice Temple, there is still a big gap.

Shui Lingguang never paid attention to any of them, but fell in love with Jiang Nannan.

Is this a coincidence or something?
Given Su Yu's overthinking personality, his first reaction was that it was not a coincidence.

After all, Jiang Nannan is completely different from other geniuses of the Ice Temple.

That is, Jiang Nannan was arranged by Su Yu himself.

If this factor wasn't there, he estimated that Shui Lingguang wouldn't have fallen for Jiang Nannan. But none of this mattered, as long as it didn't have a bad impact on him and the Ice Temple, he would let them be.

Moreover, having Shui Lingguang as a backer would be of great benefit to Jiang Nannan.

In more than two years, Jiang Nannan was able to jump from the 42nd level Soul Sect to the 55th level Soul King.

It can be imagined that Shui Lingguang must have fed her a lot of good things.

As a guardian, Shui Lingguang has considerable assets.

"Thank you for your understanding, young master!"

Shui Lingguang quickly bowed and thanked him.

"Okay, Lingguang, we are all here as strangers. There is no need to bend down every time you say a word. It looks annoying."

"Sister Nan Nan, I'll take her away first. Please help me settle Xue'er and the others."

"Senior Xiao has already arranged accommodation for them. You can take them there."

"Well, and... as for Xue'er, let's put her in my room. She likes to sleep with me."

"Who likes to sleep with you? Nonsense."

Xue Di's pretty face turned red, she was embarrassed.

"Let's do it. Go ahead."

Su Yu waved his hand.

Shui Lingguang nodded slightly and walked in front of the people, "Everyone, please follow me."

"Xue'er, you go first, I'll be back later."

Su Yu looked at Xue Di and said.

"You will never love me back."

Xue Di glared at Su Yu, then slapped him on the back of his head, with his snow-white hair flying.

Shui Lingguang took the three people away, and only Su Yu and Jiang Nannan were left in the huge side hall.

Without outsiders around, Jiang Nannan was obviously much more relaxed.

Looking at the handsome Su Yu in front of her, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Sister Nan Nan, are you used to staying here?"

Su Yu asked.

Jiang Nannan nodded and said quickly: "It's great here, everyone is very friendly and takes good care of me."

Su Yu smiled. Who would dare to turn a blind eye to the people he arranged to come in?
"How is my aunt? I haven't had time to come back. Is she doing well?"

"Are you still strong and healthy?"

Jiang Nannan smiled slightly and looked at Su Yu with particularly gentle eyes.

"Mom is in good health now. Even the wrinkles on her face are gone. She is now a great soul master."

Having said that, Jiang Nannan looked at Su Yu with sparkling eyes.

"Xiao Yu, you have helped us mother and daughter so much. I don't know how to thank you."

"You are talking nonsense again. We grew up together and are as close as siblings. Why are you still saying thank you?"

Su Yu reached out and rubbed Jiang Nannan's hair, smiling.

Jiang Nannan didn't move, her pretty face flushed.

She was obviously three years older than Su Yu, but in front of Su Yu, she seemed like the younger one.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt very safe with Su Yu by her side.

"I'll go visit my aunt some other day when I have time to see if she's used to living here."

Su Yu chuckled.

"If you go, Mom will be very happy. She has missed you for a long time."

Jiang Nannan said a little excitedly.

Su Yu has helped them a lot since they were young, and even her mother's life was saved by Su Yu.

In addition, I later brought them into the Ice Temple and took good care of them. This kindness has long been repaid.

Her mother had hinted to her more than once that she should marry him in return.

Thinking of this, Jiang Nannan's face turned even redder.

"Sister Nan Nan, why is your face so hot?"

Su Yu said with a smile.

"Um, is there any?"

Jiang Nannan hurriedly touched her face and found that it was indeed very hot.

She couldn't help but glance at Su Yu, and when she met those starry eyes, her face suddenly became even hotter.

Su Yu was a little amused and gently rubbed Jiang Nannan's hair, "Sister Nannan, walk with me, let's have a good chat."

"it is good."

Jiang Nannan lowered her head, her voice as soft as a mosquito's.

The two men left the side hall and walked around the city at will.

As he walked along, some residents passing by bowed to Su Yu.

Su Yu and Jiang Nannan walked side by side, occasionally telling jokes to tease her.

The strange feeling after not seeing each other for more than two years quickly disappeared.

After walking around, the two returned to the side hall.

After a stroll, Jiang Nannan was obviously more relaxed. She looked more energetic, and her pretty face was extremely bright and beautiful.

Looking at Jiang Nannan, whose face was as beautiful as a lotus emerging from the water, Su Yu fell into deep thought.

Maybe Jiang Nannan’s life here is not as good as she said.

Inside the Ice Temple, all other conditions are excellent, but there is only one flaw.

That's loneliness!
Firstly, Jiang Nannan is not an ice-attribute soul master, and secondly, he was the one who arranged for her to come in.

This meant that it was difficult for her to make friends.

I'm afraid no one among the young people in the Ice Temple would dare to approach Jiang Nannan.

Jiang Nannan's strength is improving rapidly. Maybe she has nothing to do and can only improve her soul power.

Otherwise, the child wouldn't be so happy just after going out for a walk with him.

This was his oversight. He didn't think so much about it at the beginning.

"Sister Nan Nan, I will stay in the Ice Temple for the next one to two years. If you have nothing to do, you can come find me."

Su Yu said.


Jiang Nannan's eyes lit up, and she looked at Su Yu with her bright eyes, full of joy.

"of course."

Su Yu touched Jiang Nannan's hair and smiled.

"By the way, Sister Nan Nan, I have a gift for you."

Su Yu reached into the Ruyi Treasure Bag, rummaged around, and then a white jade box appeared in his hand.

Open the jade box and there is a white flower inside.

"This is Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone, a fairy-grade herb. It goes very well with your soft-bone rabbit."

"After taking it, your soul power should be greatly improved, and the potential medicinal power will gradually improve your physical condition."

"As for the method of taking it, it is also very simple. First, inhale the pistil, then eat all the petals. Afterwards, close your eyes and meditate."

As he spoke, Su Yu handed the jade box to Jiang Nannan.

This Narcissus jade-like body and bones were left by Su Yu for Jiang Nannan.

Although it is not as good as those hundred thousand year old immortal herb essences, it is also extremely effective.

After all, the magical herbs of this period have been growing in the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire for a long time, and their medicinal effects are very powerful.

Moreover, the Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone and Soft Bone Rabbit are really suitable. If you replace them with something else, it may not have such an effect.

It is no exaggeration to say that a Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone can help Jiang Nannan break through to the Super Douluo level.

Just look at the seven guys in Douyi and you will know the value of the magic herb.

"This... this is so precious, I..."

"Okay, leave me alone. Take it. I may need your help in the future."

Su Yu stuffed the jade box into Jiang Nannan's hand and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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