Douluo 2: Lord of the Gods.

Chapter 381: Snow Queen awakens in the human world, guesses, and tries the martial soul fusion techn

Chapter 381: Snow Queen awakens in the human world, guesses, and tries the martial soul fusion technique
Looking at the jade box in her hand, Jiang Nannan was deeply moved.

She had never heard of the Narcissus jade-like body and bones. She was born in poverty and did not have the broad knowledge of those aristocratic children.

But no matter how stupid she was, she knew that the word "immortal product" was not something that could be spoken lightly.

Su Yu introduced it so solemnly, which was enough to show that this thing was definitely a rare treasure in the world.

Jiang Nannan stared at Su Yu in a daze, her beautiful eyes sparkling with tears.

She wiped the corners of her eyes and stared at Su Yu intently, speaking every word with determination.

"Xiao Yu, from now on, no matter how hard it is, as long as you say a word, I will never shirk my responsibility."

Su Yu's kindness was so great that she could never repay it.

In that case, she would work hard to cultivate and strive to become someone who could be useful to Su Yu.

Jiang Nannan has a gentle personality, but she is actually very strong inside.

This is a girl with a very stubborn character.

She won't change her mind easily once she makes a decision.

Looking at the determination in Jiang Nannan's eyes, Su Yu was slightly dazed.

But he quickly came to his senses and gently rubbed Jiang Nannan's hair.

"Sister Nan Nan, what are you talking about? Why would I ask you to go through fire and water?"

"You, just focus on your training."

Su Yu chuckled.

Jiang Nannan pursed her lips, but her eyes remained firm.

"Okay, it's getting late. I'm leaving now. You can refine it slowly."

Su Yu patted Jiang Nannan's shoulder and said softly.

Seeing Su Yu turning around and about to leave, Jiang Nannan's eyes flickered slightly.



Su Yu turned around in confusion.

A gust of fragrant wind blew over, and Jiang Nannan rushed directly into Su Yu's arms, her two jade arms tightly hugging Su Yu's waist.

That slender and charming body leaned tightly against Su Yu.

Because of her great figure, it gave Su Yu a wonderful touch.

Su Yu was a little surprised, but before he could say anything, Jiang Nannan suddenly let go of him.

Jiang Nannan glanced at Su Yu shyly, then quickly ran into the inner hall.

Su Yu stared at Jiang Nannan's figure in a daze for a moment, then smiled.

"You're still trying to sneak attack."

Su Yu shook his head, feeling the remaining fragrance, and smiled knowingly, "Hmm... you know what, it smells pretty good."

With a light laugh, Su Yu turned and left the side hall.

After leaving the side hall, Su Yu searched for a while and finally found his residence.

He is the most honorable person in the Ice Temple.

Su Yu's residence can be described as extremely luxurious.

The palace was also made of the Ice Divine Crystal, and the furnishings inside were all made of eternally cold ice.

Each piece of furniture is carefully crafted and carved with various patterns, which is magnificent.

If the furnishings in Shui Lingguang's side hall tend to be elegant, then the furnishings in Su Yu's side are more prominent in grandeur and style.

Su Yu walked into the palace and slowly went inside following the scent.

Lift the pearl curtain and walk into the inner hall.

The pearls are sparkling and the ice crystals are shining.

A huge bed of ice came into view.

To be precise, this is a jade bed that has lasted for ten thousand years.

Among them, a large amount of chalcedony was born, which can also be called the ten thousand year old ice chalcedony bed.

Even the Haotian Sect can get the Ice Jade Bed, so how could the Ice Temple not have it?

Moreover, this ten-thousand-year-old ice chalcedony bed is nearly four meters long and three meters wide.

It's a really big bed.

But Su Yu's attention was not on the ice jade bed, but on the person on it.

The Snow Queen sat on the ice chalcedony bed, her crystal white jade feet swaying gently, and half of her smooth jade legs greatly attracted Su Yu's attention.

Looking at Su Yu approaching, she turned her head away.

Su Yu didn't care. He smiled, walked forward and sat down next to Xue Di.

Xue Di moved aside in disgust, and Su Yu moved closer.

Several times in a row, every time Xue Di moved away, Su Yu would immediately move closer.

Xue Di finally got annoyed and kicked Su Yu.

Su Yu reached out and grabbed Xue Di's jade feet. Xue Di's jade feet were exquisite and beautiful, and every toe was so crystal clear.

Those smooth calves are as white as snow, feel icy cold to the touch, and the skin is as smooth as cream.


Xue Di said coquettishly.

"I do not!"

"I won't!"

Su Yu shook his head, not only did he not let go, but he held on even tighter.

Xue Di pulled hard, but her current strength was no match for Su Yu.

Su Yu, however, could easily overpower a monster with strength of over 180,000 kilograms with just a wave of his arm.

In terms of strength, there are many people who are stronger than Su Yu.

But if it comes to strength, there are very few people stronger than Su Yu.

Xue Di's strength is not enough in front of Su Yu.


Unable to pull it out, Xue Di glared at Su Yu fiercely.

This guy is a bit perverted. He is so fond of her feet.

She had discovered before that Su Yu seemed to have some special hobbies.

Su Yu smiled indifferently and didn't take the word "scoundrel" that Xue Di said to him at all.

He held Xue Di's jade legs and played with her jade feet, as if he was admiring a beautiful work of art.

What Xue Di couldn't stand the most was that Su Yu not only watched but also liked to comment on it.

Really critical.

Su Yu kept saying things like "show off to me" and "I can play for a year", which made Xue Di more and more angry.

"Asshole, you are a pervert, why would this emperor fall for a bastard like you?"

Xue Di's beautiful eyes were filled with murderous intent as she shouted angrily.

Su Yu chuckled and said, "Xue'er, is this called abnormal?"

"Then you haven't met a real pervert yet."

"And I was not wrong, it is indeed very beautiful."

"Humph, so what if she looks good? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Taking advantage of Su Yu's loosening, Xue Di pulled back her beautiful legs and snorted.

"It doesn't matter. You are all mine."

Su Yu moved closer to Xue Di and leaned against her, wanting to give her a loving hug.

But that very faint fragrance was also captured by Xue Di as Su Yu moved.

"What is the taste?"

"Where does the fragrance come from?"

Xue Di's nose twitched slightly, and she soon found the source of the fragrance.

Xue Di, who originally had little resistance, suddenly had a dark face and kicked Su Yu off the bed.

"It took just such a short time for them to hug each other. Su Yu, you are really good."

Xue Di was extremely angry. The fragrance on Su Yu's body could not have been there if he had not had close contact with a woman.

Apparently, after they left, some unknown stories happened between Su Yu and Jiang Nannan.

How could Xue Di not be annoyed by this?

It’s not that Xue Di is intolerant, but she doesn’t like Su Yu’s casual attitude.

Women are often trifling with matters of little consequence. What she hates is that Su Yu follows his temper, is not serious, and can eat any rotten meat.

Are you that hungry?

Su Yu stood up, patted his clothes casually, and sat back on the bed.

Under Xue Di's angry eyes, Su Yu grabbed her with his big hands and pulled her into his arms.


"Eat your head." Xue Di glared at Su Yu and said angrily.

"Then eat it. My head is here, you can bite it as you like."

Su Yu said in a servile manner.

Looking at Su Yu's mean expression, Xue Di was both angry and amused. The anger she had originally felt dissipated a lot as Su Yu acted funny.

"You bastard, sooner or later you will die on a woman."

Xue Di gritted her teeth and said with a look of disappointment.

Su Yu hugged Xue Di, rested his chin on her shoulder, and said softly: "If that day really comes, I will die on you."

"Death under the peonies, even being a ghost is romantic."

"Screw you."

Xue Di punched Su Yu.

Su Yu had thick skin and flesh, so naturally he was not hurt.

Looking at Xue Di's flawless face and her bright red lips trembling slightly, Su Yu's heart moved and he kissed her directly.


Before Xue Di could say anything, Su Yu held her lips tightly, and then the two of them hugged each other and started to kiss each other.

When the two separated, Xue Di had already acted like a well-behaved little wife, even her eyes were full of charm.

"You're just a jerk, little thief."

Xue Di murmured softly.

"Well, you're right."

Su Yu nodded, serious.

Xue Di felt helpless and stopped looking at him. Who could do anything to this man whose face was thicker than a city wall?

Su Yu gently hugged Xue Di and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

"Xue'er, what do you think of the Ice Temple?"

When talking about serious matters, Xue Di seemed much calmer.

"It's pretty good. There are many strong people and a deep foundation."

Xue Di said so.

"From now on, it will be half yours."

Su Yu sniffed the subtle fragrance on Xue Di's body and spoke softly.

Xue Di rolled her eyes and said, "Don't give me that. I don't trust you."

"I'm afraid you say this to every woman. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Su Yu shook his head and said, "You are different from them. I like you the most."

The Snow Queen raised her hand and pinched Su Yu's face, rubbing it, and said contemptuously: "That's because I am by your side. If Meng Hongchen, Wang Dong'er, or the Great Lord were by your side, you would also say that you love them the most."

"Do you really think that I don't understand the tricks of you scumbags?"

Su Yu was not anxious after being exposed by Xue Di. He said with a smile: "My Xue Er is really a sober person."

"What do you think? I am not one of those people who are in love. Don't try to deceive me."

Xue Di held her head high with a proud look on her face.

Su Yu smiled and said, "Aren't you in love?"
Absolutely impossible!
There is no famous woman in Douluo Continent who is not love-brained.

It's just a matter of more or less.

This is a specialty of the Love Continent.

"What do you mean, are you doubting me?"

Seeing Su Yu smiling, Xue Di thought that Su Yu didn't believe it.

"No, no, our Xue'er is so smart, how could she be in love? Absolutely not."

Su Yu quickly raised his hand and said.

"That's pretty much it."

Xue Di lay in Su Yu's arms, full of arrogance.

Su Yu gently stroked Xue Di's long hair and said softly, "Xue'er, I have always had a guess. I wonder if you have discovered it?"


Xue Di's beautiful eyes flickered as she looked at Su Yu in confusion.

"Xue'er, you haven't realized yet, there has always been a special attraction between you and me since we were little."

"I had a crush on you the first time I saw you, and I think you should feel the same way."

Su Yu said.

Xue Di curled her lips and said, "Who has a crush on you? You are so shameless."

Su Yu pinched Xue Di's cheek and said seriously, "Xue'er, I'm serious."

"There must be an invisible connection between the two of us. This is an objective fact."

"This connection becomes even stronger after you take human form."

"You were so attached to me when you were little, and you wanted me to hold you every day. Have you forgotten?"

The Snow Queen's pretty face turned red, but she still said stubbornly, "No way, I don't remember."

Su Yu said with some amusement: "Okay, if you don't remember, then forget it. It's not a big deal."

"Let's talk about you now. After you grew up and awakened your martial spirit, the attraction between us became even stronger."

"An Ice Emperor and an Ice Snow Maiden, Xue'er, can't you see the connection between our spirits?"

Xue Di narrowed his eyes, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Su Yu stroked Xue Di's face and said, "I want to say that there may be a martial soul fusion technique between the two of us."

"Martial spirit fusion skill?"

Xue Di fell into deep thought.

She recalled what had happened so far and found that what Su Yu said was not unreasonable.

How could she not know that she doesn't depend on Su Yuyi?

Although she keeps saying that she is a clear-headed person, people can deceive others but not themselves.

There are still only a few weirdos like a certain God-King who have brainwashed themselves.

Xue Di knew clearly that the mutual attraction that Su Yu mentioned did exist.

Xue Di had indeed always had a good impression of Su Yu, and after three years of personal care, Xue Di really fell in love with Su Yu.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for the great Snow Queen to fall in love with someone.

Xue Di said one thing very correctly, she is not a fool.

According to this situation, it is possible that there really is a fusion technique of martial souls between her and Su Yu.

"What are you going to do?"

Xue Di looked at Su Yu and asked.

"Let's release our martial spirits to each other and see if we can resonate with each other."

"If it is possible, then we may really have a martial soul fusion technique."

Su Yu said.

Upon hearing this, Snow Empress released the aura of the Ice and Snow Maiden, and the icy air spread.

"and then?"

"Then you take off your clothes first, and then I take off my clothes, and then we hug each other..."


Xue Di slapped over and hit Su Yu's chest hard, making a snapping sound.

" hurts!"

Xue Di frowned. She hit him too hard. Su Yu was fine, but she was in great pain.

"Xue'er, let me take a look."

Su Yu said with a smile.

"Go away, you frivolous thing, always liking to make these crappy jokes."

Xue Di said unhappily.

Su Yu chuckled, gently grabbed Xue Di's hand, rubbed it, and the pain quickly disappeared.

"Xue'er, hold me. I will activate my martial spirit to see if there are any signs of our auras blending together."

"No need to take off your clothes?"

"Ahem, just a joke."

Su Yu coughed lightly and said.


Xue Di snorted softly, stretched out her hands and hugged Su Yu.

Su Yu also hugged the Snow Emperor and released the aura of the Ice Emperor.

Su Yu's body was emitting an icy blue light, while Xue Di's body was emitting an extremely pure white light.

(End of this chapter)

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