wild forest.

Tang San dragged his frail body, leaning against the trunk of the ancient tree, panting.

There was only a trace of his soul left, and all the god-king-level power he had during his lifetime was almost exhausted. He had already run out of energy when he broke out of the dungeon of the Spirit Hall, and he did not dare to stay even a moment.

In addition, the toxicity of Yama's Tie in his body has not been eliminated. If it is not resolved as soon as possible, he will die from the poison sooner or later.

Nowadays, the most important thing is to remove the toxins from the Yama Tie in the body.

In the current era, the best solution is definitely the Ice and Fire Eyes.

But the problem is that Huo Yuhao knows many of his secrets.

Since it was him who intervened and allowed his soul to return, he would definitely keep a backup plan in the Ice and Fire Eyes and wait for the enemy!

In his current situation, he would never be able to compete with them head-on. He must find a secret place to rest and recuperate.

After he is in good condition, he can then plan how to deal with Huo Yuhao's plan.

Hearing some movement in the forest, he immediately dragged his weak body and hid, his eyes full of humiliation and unwillingness.

When had Tang Shenwang ever suffered such humiliation?


In the following days, Tang San relied on his footsteps to stay away from Wuhun City.

At this time, he did not dare to enter the city without permission.

If he escapes from Wuhun Hall, he will definitely be wanted and hunted down.

Now he can only look for herbal medicine in the forest to alleviate the poisonous effects of Yama Tie.

There was also a question in his mind.

Why has this body been hit by the King of Hell for so long and still not dead?

Is it really just because the Qibao Glazed Sect's materials are limited and the Yama's Tie was downgraded?

Subsequently, he searched for herbs and managed to suppress the toxicity of the Yama's Tie, but he still couldn't attack with all his strength, as that would easily cause injuries.

Looking at the configuration of the spirit rings on the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, the third spirit ring was so eye-catching that Tang San couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Huo Yuhao!
If I don't avenge this revenge, I, Tang San, will never be a human being!

Tang San calmed down and analyzed the current situation.

The three Sects jointly attacked the Wuhun Palace, but were defeated by the Wuhun Palace in one fell swoop.

Nowadays, there must be people from Wuhun Palace watching over the Shangsan Sect's garrison, waiting for the fish that slips through the net to take the bait. That place is definitely not allowed to go.

There are two most important things now.

First, the Heart of the Ocean is stored in the Tiandou Empire's treasure house, which is the key to the inheritance of Poseidon.

Second, the Shura God's throne in the Killing City is the most critical.

The dual god status is the basis for his ability to control the gods in the divine world.

Especially the Asura God, which is a god-king level existence, and is something he is proud of.

The biggest problem now is that his current body is too weak. If he enters the killing city, let alone the god position, he will not be able to survive hundreds of killings. It can be said that he will die!
The most urgent thing at the moment should be how to get the Heart of the Ocean from the Tiandou Empire.

After getting the Heart of the Ocean, we can then plan for the throne of the City of Killing.

After having a clear goal, Tang San immediately changed direction and headed towards Tiandou City.


At the same time, the vast ocean.

On the deck of the Star Luo Empire ship.

Huo Yuhao stood on the deck along the ship, looking at the sea and sky in the distance. It was dark and stormy.

This ship is the royal fleet sent by the Star Luo Empire to search for Dragon Valley.

He only used some means, using mental means to interfere with the captain and first mate's cognition, making them convinced of his identity as the Xingluo Prince.

The crew members are spiritually guided and will subconsciously ignore some unreasonable things. They believe everything they know and feel "very reasonable".

Yi Lao is currently cultivating in his sea of ​​consciousness, while Tang Chen's remains are being sent to the demiplane of the undead for nourishment.

The sky in the sea area is getting darker and darker. There is lightning and thunder in the sky ahead of the sea, reflecting the rugged waves on the dark sea surface. The high wind is howling, and raindrops are falling from the sky.

"Your Highness, our ship is about to enter stormy waters. Your Highness, please step into the cabin." The captain stood beside Huo Yuhao and respectfully saluted and invited.

Captain Perris, the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor, has more than ten years of sailing experience and is a veteran of sea routes. He belongs to the Star Luo Royal Navy.

Behind him were two mates with five-ring soul king level cultivation.

They have been sailing at sea all year round and have cooperated tacitly. They have been partners for more than ten years and are also affiliated with the Royal Navy of the Star Luo Empire. At this time, the sailors in the rear were working together to reef the sails in preparation for the coming storm.

Huo Yuhao said a soft "hmm" and moved into the cabin.


The cabin is relatively small, with dim kerosene lamps emitting orange light.

Next to it is a bookcase with some travel notes and navigational drawings of some sea areas.

The hull began to bump, and it was obvious that it had entered stormy waters.

Huo Yuhao turned his head and looked through the round mirror window of the cabin, seeing the dark waves outside one after another.

The huge waves rolled up, surging, and slapped on the hull and deck, making a huge noise.

The shouts of the sailors could be heard on the deck above, and the instructions of the captain and mate were conveyed.

It was obvious that this was not the first time they had experienced this scene.

Although Huo Yuhao was in the cabin, he could control the specific situation of the entire ship with his spiritual eyes.

If a situation arises, he will take action.

There is a faintly beautiful singing voice coming from the outside world, containing spiritual fluctuations.

This immediately aroused Huo Yuhao's vigilance.

He immediately deployed his mental power to cover the entire ship, blocking mental interference from the outside world.

Immediately, he opened his spiritual eyes and martial soul and looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw a beautiful figure sitting on a rock in the dark stormy sea.

It was a woman with long dark blue wavy hair, pointed ears, a silver necklace around her neck, and a shell covering her breasts.

Her waist is slender, revealing delicate white skin. The navel is like a paintbrush, and the lower body is a fish body. Sitting on the reef, the scales are like jewels, shining brightly.

As if she sensed that someone was observing her, she suddenly looked back with blue water-like eyes, and a bright smile appeared on her childish face.

Sea Princess.

The moment Huo Yuhao saw her, he suddenly felt familiar, and another figure appeared in his mind.


Speaking of which, he only went back ten thousand years in time, but to the soul beast, that was not that far away.

Huo Yuhao stood up and walked towards the deck, wanting to meet the other party.


On the ship deck.

Almost all the crew members were staring at the beautiful figure singing loudly on the reef.

Captain Perris shouted for everyone to look away and close their ears not to listen.

He has been sailing on the sea for many years, so he naturally knows about spirit beasts like the Sea Princess.

Use singing to confuse the crew and make them lose themselves.

Some couldn't resist the temptation and jumped off the deck to die at sea.

The ship lost control and hit the rocks and sank.

These are real cases.

At this time, Peris suddenly saw Huo Yuhao appearing on the deck.

He felt nervous at the time.

"Your Highness, that is the legendary soul beast named Sea Princess. Don't be fooled by its song."

"Don't worry, I'm awake." Huo Yuhao said.

By this time the singing had stopped.

Huo Yuhao came to the side of the deck and looked down at the figure on the rocks not far away.

The blue figure also noticed Huo Yuhao's gaze and turned to stare at him.

"Is it your spiritual power that cancels out my singing?"

"What is your purpose for doing this?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"You humans all deserve to die!" The sea princess said in a very determined tone, with a fierce look in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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