Stormy seas.

Xingluo ship, in front of the ship's side deck.

Huo Yuhao looked down at the Sea Princess sitting on the reef below.

"What is your purpose for doing this?"

"You humans all deserve to die!" Princess Sea revealed deep hatred in her tone and a fierce look in her eyes.

When Captain Perris heard this, he couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

Although most of the crew members accompanying them were soul masters, they did not have much resistance to the confusion of spiritual types.

Moreover, he had heard in the tavern that the sea princess's singing could penetrate the hearing and directly touch the soul, so the method of abandoning the hearing would not work.

From the other party's words, Huo Yuhao noticed the negative emotions.

As far as he knew, the Sea Princess tribe was very kind-hearted and was known as the elves of the ocean, similar to the Ice and Snow Maidens.

She is so hostile to humans, there is obviously something fishy about it.

Apparently, this sea princess or her group had been persecuted by humans.

"So, you want to kill all of us?" Huo Yuhao's tone was somewhat cold.

Even if there were humans who hunted and persecuted the Sea Princess, it would be an injustice and a debtor, and they would attack indiscriminately. How could he give the other party a good look?
The sea princess stared at Huo Yuhao hatefully.

Human beings have always been known for killing. They hunt soul beasts to improve their own strength. They are good at playing tricks and tricks, and they even use their kindness to persecute their tribe.

Her mother once warned her that she must be wary of humans.

"Your plan has failed. Do you still dare to stay here and seek death?" Huo Yuhao scolded him coldly.

"Sooner or later, I will definitely make you humans pay the price with blood!" Sea Princess's eyes were filled with hatred.

Purple and gold patterns merged behind Huo Yuhao, and a purple-gold vertical pupil opened in the void, exuding terrifying spiritual pressure, and the bloody energy suddenly spread and exploded.

"Get out of here!"

The face of the sea princess on the reef suddenly changed, and she immediately dived into the water and disappeared.

The crew on the deck looked at Huo Yuhao's back in shock, worshiping him like a god.

"Let's set off and leave this sea area as soon as possible." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

"As you command, Your Highness." The captain and others bowed and saluted.

Xingluo ships rode the wind and waves in the stormy waters and sailed towards the distance.

The sea area behind.

The beautiful sea princess emerged from the sea again, revealing her upper body.

She looked at the ship that was getting further and further away, looking a little dazed.

"That human being actually has the aura of a god. Could it be that he is the destined person that our clan is waiting for?"

"I wonder if he can help our clan avoid disaster..." Sea Princess murmured to herself, looking a little hesitant.

She immediately dived into the sea and followed him.


Through the stormy sea, the sun shines through the clouds outside.

With blue sea and blue sky, warm sunshine and warm wind, everyone seems to be reborn.

The ocean is drifting, always lonely and lonely.

The crew talked about the sea princess they had encountered before, and they really hoped to have a romantic encounter, but some crew members joked that they were not afraid of being eaten without leaving any bones.

Even though the Sea Princess looks like a human being, she is still essentially a spirit beast.

The topic turned to the "His Royal Highness" who went to sea with the ship.

Some people say that His Highness's cultivation level must be higher than that of the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor, and the sense of oppression brought about by releasing the martial soul is too strong.

Some people said that they had not seen the soul ring and their strength was difficult to fathom.

During their discussion, they even "overlooked" why His Royal Highness's martial spirit was not a "White Tiger"?
In their minds, they may have given Huo Yuhao an explanation for the "illegitimate son" of the royal family.

Some people also think that it may be because His Highness's martial spirit is not that of the White Tiger that he did not compete for the throne.

They each have something they believe in, no doubt about it.

Just like a dream, even the most ridiculous things will be taken for granted and reasonable.

This is exactly how Huo Yuhao uses his mental power to the extreme. …

In the blink of an eye, he has been at sea for more than two months.

The ocean is drifting, and time is boring.

For Huo Yuhao, this time is used for practice.

In addition to practicing, he also cared about the core formations of advanced soul tools.

This is a habit left over from the past. I dare not slack off at all, otherwise I will feel a strong sense of guilt in my heart.

Occasionally he would go up to the deck to bask in the sun and feel the sea breeze.

Today, he was carving the formation pattern of the eighth-level soul guide in the cabin.

A soul guide of this level, with Wuhun Palace's current foundation, no matter how many people they have, they can't build such a thing.

He doesn't like to be idle on weekdays.

Therefore, whenever he had free time, he would start carving high-level soul guides to pass the time and prepare them just in case they were needed.

A crisp knock on the door came from outside the cabin, pulling Huo Yuhao out of his thoughts.

"What's the matter?"

"Your Highness, our ship is preparing to dock at a port called 'Horus' to replenish food, drinking water, seasonal vegetables, etc. I wonder if Your Highness will disembark and rest?" Peris asked for instructions from outside the cabin.

Arrive at the port for supplies.

"I understand, wait a moment." Huo Yuhao started to pack up the carved parts on the workbench, put these semi-finished products into the star bracelet in batches, and then cleaned up the metal debris on the workbench.

After checking that everything was correct, he turned off the white light of the soul guide, straightened up his appearance a little, and opened the hatch.

Peris was waiting behind the door, and his attitude was quite respectful when he saw Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao climbed up the stairs to the deck, enjoying the sea breeze and looking at the harbor city ahead. The buildings were basically in a pointed conical style, mostly made of stacked stones, with roofs painted with red paint.

"Which power is under the jurisdiction of this harbor?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"This is a neutral port. In my impression, there is a church that believes in Poseidon. Snakes and dragons are mixed together. Factions change frequently. I am not sure who is the leader of this port now." Perris explained.

"How long will it take to prepare those supplies?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"If time is tight, it will take about three days. If time is plentiful, five to seven days will be acceptable." Perris observed Huo Yuhao's face as he spoke.

The crew sailed on the sea for several months, and even drifted for more than half a year without stopping. Naturally, the brothers under his command wanted to take this opportunity to "indulge", and they naturally had plenty of time.

"After getting off the ship, take care of your crew and don't cause trouble." Huo Yuhao said without mentioning whether he was in a hurry or not.

As for the purchase, let the captain make his own arrangements.

It didn't matter to him a few days earlier or a few days later.

"Yes!" A smile appeared on Peris's face.

Huo Yuhao nodded slightly.


The huge Xingluo ship docked.

The crew disembarked in an orderly manner, all cheering.

Huo Yuhao followed him off the boat.

At the port, a man in shabby linen clothes asked Captain Perris if he needed to move cargo?

It seems that these people can still tell who the captain is.

Huo Yuhao looked at the coastal port and walked along the cobblestone streets.


at the same time.

In the distant sea, the sea princess who followed the ship surfaced and looked at the ship docked at the island port. Her face showed a little solemnity.

"Could they be accomplices?" Sea Princess murmured to herself.

But at this time, she no longer had so many choices, as if she had made some kind of decision and swam towards the harbor.

(End of this chapter)

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