Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 221 Huo Yuhao’s back-up plan

Star Forest.

Tang San was sealed by the cage created by the Blue Silver Emperor, with sharp spikes protruding from the vines, pressing against his lifeline.

Ah Yin floated in the sky, overlooking him.

Xiao Wu's expression was also full of doubts.

The Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python revealed the slightest hint of murderous intent.

Just leave like this?
How could I be willing to do so!

Tang San clenched the Blue Silver Emperor vine filled with thorns in his palms, his hands were covered with blood, his face was ashen, and his eyes were burning with blazing flames.

Since you don’t wake up, don’t blame me——

The power of the soul that far exceeded his current cultivation level emerged in Tang San's body. He raised his hand and tore open the blue silver cage with an uproar, causing the vines to break inch by inch.

The majestic blood evil aura emerged from his body, like a god judging the doomsday.

The Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python realized something was wrong and almost subconsciously moved their steps to protect Xiao Wu and A Yin behind them.

At this moment, a golden figure walked out of the depths of the jungle.

She was a peerless and beautiful girl, with thick golden hair spreading behind her, with blue butterflies on the top of her hair. Her eyes were as magnificent as blood-colored gems. She was wearing a light white dress, and there was a hair beside her. A huge three-headed red demon mastiff!
They came out of the ancient restricted area behind Star Lake.

When Tang San saw the true appearance of the blonde girl, he almost suffocated.

The emperor’s auspicious beast!

She actually transformed and was born in advance? !
Tang San couldn't believe that he was actually allowed to meet him.

The three-headed red demon mastiff next to the opponent is obviously a ferocious beast that has been cultivated for more than 300,000 years!
The power of the soul that I have accumulated so far can only barely suppress the hundred thousand year soul beasts. If I were to face them... I would have to outsmart them!
"Are you Tang San?!" The blond girl looked indifferently at the human boy in front of him who had an evil aura on his body.

The Red King stood by her side, looking at Tang San with a vigilant expression.

Does she know me?

Tang San instantly brainstormed, it must be Huo Yuhao!
This means that he has almost no possibility of instigating the opponent!

He was just about to strike first and threaten the auspicious beast's life, but his body "thumped" uncontrollably and he knelt down on the spot.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

what's the situation?
Wang Qiuer was also a little confused.

She learned from Huo Yuhao's shared memory that Tang San, who would become a god in the future, had caused terrible harm to them.

But she hasn't launched an attack yet, why did the other party kneel down first?
Tang San, who was lying on the ground, looked extremely ugly.

what happened? His body was out of control.

There is something wrong with my body.

Huo Yuhao!
Tang San exploded his soul power to fight, trying hard to get up from the ground.

However, the next moment, his consciousness suddenly fell into the boundless sea of ​​blood.


The bloody world is boundless.

Huo Yuhao's gigantic figure appeared on the distant edge. Behind him was the phantom of a divine ring with nine dazzling lights. Infinite glow bloomed between his brows, and his cold eyes stared down at him.

The center of the blood sea world.

Tang San's soul seemed to be frozen, and his body couldn't move even an inch.

I saw "Huo Yuhao" raising his hand to cover the sky and the sun, coming towards his soul to suppress it!


Mi Tian slapped down his palm, grasped Tang San's soul in his palm, and crushed his soul into pieces bit by bit.

Tang San endured extreme pain, roaring and screaming in the empty bloody world.

Time seemed to stand still, and every minute passed extremely slowly.


real world.

Tang San knelt on the ground, his body trembling slightly, but it seemed as if there was a mountain pressing on his back, and he sobbed and let out a shrill scream.

The more he struggled, the more terrifying the pressure on his back became, directly crushing his limbs and bones and burying his whole body directly into the soil.

The originally surging mysterious power collapsed, and his cultivation fell back to that of an ordinary four-ring soul sect, and he was buried softly in the soil, motionless.

...outside the distant sea.

Huo Yuhao was standing next to the side of the ship, looking at the scenery of the distant sea, with a smile on his lips.

Tang San.

You don’t think I’ll just let you grow up, do you?

I will repay the blood and tears from you a hundredfold.

This is only the beginning.

Huo Yuhao's clouds are calm and the wind is gentle.

The reason why he dared to let Tang San go was because he had a backup plan a long time ago.

Blood Gu cannot kill the master

Besides, do you really think that he is a great benevolent person who can bring back the consciousness of God King Tang San without any restrictions?
Under his control, Tang San would be absolutely suppressed if he met anyone he approved!
Naturally, these include Qiu'er who is connected with the Eye of Destiny, the Ice and Snow Emperors of the Far North, Qian Renxue of the Wuhun Palace, Zi Ling who formed a contract, and A Yin who assisted in resurrection.

Originally, he thought that after Tang San rushed out of the Spirit Hall, he would immediately go to the Ice and Fire Eyes.

That way he can recreate it.

Unexpectedly, Tang San was much more cautious than he expected, and did not take any action for two months.

During this period, he first stole the Vast Sea Universe Cover from the Tiandou Empire's treasure house, and then plunged into the Star Dou Forest.

How did Tang San know that Huo Yuhao knew all of his actions?


At the Xinghu scene, everyone was confused.

Not to mention Xiao Wu and the others, even the self-possessed and experienced Chi King was a little confused at this moment.

No, what happened?
Qiu'er doesn't seem to have taken any action, right? Why did he kneel down?
Even if you just kneel down and put in so much pressure, the whole thing looks pretty decent.

People who don’t know think that we use the spiritual realm to figure it out.

Wang Qiuer frowned slightly.

In Huo Yuhao's memory, his impression of Tang San was always sinister and vicious.

In this case, there is no guarantee that he is pretending to be dead to gain sympathy.

Red King understands.

It immediately stretched out its claws, lifted up its claws to pick up Tang San who was buried in the soil, and then swung its two claws left and right.

"Wake up, where are you pretending to be?"

The ferocious beast took action, and with perfect control of its strength, its two claws smashed Tang San's teeth into pieces, causing blood to fly down. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Tang San, who had suffered a heavy blow to his soul, was suddenly brought back by the pain caused by the outside world. His consciousness returned to a slightly clear state, and he saw himself being carried by the red ferocious beast.

He found that the soul power he had finally accumulated was completely destroyed by Huo Yuhao's torment just now. Not only that, his own soul was also severely damaged, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back this time.

Tang San was extremely desperate, but he still wanted to fight for a glimmer of hope.

He turned to look at Ah Yin with difficulty, his pitiful eyes seeming to beg her to take action.

The Red King immediately stopped, holding Tang San's half-dead body, and turned to look at Ah Yin.

"Is this your son?"

He naturally sensed that the bloodline in Tang San's body was quite close to A Yin's aura, so they should be blood relatives.

In response to this, Ah Yin, who was floating in the air, didn't know how to respond, so he had to remain silent.

"The son of the previous life, she has been reborn now." The Titan Giant Ape continued.

Seeing this, the Red King threw Tang San to the ground.

"In that case, then you can peel off half of his soul beast bloodline on your own, so as not to be manipulated and exploited by the other party." The Red King said coldly.

Ah Yin's eyes hesitated slightly, then quietly drifted down and walked towards Tang San.

Tang San's pupils suddenly brightened.

He suddenly realized that if the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline was stripped away, his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit would not be destroyed? !

(End of this chapter)

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