Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 222 Tang San cried bitterly

Star Forest, Star Lake.

Tang San looked at the approaching Ah Yin and realized something very serious.

If his Blue Silver Emperor bloodline is stripped away, then his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit will definitely be abolished.

When the martial soul is abolished, the advantage of the eighteen soul rings of the twin martial souls will no longer exist.

The most terrifying thing was that the consciousness he had accumulated before was crushed to pieces by Huo Yuhaoliu's backhand, making it impossible to mobilize it again.

Looking at Ah Yin who was constantly approaching him, Tang San realized that the situation was out of control and couldn't help but step back.

"No, don't..." His eyes flashed with fear.

"Mom, it's me, I'm the mistress"

"Mom, wake up, I am really your child."

If even the advantage of twin martial souls was destroyed, how could he defeat Huo Yuhao.

This time, Ah Yin ignored his fearful look and words.

The ground suddenly broke open, and the Blue Silver Emperor vines entangled and trapped Tang San. The sharp thorns pierced his skin, penetrated deep into his blood, and absorbed the blood power from his body to feed himself back.

Tang San felt the power within his body being withdrawn, and couldn't help but panic at this moment.

"Stop it, do you really want to watch your own child die tragically?"

"Xiao Wu, please help me!"

"Xiao Wu, have you forgotten? We have been through thick and thin, we..."

Tang San gritted his teeth and struggled hard, but found that with his current cultivation alone, he couldn't break free from the shackles of the Blue Silver Emperor's vines.

Xiao Wu sat on the Titan Ape's shoulders and just watched the scene quietly, indifferently.

This strong sense of sight reminded Tang San of the indifferent 'Wutong' who stood beside him when he tricked Huo Yuhao into being promoted to the God King.


"Let me go! I order you to stop!"

Tang San was forced to panic and couldn't help but become angry with embarrassment.


Tang San let out a heart-rending scream, as if he was suffering from great pain.

The blue silver grass martial spirit instinctively appeared to protect the master, and four soul rings, two yellow, one white, and one purple, appeared under its feet.

Along with the Blue Silver Emperor's grabbing and plundering, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit quickly became illusory, as if it was torn apart, completely turning into light shards and shattering. The four spirit rings on his body were shattered at the moment when the spirit was shattered. Disintegrated between heaven and earth.

At this time, Tang San was like a dog whose spine had been taken away, hanging limply on the Blue Silver Emperor vine, with blood all over his body and blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Ah Yin took back the Blue Silver Emperor vines and felt the power of blood return.

Tang San, who lost the "hang" wrapped around him by the Blue Silver Emperor, fell to the ground, with only a faint breath left, but his consciousness was not lost.

All the soul beasts at the scene stared at him coldly, with contempt in their eyes.

"Why... why?" Tang San was extremely embarrassed, reaching out to grab Ah Yin's ankle, but Ah Yin avoided it.

The look in his eyes when he raised his head was extremely terrifying.

"The past me is dead. Without him, there would be no me now." A Yin said calmly.

"The grudges and fates of the past are gone, and I am just the second bluesilver grass produced from the same seed."

"To me, in my opinion, you father and son want to kill me and my savior." A Yin raised his hand to brush the hair hanging down from the corner of his eyes, his tone was still cold.

After saying that, Ah Yin turned around and left quietly.

After hearing these words, Tang San looked at the back of the figure who left decisively.

At that moment, I fell completely into despair, lost consciousness, and finally fell into the dust, keeping company with the soil.

Looking at Tang San who was unconscious, the Titan Giant Ape was considering whether to take a last hit.

As for Xiao Wu, she could accept Tang San being stripped of his bloodline and having his martial spirit destroyed, but she still couldn't bear to kill him directly.

The Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python were beside them, but they were helpless. There are ferocious beasts from the ancient restricted area present at the scene, and they don't dare to make random decisions.

Seeing the end of the theater, Wang Qiuer turned around and returned to the ancient restricted area with the Red King, without mentioning how to deal with this human being.

The Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python looked at each other.

Ah Yin left the scene, his meaning was obvious, I will not interfere in this matter.

Although Sister Xiaowu didn't say anything, after getting along for so many years, she could still guess some of the meaning.

Finally, the Titan Ape held the collar of the soft mud with two fingers and walked towards the outside of Star Lake.

Throw it out and let him fend for himself.


Star Dou Forest, outside.

The unconscious Tang San was vaguely aware of something slippery and slippery licking various parts of his body, and then the sharp teeth came directly to his mouth and bit into his wrist——

Tang San was suddenly awakened by the severe pain, and found that he was surrounded by more than a dozen Netherworld wolves that had been cultivated for a hundred years.

The other wolves stared at him warily, as if wondering that this "prey" was alive?
One of the ghost wolves was hanging on his wrist. It found that the prey was alive, but refused to let go.

Tang San's soul had been crushed and exploded, and the Blue Silver Grass martial soul had just been destroyed. At this time, he was weak, and he was surrounded by wolves.

He was going to fight the wolf right then and there, to decide life and death, and hit the wolf's head hard!
However, a wolf suddenly attacked his back from behind, causing Tang San to be attacked from both sides.

Tang San took out the hidden weapon from the Twenty-Four Bridge on a Moonlit Night, and even though his palms were restrained, he still sent away the three Netherworld wolves on the spot.

However, this scene seemed to arouse the bloodshed of the wolves. One wolf pounced directly on it, slashed the Twenty-Four Bridge Mingyue Ye on Tang San's waist with its sharp claws, picked it up in its mouth and ran away.

When Tang San saw this, his expression suddenly changed.

The Heart of the Ocean is still inside!

The wolves are fighting one after another, and the main one is bullying the "old and weak" one.

The Tang Shenwang was attacked from both sides.

It's said to be an attack, but it's more like "pushing". What's being bullied is that you are powerless!

Tang San's eyes were red, he took out the Clear Sky Hammer and fought his way out, struggling desperately to get away from the wolves, and immediately rushed to chase the Twenty-Four Bridge on the Moonlit Night.

However, during the pursuit, he tripped over branches and vines and fell severely.

When he got up with difficulty, he saw a pack of wolves surrounding him.

At that moment, he finally cried uncontrollably.

At this time, the Man-Faced Demon Spider, which was originally hunting in the dark, slowly walked out of the jungle and appeared above Tang San behind him.

Its abdomen has a white bone armor shaped like a smiling face, and there are twelve pairs of densely packed compound eyes on the front of its abdomen, which are shining with dark green luster. Each eye reflects Tang San's figure, and the sharp spider spears are like a mantis stalking. Cicadas criss-cross and fall——


at the same time.

In the distant ocean, on the Xingluo ship.

Huo Yuhao clearly "watched" everything that happened in the Star Forest.

Has Qiuer already transformed?

Probably influenced by her memory, she still chose the look of the goddess of light this time, even the butterfly hair ornament on her head...

Ah Yin finally did not reborn in vain and handled the bloodline well.

Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor bloodline was deprived of him, and the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit was annihilated, losing the advantage of twin martial spirits.

When you were suffering and Xiao Wu watched indifferently, how did you feel?

Next stop, how about going to my killing city?
The corner of Huo Yuhao's mouth curled up into a sneer, and his eyes flashed with coldness.


(End of this chapter)

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