Chapter 241 Puppet Emperor (first update)
Glory City, Lieyang Palace.

The news of the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord's birth immediately frightened Emperor Lieyang, and he immediately ordered the entire city to be on alert.

Another worshiper of the Lieyang royal family, Supreme Bai Yu, appeared next to Emperor Lieyang at this time.

"His Majesty."

"This matter is too weird, I'm afraid the person who came here is not good." Emperor Lieyang's face was a little solemn.

Their plan was to unite with the Holy Cult people to target Huo Yuhao.

In the name of assisting in hunting soul rings, take the other party to the Demonic Forest
Originally, he wanted to use the hands of the "Evil Eye Emperor" to kill Huo Yuhao in the cradle.

As a result, there was no news from over there that the Evil Eye Emperor actually walked out of the Evil Forest and headed straight for the Glory City.

"Is there any news from the Imperial Master?" Bai Yu asked, frowning slightly.

He is only a Level 93 Supreme, and is no match for the Evil Eye Emperor.

Looking at the entire Sun Moon Continent, I am afraid that only the Imperial Master can compete with the Evil Eye Emperor.

If the Evil Eye Emperor prepares to attack the City of Glory, it will definitely be a disaster for them!
Emperor Lieyang shook his head, "We have already sent someone to inform us, but most of the imperial advisors are at the main altar at this time. It will take some time from receiving the news to arriving here."

Looking at the horizon from a distance, a hole seemed to be torn open in the sky, and the outline of a huge vertical pupil gradually appeared.

Emperor Lieyang stared at this scene closely, his face full of worry and sorrow, but in the end he had no choice but to let out a long sigh.

The Evil Eye Emperor approaches the City of Glory with endless pressure. It hovers in mid-air, with countless slender tentacles growing around its huge vertical pupils, dancing wantonly in the void.

Those tentacles were covered with corpses. Judging from their clothes, these people were members of the Holy Religion, including the three supreme elders of the Holy Religion.

In addition, His Highness Xu Jing and Supreme Qingxuan are also on the list.

Above the head of the evil-eyed tyrant, there is actually a figure standing, his black robe rustling in the wind, his delicate face with a cold expression, and his eyes flowing with light golden luster.

That person turned out to be Huo Yuhao!

Supreme Bai Yu was shocked when he saw this scene.

How could could it become like this?
He can actually control the Evil Eye Emperor?

It's over.

Emperor Lieyang's face was ashen, his lips were bloodless, and his body was trembling like a broken leaf in the wind. It was extremely difficult to even stand.

The main body of the Evil Eye Tyrant is like a mountain, shuttling through the void, and its hideous and terrifying face makes people shudder.

This behemoth easily crossed the sky over the Glory City, setting off gusts of wind wherever it went. The people in the city were terrified and fled in all directions, as if the end of the world had come.

However, what is surprising is that these terrifying tentacles did not cause wanton destruction. They flew towards the central Lieyang Palace with clear goals, and finally landed slowly on the palace.

The whole scene was extremely strange and eerily quiet.


The Lieyang Palace, which used to be magnificent and magnificent in the past, is now filled with a chilling atmosphere.

The evil-eyed tyrant Lord descended from the sky, with many holy cult corpses hanging on his tentacles.

"Your Majesty Lieyang, I'm here today to ask for an explanation for your attempt to trap and kill me." Huo Yuhao stood above the evil-eyed tyrant, his eyes like torches, overlooking Emperor Lieyang below.

Emperor Lieyang turned pale.

The holy religion they relied on was broken.

The corpses hanging from the tentacles of the Evil-Eye Tyrant Dominate said it all.

Supreme Bai Yu stood aside, feeling the strong pressure from the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

He knew that he was invincible and that if he was not careful, he would be killed.

Xu Jing and Qingxuan Supreme are still alive, but extremely weak.

They watched helplessly as Huo Yuhao entered the palace and openly threatened Emperor Lieyang! Finally, Emperor Lieyang succumbed.


Huo Yuhao made great contributions in wiping out the evil soul master organization, and was granted the title of Duke of Star Luo, responsible for taking over the Royal Soul Master Group and Soul Guidance Group of the Lieyang Empire.

Xu Jing and Qingxuan Supreme return.

The structure of the Lieyang Empire was shaken, but no one dared to stand up and oppose it.

Huo Yuhao did not embarrass Emperor Lieyang, at least he was still the supreme leader of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

He used to be the puppet of the Holy Shadow Emperor, but now he has become Huo Yuhao's puppet.

He did not interfere in the internal affairs of the empire.

Three days later.

Huo Yuhao announced the establishment of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda Organization, which is affiliated with the descending soul master organization of the Lieyang Empire.

The initial members of the Spirit Transferring Tower were drawn from the Lieyang Royal Soul Master Group and the Soul Guide Group.

In addition, he also established a soul guidance device organization, structured the prototype of Mingde Hall, and began to focus on the research and development of soul guidance device technology.

The development of soul guidance devices is naturally inseparable from the support of massive amounts of rare metals.

Along with this comes the mining of rare metal deposits.

Huo Yuhao launched a series of measures to maintain the current situation of the Lieyang Empire as much as possible and stabilize the basic market.


At the same time, Frost Moon Empire.

News of the Lieyang Empire soon spread to the Frost Moon Empire, causing shock to the top brass of the Frost Moon Empire and putting the entire empire on high alert.

From the perspective of the senior officials of the Frost Moon Empire, the overseas envoy had already alienated the Lieyang Empire, and a large-scale war could break out between the two empires at any time.

All levels of the empire were extremely nervous, but Princess Silveryue was relaxed and contented.

In the palace courtyard.

Princess Silver Moon was currently squatting in the courtyard repairing flowers and plants.

She was dressed in a moonlight white robe, with a graceful figure, a beautiful and cold appearance, and powerful strength.

"Your Highness, I heard that the Holy Cult has been exterminated. Do we still need to abide by the original covenant?" The maid in purple at the back held a silver plate with tools for repairing flowers and plants.

The so-called covenant is naturally for fifty years. The Lieyang Empire and the Frost Moon Empire each send a royal blood descendant to have a life-and-death showdown. The winner will be qualified to enter the secret land.

Now there is less than two months left before the agreed date.

Princess Silver Moon is the strongest generation of the Shuangyue royal family, and she is already the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor at a young age.

If it were in the past, there would naturally be a chance to compete and win.

However, a monster appeared in the contemporary Lieyang royal family. His martial spirit turned out to be the legendary Zihuang Tianslayer Dragon. He was only twenty-four years old and had broken through the seventh ring.

"It feels almost the same." Princess Yinyue took the scissors and cut off the protruding rose branches, then looked left and right to see the deviation.

"How can it be almost the same?" The maid was surprised.

"I heard that the Crown Prince of the Lieyang Empire, Xu Jing, was defeated. It is said that he used his Martial Soul Avatar and the Purple Huang Tian Slayer Dragon to appear, but the result was still a disastrous defeat." The maid said.

"I have heard some rumors." Princess Yinyue lowered her head and was busy with the matter at hand, without raising her head.

"I'm a little curious about what the Star Luo envoy from overseas looks like? He's so powerful. I guess he's also a peerless genius in their continent, right?" the maid praised.

"Maybe I'll have a chance to see you in the future." Princess Silver Moon put the scissors back on the silver plate and stood up to take a bath.

(End of this chapter)

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