Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 242 Spirit Transferring Tower

Chapter 242 Spirit Transferring Tower (Second update)
Lieyang Empire, Spirit Transferring Tower.

The so-called tower is actually a spacious and bright palace.

At this time, in front of the bright office.

"Take these formation patterns back and study them first. If you have anything you don't understand, come and ask me." Huo Yuhao, before bending down at his desk, raised his head and handed a stack of soul guide drawings to the girl in pink in front of him, and ordered.

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Huo." Ying Xiao held a stack of soul guide array patterns, smiled, bowed and bowed, and then stepped back.

"Yeah." Huo Yuhao nodded slightly.

The blueprints he gave were naturally limited to low-level soul guidance device blueprints of the first to third levels, but they were far more diverse and detailed than the soul guidance device blueprints of the Sun and Moon Continent, and were very suitable for laying the foundation.

In the competition, Ying Xiao, who could copy other people's soul skills, was successfully tricked by Huo Yuhao into taking a job in the Spirit Pagoda.

Perhaps due to the influence of her own martial soul, she has extremely high attainments in the formation of soul guidance devices.

Huo Yuhao naturally couldn't bear to waste it, so today's scene happened.

The Mirror Eye Martial Spirit's ability to recreate is indeed ridiculously strong, and its quality is far superior to the original Spirit Eye Martial Spirit.

Watching Ying Xiao's departure, Huo Yuhao stood up from his desk and prepared to return to the closed studio to continue the previous production of the eighth-level soul guide.

"Lord Tower Master." A call came from behind, causing Huo Yuhao to turn around and look.

That was a young Spirit Transferring Tower soul master. Huo Yuhao still had some impressions of him. He was quite talented in making soul tools.

"What's the matter?" Huo Yuhao asked.

As far as the current Spirit Transferring Tower is concerned, he has not expanded on the content of souls.

At this time, the "Spirit Transferring Pagoda" was only a soul master organization affiliated with the Lieyang Royal Family.

Among them, priority will be given to selecting spiritual martial souls and spiritually powerful soul masters to join.

Although he has also established organizations such as "Mingdetang" that specialize in manufacturing soul guidance devices, the technology is relatively backward, and the division of responsibilities between them and the Spirit Transferring Pagoda is relatively vague, covering almost the same type.

In the eyes of outsiders, these are just two teams developing soul guidance devices.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Huo Yuhao attaches more importance to the development of the Spirit Tower and has a higher priority on resource supply.

Therefore, most talented soul masters in the Lieyang Empire basically hope to enter the Spirit Transferring Tower.

Resources and connections are only one aspect.

The most important thing is that the Spirit Transferring Pagoda can learn the soul guidance technology that Huo Yuhao brought from overseas, which is more comprehensive and complete than that in the Sun and Moon Continent.

"Lord Tower Master, the covenant battle between the two empires will begin in half a month. I wonder if you are interested in watching the battle." The soul master said respectfully.

Covenant War? Did time pass so quickly?
Huo Yuhao felt a little dazed.

It seems that he became addicted again in the process of making the soul guide.

He remembered that when he first came to the Sun Moon Continent and heard about the life-and-death covenant battle for the first time, it was still three months before it started.

In the blink of an eye, there is only half a month left?

"What do you think, Your Majesty?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"Your Majesty means that your subordinates should report to the tower master."

From the soul master's euphemistic words, Huo Yuhao could understand.

This was obviously what Emperor Lieyang wanted, and he sent someone to ask for his opinions.

Now that the evil soul master organization has been destroyed, he is the real talker in the Lieyang Empire.

As for why Emperor Lieyang didn't ask in person?
It was entirely because Huo Yuhao stayed in the Spirit Pagoda and paid no attention to the outside world.

This also made Emperor Lieyang secretly happy to be able to regain power, but he did not dare to be too arrogant. He still had to ask for some things, a bit like...asking for instructions.

"Is there any change in the rules of the engagement?" Huo Yuhao asked.

Now that the Holy Religion has been destroyed, there seems to be no need for the two empires to engage in strife or life-or-death duels.

"There is no news of changes yet." The soul master raised his head and said, "But it is understood that the location of this battle is in the Frost Moon Empire."

Frost Moon Empire?
Coincidentally, the Qiankun Wenqing Valley is also within the Frost Moon Empire.

He was also waiting for the Qiankun Wenqing Valley to open, and the Spirit Transferring Pagoda needed to take root, so he was busy with infrastructure construction during this period.

"Call your Majesty for me and tell me that I will be present at the covenant battle. In addition, the battle will be changed from a life-and-death battle to a sparring match," Huo Yuhao said.

"Okay, I will convey the news." The soul master said respectfully.

"Back off." Huo Yuhao said calmly. "As commanded."


Lieyang Palace.

"Cancel the battle of life and death and change it to a sparring match." Emperor Lieyang also somewhat agreed when he heard the news.

The Holy Religion has been destroyed, and there is really no need for them to abide by that treaty.

However, that special secret realm...seems like only people from the Holy Religion can open it.

Even if he wins the sparring match, it doesn't seem to bring much change.

"He has no doubts about the venue of the event?" Emperor Lieyang asked.

The Battle of the Covenant was decided on the Frost Moon Empire, which was actually a test for him.

He had previously been worried that Huo Yuhao would forcibly change the location of the fight with just one word.

"No." The waiter said respectfully.

Emperor Lieyang breathed a sigh of relief.

This means that in the next period of time, the great god Huo Yuhao will be in the Frost Moon Empire.

This made him feel less stressed.

He needs to take this gap to take a breather, and secretly win over power, holding everything in the palm of his hand before the other party comes back.

"Since he will participate in watching the battle at that time, please pass on the message and prepare the car in advance." Emperor Lieyang said.

"As ordered." The waiter obeyed the order and immediately went to convey the oral instructions.

Emperor Lieyang looked out the window, feeling slightly at ease.

As long as he doesn't touch the Spirit Transferring Pagoda and Mingde Hall, he shouldn't notice...


At the same time, another part of the palace.

I heard that Huo Yuhao was going to the Frost Moon Empire to visit the competition.

Xu Jing sighed silently.

To him, Huo Yuhao was simply the shadow of his life.

He has been in a very depressed mood recently.

To be precise, he was hit by Huo Yuhao.

He originally thought that Huo Yuhao was a genius of his generation who was evenly matched with him. He could beat him in the sparring match, which meant that the opponent was much better than him.

When he was in the Demonic Forest, Huo Yuhao's strength was that he could directly destroy his martial soul's true form with just one sword blow.

This means that the battle he had with me in the sparring match was just a joke to me.

Controlling the Evil-Eyed Tyrant Lord, he directly destroyed the Holy Cult Main Altar, and even the ninety-seventh level Shadow Emperor was beheaded.

Later, they pressed directly into Lieyang Palace, so much that they could hardly breathe.

Huo Yuhao's existence cast a layer of haze over the entire Lieyang Empire that lingered.

The days of living in fear, I don’t know when this will end.


Spirit Transferring Tower.

"Teacher Huo, I heard that you are going to the Frost Moon Empire to watch the battle?" Ying Xiao asked.

"What's wrong?" Huo Yuhao asked.

He thought that the other party also wanted to join in the fun.

"What about the Spirit Transferring Pagoda?" Ying Xiao said. What she was thinking was that the journey was so long and it would take at least a month to start. Doesn’t the heavy responsibility of the Spirit Transferring Tower rest on my shoulders? How can I withstand it?

"It won't take long." Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

He is not with a large army and has the Evil Emperor as his mount. It only takes half a day to go to the "Silver Moon City" of the Frost Moon Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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