Chapter 243 Princess Silver Moon (single chapter)
Frost Moon Empire, Silver Moon City.

This is the capital of Frost Moon Empire and the most prosperous and lively place in the entire empire.

The city is lined with tall buildings, the streets are wide and clean, people are coming and going, and traffic is busy, giving the city a prosperous appearance.

on the street.

Under the protection of the elite soul master team of the Lieyang Empire, Xu Jing successfully arrived at Silver Moon City.

It can be said that he is the protagonist of this drama.

The so-called battle of the covenant was his duel with Princess Silver Moon.

Covenant battles in the past have always been about victory and death, but this time it was different.

The two sides decided to lift all restrictions and turn it into a sparring match.

When the delegation from the Burning Sun Empire appeared, it caused quite a stir in Silver Moon City. Everyone was looking forward to the exciting showdown between the two young leaders.

Xu Jing and others entered Silver Moon City. After the Frost Moon Empire arranged to settle in, the first person they asked about was Huo Yuhao's news.

To be precise, it was news from "Overseas Star Luo Envoy Mr. Huo".

You said that the Lieyang Empire granted him the title of Duke? That counts!
After this operation, Xu Jing's face turned black with anger, and he said coldly that Huo Yuhao was not traveling with them.

The Shuangyue envoy was a little disappointed when he got the news.


But it doesn’t matter, the battle of the covenant will only start three days later.

Since that "Master Huo" said he was coming, he was naturally unlikely to play tricks on them, so he just waited.


On the eve of the Battle of the Covenant.

The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord appeared on the sky outside Silver Moon City, and the Evil Emperor came in person carrying Huo Yuhao.

That ostentatious gimmick overwhelmed all program effects.

After Emperor Shuangyue learned the news, he had already made arrangements and led all the princes and ministers to greet him. The atmosphere at the scene was extremely solemn and warm.

Princess Silver Moon is also among them.

The evil-eyed tyrant master stagnated outside Silver Moon City, and Huo Yuhao arrived.

The Evil Emperor transformed into a cold-blooded man, following behind Huo Yuhao.

Emperor Shuangyue came to greet him personally.

He was an emperor who was nearly fifty years old, with slightly frosty temples, a slightly fat body, and a genial appearance.

Huo Yuhao just exchanged polite greetings. From the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed the woman in white standing next to him. When he saw her appearance clearly, he couldn't help but feel a "thump" in his heart and looked slightly startled.

Senior sister?
These three words popped into Huo Yuhao's mind almost reflexively.

Her appearance and temperament were so similar that he almost mistook her for "Senior Sister Le Xuan" from Shrek Academy, but if he looked carefully, he could still find some subtle differences.

Emperor Shuangyue warmly welcomed Huo Yuhao's arrival, followed by a large group of people who saluted him.

The envoys they received from the distant Star Luo Empire did not take the canonization of the Lieyang Empire seriously at all.

Huo Yuhao and Emperor Shuangyue exchanged a few pleasantries while talking.

Huo Yuhao's eyes flashed with surprise and surprise.

The Silver Moon Princess glanced at him, her demeanor was quite restrained, and she only accompanied him during the whole process. Except for the initial "I met Ambassador Huo", she didn't say a word.

Huo Yuhao smiled and nodded towards her.

Princess Silver Moon was a little hesitant, but then she nodded.


As night falls, the lights are on.

The Shuangyue Palace was decorated with lanterns and colors, and it was a lively scene.

A grand banquet was being held to welcome Huo Yuhao, a high-profile guest.

Xu Jing, the crown prince of the Lieyang Empire, was also invited to attend the feast (incidentally).

When Xu Jing received this invitation, he felt somewhat displeased, but he didn't want to lose face. The main reason was that he was afraid that Huo Yuhao would find an excuse to attack, so he had to go there with resentment.


Frost Moon Palace, at the dinner party.

In the courtyard, people were drinking wine and drinking. There was endless laughter and laughter.

These are not very attractive to Huo Yuhao.

He just politely responded to everyone's greetings and occasionally made a toast.

There are very few people who can clink glasses with him. People in the Frost Moon Empire are basically self-aware.

Princess Silver Moon and Xu Jing briefly met, and the opponents they were about to meet on the field only nodded politely.

Afterwards, Princess Silver Moon left first.

She didn't seem interested in the occasion or had her own business to attend to.

Huo Yuhao didn't pay attention and sat alone.

Xu Jing only dared to glance at him from afar, and didn't even dare to step forward to say hello to him.

He was really scared.

Huo Yuhao naturally had no intention of scaring him.

Huo Yuhao seemed out of place in this noisy banquet atmosphere.

He doesn't care about other people's opinions. He drinks alone and focuses on his inner thoughts.

At this time, in the Sun and Moon Continent, the two empires had not yet completed their unification. They were confronting each other and tit for tat.

The martial spirits owned by the royal families of the two empires are also very interesting. One symbolizes the blazing sun, and the other represents the cold moon.

Time flies, the years are like a shuttle.

Thousands of years after the return, only the "Sun and Moon Empire" was left to rule the entire continent.

The most famous representative martial spirit of the Imperial Family of the Sun and Moon Empire is the dazzling sun.

Who would have thought that there was a Moon Martial Spirit that could keep pace with it thousands of years ago.

During those long years, it gradually disappeared for unknown reasons, and even most people on the Sun and Moon Continent knew very little about it.

He thought about the senior sister.

As far as he knew, the eldest sister came from the Dou Ling Empire. Her family had been ruthlessly persecuted and she had become an orphan.

Later, the senior sister met Mr. Mu.

After being brought back to the academy by Mr. Mu, the senior sister gradually rose to prominence.

Later, she became the senior sister respected by everyone in Shrek's inner courtyard.

In the future, he will become the successor master of Poseidon Pavilion after him.

Senior Sister’s martial spirit is the moon.

Pure moon.

Maybe he was slow before.

Who would have thought that thousands of years ago on the Sun and Moon Continent, there was a Frost Moon Empire with the Moon Martial Spirit as its heritage.

The dinner was not interesting, so Huo Yuhao stood up and left.

Emperor Shuangyue came over to say some greetings and said that if he needed to sober up, he could go to the back garden for a walk.

Huo Yuhao nodded slightly, turned and left.


Palace courtyard.

The back garden is filled with colorful flowers and a wide variety of flowers, which are so beautiful.

Huo Yuhao was walking among them, and when he came to a corner, he happened to meet the legendary Princess Silver Moon.

Huo Yuhao saw this and said, "Hello, it's our first time meeting you."

The moment Princess Yinyue saw Huo Yuhao, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she quickly regained her composure and said softly, "Hmm", and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing an indifferent smile.

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but feel a little strange, thinking that this princess didn't seem to be too strange to him.

"This is actually the second time we have met." Princess Silver Moon said softly.

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao was a little suspicious. Can the greeting in front of Silver Moon City also count? Does that dinner count?
Seeing this, Princess Silver Moon smiled slightly: "Actually, I have seen you before in the Demonic Forest."

Huo Yuhao was a little surprised when he heard this.

You know, when he was in the Demonic Forest, he used his mental detection to the extreme. It stands to reason that no disturbance around him could escape his perception. How could anyone approach him without him noticing?
"Just looking at it from a distance." As if she saw Huo Yuhao's doubts, Princess Silver Moon added with a smile.

"You went to the Demonic Forest to hunt for soul rings?" Huo Yuhao asked.

Princess Silver Moon shook her head slightly, "I just want to try my luck there."

"How to say?" This topic attracted Huo Yuhao's attention.

"There is news from the Lieyang Empire, revealing that you need to hunt the seventh soul ring." Princess Silver Moon said.

Huo Yuhao listened.

The two empires planted undercover agents and leaked information to each other, so it was not surprising that she knew her whereabouts.

"With a little guessing, it's not difficult to guess the thoughts of the senior leaders of the Lieyang Empire. I guess you don't know much about the Sun and Moon Continent and want to use a knife to kill people." Princess Silver Moon said.

"Evil Eye Tyrant Lord?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"Yes." Princess Silver Moon nodded calmly.

"I was thinking of trying my luck... I never imagined that your strength is so terrifying that you were able to defeat the evil-eyed tyrant and conquer it. It's comparable to a myth." Princess Silver Moon said with a smile.

"At that time, I was on the high cliff outside the core area and took a look from a distance."

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but chuckle after hearing these words.

If the evil-eyed tyrant master had fought with him desperately, he might have been seriously injured and defeated.

It seemed like he had missed something.

"Why do you know so much?" Huo Yuhao asked with a smile.

"It's written like this in picture books, but you are really too different. The level of exaggeration is no less than that of 'Children of the God Realm's Lower Realm Experience'." Princess Silver Moon said with a smile.

"Picture book?" Huo Yuhao was a little surprised.

"Well, I have also read an even more exaggerated article. When the protagonist was over sixty levels, he killed a god with his human body and stole his artifact." Princess Silver Moon chuckled.

Huo Yuhao raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

How dare you write this picture book? You can kill gods at more than sixty levels and also steal artifacts?

The problem is so big, if this situation really happened, the God Realm would have sent a law enforcement team down to the lower realm.

"Are gods not that easy to kill?" Huo Yuhao said.

If he now unleashed the power of his soul from his previous life, he could kill the gods, but that would easily lead to him being targeted by the law enforcers of the God Realm.

"Well, he also paid an extremely heavy price." Princess Silver Moon's expression calmed down slightly.

After all, it was the woman he loved most in his life who was sacrificed, but fortunately the ending was happy, and that "she" was actually always there, but he didn't know it.

"How confident are you about tomorrow's duel?" Huo Yuhao did not dwell on the picture book story and turned to other questions.

"About 30%. Although the opponent is very strong, there is no chance." Princess Silver Moon said.

"I heard that the winner of the covenant can enter a secret place and get opportunities from it?" Huo Yuhao tentatively learned the news.

Princess Silver Moon pondered slightly.

"It's a secret, but I'm telling you, it's safe to come. It's a mysterious valley that requires a specific time to open. The number of people who can enter is controlled by the Holy Cult. It's said that you have to pass a test before you can gain an opportunity. ”

"Those who get the opportunity are almost guaranteed to be supreme, so that opportunity is very important." Princess Silver Moon said carefully after considering it.

Guaranteed supreme?

It looks like it is indeed grass jelly.

Huo Yuhao already had the answer in his heart.

As for the so-called "test", at the current stage it should be the "god of love" who is tossing it.

The Shadow King must have benefited from it and received the blessing of the fairy grass.

Otherwise, given the conditions of the Sun and Moon Continent, it would be really not easy to reach level ninety-seven.

He founded the Evil Soul Master Organization and controlled the Qiankun Wenqing Valley. He obviously wanted to gain benefits from it and even pry into the secret of becoming a god.

"But the so-called 'holy religion' has been cut off now. I don't think anyone can open that valley. Even if Xu Jing defeats me, it will probably be a rare opportunity to transform." Princess Silver Moon said with a smile.

Her tone even contained a hint of schadenfreude.

"The destruction of the evil soul master has no direct connection with the failure of the valley to open." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

Due to the test of Qiankun Wenqing Valley, it is impossible to use the human sea tactic.

Only those with a firm mind can get opportunities from it.

Princess Silver Moon was a little surprised, but she just smiled.

"Well, I hope I can have the opportunity to go and find out. Therefore, I will go all out for tomorrow's battle."

"I wish you all your wishes and all your wishes come true." Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

"Thank you for your blessing." Princess Silver Moon returned the smile, and then said softly, "Then I'll excuse you now, there are still some things that need to be dealt with."

Huo Yuhao nodded slightly to express his understanding.

His eyes followed her further and further until she disappeared from sight.


The night was deep, the moonlight was like water, gently falling on the earth, and the surroundings were quiet and peaceful.

Huo Yuhao embarked on his way home alone.

The bright moon hangs high and shines brightly.

The stone-paved paths are winding and winding, and the flowers, plants and trees along the way sway under the silver light, seeming to be telling their stories silently.


Late at night, slightly cold.

The palace dinner came to an end and the guests dispersed.

Huo Yuhao complied with the arrangement and temporarily lived in the courtyard attic.

Dreaming, speechless all night.


The next morning.

Silver Moon City, Soul Fighting Arena.

In the spirit fighting arena that can accommodate 100,000 spectators at the same time, the much-anticipated covenant battle is coming.

Huo Yuhao was invited to attend, and he sat on the chopping board next to Emperor Shuangyue. The evil emperor transformed into a human form and accompanied Huo Yuhao to attend.

In front of the chopping board table on the other side are two worshipers from the Frost Moon Empire, both of whom are Nine Ring Supremes.

When they saw Huo Yuhao again, their expressions were quite reserved.

The main reason is that the Evil Emperor's sense of oppression is too strong. They are just two little supreme beings, so how can they dare to make mistakes.

The atmosphere in the arena was extremely tense, and the audience held their breath, anticipating the start of this peak showdown.

Princess Silver Moon floated in like a fairy, with a cold light shining in her beautiful eyes;
Xu Jing came to the world like a god of war, unruly and exuding unparalleled coercion.

The two of them were tens of meters apart, but they seemed to be able to feel the hostility in each other's eyes.

At this moment, the referee on the field shouted loudly: "The game begins!"

Before she finished speaking, a bright moon suddenly appeared behind Princess Silver Moon, hanging in the sky like a jade plate.

Six soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black, also appeared under her feet at the same time, and powerful soul power fluctuations spread around like a tide.

The moonlight fell on her body, making her pure white dress dance in the wind, making her look even more elegant.

At the same time, a purple-scaled dragon suddenly appeared behind Xu Jing.

This Purple Brilliance Heaven-Destroying Dragon showed its teeth and claws, majestic and majestic.

As it appeared, the surrounding space began to distort and deform, forming purple-black vortexes of destruction.

Xu Jing's body surface was quickly covered with a thick layer of dragon scales, and his arms and legs gradually became thicker, and even partially transformed into a dragon.

Seven dazzling soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, and black, surged under his feet.

Silver Moon vs Zihuang Tianlong

A shocking war is about to break out!

(End of this chapter)

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