Chapter 244: Moon Realm (single chapter)

Frost Moon Empire, Silver Moon City.

At this moment, the fighting spirit arena was silent.

On the playing field.

Silver Moon stood quietly in the center of the field, deserted and quiet, with a bright moon emerging behind her as her soul power fluctuated.

At the same time, a total of six dazzling soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and two black, slowly appeared under her feet.

At the other end of the field, Xu Jing also exuded amazing momentum.

A phantom of the purple-hued Heaven-Destroying Dragon appeared behind him, majestic and awe-inspiring.

Along with the possession of the martial soul, Xu Jing's body began to undergo strange changes, taking on the form of a dragon. His arms and fingers became extremely sharp, flashing with cold light, and his whole body exuded a violent and majestic aura.

He raised his hand and looked at the sharp claws that had turned into dragons, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, the referee loudly shouted the command to start the game.

Upon hearing this, Yinyue took the lead in attacking without hesitation.

The third soul skill on her body instantly emitted a dazzling purple light, and the bright moon behind her seemed to be given life, quickly condensing into countless rays of light shining with mysterious brilliance.

In an instant, these light feathers danced lightly like dancing silver butterflies.

They drew beautiful arcs in the void, speeding past like meteors, and finally converged into a torrent, sweeping towards Xu Jing overwhelmingly.

Every ray of light contains terrifying energy. The moment it comes into contact with Xu Jing——

A deafening dragon roar sounded.

A heart-stopping breath of annihilation suddenly burst out from Xu Jing's body, sweeping out like a surging torrent. The light feathers that were close at hand were instantly destroyed by this powerful force, triggering a series of explosions and roars.

Ever since his body received the "strengthening" effect of soul skills, Xu Jing's whole body exuded an unparalleled terrifying aura, like an evil ghost from the Nine Nether Hell, which generally made people shudder.

I saw his toes suddenly touching the ground, and his body galloping out like lightning.

In just the blink of an eye, it turned into a blurry afterimage, rushing towards Silver Moon, as fast as a gust of wind and rain, unstoppable!
Faced with such a fierce offensive, Yinyue's face condensed, and then she gently raised her slender hand, and gently moved her fingertips——

The bright moon spirit hanging behind her suddenly shattered into pieces and turned into countless dazzling rays of light that scattered in all directions.

The mottled moonlight seemed to be alive. It quickly condensed into a slender and sharp moon sword in her palm, which she held tightly in her hand.

in the audience.

When Huo Yuhao saw this, he couldn't help showing a little surprise.

Her martial spirit can actually change forms?
It seems that hers is not as simple as the "Silver Moon Martial Spirit".

On the playing field.

Princess Silver Moon held the moon sword and swung it out resolutely. The blade of the sword shone with the cold moonlight, wrapped in the sharp sword energy, and collided with Xu Jing who was coming at lightning speed!
In an instant, the moon glowed brightly and was dazzling.

Two powerful forces intertwined and competed with each other, and the surrounding air seemed to be distorted by this fierce collision.

After all, she still underestimated the power and dominance of Xu Jing's Purple Sky-Destroying Dragon Spirit, especially in terms of physical strength, which had an absolute suppressive advantage.

It was just the first collision, and Yin Yue was knocked back and slid five or six meters away in an instant.

Her body was slightly bent, her legs moved apart to both sides to maintain balance, and the Moon Sword was pointed tiltedly at the ground beside her. With this movement, she finally stabilized her body.

Then, she suddenly raised her head, her cold eyes becoming sharp.

Yin Yue's slightly bowed figure suddenly bounced up, and his whole body rushed into the void like lightning, stirring up a chaotic silver mirror and moon shadow.

At the same time, the fourth soul ring on her body also shone dazzlingly.

As the moon sword was swung, dozens of extremely sharp moonlight sword energies were instantly stimulated.

The sword energy slashes out across the sky like a crescent moon. It is powerful enough to split rocks and cut gold and stone. It has extremely astonishing destructive power.

Facing such a fierce attack, Xu Jing was not afraid off the court.

The fourth soul ring on his body suddenly lit up, and his whole body radiated like purple flames. The Purple Bright Sky-Destroying Dragon behind him spurted out a huge purple-black energy light wave from its mouth.

This energy light wave was as powerful as breaking bamboo, easily penetrating the crescent-shaped sword energy that was falling rapidly, and triggered a terrifying soul power explosion in mid-air.

Silver Moon was blown away by the explosion, and her hair was scattered.

Xu Jing, who was off the court, slowly raised his palm and saw a mysterious and powerful force beginning to gather here.

In the blink of an eye, a purple-black energy ball condensed into shape, its surface flashed with a heart-stopping light, exuding a terrifying aura of destruction and annihilation.

Purple electric light like vertical lightning kept beating around Xu Jing, making the entire space tremble. Such a grand and spectacular scene makes people shocked.

Xu Jing held the purple-black light ball containing endless power in his palm. The pressure spread out like an overwhelming force and swept around, as if it was going to swallow up everything.

The sixth soul skill - the Great Black Sun of Annihilation!

There is no doubt that this is his most powerful attack method besides his martial soul avatar.

Even Huo Yuhao...

At this moment, he was full of ambition and determined to use this move to defeat the army and end the farce in front of him!
Facing such a powerful enemy, Yinyue did not dare to show any signs of neglect.

She jumped into the air, grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands and raised it high, and an extremely violent and sharp airflow suddenly condensed on the sword.

In an instant, the originally sunny sky turned gloomy and dim, as if shrouded in a huge black curtain, and the dazzling long sword in her hand became the only light in this darkness.

Huo Yuhao looked at the silver moon on the field and the scene triggered by the soul skills displayed, and he was also a little surprised in his heart.

Is she planning to fight head-on?
At this time, Xu Jing's eyes were full of cruelty and arrogance.

He gritted his teeth tightly, compressed the black sun in his palm to the extreme, and then blasted it out into the air.

This blow was as powerful as a volcanic eruption, with the power to destroy the world and the silver moon in mid-air resolutely.

Who can compete with me!

Xu Jing roared in his heart, a look of madness flashed in his eyes.

He firmly believes that his strength is invincible and he will win the final victory today.

At this moment, Yin Yue also launched his own offensive, and the moon sword in his hand struck down with the only "light"

Yueluo - kill!

A dazzling sword light shot out in response, piercing the sky and striking straight towards Xu Jing's black sun.

The two collided with each other in mid-air, causing an earth-shattering noise.

For a moment, the sky and the earth changed color, the wind and clouds rolled, and the entire arena was flooded by dazzling light and violent shock waves.

The bright moonlight and the dark sun.

When the two collided suddenly, the intertwined power of each other escaped, erupting with extremely powerful soul power fluctuations, forming huge circles of energy ripples that spread to all sides.

The dazzling white light gradually dissipated, but in the blink of an eye it was completely swallowed up by endless darkness.

Yinyue was severely injured and flew backwards like a kite with its string broken. She barely managed to stabilize her body in mid-air. She covered her chest with one hand and a trace of bright red blood slowly flowed from the corner of her mouth. Her fair face turned pale at this moment. Paper.

On the other side, Xu Jing landed on the ground again, with a large area of ​​broken spider webs appearing on the floor tiles, and blood spilled.

Xu Jing's shoulder blades and abdomen suffered a sharp diagonal slash, which directly broke through the extremely hard dragon scale armor on his chest, and blood seeped out and dyed his clothes red.

Despite suffering blood injuries, he still stood firm on the field.

A look of reluctance flashed through the depths of Yin Yue's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, without hesitation, she made a sword hand and turned the moon sword tightly in her hand upside down, pointing the sharp sword tip downward to the ground. At the same time, the sixth soul ring on her body suddenly shone brightly.

Since you are still dissatisfied, I will respond to your challenge with the highest courtesy!

Xu Jing's heart was filled with rage, and there was a sense of determination in his eyes.

As Xu Jing raised his arm slightly, he saw that his originally normal palm suddenly changed, quickly transformed into a dragon, and ignited a raging purple-black flame.

At the same time, the seventh soul ring on his body suddenly shone with a deep, pitch-black light.

With the activation of the seventh soul ring, the martial soul behind Xu Jing seemed to be stimulated, instantly erupting into an earth-shattering wave of destruction.

A giant dragon with a huge body and shining purple light appeared out of the sky. It exuded a monstrous aura of annihilation and was eroding the entire arena.

The onlookers turned pale and some were trembling with fear from the smell.

Zihuang destroys Tianlong.

According to legend, the mythical martial spirit known as the "Ancestor of Yalong"!
At this time, Xu Jing jumped up and stood firmly on the dragon's head, with his left hand behind his back, arrogantly staring at the silver moon on the other side of the void.

With a mere sixth-ring cultivation, you can actually force me to use my martial spirit true form. This is enough to be the glory of your life——

Xu Jing snorted in his heart.

Huo Yuhao turned his attention to the silver moon above the arena.

He wanted to know, how should she deal with Xu Jing's true martial soul?

What countless viewers didn't expect was that Silver Moon in the sky actually let go of the hand holding the sword hilt at this moment.

After the moon sword lost its support, it fell straight down.

This scene stunned everyone.

Countless questions ran through their minds.

My mind is confused.

As people of the Frost Moon Empire, they naturally hope that Her Highness the Princess can win this covenant battle.

Even though they knew that there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides, and that the other side possessed a heaven-defying martial spirit like the Purple Light Sky-Destroying Dragon.

They had secret expectations in their hearts, hoping that Her Royal Highness the weak could defeat the strong.

Even if you lose in the end, it should be a battle of exhaustion.

However, when you take the initiative to challenge and release your weapon at the moment when the other party activates the martial soul's true form, are you ready to surrender?
The moment the Moon Sword fell, countless thoughts and ideas flashed through the minds of the hundreds of thousands of spectators present.

Some people were already furious and ready to curse.

On the playing field.

When Xu Jing saw this scene, a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"This farce should end -" Xu Jing's voice was as cold as coming from the Nine Nether Hell.

Just when the moon sword light was about to touch the ground, the sword body suddenly disappeared, as if it had escaped into the void.

"Break it into pieces, Jing Hua Shui Yue!"

Silver Moon moaned softly. Before he finished speaking, there was a strange fluctuation in the surrounding space, and a mysterious realm suddenly unfolded, completely isolating the entire world.


Xu Jing was also shocked. Before he could react, he was already submerged by the raging tide.


The realm of the moon.

It was a vast sea, like the shore of a moon lake, with sparkling waves. A glass mirror moon hung high in the sky, and the whole world was filled with brilliance.

The silver moon is hanging in the ethereal sky at this moment, her beautiful and pale face reveals a hint of exhaustion and weakness, but her eyes are still firm.

Behind her, countless silver lights flashed with dazzling brilliance, like an endless ocean of silver butterflies, which was breathtaking.

"This move again?"

Xu Jing sneered secretly.

He immediately displayed his unique talent field and opened a field barrier in the lake realm.

At this moment, the surrounding scene changed, the originally peaceful space began to distort and deform, and everything became blurred.

A figure in black robe suddenly appeared next to Yin Yue, looking up at Xu Jing below.

The moment Xu Jing saw the other party's appearance, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, even with a bit of horror and disbelief.

"Please," Yin Yue said softly, her voice clearly reaching Xu Jing's ears.

"Killing him will only take a moment." [Huo Yuhao] said indifferently, looking down at him sideways.

Those cold eyes revealed a kind of indifference to all living beings, treating them like nothing.

Xu Jing's heart twitched violently, his body muscles tightened, and he was stiff with fear.

Is this an illusion?
This must be an illusion!
He has no reason to treat me like this!
"Want to confuse me?" A trace of madness flashed across the bottom of Xu Jing's eyes.

As if to prove that he was not afraid, he then without hesitation drove his true form of the Purple Light Sky-Destroying Dragon, soared into the air and charged towards the young man in black robes.

[Huo Yuhao] did not make any response. He gently raised his hand and waved his sleeve casually, and an emerald green carving knife suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

The moment the carving knife appeared, Xu Jing's face instantly turned livid, but he still charged forward resolutely.

"Hallucination! Don't try to confuse me with this method!" Xu Jing roared.

However, when the emerald green light is like a rainbow opening in the sky——

"Final Scene: White Emperor Sword!" Silver Moon's cold voice sounded from under the waning moonlight high in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the surging silver tide surged forward like a flood that broke a bank, easily destroying the Zihuang Realm, forcefully breaking through the Zihuang Sky-Destroying Dragon's true body, and severely knocking Xu Jing from the sky. shoot down--

When the sharp sword light easily cut through the hard dragon scales on his body and deeply stung his flesh and blood, the last trace of luck in Xu Jing's heart was finally shattered.

Xu Jing's pupils suddenly turned white, and his body fell heavily to the outside of the field uncontrollably.

The Moon Realm quietly converged, and the silver moon slowly landed on the platform of the Soul Fighting Arena.

At this time, her face was as pale as paper, one hand was covering her chest tightly, her brows were furrowed, and she seemed to be seriously injured.

The whole scene fell into deathly silence for a while.

Everyone looked at what was happening in front of them in stunned silence, as if time had stopped flowing.


in the audience.

Huo Yuhao raised his eyebrows slightly and stared at the silver moon below.


Her martial soul actually contains the realm of fantasy? !
As if aware of his gaze, Yinyue looked up at the auditorium, looked at Huo Yuhao, and smiled slightly.

 Note: Huo Yuhao didn't interfere in the game. It was an illusion. He was worried that someone would scold him if he didn't understand.

  I haven't saved the manuscript, so I won't update it from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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