Chapter 256 Star Lake Battle (single chapter)

Star Forest, by the Star Lake.

Bibi Dong led Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo to the realm of Star Lake, which was a lush and green world of life.

There is a lake deep in the forest. The water is crystal clear. Strange turquoise plants thrive on the lakeside. A light mist floats on the lake like a veil. The scenery is picturesque, like a fairyland.

On the edge of the lake stood a figure as dark as a mountain ape. As if he felt someone approaching, he suddenly turned around, staring sharply at Bibi Dong and the others with his bright yellow eyes.

In addition, the misty lake surface surged, and a huge figure emerged from it.

It was a huge monster with the head of a bull and the body of a snake. It broke out of the lake, revealing half of its body. Its blue eyes were like two bright lights, emitting a faint light. Under its head and neck was a thick snake body, covered with blue-black scales. .

It was holding its head high, looking down at the uninvited guests below.

One hundred thousand year soul beast

Titan ape and Azure Bull Python

This is exactly the goal of their trip.

The moment the two hundred thousand year soul beasts appeared, everyone led by Bibi Dong was on full alert.

At this moment, a beautiful figure walked out from the depths of the Star Lake, her azure hair slightly swaying in the wind, and her figure standing proudly upright.

It was a very beautiful woman, wearing a light blue gauze dress, with azure hair hanging loosely behind her. Her eyes were dark blue, and looking at the uninvited guests like Bibi Dong, there was a hint of coldness in the depths of her eyes.

One Hundred Thousand Years Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin
When Douluo Ju and Gui saw this scene, they seemed to have seen a ghost and looked horrified.

Isn't she the 100,000-year-old soul beast that died as a sacrifice for Tang Hao fourteen years ago?
The ninth soul ring on Tang Hao's body was a hundred thousand year soul ring. How could she still be alive? !
When Bibi Dong saw that person, she was as shocked as they were.

One Hundred Thousand Years Blue Silver Emperor
This was the fundamental reason why Qian Xunji led the elders of Wuhun Palace to besiege Tang Hao more than ten years ago.

"Your Majesty..." Ju Douluo's words were a little dry, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

People who died as sacrifices in the past reappeared today. This is extremely strange no matter how you look at it.

Bibi Dong looked a little solemn.

Resurrection from the dead is a miracle.

Huo Yuhao's figure subconsciously appeared in her mind.

Could this matter have something to do with him? Then it felt a little ridiculous.

"You dare to break into this place, you should be killed!" The Titan Giant Ape said human words, his tone full of chilling air.

"Death!" Terrifying soul power fluctuations erupted from the Azure Bull Python, like a commanding officer deciding between life and death.

Facing humans who have been planning for a long time, it knows that simple verbal warnings are not effective, only violent deterrence.

Ah Yin was silent, and the vegetation around Star Lake suddenly grew wildly, intertwining with each other, forming intricate veins that covered the entire forest field.

"Do it!" Bibi Dong ordered in a cold voice, a cold light flashing in the depths of his eyes, revealing endless killing intent, and the shadow of the Death Spider Emperor's martial spirit instantly appeared behind him.

Nine-round soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, and red surged under her feet, and powerful soul power fluctuations spread around like a surging tide.

The seventh soul ring on her body suddenly shone, and then a purple-black soul power wave emerged from behind her.

In the blink of an eye, a huge Death Spider King appeared in front of everyone.

Bibi Dong's body has undergone earth-shaking changes. The surface of her body is covered with a layer of hard purple-black carapace. Her long wavy chestnut hair spreads in the wind. A coquettish look appears on her stunning face. There are strange dark purple lines engraved between her eyebrows. , exuding a mysterious and strange atmosphere.

At this time, her lower body transformed into a huge spider body, and her eight sharp legs spread out in the air, releasing earth-shattering soul power fluctuations, full of a strange feeling.

[Martial Spirit True Form·Death Spider King]

At the same time, Ju Douluo showed no sign of weakness.

He raised his hand, and a strange chrysanthemum suddenly appeared in his palm - the strange velvet giant chrysanthemum.

Immediately afterwards, a total of nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple and five black, lit up under his feet.

When the seventh soul ring shone, a dazzling and dazzling strange velvet-toothing chrysanthemum suddenly emerged from behind him, soaring straight into the sky, blooming with infinite purple-gold light.

[Martial Soul True Form·QiRongTianChrysanthemum]

"Leave the woman who controls the plants to me." Yue Guan stared at Ah Yin in front of the Star Lake.

A dark ghost figure appeared behind Ghost Douluo, and nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple, five black, appeared under his feet.

As the seventh soul ring shone, a huge jet-black ghost figure appeared behind him. The white bone palm held a huge jet-black ghost sickle, with a chain at the end, and was held tightly by another bone palm.

"I'm responsible for containing the Titan Ape."

After receiving the Pope's order, the soul saints in the rear began to release their martial souls and soul rings.

In an instant, the brilliant soul ring light shone in the star lake.

Facing the impending fierce battle, these soul saints who had experienced life and death did not hold back at all, and one after another used their strongest means - the seventh soul ring and martial soul avatar!
Various martial soul avatars appeared one after another, filling Xinghu with a tense sense of oppression.

"Kill them all!" The Azure Bull Python let out a shocking roar and spoke human language.

Immediately afterwards, a faint cyan mysterious wave was stimulated from its body, and spread quickly.

Talent·Slow Domain!
Within the scope of the domain, the movements of the soul saints obviously became slower, as if they were stuck in a quagmire and were struggling.

Seeing this scene, Ah Yin immediately started to control countless blue and silver vines, bursting out of the air like a group of ferocious snakes, and bounding towards the Soul Saint Legion.

In the true form of martial souls, some flying soul masters avoided in the air, but most of the ground-based soul saints were tightly entangled in dense blue and silver vines, which were full of toughness and found it difficult to escape.

The Soul Saint, who is good at fire-type soul skills, immediately activated the fire-type soul skills, and raging flames instantly swept across the entire battlefield, forming a sea of ​​fire.

"Your opponent is me!" Ju Douluo's sixth soul ring suddenly lit up.

In the void, a huge velvet-toothed chrysanthemum slowly bloomed. Each petal shone with purple-gold light, making it beautiful.

However, behind this beautiful scene lies endless murderous intent. Those slender purple-gold petals were like extremely sharp blades, falling from the void. Wherever they passed, the air seemed to be torn apart, making a sharp whistling sound.

The blue silver vines that were originally entangled with many soul saints were instantly cut apart in front of these petals.

Immediately afterwards, these petals swept towards Ah Yin like a torrent, with extremely fast speed and fierce momentum, as if they were going to destroy everything.

At this moment, the Titan Ape jumped up. Its huge body was like a small hill, giving people an unparalleled sense of oppression.

With a roar, the powerful soul power in the Titan ape spurted out, and at the same time released a bright yellow aura.

Talent·Gravity Domain
Suddenly, the surrounding space seemed to become heavier.

The Soul Saints who were originally preparing to attack Ah Yin suddenly felt their bodies sink and their actions became extremely difficult.

Then, a huge shadow fell from the sky and hit the ground like a meteorite.

Ju Douluo saw this and immediately started to retreat. The huge impact when it landed directly knocked back the six soul saints on the scene, and made a huge hole in the ground.

Ghost Douluo suddenly appeared behind the Titan Giant Ape, and the huge dark ghost shadow came quietly. The white bone palm of the forest held a huge Death Scythe, exuding a heart-stopping cold light.

I saw the ghost figure waving the scythe with fast and cruel movements, waiting for the opportunity to move behind, preparing to deliver a fatal blow to the Titan Ape.

The blue and silver vines swarmed up in an instant, and the entanglement turned into a network wall to block it, and at the same time they entangled towards the dark ghost figure.

The blue arc of light easily broke through the blue and silver vines, but the moment of delay was enough for the Titan Ape to turn around and react.

Facing the falling scythe, the Titan Giant Ape folded his arms in front of his chest and used his hard fur and strong muscles to resist Ghost Douluo's scythe.

Although the sickle is extremely sharp, it is difficult to move forward in the face of the powerful defense of the Titan ape.

The soil under Ghost Douluo's feet suddenly cracked, and two blue-silver vines with golden veins emerged from it and wrapped around his ankles. Sharp thorns grew out of them and pierced into his flesh. At the same time, they took root firmly and held him down forcefully.

The Titan Giant Ape immediately seized the opportunity, locked his eyes on Ghost Douluo in front of him, and suddenly spurted out a stream of blazing white rainbow flames from his mouth.

Wherever this flame passed, the void was scorched and distorted, surging and rushing towards Ghost Douluo——

Ghost Douluo obviously didn't expect the other party to react so quickly.

Purple-gold chrysanthemum petals bloomed at Ghost Douluo's feet, wrapping him in them to resist the impact of the soul power.

Ju Douluo Yue Guan appeared in the air next to Ghost Douluo and spoke to remind him.

"Be careful."

Ah Yin walked quietly beside the Titan Giant Ape, staring at the two Douluo ghosts and chrysanthemums with cold eyes, revealing the slightest trace of murderous intent in his eyes.


At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield.

Bibi Dong's martial soul avatar showed up, with the lower body transformed into the Death Spider King. The eight spider legs folded up quickly and then flicked out.

She jumped into the air like lightning. Even within the slow field, her speed was still extremely fast. She turned into a blurry afterimage and rushed towards the azure bull python in front of her at an astonishing speed.

Facing this sudden attack, the Azure Bull Python showed no fear and immediately mobilized the unparalleled soul power in its body to fight against it.

In the blink of an eye, Bibi Dong rushed in front of the Azure Bull Python, and the sixth soul ring on her body suddenly lit up——

Six spider spears spread out behind Bibi Dong, and a dazzling cross slash appeared in the void in front of her. These cross slashes contained extremely terrifying power and seemed to be able to tear everything apart.

[Sixth Soul Skill: Eternal Creation]

At the moment when the two sides faced each other head-on, terrifying power completely erupted in the center of Star Lake.

The Azure Bull Python felt an irresistible force coming towards it, and its body involuntarily fell backwards. Its huge body crashed into the starry sky behind it, causing rocks to fall.

Bibi Dong spread out six wings of purple light from her back, and eight spider legs on her body spread out in the void, causing ripples in space, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Twin martial arts
Level ninety-seven
Possessing several hundred thousand year soul rings and soul bones
How can you compete with such strength? !
"Big brother-"

Seeing the azure bull python being beaten, the titan ape became anxious.

Ah Yin's eyes were fixed on Bibi Dong floating in the sky above Star Lake, his expression extremely solemn.

That woman's strength was unfathomable, and she was completely overwhelming against them.

"Do you still have the heart to care about others?" Yue Guan sneered, and immediately used the sharp petals to transform into a stream and charge forward.

A large number of Blue Silver Emperor vines emerged from the ground, protecting Ah Yin in layers. The vines intertwined with each other and turned into a huge vine tree, with many hanging vines fluttering in the wind.

Ah Yin's body merged into the blue silver imperial vine tree, and at the same time she released the blue silver domain, turning the entire star lake into her territory.

Yue Guan's martial spirit is the immortal-grade Qiantongtianju, which is very powerful.

When other plants play entanglement, his martial soul can compete head-on with the weapon martial soul, or even be better!
Even the Blue Silver Emperor's true form is still as sharp as chopping melons and vegetables in front of the QiRongTongTianJu.

Ah Yin's body can switch between those thick Blue Silver Emperor vines, and with the help of its powerful regeneration ability, Yue Guan is trapped in the Blue Silver Jungle.

The Yueguan failed to break through several times, and those Blue Silver Emperor vines cut off one piece and then grew another, endlessly.

If this is the case, then this is the only way to go.

The ninth soul ring on Yueguan's body suddenly bloomed, and the black light shone brightly.

"The chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is covered with wounds, the flowers have fallen and people are heartbroken——"

Strange velvet-toothed chrysanthemums emerge and bloom in the blue and silver royal vine forest, and countless purple-gold petals fall into the sky like raindrops. They seem to be alive, dancing in the air, forming a thrilling flower feast!

The dazzling purple-gold light was like a downpour, breaking through the blue and silver vine forest derived from A Yin's martial spirit true body with a devastating force, causing him to reveal his true form. He vomited blood on the spot, was seriously injured, and could not stand still.

"Ah Yin——" When the Titan Giant Ape saw this, he was extremely anxious.

It tried its best to get rid of Ghost Douluo's entanglement, but its strength didn't allow it, and it couldn't take care of other things at all.

At the same time, the situation of the Azure Bull Python became even more serious.

Facing Bibi Dong's fierce attacks, he retreated continuously and had no power to fight back.

Although the hundred thousand year soul beast is strong, it has its limit.

Facing a ninety-seventh level super titled Douluo, he could only be beaten passively.

The Star Lake Soul Beast side was at an absolute disadvantage.

Azure Bull Python has been going against the wind
Ah Yin's martial spirit's true form was destroyed and he was seriously injured.

The Titan ape has no time to care and cannot protect itself.

The defeat is set!

Bibi Dong is preparing to give the Azure Bull Python the final blow to end this fight!

Suddenly, a pillar of blazing lava light suddenly shot out from the depths of the forest, like a fire dragon rising into the sky. It instantly penetrated a series of ancient trees and bombarded Bibi Dong directly above Star Lake.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong was extremely alert and sensed the danger in advance and dodged it in time.

However, the powerful beam of light hit the cliff behind her, causing some rocks to melt and collapse.

Bibi Dong looked back solemnly and saw a girl with flowing blond hair and beautiful appearance slowly walking out from behind the forest.

Next to her was a huge three-headed red demon mastiff, its mane burning with blazing flames, making it look majestic.

In addition, beside the blond girl, there was also a beautiful girl in a white dress, who was walking towards Star Lake.

 The latter one is also a single chapter. Huo Yuhao appears and is still being written.

(End of this chapter)

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