Chapter 257 Ditian appears (single chapter)
Outside the Star Dou Forest.

Huo Yuhao drove the Evil Emperor in at a gallop. Before he stepped into the core area, he heard an earth-shaking loud noise in the distance, as if the entire earth was about to collapse.

He did not dare to delay at all, and immediately used his powerful mental power to the extreme, and probed deep into the forest.

With the extension of his mental power, his range of perception quickly expanded to an astonishing 20,000 meters. The scenes in front of him quickly shuttled back and forth, and finally settled on the Star Lake.

Through his mental vision, Huo Yuhao clearly saw that the Red King had revealed his huge beast body at this moment, and he was fighting fiercely with Bibi Dong. The two sides refused to give in to each other, and the battle was extremely tense.

The Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python were seriously injured and were lying on the ground with weak breaths.

Ah Yin was seriously injured, his face was as pale as paper, and his body was shaky.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons actually appeared on the battlefield, with many dried corpses hanging on the tree, and he faced the two titled Douluo, Ju and Gui, alone.

One versus two, with ease.

The Soul Saints accompanying Wuhundian were killed, their bodies were pierced by the entangled branches, their blood was sucked dry, and they hung lifelessly on the tree.

Huo Yuhao's eyes were attracted by a familiar figure in the forest. He could no longer look away and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

She was a very beautiful girl, with golden hair falling down like a waterfall, with a golden dragon-wing hair ornament at the end of her hair. Her eyes were deep red crystal, and her figure was graceful and graceful.


As if feeling the sudden intrusion of the outside world, the blond girl felt something in her heart and suddenly looked back.

Her eyes passed through the dense jungle and looked directly outside the Star Lake.

As the master of this forest, the Ten Thousand Demon King has reached the pinnacle of control over the forest.

At this moment, he also noticed an astonishingly powerful spirit beast aura coming in.

This is--

The face of the Ten Thousand Demon King changed slightly, and then he stopped playing with the two "rats" and immediately retreated back to the blond girl.

Previously it was just about having fun, the safety of the auspicious beast was the most critical thing.


Deep in the Star Forest

By the Star Lake

A towering giant tree stands here, its huge canopy is like a canopy that blocks the sky and the sun, and the most eye-catching thing is the pair of purple eyes above the tree trunk that shine with a strange light.

Countless thick branches hang down from this giant tree, and each one seems to contain endless power.

At this moment, there were actually many corpses of soul saints hanging on these branches, swaying in the wind, exuding a creepy aura.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo had tired faces, panting and dodging around.

They relied on instinct to avoid attacks from tree roots that were swinging like whips.

The two of them were filled with fear. This mysterious demon-eyed tree was so powerful that they could not compete with it even if they tried their best.

They even used martial soul fusion skills before, but they still couldn't control the situation.

"What kind of monster is this?" Ju Douluo murmured to himself, his eyes filled with despair.

They had no idea what enemy they were facing.

Five hundred thousand years of cultivation·Demon Eye Demon Tree King!
As the fifth-ranked existence among the top ten ferocious beasts.

Even if you look at the entire Douluo world, they are all at the absolute pinnacle.

Such a powerful enemy was simply not something that the two ninety-fifth level titled Douluo could compete with.

The reason why they are still alive is entirely because the Ten Thousand Demon King has been sleeping for too long and feels boring.

Now that I have just woken up, I finally have some fun, and I am reluctant to shoot these two "human mice" to death.

In this life and death battle, Ju and Ghost Douluo gradually fell into despair.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons has the ability to change his body at will in the forest and can attach to other trees.

Their martial soul fusion technique, Bipolar Static Field, has a limited range.

The moment before they used the fusion technique, the Ten Thousand Demon King had already transferred his own body. It was a stroke of genius that deceived the enemy without any harm.

In terms of protracted war, the Ten Thousand Demon King is absolutely terrifying.

He has three attribute specializations: Ultimate Wood, Poison, and Mental Power, and he is an all-around king.

The Ultimate Wood is perfect in both attack and defense, and is absolutely capable of both offense and defense.

Poison attribute, the unique skill of plant-type soul beasts.

Mental attribute, the control of mental power has reached an advanced level. Not only is he well versed in the method of "illusion control", he can easily confuse the enemy's mind and make the opponent fall into endless fear.

With nearly impeccable defense and extremely terrifying self-healing ability, he is almost unkillable, which allows him to quickly recover his strength no matter how violent the attack.

The most perverted thing is that he actually stacks poison?

Whoever takes action will be poisoned.

How can one fight this?

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield.

Bibi is now engaged in a thrilling and fierce fight with the Red King. A slight mistake may lead to catastrophe.

At this moment, her mind was filled with confusion.

Where did these two soul beasts suddenly appear from? Why have I never heard of any legends about them? !

According to common sense, a hundred thousand year soul beast is only equivalent to a ninety-fifth level titled Douluo.

As a ninety-seventh level titled Douluo, she should kill all spirit beasts.

But why is the strength of this mysterious soul beast in front of him so astonishing and terrifying? It far exceeds the so-called "level ninety-five" limit and can compete with himself at level ninety-seven.

The demon-eyed tree was even more terrifying. It could easily kill the accompanying Soul Saint team and take advantage of the two elders Ju and Gui at will.

The Titan ape and Azure Bull Python were completely eclipsed in front of it, becoming insignificant.

Facing such a mysterious and extremely powerful opponent, Bibi Dong couldn't help but feel a deep sense of powerlessness welling up in her heart like a tide.

at the same time.

This side of the Ten Thousand Demon King.

Considering the threat that the mysterious person from the outside world might bring, he decided to test the other party's intention first.

All I saw was that the King of Ten Thousand Demons immediately turned to those purple eyes, and with his powerful spiritual power, he instantly dragged Bibi Dong into the forest illusion.

In that spiritual world, Bibi Dong's whole body was entangled with thick tree roots and her limbs were blocked, unable to move at all.


real world.

Suddenly hit by a mental illusion, Bibi Dong's eyes were empty and she fell into a state of confusion.

Almost at the same time, the Red King also took action.

It immediately opened like a bloody mouth, affecting the mysterious power contained in the surrounding void.

These forces quickly gathered together and condensed into a lava giant in the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

With the activation of the Red King, this lava giant fell from the sky with the tail of the comet, stirring up thousands of miles of white clouds, and crashed towards Bibi Dong with a force that shook the sky and the earth.

Seeing that the lava meteor that was about to crash was about to fall, a ray of emerald green light suddenly flashed past the star lake.

In an instant, the flying star from the sky was blown to pieces and turned into countless fragments scattered. The evil emperor dragged its mountain-like body and appeared in the sky above Star Lake like an evil god coming to the world.

The three-hundred-meter-tall vertical pupil, with countless twisted tentacles growing on its surface, created an atmosphere of evil and terror.

This aura made both the Ten Thousand Demon King and the Red King feel unprecedented pressure.

The Red King immediately gave up attacking Bibi Dong and instead retreated to the blonde girl, staring warily at the uninvited guest in front of him.

A young man in black robes stood proudly above the Evil Emperor's head, holding an emerald green carving knife in his hand with an indifferent expression.

Is it him? !
After seeing this young man in black robe, the Ten Thousand Demon King and the Red King couldn't help but be shocked.

At this moment, the blond girl happened to raise her head and stared at the figure. A trace of surprise flashed across her originally red eyes.

at the same time.

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo were able to escape and hurried to meet Pope Bibi Dong.

"Your Majesty."

They felt the powerful aura emanating from the huge single vertical-pupil monster, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

However, when their eyes moved to the true appearance of the black shadow above, the situation changed.

"It's Yuhao!" Yueguan was immediately overjoyed, like a beam of light shining in the darkness and despair.

Although Bibi Dong was a little shocked, her keen insight allowed her to realize that the current situation seemed a little abnormal.

Ghost Douluo felt a little weird.

Didn’t Huo Yuhao go to sea? How could it appear here?

That should be an illusion, so be careful!
At this time, Huo Yuhao, who was standing on top of the Evil Emperor, suddenly jumped and landed directly in the direction of the soul beast.

Yue Guan was stunned.

what's the situation.

Bibi Dong looked a little wary, unable to determine whether Huo Yuhao was genuine or not.

Seeing this scene, the seriously injured and bloodied Titan ape and Azure Bull Python immediately became extremely nervous;
At this time, Xiao Wu's face showed a hint of astonishment;

Ah Yin had also recovered a little strength at this moment. She just stared at the approaching figure quietly, her eyes regained some brightness and she remained silent.

Is it him? Is he back?

"It's you?!"

The King of Ten Thousand Demons stared at the black-robed young man in front of him, a trace of vigilance flashing in his eyes.

Just at this moment, a low dragon roar suddenly came from the ancient forbidden area behind Star Lake.

Immediately afterwards, half of a huge dragon shadow appeared in mid-air. The dark soul power emanating from its body was like a blazing monster flame, and its dragon eyes were shining with blazing golden candlelight.

Feeling the emergence of this terrifying aura, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord felt threatened and released unparalleled mental pressure without hesitation.

In an instant, a force like a violent storm swept through, the surrounding jungle was rustled, countless leaves flew outwards, and even the calm Xing Lake was stirred up by turbulent waves.

Everyone at the scene could not bear the terrifying mental fluctuations and found it difficult to stand.

The ancient restricted area at the rear.

The huge dark dragon shadow unfolded its huge dragon wings, set off a storm and rose into the sky, leaping straight towards Star Lake with unparalleled power.

It was a ferocious, pitch-black dragon. Its body was like a huge black peak soaring into the sky. Its body was covered with a layer of black dragon scales that shone with mysterious light. Its head had sharp and sharp horns, showing a powerful and powerful look. The aura of majesty.

The black dragon's figure is extremely strong, and its body seems to contain endless power. Every muscle is full of explosive power. The dragon's claws are as sharp as a knife, shining with cold light, as if it can easily tear the void.

It flapped its dark dragon wings that covered the sky and the sun, and exuded an endless aura of darkness.

These breaths are intertwined and condensed with each other, forming dark vortex airflows of different sizes but closely connected, spinning continuously, giving people an indescribable strong sense of oppression.

Very close at hand, the sound of the dragon's roar was loud and clear, resounding throughout the sky.

Facing such a powerful enemy, the Evil Emperor showed no fear and quickly stretched out countless thick and flexible tentacles, ready to fight at any time.

The golden-eyed black dragon king and the evil-eyed tyrant master are about to face off at a critical moment.

"Stop!" Huo Yuhao shouted coldly.

After hearing Huo Yuhao's order, the Evil Emperor stopped moving, but the soul power in his body was still gathering and accumulating continuously.

At this time, it seemed like an enraged beast. Although it remained restrained for the time being, there was still burning anger in its eyes.

As long as the giant black dragon makes the slightest movement, it will definitely launch an attack without hesitation and launch a fierce and cruel "self-defense counterattack."

That is an extremely terrifying opponent, whose cultivation is not inferior to him.

In this situation, you must not give up resistance completely. Once the other party targets you first, the outcome will be extremely tragic, and you may even risk falling on the spot.

It was naturally impossible for it to completely obey Huo Yuhao's orders when its life was at stake.

What was unexpected was that the extremely ferocious black dragon stopped attacking.

The huge and majestic black dragon was currently floating in the air with its dragon wings stretched out. Its slender neck was slightly bent at this moment, and it was staring down at the young man in black robe below.

"Huo Yuhao?!" The golden-eyed black dragon king spoke human words, and golden candlelight flowed in the dragon's pupils.

"Di Tian, ​​long time no see." Huo Yuhao stood quietly, looking up at the huge creature in front of him.

Times have changed and things have changed.

At this time, Huo Yuhao was no longer the weakling who could be manipulated by others.

The black dragon's entire body flashed with jet-black light, and in the blink of an eye it transformed into a tall man with a burly build, wearing metal armor and a red cloak on his back. He had horns on his head, and his thick black hair fell down behind him like a waterfall.

Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King·Emperor Tian

Seventy-eight thousand years of cultivation

The top ten most ferocious beasts ranked first
An invincible existence revered as the "Beast God" by the soul beasts in the world
He appeared in the void like the God of War descending into the world. Every step he took was accompanied by vibrations in the void, and he exuded an unparalleled domineering aura.

Di Tian's dazzling golden eyes were like the burning sun, staring at the three people in Wuhun Hall.

With just one look, Bibi Dong and the others immediately felt an unprecedented sense of fear and oppression.

Even Bibi Dong, who had the highest cultivation level, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated at this time, as if it was about to burst out of her chest, and her breathing became extremely difficult, almost out of breath.

"They are my friends." Huo Yuhao's faint voice sounded again.

Di Tian snorted coldly and withdrew his gaze. His sharp eyes immediately fell on Huo Yuhao, as if he was looking at him again.

Bibi Dong and the other three felt that the heavy pressure on their bodies dissipated instantly.

They were relieved, their bodies were as limp as if they were exhausted, and they breathed in the fresh air greedily, as if they had just experienced a life and death test.

One of your own?

The Evil Emperor was secretly surprised.

There was no hesitation in his movements. There was only a flash of light around him, and he instantly transformed into a heroic man wearing a red robe. He landed steadily next to Huo Yuhao and looked up at the person in the air. Emperor Tian.

At this moment, Bibi Dong's face became extremely ugly, even showing a slight stiffness that was difficult to conceal.

Especially the powerful pressure that those few people exuded when they appeared just now, even the old man Qian Daoliu, who is known as the "Peerless Douluo" and the "Invincible in the Sky", has never possessed it.

"Your strength has improved quite quickly." Di Tian's cold voice came, with a hint of chill and majesty.

"I will surpass you soon." Huo Yuhao responded coldly, then turned around and walked straight towards the blond girl where the Ten Thousand Demon King and the Red King were waiting.

"Qiu'er, long time no see, do you still remember me?" Huo Yuhao said softly, with a slight smile on his face and true feelings in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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