Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 260 Huo Yuhao eats fruit together

Chapter 260 Huo Yuhao eats fruit together (first update)
Star Forest, Ancient Forbidden Zone

After Huo Yuhao and Gu Yuena discussed it, they finally decided:
If Huo Yuhao encounters a crisis that is difficult to solve, Gu Yuena needs to help and work together to solve the crisis;

In addition, regarding the search for Dragon Valley and the invasion of the abyss, Huo Yuhao has the right to mobilize the ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Forest.

Huo Yuhao was very satisfied with this result.

When leaving, Huo Yuhao met Di Tian who was waiting outside and nodded.

Later, Di Tian was summoned.

Huo Yuhao waited outside for a while, and then saw Di Tian walking out gloomily.

"Let's go."

Huo Yuhao was walking in front of the tunnel, feeling quite happy.

Di Tian followed suit without saying a word, his expression rather cold.


Star Forest, Ancient Forbidden Zone

Qiu'er was currently playing with the fluttering butterflies in the forest. The Red King revealed his true colors and was lying on the lawn next to him, which was quite boring.

Sensing something strange ahead, Qiu'er looked up and saw Huo Yuhao and Di Tian walking out of the depths of the forest.

When Huo Yuhao saw her, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Qiu'er moved her steps slightly, a little... escaping?

When Huo Yuhao saw this, he didn't get too close. That would be too abrupt and could easily scare her away.

He thought for a moment, then raised his hand and an emerald green carving knife appeared in his palm.

The Red King (three-headed red demon mastiff), who had been crawling on the ground to rest with his head hanging down, suddenly raised his head and stared at the short-edged weapon in Huo Yuhao's hand with vigilance.

Huo Yuhao held the Life Watching Blade and made a vague outline in the air. Then an emerald green butterfly flew out and appeared as if it had been given life. It flapped its delicate wings and danced in the air.

Qiu'er's eyes were attracted by the flying butterflies.

Di Tian's face was filled with black lines and he turned to leave.

Seeing this, the Red King slowly lowered his head and continued to lie on the ground.

The emerald green butterfly floated over, and Qiu'er almost subconsciously raised her finger.

The emerald green butterfly quietly landed on her fingertips. Its wings were like a glass mirror, reflecting the gorgeous luster, reflecting her warm red eyes and the joyful smile that moved her brows.

Huo Yuhao raised his fingertips and condensed them into a slender red-scaled dragon. It flew around his fingers, and then spat out a flaming heat wave. Then it misfired, choking and smoking.

Qiu'er smiled, finding it interesting.

Huo Yuhao looked at her quietly.

Qiu'er noticed his gaze and then calmed down slightly.

The moment the emerald green butterfly disappeared, it turned into countless emerald flying lights, surrounding her like fireflies.

Seeing this, Qiu'er's eyes flashed with a trace of imperceptible loss.

Huo Yuhao nodded slightly towards her, turned around and walked towards the other side.


the other side.

When the Ten Thousand Demon King saw Huo Yuhao walking towards him, he couldn't help but feel a little vigilant.

"What are you doing?"

You know, he is a rare spiritual soul beast.

The big eyes of the self-proclaimed Evil Emperor looked at him very strangely. When he realized something, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

"Help me build a durable workbench." Huo Yuhao said.

That's it?

The King of Ten Thousand Demons immediately manipulated the tree roots and built a long platform for Huo Yuhao without any trace of splicing.

Then, the Ten Thousand Demon King stood up.

That's right, the big tree moved its roots and found a place far away from Huo Yuhao to take root again.

If we can't afford to offend this guy, why can't we hide from him?
The evil emperor in human form in red robe quietly touched it and patted the trunk of the demon king.

"Brother, what is he doing?" The Evil Emperor looked in the direction of Huo Yuhao and asked.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons was startled, "Who is your brother?!"

TM people rarely come to get involved.

"Isn't that a matter of time?" The Evil Emperor said quietly.

"Bah, you old man, don't even think about dragging me into the water." The Ten Thousand Demon King struggled and was about to get up and move.

"Hey, let's try walking alone." The Evil Emperor smiled contemptuously. The Ten Thousand Demon King froze immediately and thought about it rationally.

This big-eyed being can challenge Di Tian, ​​and his own cultivation level...seems to be a little underwhelming.

Moreover, the other party is still a being who majors in spiritual power.

So, the Ten Thousand Demon King silently plunged back into the pit.

"Tell me, what is the relationship between my lord and that auspicious beast girl?" the evil emperor inquired.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons glanced at Huo Yuhao's back and briefly recounted what happened when Huo Yuhao forced himself into the ancient restricted area.

Considering that the conversation might be overheard by the real owner, the Ten Thousand Demon King specially created a special barrier similar to mental interference.

The Evil Emperor nodded from time to time, showing a look of surprise.

So this is ah.

Really is,
There must be an unknown and unforgettable love hidden in it.
The Evil Emperor looked at Huo Yuhao's back.

It's just that his rise is too fast, right?
After absorbing the seventh soul ring, his cultivation level seems to have reached level 75, and he will not be too far away from the eighth soul ring...

Thinking of this, the Evil Emperor secretly glanced at the Ten Thousand Demon King next to him.

No, we have to find an opportunity to drag this old tree demon into trouble.

I think you are just right for the position of this eighth soul ring.

Tentacles emerged from the side of the Evil Emperor, hooking silently on the thick trunk and branches of the Ten Thousand Demon King.

"Brother, I'll give you a chance to become a god. Do you want it?"

From the front, they actually have the illusion of being "shoulder-to-shoulder".

"I believe you!" The Ten Thousand Demon King immediately twitched the vines and pushed away its disgusting tentacles.

TM's young man comes to have a close relationship, who is your brother?

If you don't take advantage of the opportunity to become a god, are you motivated?
The Evil Emperor cursed secretly in his heart, but smiled on his face.

It doesn't matter, there are plenty of opportunities.

If you ignore it now, you will be unable to reach a higher level in the future.


Over there at the workbench.

Huo Yuhao stood in front of the chopping board table made of ancient trees. He chose thin metal materials, emerald crystals as embellishments, and used the Life Watch Blade as a knife to move up and down the metal surface and carve the soul guide activation pattern.

Soon, an emerald green butterfly was carved.

With the infusion of soul power, the butterfly flapped its slender and tender wings lightly and danced in the air, dotted with alexandrites that shone under the refraction of the sun.

Then, the butterfly landed lightly on Huo Yuhao's fingertips.

Qiu'er naturally noticed the situation here, but only occasionally cast a glance.

As a result, Huo Yuhao did not move at all.

After he finished fiddling with it, he placed it next to the corner of the table and started carving other things.

This made Qiu'er a little depressed.

I thought that thing was for me.

However, she doesn't care about that kind of stuff either.

Yes, not uncommon.

In the following days, Huo Yuhao stayed in the ancient restricted area.

Occasionally I go to the forest to pick berries and bring two or three to Qiu'er.

She accepted this.

Sweet and sour, it actually tastes pretty good.

The two of them rarely spoke. They just sat on the lawn some distance apart and ate fruits together.

The Red King didn't bother to care anymore, as long as he didn't turn the auspicious beast away.

Today is business as usual.

Huo Yuhao handed Qiu'er two fruits, which he also had in his arms.

"I'm going back tomorrow. This is a gift for you." Huo Yuhao handed her the butterfly he had carved earlier.

Qiu'er originally wanted to pull it off, but she heard that he was ready to leave and notified him.

She said "hmm" softly and lowered her head to nibble on the fruit.

Somehow, the fruit in my hand was only sour.

(End of this chapter)

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