Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 261 The only beloved one, and your thoughts

Chapter 261 The only loved one and your longing (second update)

Star Forest, Ancient Forbidden Zone

The next morning.

Before Huo Yuhao left, he found Wang Qiuer.

"Come with me for a moment."

King Chi looked up at Huo Yuhao, his eyes somewhat alert.

Wang Qiuer hesitated slightly, then stood up and followed his footsteps.

At the corner of the forest, Huo Yuhao turned around.

Wang Qiu'er was a little distracted just now. When she saw the figure in front of her, she suddenly stopped and turned around. She was so startled that she stopped her steps and leaned forward, and then managed to steady herself.

Seeing this, Huo Yuhao raised his hand and touched the top of her head.

Wang Qiuer's face turned a little red, and she lowered her head and wondered why he was like this?

I wanted to tell him to stop, but I didn't know how to say it.

Huo Yuhao seemed to understand what she was saying. He only rubbed it two or three times and then retracted his palm with a smile.

Wang Qiuer suddenly felt a little regretful in her heart.

"I'm telling you something, you should remember it." Huo Yuhao said.

Wang Qiuer raised her head and saw Huo Yuhao looking at her without hesitation. His previous smile had faded and his expression was serious.

She nodded slightly and said, "I'm listening."

Seeing this, Huo Yuhao began:
"First, don't leave the Star Dou Forest alone."

"Second, don't leave Ditian's rescue range."

"Third, have less contact with those people in Xinghu."

"If you are interested in the human world, I can take you to see it in person; if you miss me -"

Huo Yuhao took out a cute and auspicious animal pendant carved from gold and jade from his sleeve and handed it to her.

"As long as I inject spiritual power into it, I will be able to sense your presence immediately; by then, no matter where I am, I will fly back to see you as soon as possible." Huo Yuhao said seriously.

This is exactly what he was busy carving before. The core is very simple. It is essentially a collector of faith authority.

She was the only favored one, so Huo Yuhao could naturally listen to her prayers.

It's just that prayers have turned into longing.

When Wang Qiuer heard this, his mind was buzzing and he was confused.

She didn't expect this.

This also led to what Huo Yuhao said later, and she was completely in a trance.

When she came to her senses again, the other person was looking into her eyes and smiling slightly.

In her hand, there was a gold and jade cute animal pendant.


When the separation is finalized, all that remains is just a matter of time.

The evil emperor transformed into his true body, with vertical pupils of more than 300 meters, and countless tentacles stretched out.

After Huo Yuhao said goodbye to Qiu'er, he jumped onto the top of the Evil Emperor's head and suddenly looked back.

Wang Qiuer held the pendant in his hand, with the Red King and the Ten Thousand Demon King on both sides.

She looked at the departing figure, getting smaller and smaller.

Finally, the huge dark shadow disappeared at the end of the outer edge of the Star Forest.

The Red King and the Ten Thousand Demon King breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, finally sending the plague god away.

Wang Qiuer lowered his head lonelyly, looking at the pendant in his palm, his eyes drooped and his eyes dim.


The outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

"Lord, where are we going next?" the Evil Emperor asked.

"Sunset Forest, going to meet an old friend." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

Speaking of which, he hadn't seen Zi Ling for a long time.

I don’t know how she is doing with the ice and fire eyes.

"In which direction is the Sunset Forest...?" the Evil Emperor asked cautiously.

Huo Yuhao:......

Later, he mentally shared the geographical map of Douluo Continent with the Evil Emperor.

From then on, it was only necessary to mention the location, not the direction.

After the Evil Emperor learned of his destination, he immediately moved forward at full speed.

They are both soul beast forests, and they are quite close to each other. Of course, this is for the Evil Emperor.


Sunset Forest.

The huge white cloud community drifts with the sky and finally enters the sunset forest.

Eyes of ice and fire.

Zi Ling is wearing a purple shirt and is currently practicing at the center of the ice and fire pool.

As the innate sensitivity of plants, he is the king of kings in the world of escape.

Zi Ling, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes and frowned.

I always feel like the atmosphere is not quite right.

Then, she noticed a huge white cloud, most of which broke into the top of the valley, almost touching the top of the valley.

Why is this cloud floating so low? Almost collapsed.

Zi Ling fled to the ground alertly, half-hiding.

As a result, the cloud really collapsed.

Zi Ling immediately ran away and hid, wondering what was going on? !

"Come out, it's me." A familiar voice sounded from the outside world.

Zi Ling poked his head out of the ground suspiciously, and saw the edges of the black robe fluttering in the wind, the outline of a familiar figure, and a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yu Hao? When did you come back?" Zi Ling was also greatly surprised, and then crawled out of the ground.

"I just came back not long ago." Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

After Zi Ling climbed out, she first shook off some dust on her clothes.

The Evil Emperor next to him looked at this purple-robed lolita.

Oh, this girl turned out to be a soul beast.

However, judging from the scent of medicine exuding from her body, her body should belong to the category of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and eating them can greatly replenish her body.

After Zi Ling shook off the dust, she turned to look up at the red-robed man following Huo Yuhao.

"Who is this big guy? Is he new?" Zi Ling muttered and asked.

"That's right." Huo Yuhao smiled.

After all, according to the "first come, first served" algorithm, Zi Ling was the first to follow him, so she could be regarded as the "eldest sister". It would not be an exaggeration to call the Evil Emperor the "newcomer".

Huo Yuhao turned to look at the Ice and Fire Eyes.

The spiritual grass growing here is very luxuriant. After being picked, the fairy grass sprouts its branches and buds again and becomes a fairy seedling.

It can be seen that she spent a lot of time on planting and cultivating spiritual grass.

"The management is pretty good, right? You're paying for it with your life." Zi Ling grumbled.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Huo Yuhao nodded in approval.

"Look, after all the hard work, I only received a little verbal praise. I really... cried to death." Zi Ling burst into tears, like a hard-working worker who was tricked by a black-hearted boss. Big injustice.

Huo Yuhao raised his hand and took out a fist-sized ice blue crystal from the star bracelet and threw it to her.

Zi Ling held the thing in her hands and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wanzai Xuanbing Marrow?"

"You can use this for your own cultivation," Huo Yuhao warned.

He had also given Zi Ling the Ten Thousand Years Black Ice Essence several times before. Although she was asked to take care of the herbs in the valley, that was actually her reward for guarding.

It turned out that this silly girl valued these herbs more than anything else, and all those ten thousand years of black ice marrow were used to cultivate the fairy grass.

Perhaps in her opinion, the grass jelly is her kind, and she hopes to have someone to accompany her.

The Evil Emperor was observing Zi Ling at this time, and his way of getting along with the Lord was too easy-going.

The crux of the matter is, the Lord is not angry with her? Looking at the atmosphere, there's even a little bit of... pampering.

Tags: Talkative, Great Tonic, Clear and Stupid
Summary: You have to have a good relationship.

"What kind of herbs will the boss pick when he comes this time?" Zi Ling asked.

"You won't use it for the time being. You can leave things here for the time being and follow me to the far north." Huo Yuhao said.

"Going to the far north? Looking for the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor?" Zi Ling's eyes brightened slightly.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen them for a long time.

"Well, before that, I have to go to Wuhun City and pick you up on the way." Huo Yuhao nodded.

Zi Ling's eyes suddenly looked expectant.

(End of this chapter)

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