Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 262 Ren Xue reunites, Qingshan falls into her arms

Chapter 262 Qian Renxue reunites, Qingshan crashes into her arms (single chapter)

Pope Bibi Dong escaped from the Star Forest with two elders, Yue Guan and Gui Mei, and the accompanying Soul Saint Group was completely destroyed.

This news immediately caused a great shock in the Elder Hall.

Those elders immediately criticized the pope's guilt.

Hunting the hundred thousand year old soul beast was for her own selfish reasons.

Now, the 100,000-year-old soul beast has not been killed, but a soul saint group has joined Wuhun Palace.

Every soul saint is cultivated by Wuhun Palace with a lot of time, energy, and resources. They are definitely the elite among the elite.

How much damage did the lost Soul Saint Group bring to Wuhun Palace? The result is zero profit? It would be strange not to jump.

Besides, they all know the Pope’s cultivation.

The ninety-seventh level titled Douluo is a completely enshrined level existence.

In addition, Ju and Gui, two ninety-five-level elders, can still perform martial soul fusion skills with each other——

Plus the support of the Soul Saint Group of twenty people.

Can you still miss in this situation?

Really, I didn’t see it.

Even two hundred thousand year soul beasts can't be taken down.

Those who didn't know better thought she was deliberately depleting the Wuhun Palace's foundation.

If they were to lead the team, they might have returned with two hundred thousand year soul bones.

In their perception, they subjectively believed that Pope Bibi Dong was too promiscuous.

As for the possibility of encountering a strong enemy?
If they really encountered some unprecedented disaster, how could they come back?

However, Bibi Dong completely ignored the words of those "pedantic conservatives" in the Elder Hall.

The mouth grows on you, and sooner or later I will tear your mouth apart with action!

After she returned to Wuhun Hall, she directly chose to retreat for cultivation.

Before retreating, she asked her to leave a message.

If Huo Yuhao comes back, inform her immediately.


She is asking someone to "notify" herself, rather than ordering someone to summon the other party.

No matter how tough her words were, she had no choice but to give in after walking through the Star Dou Forest.

Huo Yuhao, the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace? I’m afraid I’ll have to write the opposite in the future.

Who benefits from whom?
If she still can't see clearly at this point, then she, the pope, can abdicate and make way for others.


Because of Dugu Bo's incident, there was a degree of friendship between Gallibou Douluo and Ju Douluo.

A major accident occurred in the Pope's hunt for a hundred thousand year old soul beast. There should be a secret hidden in it, which led to the failure of the hunting operation.

He subconsciously thought of Huo Yuhao, who had arrived in Wuhun City earlier and asked about the Pope's whereabouts.

Could it be what he said at the beginning?

The hunting operation was secretly "interfered" by Huo Yuhao...

Of course, it’s impossible to ask this question so clearly in the workplace. Isn’t this looking for blame on yourself?

So, Galway Douluo organized a banquet.


Elder's Hall, second floor attic

The agouti Douluo brought Yue Guan to a drinking party, and naturally the ghosts were among them.

Both of them were survivors who traveled with the Pope and must know the inside story.

"Huo Yuhao returned to Wuhun Palace at that time, and made a special trip to inquire about the Pope's whereabouts, and then left in a hurry. Did you encounter him?" Elephant Douluo Yun Danfengqing asked seemingly casually.

"If it weren't for him, we would all have died there." Yueguan put down his wine glass and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Ghost Douluo next to him also remained silent, acquiescing.

"What's so serious?" Agouti Douluo was a little surprised.

You must know that the Pope's cultivation level can reach level ninety-seven, and he is a worship-level existence.

How can you deal with a hundred thousand year soul beast with just one hand?
"Could it be said that there are actually more than two hundred thousand year soul beasts deep in the Star Dou Forest?" Acorn Douluo asked with a frown.

"There are three regular ones. I've seen one of them before, but I'm afraid you won't be able to guess it even if you think about it." Yue Guan said with a bitter smile.

"What do you mean by 'routine'? Besides, I have only heard about the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, but I have never seen it with my own eyes." The Array Douluo was a little confused and shook his head repeatedly at what he said next.

"No! You did see it, during the siege of Tang Hao fourteen years ago." Yue Guan spoke with a trembling tone, which obviously evoked some bad memories.

"That hundred-thousand-year-old Blue Silver Emperor? But didn't she... sacrifice it?" Aback Douluo was shocked.

Tang Hao's 100,000-year soul ring was clearly visible, so how could she still be alive?

"This is the weird part." Yueguan said in a faint tone.

The agouti Douluo couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Good guy, the dead are coming back, right?
"What do you mean by 'routine' just now?" Asked Douluo the Gorgon.

"If it were just those three hundred thousand year old soul beasts, we and His Majesty the Pope would ask ourselves whether we could win them. Even a double kill would not be difficult. The key is... there is a more terrifying and transcendent soul beast king lurking in the Star Dou Forest. It's simply a 'overlord' existence." Yueguan's voice was vibrating when he spoke.

"Originally, the situation was great. His Majesty the Pope had already severely damaged the Azure Bull Python, and was just short of a last-ditch attack. But suddenly, a blond girl walked out of the depths of the Star Dou Forest. She brought two soul beasts that were similar to guardians. It's those two soul beasts... that have become our nightmare..." Yueguan's reaction was huge when he mentioned this.

The shadow of the evil-eyed demon tree was like a shadow, lingering, and now he was a bit paranoid.

"His Majesty the Pope is dealing with a three-headed monster that controls the fire attribute, somewhat like a legendary hell creature; what we are dealing with is a tree demon, which is extremely large and lush. It can easily kill the entire Soul Saint Group and kill Their blood was sucked dry and hung on the branches.”

"The opponent is extremely good at mental power, has strong defense and vigorous vitality. The roots and branches it controls can't be cut through even if I use the ninth soul skill. It can't get close at all, let alone Way to deal effective damage.”

"The entire situation at that time was completely manipulated by the other party. Even when we used martial soul fusion skills and the 'Bipolar Stationary Domain', the other party avoided it in advance by changing our bodies."

"I can clearly feel that with the opponent's strength, he could easily kill us, but he chose to play with mice, making us always shrouded in the fear of death. Can you understand the fear we faced at that time? "Yueguan swallowed, his voice a little hoarse.

Just listening to his story made Douluo feel horrified.

There is such a terrifying tree demon soul beast lurking deep in the Star Dou Forest. It's scary to think about it.

"How did you survive...?" asked Douluo the Gorgon.

Although it's rude to ask, you all made it out alive, so it doesn't matter.

"It's Yuhao. His appearance helped us solve the problem." Yueguan said with a wry smile.

"He actually has a way to rescue you from the tree demon?" Guillotine Douluo was shocked.

Did he grow up so quickly?

You must know that a few years ago, he was just a Fourth Ring Soul Sect, and he was established as the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace entirely due to his contribution to soul guidance device technology.

How long has it been since then, has he already been able to influence the battle situation between Titled Douluo?

"He saved the Pope from the three-headed hell dog and scared off the two spirit beasts." Ghost Douluo next to him suddenly said.


These words were like a thunderclap, and the voice of the Gorgon Douluo was raised in shock.

"Yes, he is right. Yuhao scared off the two soul beasts with just one knife and saved the life of the Pope." Yue Guan smiled bitterly.

This world is so magical.

"He...he..." Galileo Douluo spoke incoherently. He really couldn't understand how Huo Yuhao did it.

"The greater crisis is yet to come. When the black dragon was born, it was comparable to the legendary scene of world destruction. The entire sky was black and its size was like a moving black peak mountain range. In front of that black dragon, The previous 'Tree Demon' and 'Three-Headed Dog of Hell' were both younger brothers."

"Yet Yuhao was able to have a direct conversation with him. They obviously knew each other." Yue Guan said with a bitter smile.

"The mount that Yuhao rides on is a vertical eye covered with tentacles. Its size is at least three hundred meters away. It can stand head-to-head with the black dragon without losing."

After saying this, Yue Guan smiled sadly.

"Could these be due to the family of gods behind him?" Array Douluo suddenly thought of something.

He had heard similar rumors a long time ago. Yue Guan had an epiphany, but he just smiled bitterly.

"Probably. He already has countless secrets hidden in him. Now he's showing off. Anyway, I'm completely convinced."

"I heard about the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace before, and what did I think? It's just a person who has nothing to do with me;"

"After contacting him, I found out that he is an interesting young man. He actually knows about flowers, herbs and pharmacology, and has a rich collection;"

"Now, he is an existence that we look up to and is out of reach."

Yue Guan smiled bitterly.

He knows that there will always be a process of change when you get to know people.

But he didn't expect that Huo Yuhao would change so quickly, it was jaw-dropping.

Maybe some people are born to be extraordinary.

A person like Huo Yuhao with so many buffs is preparing to save the world?


at this time.

The evil emperor comes from the sky.

Zi Ling looked at the passing clouds, his eyes full of surprise and sigh, this speed was too fast.

At this rate, they would probably be able to reach the far north in just half a day.

Huo Yuhao was standing in front, looking at the Wuhun City that was about to arrive.

The sun was setting at this time.

The last rays of the setting sun shone on the earth, casting a golden-red veil over Wuhun City.


Outside Wuhun City.

Huo Yuhao and Zi Ling flew through the sky and landed directly on Wuhun City below.

Zi Ling looked at the city warily, his brows slightly raised, and he was very wary.

The Evil Emperor transformed into a human form and followed Huo Yuhao.


Outside Douluo Hall.

Qian Daoliu seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly opened his golden eyes, and his aura changed.

He was currently sitting in front of the angel statue, but at this moment he was filled with a chilling air, as if someone had violated his territory.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?" Qian Renxue, who was practicing, was alarmed by this change in aura and asked doubtfully.

She is currently undergoing the fourth angel test, and needs to withstand the pressure of the angel's divine light for ten hours every day.

She rarely saw her grandfather look so solemn.

The last time, when her father passed away, her grandfather looked at her biological mother like this.

"Huo Yuhao is back." Qian Daoliu said calmly.

Qian Renxue's eyes suddenly lit up, looking very surprised.

She desperately wants to see him now, but it seems... she is taking the fourth divine test and cannot leave the temple.

"You are allowed to leave for two hours." Qian Daoliu said.

The golden divine light emitted by the angel statue dissipated, and the pressure on Qian Renxue suddenly disappeared.

After all, there is a limit to body training, and rules are dead.

Qian Renxue was immediately excited.

"Thank you, grandpa."

After saying that, she immediately stood up from the temple and walked out of the temple.

After stepping out of the temple, she couldn't stop her excitement.

When she got to the back, she didn't want to leave those stairs. She spread her four golden wings directly behind her and flew down the mountain through the air. The mountain wind whistled in her ears, and her long golden hair spread and danced in the air. She had a bright smile on her face. smile.


at the same time.

Huo Yuhao has just entered Wuhun City.

Suddenly, his mental power detected a figure breaking into his detection range from high altitude.

He suddenly looked up, and then he saw a beautiful angel, carrying the afterglow of the setting sun, with long hair scattered in the wind, and a golden-red halo covering the surface. The hair was crystal clear, the eyes were filled with joy, and the corners of the mouth were full of joy. The smile is clearly visible.

is her--

While Huo Yuhao was still stunned, the beautiful silhouette was already flying towards him.

I don't know why, but I can always see him in a sea of ​​thousands of people.

The beautiful figure opened its arms towards him and swooped down from mid-air.

Huo Yuhao subconsciously opened his arms.

It's true that "green mountains crash into your arms".

The two of them hugged each other. Huo Yuhao was slightly tilted back by the force, but he was able to catch her waist and land smoothly on the ground.

"You're back?" Qian Renxue was overjoyed, and the smile on her face couldn't be hidden at all.

"I just arrived not long ago, how are you doing recently?" Huo Yuhao asked with a smile, and naturally let go of his arms around his waist.

"What else can I do, bother me, I'm usually not allowed to leave the temple, but today grandpa gave me permission to leave for two hours."

Qian Renxue stood next to him, her tone revealing a bit of complaint and a bit of playfulness.

She didn't show shyness, but was generous.

When Zi Ling next to him saw this scene, his mind was already a little out of control.

No, isn’t Yuhao’s CP the Snow Emperor?
Although she didn't express it publicly, she had always been secretly trying to get along.

By the way, where did this woman come from?

Could it be that when I planted the fairy grass, it was already out of date?

"Are they your friends?" Qian Renxue said hello to Huo Yuhao before turning her attention to Zi Ling.

"Well, this is 'Purple Spirit', who has been helping me take care of the medicine garden before." Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

"What a cute little sister." Qian Renxue smiled.

Since it was their first meeting, otherwise she would have really wanted to raise her hand and touch her head.

As for the Evil Emperor, he was naturally ignored.

"What about you? Is it fun to go to sea? Have you encountered any deep-sea monsters or anything?" Qian Renxue put her hands behind her back and followed Huo Yuhao towards the Wuhun Palace in the center.

"We encountered some crises, such as storms and fog at sea. The most troublesome thing was losing our way. At that time, we could only rely on fishing for turtles to survive." Huo Yuhao said nonsense seriously, which made Qian Renxue giggle. Laugh.

"Why fish for turtles instead of fishing?"

"Miss, the most indispensable thing on the sea is fish."

"Oh, is there anything else besides this?"

"I also met someone who claimed to be the 'Poseidon Church', but all the evil people there were taken away by me; they were capturing the 'Sea Princesses' and captured their souls for sacrifice..."

"Sea Princess? I have read books about it, and it is said that they are extremely beautiful. They must be very beautiful, right?"

"For that question, you might try asking the magical conch."

"What is that..."


 Two chapters in one, notes, I haven’t saved the manuscript. I’ve been busy this month and will be even busier next week. It’s difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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