Chapter 263 Qian Renxue I like you (single chapter)

Pope's Palace.

It was a dark and lightless secret room, filled with a mysterious and depressing atmosphere.

Bibi Dong was currently soaking in the dark green pool water. The bones of some kind of soul beast were floating on the water, and iron chains were crisscrossed around it.

A dark purple shadow lingered behind her, with a sinister smile.

"You must have noticed this aura."

Bibi Dong, who was recuperating in the pool, suddenly opened his eyes, glowing with bright and sharp light.

Is he back?

"The aura of Shura is really disgusting. If we can kill it, I don't know what kind of reaction Shura will have..." Rakshasa said with an evil smile.

"Enough!" Bibi Dong interrupted sharply.

"I don't care what grudges there are between your gods. He is mine. How dare you touch him?!" Bibi Dong threatened in a cold voice.

This inheritance of the Rakshasa God was brought to her by the other party herself.

In many of the subsequent sufferings I encountered, I could see the shadow of the other party's intervention.

She even suspected that she had been chosen by the other party from the beginning. The source of this pain was that she deliberately created misery for herself.

This so-called "test" really made her feel extremely sick!

"Hey, you idiot? Has he admitted it? Will he listen to you?" Rakshasa God sneered.

"Don't be ridiculous, the inheritors of the gods are mortal enemies! Whoever becomes a god first will be able to control the destiny of everyone in the entire plane and unify the continent? Taking charge of the entire plane will be easy!"

Bibi Dong stood up from the pool, the water droplets rolling off her body like pearls, flowing down her naked skin, and walked towards the shore.

"You have been planning carefully for so many years, don't you just want to rule the world?"

"Can you allow the latecomer to become a god? Allow him to challenge your authority, overthrow your rule, or even start a war between two gods, knocking human civilization to a fault?"

"So what?" Bibi Dong suddenly looked back, staring coldly at the Rakshasa spirit floating above the pool behind.

The Rakshasa God was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, as if he had heard something ridiculous.

Bibi Dong ignored the crazy woman behind her, took out a light purple gauze and wrapped it around Feng Guang, arranging her wet hair.

Then she took out a loose red robe embroidered with gold from the storage soul guide on her wrist and put it on. She raised her hand to shake the long chestnut hair from the back of her head and spread it around her body. She looked noble, elegant and unparalleled in elegance.

"You really don't have a long memory. If you are so persistent, you will always hit the wall." Rakshasa Divine Mind sneered.

"Don't use your dirty values ​​​​to measure my thinking and decision-making. I am not you, and I will not become the next 'you'!" Bibi Dong said coldly.

Then, she turned around and pushed open the secret door of the secret room and walked towards the light.

In response, the Rakshasa God just sneered sinisterly, and the laughter echoed throughout the secret room, as terrifying as the Nine Nether Hells.

"Where is he now?" Bibi Dong's voice was as calm as water, but it contained an irresistible power.


Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong appeared in a red robe embroidered with gold.

"His Majesty the Pope, His Royal Highness the Holy Son has returned." The Shadow Maid said respectfully.

"Where is he at this time?" Bibi Dong asked.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Holy Son is currently in his former residence, with His Highness Qian." The Shadow Maid bowed her head and said respectfully.

Bibi Dong nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

Immediately, she turned around and walked out of the hall, leaving a series of crisp footsteps that echoed in the empty hall.


at the same time.

Wuhun Palace, Liuyun Courtyard
Huo Yuhao and Qian Renxue returned to this place. He found that there was no change here. It must be that someone had arranged for regular cleaning.

Qian Renxue curiously asked him about his experiences overseas.

Is there another continent on the other side of the ocean?
There actually are soul beast and soul master professions over there?

What are the differences between their side and Douluo Continent? What is the development of each other?
Qian Renxue was full of questions, and Huo Yuhao patiently explained to her the situation on the Sun Moon Continent.

After entering the courtyard, Zi Ling looked around and saw that the environment here was not bad.

However, the sight of human titled Douluo appearing one after another made her feel a little frightened, and she subconsciously followed Huo Yuhao.

Those visiting were naturally old acquaintances from the Elder Hall.

Among them, Yue Guan and Gui Mei came to express their gratitude for his previous life-saving grace.

The agoutifish and the Snake Spear Douluo were also present.

They had previously shouldered the mission of protecting Qian Renxue, and were regarded as the personal bodyguards of His Highness the Young Master.

Now that the Young Master of the Holy Son is here, they naturally come to show their faces and join in the fun.

Huo Yuhao asked about Dugu Bo.

He has been at sea for more than half a year, and I don't know what happened to him.

Yueguan said that since the three sects were encircled and suppressed, His Majesty the Pope personally granted the Order to Elder Dugu Bo.

Although he accepted it, he did not move into the Elder Hall. Instead, he moved back to Tiandou City shortly after Huo Yuhao went to sea.

Although there is a name of elder in Wuhun Hall, it is difficult to find people on weekdays.

Later, he traveled around with his granddaughter. Even the Wuhun Palace did not know the specific whereabouts of their grandfather and grandson.

This news made Huo Yuhao pay a little attention.

With Dugu Bo's cautious temperament, he was most likely worried about Wuhun Palace crossing the river and destroying the bridge.

He just likes to be unrestrained and bohemian.

Accepting the elder order given by Wuhun Palace may not necessarily mean that you really want to join, but more like a compromise and a statement of position.

"I remember that there are still some remnants of the last three sects that have not been dealt with. Is there any follow-up action?" Huo Yuhao asked.

Qian Renxue was also confused about this matter.

Finally Yue Guan spoke.

"The master of the Qibao Glazed Sect seems to be crazy. For the past six months, he has been acting crazy and talking nonsense. Sometimes he speaks in a coherent manner. He is still immersed in the sweet dreams of the three sects."

"As for that Gu Rong, there is something. Not only did he not die after that battle, but his cultivation level has improved further, reaching the ninety-sixth level, which is already a worship-level combat power."

"His Majesty the Pope wanted to absorb him into the Presbyterian Hall, but he was rejected several times. He is still being held captive today."

"Something happened with the Haotian Sect. The imprisoned Tang San broke free and escaped. Currently, only Tang Yuehua is imprisoned in the dungeon."

"The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is basically disabled, and some members of the clan are hiding from the outside world. It is difficult to completely eliminate them and will take some time."

Yue Guan introduced in a few words.

Are they all still alive?
Huo Yuhao nodded slightly, "Ning Fengzhi is full of tricks, and he is probably pretending to be crazy."

"His Majesty the Pope thinks so too." Yue Guan said with a smile.

"Let's talk about these things when we have time. There are still some things to deal with at the Elder's Hall, so I won't interrupt." Yueguan said with a smile.

He is still very sensible. He came here just for a formality and had no intention of taking up time.

The main reason was that Huo Yuhao asked, and he had to introduce him, otherwise he would have left long ago.

As for the reason, the main thing is... we can get together again in the future anyway, there is no need to do anything like that at this juncture.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you, Senior Yue." Huo Yuhao said with a smile. Yue Guan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and left in a hurry.

As soon as Yueguan left the courtyard, he immediately ran into three people: ghost, snake spear, and agouti.

"Would you like to go to the Flame Palace with me?" Aback Douluo said with a smile.

Yue Guan understood immediately.

"Let's go, let's go there together, I'm afraid if it's too late, the Wuhun Palace will be destroyed by them."

Afterwards, under the leadership of Gallican Douluo, the four elders rushed to the Flame Hall, preparing to suppress all those fanatical brats!
A group of fire-type soul masters who don't understand emotions, they don't know anything about emotions.

News of Huo Yuhao's return will soon reach the Flame Palace.

When the time comes, you don't have to think about what they will do.

Regarding this kind of thing, Director Li of the Flame Palace couldn't suppress it at all, and would even fan the flames secretly.

Because of the development of the soul guide, Huo Yuhao was gradually over-worshiped and fanatical by the people in the Flame Hall.

If it weren't for the Angel God being enshrined here in Wuhun Hall, they would probably have brought Huo Yuhao's statue in and enshrined it as a god.

Huo Yuhao's prestige in the Flame Palace has even surpassed that of the Pope.

A group of rebels need to be suppressed in advance.


Wuhun Hall, Liuyun Courtyard.

After the "idlers" in the Elder's Hall left.

Qian Renxue pulled Huo Yuhao and shared her recent situation with him.

"At present, it will take more than half a year to complete the fourth divine test."

Her tone of voice was quite brisk and light when she spoke.

Huo Yuhao could tell from the emotion in her eyes that she was actually a little disappointed inside.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of waiting a little longer and taking every step of the divine test with caution." Huo Yuhao comforted with a smile.

If she solidifies her foundation and makes up for her mental flaws, it shouldn't be difficult for her to inherit the position of angel.

"Well, grandpa also said something similar, asking me to lay a good foundation." Qian Renxue nodded and smiled.

"What about you? How far are you in the divine examination now?"

"The third test. I was delayed for a while before going to sea. I have to go to the far north in the near future for follow-up tests." Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

He has indeed reached the third test of the Shura Divine Test: Mastering the Shura Demonic Sword;
However, he only completed the first test of the Frost Divine Examination, and the previous three months of body training.

In short, he also needs to continue taking the divine examination and will not stay in Wuhun Hall for a long time.

"If that's the case, then I'm still half a step ahead of you." Qian Renxue's smile showed a little bit of pride, as bright as a flower.

Huo Yuhao would not stay long, which was within her expectation.

He has his own career, how could he hang around her all day long?

Instead of being sad about separation, it is better to cherish the present, live the present well, and look forward to the future.

"Well, it's really amazing." Huo Yuhao praised with a smile.

"In the future, the road to becoming a god will be long and bumpy, so don't let me leave you behind." Qian Renxue said with a smile, her words full of ridicule.

Huo Yuhao smiled slightly and said, "You walk in front, and I'll try to follow you from behind."

These words made Qian Renxue couldn't help laughing, and she let out a string of clear and sweet laughter.

She put her hands behind her back and her posture was upright, like a blooming snow lotus. All the pressure, hardships and obstacles I had experienced during the Divine Examination were all gone the moment I saw him.

"How about we go to the city to visit the lively night market together?" Qian Renxue suggested with a smile.

The time she can stay is very limited, and just such a brief gathering is not enough for her; you know, she is a "greedy" girl.

"Okay." Huo Yuhao agreed without hesitation.

Qian Renxue reached out to hold Huo Yuhao's wrist without any scruples, and the four golden angel wings shining brightly spread out from behind her. Her face was filled with a bright and bright smile, like the most dazzling star in the night sky.

"Three, two, one, the wind is blowing!" Along with a crisp cry, a dazzling golden rainbow cut through the sky like lightning and shot straight into the sky.

Qian Renxue held Huo Yuhao's hand tightly, and the two jumped into the air together.

Her gorgeous long golden hair was flying freely in the wind, as beautiful as a fairy descending to earth.

At this moment, she turned her head slightly, stared at Huo Yuhao beside her tenderly, and showed a charming smile.

Huo Yuhao looked at her and smiled.

"Are you scared?" Qian Renxue smiled.

"I'm afraid of heights." Huo Yuhao responded.

Qian Renxue chuckled and comforted, "Don't be afraid, just hold me tight, we are about to set off!"

Before she finished speaking, she immediately accelerated her speed and turned into a dazzling golden rainbow, rushing straight into the sky.

Upon seeing this, Huo Yuhao immediately put his arms around Qian Renxue's slender waist, and then cleverly used the reaction force to quickly twist his body in mid-air and change the direction of flight.

They were like two shooting stars hurtling down from the clouds, and together they looked down at the scattered stars in the night sky.

The moonlight falls on the earth like water, reflecting everything around it very clearly;
The breeze blows on the face and brings a slight coolness, making people feel extremely comfortable and comfortable.

This beautiful and peaceful atmosphere made Huo Yuhao and Qian Renxue intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

They floated leisurely over Wuhun City, and finally landed on the steep cliff behind Wuhun City.

After Qian Renxue landed lightly, Huo Yuhao slowly released his hands that were tightly wrapped around her elbows and looked into the distance.

Below you can have a panoramic view of the brightly lit, bustling and bustling city at night.

Qian Renxue suddenly turned her head and stared at him.

Huo Yuhao looked sideways at her, his beautiful eyes shining brightly and firmly.

"If, in the future, you and I become gods, will there be a future?"

Her eyes were bright, but her questions were very careful and tentative.

She was afraid that everything that seemed beautiful was just wishful thinking on her part.

"In the future, if you and I become gods, we will support each other, walk together, and never leave." Huo Yuhao said seriously.

"Don't lie to me, there are not many people I can trust." Qian Renxue smiled as brightly as a flower.

She thought about making a pact with La Gou, but she felt that it would look childish.

Huo Yuhao raised his hand and said, "You can pull the hook."

Qian Renxue's eyes were touched, and she raised her hands to pull each other.

"It's a deal, it's a deal."

"Yes." Huo Yuhao nodded lightly.

He doesn't make promises easily and will do what he promises.

"I feel like you are a little childish." Qian Renxue said with a smile, while Huo Yuhao just smiled.

She swayed her calves and looked at the sparse starry sky. The moonlight was quite dark, which made her feel quite regretful.

But she was still in a good mood, and occasionally looking sideways at the person next to her, she couldn't help but feel satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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