Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 272 This is considered a reward reduction

Chapter 272 This is considered a reward reduction (second update)
Frost Temple
【Nine Tests of Frost】

[Second Assessment: Traveling through Extremely Cold Lands]

[Assessment content: hone yourself and collect 20% of your faith]

[Restrictions: No soul skills are allowed, no external assistance is allowed]

[Limited time: three months]

[Note 1: Feel the severe cold and wind and frost in person]

[Note 2: If you want to gain faith, practice is necessary]

[Remark 3: Remember not to harm the soul beast along the way]

Huo Yuhao read the contents of the second divine test and looked up at the Snow Emperor, "What kind of category does it mean that no external help is allowed?"

"Relying on one's own strength, other than that, everything is considered as external assistance." Snow Emperor explained softly.

"In addition to the inherent rigid rule of 'no soul skills are allowed', if you use external help...although it will not directly cause failure in the assessment, the reward will be reduced accordingly." Snow Emperor said.

"For example, let Bing'er clear out the soul beasts in advance on the route ahead; or ask me for a specific geographical map to avoid danger in advance. As long as it is an action to reduce the difficulty of the assessment, it can be regarded as the category of relying on external forces." Snow Emperor detailed explained.

"If I asked you for the drawings of the Far North, would you give them to me?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"It's not allowed according to the rules." Snow Emperor said softly, but her eyes were very clear and translucent.

"All in all, this is an opportunity to collect the beliefs of the soul beasts in the far north. Going there for yourself will be of certain benefit to your subsequent assessments." Snow Emperor said seriously.

"Would you like to accompany me?" Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

"...The rewards will be reduced accordingly." Snow Emperor did not refuse.

"The essence of traveling through the Far North is to hone myself. However, in my current state, even if I don't use soul skills, there is no crisis that can hone my body." Huo Yuhao said.

"Then, the purpose of this assessment becomes 'collecting soul beast beliefs'; if you are accompanied, the effect will be much better."

"This divine test is rigid and has a corresponding lag, which is not appropriate for my current situation. If everything follows the process, a lot of unnecessary time will be wasted." Huo Yuhao explained.

"As for the reward reduction, I can accept it." Huo Yuhao said.

He doesn't really care about rewards, and even the divine test is just a formality.

The Evil Emperor next to him suddenly felt a little ridiculous when he heard these words.

Lord, is this a divine test?

Is it really okay for you to point out faults so bluntly?

Besides, you are essentially trying to trick the examiner. Isn't this... against the rules?

What the Evil Emperor didn't expect was that the Snow Emperor was really considering it seriously.

First, hone yourself

She knew Huo Yuhao's strength very well. Even if he didn't use his soul skills, the Far North could not threaten his existence.

Sharpen yourself (×)
The effect is simply not achieved.


Second, collect beliefs

With your own endorsement, the effect will definitely be smooth sailing and the effect will be outstanding.

You must know that the main purpose of the Frost Goddess's search for the Far North was to collect faith. In the end, she and Bing'er used her to complete the gathering of faith in the soul beasts of the Far North.

Essentially, this is a shortcut.

The Frost Goddess did not have this prerequisite at first, but she was still trying to get closer.

There is nothing wrong with Yuhao taking this path.

If resources are not utilized, they will be limited.



Third, assessment rewards
The first divine examination lasted three months

Reward: The second soul ring’s life span is increased to two thousand years

It’s really a mosquito leg
The only soul ring years he could increase were his second and fourth soul rings.

Assessment rewards (×)
Dispensable things.

Finally, the Snow Emperor nodded and agreed.

The Evil Emperor was already confused.

You can still play like this, right?
The so-called spiritual test of feelings has no "sacredness" at all, it is just a formality.

"I want to go too." Ice Emperor took the initiative to hold Snow Emperor's arm, since he wanted to go anyway.

"Me, and I, I promise not to give him any help on the way, let him go on his own." Zi Ling raised his paws and jumped up and down.

The Evil Emperor remained silent at this time, but stood silently behind Huo Yuhao.

He just thought Zi Ling and Ice Emperor were stupid.

Some things are better left unasked.

By default, it is possible.

I asked, but in principle it’s not possible.

Therefore, Huo Yuhao's second divine test turned into a collective team building for everyone. …

Along the way.

When the soul beasts in the far north met Huo Yuhao and his party, they all prostrated respectfully, and the high-level soul beasts even bowed their heads in obeisance.

That was the Snow Emperor, the ruler of the far north.

Huo Yuhao was only responsible for showing his face. This time the Divine Examination was like a group outing, and his faith value in the Far North was still rising.


Spirit world
Frost Temple
The Frost Goddess was sitting in the High Hall Temple at this time, and noticed that the inheritor had triggered the second divine test.

She happened to cast a look of concern.

You don't know if you look at it, even the goddess feels a little itchy at the moment.

You know how hard it was for her to collect faith in the first place. She basically had to push and fight all the way.


Then you have to physically conquer them first, and then you can talk about the issue of "reinstatement" later.

As a result, Huo Yuhao took advantage of the Snow Emperor's prestige in the far north and made a quick move.

More importantly, she was accused of being lazy in the divine test she assigned, and just followed a template without looking at the specific situation.

Am I that kind of person? It was obvious that that boy was too evil.

She had no choice but to make circumstantial measures in this case by cutting benefits.

But the problem is that the reward she gave...increased the life of the soul ring.

For others, this is a very good temptation.

After all, the number of soul rings of a soul master is fixed, and there is no way to increase the number of years through other methods. Only god-given increases can enhance the overall strength.

However, this reward seemed useless to Huo Yuhao.

The soul rings on his body are basically super-abnormal existences, their age is ridiculously high, their improvement effect is not great, and they are not even attractive at all.

No, the rewards have to be changed.

Otherwise, his enthusiasm for participating in the assessment would be too low.

When the rewards are reduced, he realizes the pain.

The Frost Goddess murmured to herself, her eyes flashing with blazing light.


far north
The standard for the second divine examination is to collect the beliefs of the Far North and reach 20%
It only took Huo Yuhao seven days to reach this limit requirement.

[Congratulations, your collection of beliefs in the Far North has reached 20%]

[Original reward: 100,000-year-old soul bone]

Huo Yuhao was a little confused.

Given this assessment content, such a high reward? Somewhat unreasonable.

[Due to the help of external assistance during the testing and assessment process, the reward was reduced and changed to a level of soul power improvement]

Then, Huo Yuhao suddenly felt that the soul power in his body broke through the shackles, and he stepped from the original level 75 to level 76.

When the Evil Emperor saw this scene, his face suddenly turned pale.

Damn it, what about the reduction in rewards that we agreed on before? Is this how you "reduce"? Are you saying it's not just going through the motions?

It turns out that even the gods are related!

God, do we still have a way to survive?


At this time, Huo Yuhao's expression was a little strange. The Snow Emperor tilted his head slightly, with some confusion in his blue eyes.

Upgrading one level of soul power, can this be regarded as reducing the reward?
"Is the assessment completed?" Ice Emperor saw the two of them flirting with each other and couldn't help but interrupt.

Huo Yuhao's eyebrows suddenly burst into golden light, just like the light of dawn.

[Third Divine Test: Natural Selection]

[Assessment content: Defeat the 100,000-year-old soul beast, time limit is one month]

[Reward: Martial spirit training speed increased by 10%]

Huo Yuhao was a little dazed.

This... actually informed the reward in advance?
Increase the speed of martial soul cultivation?

The Snow Emperor was looking up at the golden beam of light with a rather strange expression.

This seems to be no longer encouragement, but more like...encouragement, right?
 I didn't save the manuscript and the publication time was not on time, sorry.

  I don’t have any rest time on Saturdays and Sundays. I fell ill with a bad cold yesterday and didn’t write at all. I didn’t finish writing today, so I didn’t dare to post it. I thought I’d take a leave first because I didn’t have the time to do it. Now I’ve just finished writing 4,000 words. Sent.

  I'm going to see an ophthalmologist tomorrow. Something is wrong. I feel a dull pain when I look at my phone. It's been a long time.

  The plot is not designed well, and the quality has not been very good recently, it is too watery. I still have self-awareness. This has to wait for me to adjust my state. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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