Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 273 Confrontation with the Ice Bear King

far north

[Third Divine Test: Natural Selection]

[Assessment content: Defeat the 100,000-year-old soul beast, time limit is one month]

[Reward: Martial spirit training speed increased by 10%]

Huo Yuhao was a little shocked when he saw the content of the assessment.

This time, the assessment rewards were marked directly.

Is this for fear of his neglect?
Increase the speed of martial soul cultivation.

This gain is definitely top-notch in Douluo Continent.

The speed of martial soul cultivation is equivalent to the soul master's talent and approximately equal to the innate soul power.

As for defeating the hundred thousand year soul beast, it is not difficult for him.

The hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast in the far north...

"Is the opponent for this third test Xiaobai?" Huo Yuhao asked.

Emperor Xue was startled for a moment, then nodded lightly.

Xiaobai, the Ice Bear King.

That was the cub she adopted back then. It is currently around 170,000 years old and is quite powerful.

Although it is said to be 170,000, as long as it is less than 200,000 years old, it will fall into the category of "100,000-year-old soul beasts".

As far as she knew, when she transformed and rebuilt, Yuhao took her south, and Bing'er met Xiaobai when she handed over the authority of the Far North to Atai.

"Are we going to find Xiaobai?" Ice Emperor suddenly became very excited after hearing this.

The Evil Emperor was a little confused.

Judging from their words, the examiner of the next divine examination is also an acquaintance?

Is this really a divine test?

How can there be a shady story?
Isn't this right? It's not fair...

Could it be that the so-called divine examinations in this world are actually just a fig leaf created to cover up the secret decision?

Is the real purpose a guise used to deceive and fool the world?

The Evil Emperor felt that his faith collapsed.


The far north.

It was a vast expanse, the wind was howling, and snowflakes were flying all over the sky.

The wind and snow are misty, the cold is biting, the sky and the earth are pure white, and the whole world is wrapped in silver.

The Snow Emperor is elegant and quiet, with blue eyes as clear as water. He is staring at the wind and snow in the distance, as if waiting for something.

Huo Yuhao, wearing a black robe embroidered with gold, was standing next to the Snow Emperor, looking very eye-catching on the white snowfield.

Regardless of the wind and snow, the Ice Emperor still wore a short green skirt, revealing her slender white legs, standing gracefully.

She had two clusters of dark green high ponytails on her head, fluttering in the wind, and her emerald-like eyes were twinkling. She was chatting with Huo Yuhao, and from the tone of her voice, something seemed wrong.

Evil Emperor and Zi Ling followed behind.

Zi Ling is silly, cute, and brainless, but the Evil Emperor is different.

Perhaps because of the spiritual soul beast, what he is best at is guessing people's hearts.

The Lord has a deep bond with the Snow Emperor, and their relationship is a bit... strange.

Ice Emperor, Snow Emperor's sister and best friend.

She has a close and close relationship with her master, but it seems that the bond originates from the Snow Emperor.

Moreover, he also noticed some details.

The Ice Emperor's feelings for his master are a bit subtle.

Judging from her various behaviors, she hopes to get closer, but is too rational and always keeps a distance.

Perhaps because of the relationship hub of Snow Emperor, she seemed worried about gains and losses.

I benefit from this relationship, but also suffer from this relationship.

For a relationship to undergo a qualitative change, it needs a "breakthrough", a change that breaks the status quo.

The best way to do this is to distance yourself and create opportunities to be alone...

As time passes by.

Finally, a huge figure appeared in the wind and snow, slowly walking towards this place.

It was a white bear that was over fifty meters tall. It was like a moving mountain. Every step it took would cause the ground to shake violently, as if it was about to crush the land. It was covered with a thick layer of white hair and shimmered faintly. The bright silver light of his eyes flashed sharply in the wind and snow.

"Snow Emperor!" When the Ice Bear King saw the Snow Emperor's figure, he called out with strong joy.

A gentle smile appeared on Snow Emperor's originally peaceful face.

She waved her hand gently, signaling the Ice Bear King to come over.

The Ice Bear King walked up to the Snow Emperor with heavy steps, then leaned down, with the tip of his nose close to him, and there was a little bit of frost hanging on it, showing his obedience.

At this time, the gaze of the prostrate Ice Bear King naturally fell below.

"Ice Emperor, you are here too." The Ice Bear King sounded a little honest.

The Ice Bear King shifted his gaze and naturally noticed the three "outsiders" standing next to him: Huo Yuhao, Zi Ling, and Evil Emperor.

Among them, Zi Ling is a great ginseng tonic, which is actually easy to see through.

For Huo Yuhao, the Ice Bear King is also influential.

When Snow Emperor started practicing again, he was extremely dependent on this human being.

Moreover, the Ice Emperor is willing to go to the south with him.

These two points are enough to show that this human being has a very special identity. At least in the hearts of the Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor, he is regarded as a "friend".

"Xiao Bai, I'm calling you here this time because I hope you can do me a favor." Snow Emperor said in a gentle tone.

The Ice Bear King's round eyes blinked, and then nodded in agreement without hesitation: "Okay!"

Even before I heard the specific details of what I wanted to help, I readily agreed.

To Xiaobai, as long as it's Snow Emperor's business, it's his business.

No matter how big or small it is, it will go all out to get it done.

Without Snow Emperor, it would not be what it is now.

Snow Emperor turned his head and looked at Huo Yuhao beside him.

"This is Yuhao, my... friend,"

Afterwards, the Snow Emperor briefly and concisely told the Ice Bear King the current situation.

Listening to the Snow Emperor's words, the Ice Bear King's round eyes gradually stared at Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao looked at the Ice Bear King with a smile and a very kind attitude.

In his heart, this Xiaobai is his grandson.

Even in this life, the Snow Emperor did not admit it... He still equated Xiaobai in his heart and belonged to his own category.

Although the feelings are mutual,...sometimes, others just feel confused.

For example, Xiaobai now.

This human's eyes are so strange, I always feel a little... baffling.

"Do you really want to spar with him?" The Ice Bear King turned to look at the Snow Emperor again, wanting to confirm further.

After all, as a powerful soul beast with 170,000 years of cultivation, it still has a deep understanding of the human soul master profession.

Especially in recent times, human soul masters have penetrated deeper and deeper into the Far North, and conflicts have continued to arise.

Only those soul masters who have cultivated to the ninth level are qualified to compete with the hundred thousand year old soul beast.

He has cultivated for 170,000 years and is definitely the top powerhouse in the soul beast world. Especially, this far north land is still our own territory and we have every advantage.

Judging from the aura emanating from his body, the young man in black robes seems to be a fifty thousand year old soul beast, with an estimated cultivation level of around seven rings.

In this case, sparring? It's a bit of a bully, okay?

So, what is the significance of this discussion?
The Ice Bear King is really confused.

"Xiao Bai, don't underestimate him. If he acts rogue, even I will have a hard time dealing with him." Ice Emperor reminded him.

The Ice Bear King couldn't help being surprised.

You must know that the current Ice Emperor has successfully broken through to 400,000 years of cultivation. His strength is extremely powerful, and he is completely the strongest existence under the Snow Emperor.

Even the Ice Emperor finds it difficult to deal with?
Then how terrifying is this person's true strength!
After realizing this, the Ice Bear King immediately paid attention to it.

It slowly stood up from the snow-covered ground, shaking its neck and body, shaking off the snowflakes attached to its body.

The Ice Bear King crouched down and looked down at Huo Yuhao with fierce eyes.

"When will the sparring begin?"

"Just now." Huo Yuhao responded.

The requirement of this assessment is to defeat the hundred thousand year soul beast, not to kill it.

He will try to restrain his power output to avoid accidental injuries.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Bai quickly arched his body and stood on the spot like a majestic hill. He exuded a powerful aura and set off a fierce snow storm in the ice and snow.

The passing wind and frost made Huo Yuhao's robes rustle and his hair dance.

The land of ice and snow was about to turn into a battlefield, and everyone chose to leave.

Huo Yuhao's eyes lit up golden red, and the void lines behind him merged, quickly condensing into scarlet Shura pupils, exuding terrifying mental fluctuations.

At the same time, seven soul rings of red, purple, platinum, black, red crystal, red gold, and red surged under his feet.

The soul ring emerged, pushing Huo Yuhao's aura to its peak.

The eyes of Shura emitted scarlet light, dyeing the snowy field with a layer of blood.

As soon as this soul ring configuration came out, the Ice Bear King was stunned.

Its eyes widened in disbelief.

He actually killed so many hundred thousand year soul beasts? Why could the Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor still treat him like this?

Even a simple and honest existence like the Ice Bear King couldn't help but feel a trace of anger deep in his heart at this moment.

The Ice Bear King's eyes were burning with monstrous rage, and he immediately opened his bloody mouth and looked up at the sky with an earth-shattering ice bear roar.


The thick bear roar was like thunder on the ground, quickly resounding throughout the ice and snow world, and sound ripples appeared in the void.

Huo Yuhao's fifth soul ring suddenly lit up, and a red-scaled dragon emerged from between his eyebrows.

With the huge soul power injected from the red crystal soul ring, the red scale dragon grew rapidly and turned into a huge three-headed red flame dragon. The three heads were coiled and burning with blazing flames, and their eyes were locked on the Ice Bear King in front of them. , letting out an unruly dragon roar.

The Ice Bear King rushed toward the three fire dragons on all fours at an alarming speed, causing the ground to shake wherever he passed.

In the blink of an eye, it was like a towering snow mountain rushing towards Huo Yuhao.

As it approached, the Ice Bear King raised its forelimbs, roaring and slapping through the air with its powerful bear paws.

The three fire dragons immediately came to catch it with their bare hands, and received the terrifying force head-on. Large cracks appeared in the ice sheet under their feet, and then they suddenly collapsed, shaking up many ice fragments.

The three fire dragons roared and spit out three lava light pillars towards the Ice Bear King. The burst of ice power and the high temperature brought by the ultimate fire evaporated a large amount of high-temperature water vapor on the spot.

The Ice Bear King and the three fire dragons started a head-on battle on the ice field. Every confrontation between the two would erupt with powerful soul power fluctuations on the ice field.

These soul power fluctuations are like surging waves, sweeping around, evaporating and blowing away the snowflakes that originally fell here.

Huo Yuhao was standing behind the three fire dragons without moving at all.

The Ice Bear King roared and waved his bear claws to attack.

It never expected that the so-called competition would actually involve competing against the opponent's summoned creatures.


"Can you win?" Zi Ling looked at the big white bear on the ice field, waving its claws and struggling hard.

"It should be okay, after all, he hasn't made a move yet." Ice Emperor said.

Zi Ling glanced at the Ice Emperor next to him in slight surprise.

The Ice Emperor noticed the strange look in this girl's eyes and couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Did I say something wrong?

On the ice battlefield.

The Ice Bear King used his soul skill to cause countless ice meteors to fall from the sky. He planned to use this large-scale attack to force Huo Yuhao to take action.

Seeing this, Huo Yuhao immediately withdrew the three fire dragon soul skills.

It’s not that I can’t cope with it, but I need to give some face.

Immediately, Huo Yuhao's seventh soul ring suddenly shone with a dazzling blood-colored light.

It was a huge blood-colored vertical pupil that appeared out of thin air in the void, like a blood moon rising into the sky, blooming with blood-colored light and rapidly changing the surrounding environment, exuding a heart-stopping mental pressure.

The Ice Bear King was disturbed by powerful mental interference and his actions were slightly stagnant.

Huo Yuhao didn't know when he was already standing in the sky, under the light of the bloody Shura Eye.

A flash of emerald green light appeared between his eyebrows, and when he held it, it turned out to be an emerald green carving knife.

At this moment, his golden eyes became even more dazzling.

The Ice Bear King woke up from his daze, and when he saw this scene, his heart suddenly trembled.

It knew it could no longer hold back at all, and immediately displayed its unique skill——

Ice Bear Blizzard!
For a moment, the sky and the earth changed color, and the wind howled.

An extremely violent snowstorm suddenly blew up on the originally calm ice surface. Countless vortexes of ice and snow formed in mid-air, carrying a destructive aura that swept toward Huo Yuhao like surging waves.

When Huo Yuhao saw that it had finished charging up, he immediately raised his hand and waved the knife——

In an instant, the green edge swept across with overwhelming force, its power was earth-shattering.

In an instant, two powerful forces collided!
The blizzard seemed to be cut into the eye of the wind acupoint, and was quickly disintegrated and dispersed into the invisible in an instant.

When the Ice Bear King saw this and was about to launch a counterattack, he suddenly felt that the surrounding environment had changed drastically.

A blood-red color filled the air before his eyes, as if he was in a terrifying bloody purgatory.

Before it could react, a magic sword shining with a strange red light was pointed directly at its throat.

The Ice Bear King looked at Huo Yuhao, who was like a demon in front of him, swallowed hard, and made a hoarse voice in his throat: "I give up..."

Huo Yuhao nodded slightly and immediately lifted the blood barrier.

Then, the frost divine pattern between his eyebrows suddenly lit up, and a golden light burst out from between his eyebrows.

[Third Divine Test·Natural Selection]

[Assessment content: Defeat the 100,000-year-old soul beast]

[Result: Defeated the 170,000-year-old Ice Bear King and exceeded the mission limit]

[Additional reward: Martial spirit training speed gain increased by 12%]

[Additional reward: Frost Goddess affinity increased by 10%] (Total 45%)

Then, a ray of divine light emerged from Huo Yuhao's body and merged into his limbs.

Afterwards, he could clearly feel that the speed of his soul power had increased.

The difficulty is increased and there are additional rewards?
Huo Yuhao was a little surprised.

There seems to be something about this frost goddess.

(End of this chapter)

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