The far north.

In a world frozen thousands of miles away and covered in silver.

The Ice Bear King was lying weakly on the snow. The Snow Emperor gently stroked the Ice Bear King's soft fur, soothing its emotions.

With every breath, the Ice Bear King's long breath stirred up a slight gust of snow.

It's really tiring.

Although it did not suffer any substantial damage in the battle just now, it was a huge drain on its soul power and physical strength.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Huo Yuhao had just completed his third divine examination.

Then, he suddenly felt that the soul power in his body was flowing rapidly like a surging torrent, running a little faster than before.

Speed ​​up your practice and gain buffs.

Suddenly, the frost pattern between Huo Yuhao's eyebrows shone brightly; then, a quiet and melodious voice sounded in his mind:

[Fourth Divine Test: Icefield Narrow Room]

[Assessment content: Travel through the North Pole, reach the narrow ice field, and practice for one year]

[Limited time: one year]

[Reward: Frost Domain]

[Note 1: In the first three months, if you cannot persist, you can leave the country for one hour every day, and you will make up for it later]

[Remark 2: Do not destroy the ice field narrow room]

[Note 3: Pay attention to the invasion of snowstorms]

Huo Yuhao looked at the message content of the Fourth Divine Test and became a little curious about the "Icefield Narrow Room".

He turned his head and looked at the Snow Emperor who was taking care of Xiaobai.

"[Crossing the North Pole and going to practice in the Ice Plains], where is the Ice Plains?" Huo Yuhao asked.

Snow Emperor seemed to notice his gaze, turned sideways and looked back, meeting Huo Yuhao's eyes.

When Xiaobai, who was crouching behind, heard the words "Icefield Narrow Room", he couldn't help but look up at Huo Yuhao, "Why do you ask this?"

"Could it be that where is the place you will choose for your next assessment?" Ice Emperor looked a little surprised, revealing a bit of solemnity.

Huo Yuhao nodded.

"That place can be called a dangerous place. It is extremely cold and the environment is extremely harsh. It is a huge challenge for any life." The Ice Emperor explained.

"Extreme cold frost, absolute zero?" Huo Yuhao asked.

The ultimate ice is known as "absolute zero".

"You can say that, but it's not entirely correct." The originally silent Snow Emperor said softly.

Huo Yuhao glanced at her, and the Snow Emperor raised his hand to pull up the silver-white hair by his ears.

"The environment in the ice field is quite special. Even if you master the 'Ultimate Ice', it will be difficult to stay here for a long time. If you are not careful, it will be frozen by the cold current and turn into flowers, which will only wither in an instant." Snow Emperor explained.

"The reason why that place is called 'Natural Danger' is because of its special nature." Ice Emperor took over the topic.

"Although Xiaobai and I have mastered the ability of ultimate ice, flesh and blood bodies still have their limitations after all. If we stay in that severe cold for a long time, even our body functions will be seriously damaged. This It's the law of nature, it's a shackle, it's an insurmountable gap." The Ice Emperor's expression was very serious, with green light shining in his eyes.

She knew very well that although Huo Yuhao had many means, in the final analysis he was just a human being.

In comparison, the human body is too fragile.

It’s not easy to stay in the Icefields for even a short period of time, let alone stay there for a whole year.

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard this.

Even if you master the ultimate ice, you can't stay for a long time? It has an impact on ferocious beasts of Ice Emperor's level.

It seemed that this "ice field" was far more dangerous than he imagined.

However, the ice attribute mastered by his Ice and Fire Glazed Dragon King is more than just "ultimate ice".

No matter how extreme the environment is, Huo Yuhao has the confidence to control it.

The extreme north.

This is deep in the heart of the Far North. This area has always been rarely visited by humans, and those who can move in this area are almost all the top predators in the Far North!
At this time, the Snow Leopard King, who has been cultivated for 70,000 years, was bowing his body, walking lightly on the ice sheet with cat steps. He turned his head and looked to the side, and saw a towering and huge glacier canyon. He was immediately startled. .

It immediately realized that it had crossed the line and was cautiously stepping back.

At this moment, a hazy shadow appeared among the flying snow and wind.

As time passed, the dark shadow in the distance quickly enlarged, and the blurry figure quickly became clear.

It was a huge vertical pupil, with countless tentacles growing on its surface, dancing in the wind and snow, exuding terrifying mental fluctuations.

The Snow Leopard King, who had cultivated for 70,000 years, was lying on the snowfield, hiding himself tremblingly.

Above the evil emperor's head, Huo Yuhao's black robe was making a sound, his sleeves were billowing, and his cold eyes were looking ahead.

As far as the eye can see, there is a glacier canyon of unimaginable scale.

The biting cold wind poured into it like a surging tide, and the violent wind seemed to sweep and destroy everything in the world.

The ice field was lifeless, and as far as the eye could see, it was all pale and desolate.

The towering ice cliffs are like an indestructible natural barrier, standing in front of everyone, giving people an insurmountable feeling.

Icefield narrow room!

Is this the ultimate place?

Huo Yuhao faced the cold wind whistling from the canyon, and his keen sense of smell allowed him to capture the faint salty smell permeating the air.

"Is there a sea of ​​ice at the end of this canyon?" Huo Yuhao asked.

Snow Emperor looked sideways at him, a hint of surprise flashed in his blue eyes, and nodded slightly.

"About eight hundred miles away, there is an endless sea of ​​ice."

Huo Yuhao showed a smile on his face.

I don't know if there is a heaven-defying soul beast hidden in that sea of ​​ice, but the probability is low.

"Let's go down and have a look." Huo Yuhao said.

As he spoke, he jumped up and landed in the narrow ice field below.

The Snow Emperor was surrounded by flying snow, and he followed the Ice Emperor hand in hand.

The chubby and short Ice Bear King Xiaobai followed the two Ice and Snow Emperors.

"Huh? Wait for me." Zi Ling spread out her emerald green ginseng leaf wings behind her, like an elf soaring in the sky.

After everyone landed, the Evil Emperor transformed into a human form and descended from the sky. He stood beside Huo Yuhao, looking at the narrow gap of the glacier where the cold wind was howling.

"Follow me." Huo Yuhao started walking towards the narrow space of the glacier.


As soon as they entered the valley, gusts of cold wind blew, stinging everyone's skin like knives, and the biting cold breath hit their faces, as if it was going to freeze everything.

Xiaobai transformed into the true form of the Ice Bear King, and the warm fur played a big role. At this time, Zhengyi walked at the front of the team without hesitation, using his huge body to block most of the cold wind for everyone.

The others followed, moving forward under Xiao Bai's protection.

Even the Ice Emperor felt quite uncomfortable at this time.

Huo Yuhao and Snow Emperor walked at the front.

The two of them seemed to be unaffected and walked lightly and freely.

It is normal for the Snow Empress to move freely. She is an elf born from the ice and snow. Her essence is elemental life. She has the same origin as the wind and snow, so she is naturally not afraid of extreme cold.

Huo Yuhao felt the chill. The ice and fire immunity brought by the Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Tree were almost non-existent in this environment.

The soul bones of the Fire Dragon King's torso emit huge amounts of heat, maintaining the vitality in his body.

The soul bone on the Ice Dragon King's head exudes cold air, forming a buffer layer on the body surface.

Obtaining any one of these two is enough for him to swim here.

As for the chill on the body, it can be overcome by willpower.

(End of this chapter)

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