Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 275 The Snow Emperor’s Knee Pillow

The ice field is narrow.

The Evil Emperor was currently activating the soul power in his body to resist the erosion of the extremely cold wind and frost.

Although he successfully resisted the erosion of the cold air, the feeling of coldness still existed.

The biting cold seemed to freeze even the soul.

Zi Ling was the worst. She was holding Xiao Bai and shivering.

This kind of ghost place was simply torture to her.

Her cultivation level is the lowest, with a cultivation level comparable to that of ten thousand years, and a combat power comparable to that of a hundred thousand years.

She is ginseng, not snow ginseng.

Although it is cold-resistant, it is not meant to be played like this.

In comparison, the thick layer of down on Xiaobai's body is really enviable.

Looking at Huo Yuhao.

He was walking side by side with the Snow Emperor at this time, talking to each other and asking about things in the ice field. The clouds were calm and the wind was light, and he seemed to have no pressure at all.

This guy is really perverted.

The Ice Emperor also felt the chill coming at this time. Looking at the two people talking side by side in front of him, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Even she didn't want to stay in this place any longer.

Even if fellow practitioners have ice attributes, they are graded.

Although she has cultivated her ice attributes to the level of ultimate ice, she still feels that there is still something above.

Moreover, the scariest thing about this ghost place is not the glaciers on both sides, but the wind.

The cold wind blows, and the hair stands on end.

It's so cold.

Huo Yuhao, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped and turned sideways to look back.

Snow Emperor turned around, his eyes showing some confusion.

"What's wrong?" Ice Emperor asked in confusion.

"Just send it here." Huo Yuhao said.

The Ice Emperor was startled when he heard this.

She suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Is this...?" The Ice Emperor stopped there, lowering his head slightly and hiding his eyes.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, everyone." Huo Yuhao said gently.

This is his divine test. If it is true, there is no need for everyone to suffer along with him.

The severe cold conditions in the narrow ice field did not allow them to stay for a long time.

Compared with the Ice Emperor's loss, Zi Ling felt as if she had been granted amnesty at this time, her purple eyes sparkling brightly.

This damn place is really no place for humans.

Xiaobai looked innocent, just looking at the Snow Emperor.

To it, it didn't matter who Huo Yuhao was.


Finally, Huo Yuhao said goodbye to everyone and watched them leave.

As his priest, Snow Emperor stayed where he was and guarded him silently.

Looking at the figures disappearing in the wind and snow, Huo Yuhao turned around.

"Let's go and look forward."

Snow Emperor looked at his back and started to follow him.

A pure world of wind and snow.

The ice cliffs and canyons on both sides were roaring with the wind.

The black and white figures walked towards the depths of the ice valley.


Icefield Hajama
Huo Yuhao and Snow Emperor went more than a hundred kilometers deep into the narrow space.

In the narrow space in front of the snow, there was a dark, rotten tree growing.

This scene made Huo Yuhao a little surprised.

Where are the plants in this land of ice and snow?
"It should have been frozen in the distant past. Later, it fell from the ice cliff and happened to take root here." The Snow Emperor explained.

"So, this place also had a period of ice release." Huo Yuhao said.

"The world has changed." Huo Yuhao raised his hand and caressed the dark lines of the rotten wood, with some emotion in his tone.

Snow Emperor didn't speak, just stood silently.

Huo Yuhao sat cross-legged under the dark roots of a rotten tree, adjusting his condition here to reduce the impact of his soul bones on himself.

To him, the soul bone is both protection and restriction.

He wanted to know where his body's endurance limit was and whether he could continue to improve. Otherwise, this divine test will have no meaning to him.

He doesn't want to waste time.

In my previous life, I survived countless crises.

This life was so smooth that he felt a little uncomfortable.

He never slacked off in his practice, but he never encountered a real crisis.


The ice field is narrow.

"Snow Emperor, I will enter a deep level of cultivation, and my state will be similar to suspended animation. There is no need to worry." Huo Yuhao warned.

"Then how to identify?" Snow Emperor stared into his eyes seriously.

Huo Yuhao was a little stunned, and then smiled brightly.

"I will not practice for more than three days this time. If it exceeds the time limit and I still don't wake up, you can wake me up."

"Okay." The Snow Emperor listened and nodded gently.

Huo Yuhao nodded, and immediately released the protection brought by the soul bone, and the chill gradually enveloped him.

In a daze, he seemed to fall into the void of time and space, and blurry images from the past surfaced.

At that moment, he drank the cold spring without hesitation.

At that time, he had no hesitation, so that later...

Gradually, the cold wind erodes.

Huo Yuhao's body was frozen by the cold wind, ice, snow, and frost. His body functions declined rapidly, and his life breath declined rapidly.

The chill penetrated my heart, and my blood gradually solidified.

Snow Emperor stood there, looking a little at a loss.

Fortunately, Huo Yuhao had mentioned to her before that he would be in a state of suspended animation for the rest of his practice.

The Snow Emperor calmed down and noticed that a ball of heart flame was burning in Huo Yuhao's chest, maintaining his glimmer of hope.

Seeing this, she felt a little relieved.

In this case, everything is still expected.

Snow Emperor stood by and watched, always paying attention to the inner flame hidden in his heart.


As time passed, Huo Yuhao sat under the dead tree, as if he was in meditation.

The wind and frost on his body became thicker and his breath became weaker.

Snow Emperor stood by, always observing the movement.

Later, Snow Emperor found that his soul was stirring, his consciousness seemed to be sinking, and even the flame in his heart that maintained the lowest physical condition was gradually fading away...

How is this going?

The Snow Emperor realized something was wrong and immediately removed the frost from his body. He saw his teeth chattering and he kept mumbling something.

"Yuhao, are you okay?"

Dong'er, Dong'er...

The Snow Emperor looked at Huo Yuhao, whose consciousness seemed to be sinking, as if he was obsessed with madness, chanting that name repeatedly.

"Yuhao, wake up."


No matter how she called, Huo Yuhao still didn't respond, and even the flame in his heart began to wither.

This change made the Snow Emperor panic, and he immediately opened his arms and hugged him tightly, unfolding the invisible realm to separate the surrounding flying snow and biting cold wind.

Drifting snowflakes fall softly outside, forming a unique boundary, but inside it is quiet and peaceful.

At this time, Huo Yuhao seemed to feel a long-lost warmth, and subconsciously hugged the Snow Emperor tightly, refusing to let go.

The Snow Emperor's heartbeat quickened, and his slightly trembling hands gently rested on the figure hugging his waist, but in the end he did not push him away, but acquiesced to the hug.

His body was cold and he couldn't feel any warmth.

Snow Emperor gently stroked the top of his head and looked at his pale side face.

Only now can I look at him like this.

Looking at his pale profile, the Snow Emperor felt a little distressed.

He has been on the move all this time.

Behind the soaring cultivation level, there are often endless crises hidden.

Every breakthrough and realm improvement requires huge costs and efforts.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao was quietly leaning on the Snow Emperor's legs, his head gently leaning against her soft body.

In this peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, he felt an unprecedented warmth and peace of mind.

The Snow Emperor sat with his legs bent in the narrow space of the ice field, watching over him quietly. (End of chapter)

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