Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 276: Snow Emperor, I am nothing in your heart

Sometimes, what people love is not only the specific thing or person itself, but more importantly, the indescribable feeling - the comfort brought by silent companionship.


Icefield Hajama
Huo Yuhao slowly woke up from his long slumber. When his fingers touched the soft and familiar touch on his hand, he felt a burst of confusion and confusion in his heart.

who am I? where am I?
He muttered to himself, as if he had lost the memory of his identity and surroundings.

Suddenly, Huo Yuhao found himself lying in the Snow Emperor's arms. He suddenly woke up as if he was struck by lightning. He quickly jumped up from her lap pillow and fixed his eyes on the Snow Emperor sitting next to him. .

The Snow Emperor sat there quietly, gently lifting Huo Yuhao's elbow away from his slender waist, and a faint blush appeared on his cheeks as white as snow.

Immediately, she elegantly closed her knees, raised her hand to smooth her messy hair, and fiddled with the hem of her skirt with her other hand, her movements light and natural.

Huo Yuhao looked at the scene in front of him and was at a loss for a moment.

He tried hard to recall what had happened before, but the memory in his mind was like a broken mirror that was difficult to piece together.

The moment he looked at Snow Emperor, an inexplicable feeling of intimacy welled up in his heart, which made him feel a lot more at ease.

"You're awake." Snow Emperor greeted softly.

"Did I fall asleep?" Huo Yuhao murmured to himself, trying to piece together the fragmented memories in his mind, but those images stung his nerves like broken glass, making him unwilling to recall them.

He noticed that his vitality was still in a normal state, and there was still a trace of warmth and elegant fragrance left in his body.

Huo Yuhao looked around and found that he was in a narrow space of ice. The three feet around him seemed to be shrouded by an invisible barrier, and the wind and snow could not penetrate even half a step.

"Take a short sleep." Snow Emperor said softly.

Then, she added: "Three months before the assessment, you can choose to leave the country to rest."

The "departure" she mentioned obviously meant leaving the narrow space of this ice and snow.

The Snow Emperor's own domain can produce a special power that can effectively block the severe cold and wind and frost from the outside world.

This is similar to the principle in the windless area where she lives.

Therefore, there is no need to leave the ice sheet, as long as you stay in this windless area, it can also be regarded as a "departure" state.

Huo Yuhao realized that his actions before he fell into coma were inappropriate, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt in his heart.

He wanted to say something to express his apology, but felt that any words seemed pale and weak at this moment.

If apologies really worked, there would be no trouble in the world.

"...Are you okay?" What Huo Yuhao said was baffling to me.

What am I talking about?

There was a hint of doubt in Snow Emperor's blue eyes, and then he shook his head slightly.

Huo Yuhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew the Snow Emperor's temperament well, and this matter was finally revealed.

At the same time, this is also the best way to deal with it.

The Snow Emperor's eyes suddenly became bright, "No, you had been holding me and chanting 'Dong'er' before."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Yuhao's face instantly became extremely stiff, his whole person seemed to be petrified, and his mind went blank.

The Snow Emperor stared into his eyes seriously, with a faint smile on his face, which made Huo Yuhao feel flustered.


Snow Emperor slowly stretched out his arms, unfolded his warm embrace, hugged Huo Yuhao tightly, turned over and straddled him, his white arms locked around his neck, and his upper body leaned forward. Very close, she leaned close to his ear and whispered softly: "Yu Hao..."

Huo Yuhao's ears instantly turned red, like ripe apples.

He looked flustered. He never expected that he would be teased by Snow Emperor like this today!

Fortunately, she didn't do anything more outrageous later on, she just hugged him tightly, as if she had suffered a loss before and now wanted to get it back.

Huo Yuhao felt like he was sitting on pins and needles now that he had a warm, soft and delicate body in his arms. He didn't know where to put his hands.

In the end, he carefully placed his hand on her back, and his fingertips fell on her soft hair, brushing it gently, as if to comfort her.

The Snow Emperor's delicate body trembled slightly, his chin rested lightly on Huo Yuhao's shoulder, and a pair of jade arms hugged his body tightly, feeling his warmth.

Huo Yuhao felt that his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if it was about to jump out of his throat. His body temperature also rose rapidly, and a feeling of heat surged from the bottom of his heart.

Being so close, he could even smell the faint fragrance emanating from Snow Emperor's body. The tips of his hair made his ears itch a little, but he didn't dare to scratch them.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao was sitting on pins and needles, his body was stiff and motionless.

He smiled bitterly in his heart.

Even when fighting against Emperor Tian, ​​I have never been so nervous.

But facing the Snow Emperor in front of him, he felt an indescribable embarrassment and was at a loss.

Time passed minute by minute, and every moment was torture for Huo Yuhao.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the Snow Emperor gently released his arms around Huo Yuhao and raised his head, staring at him with those beautiful eyes full of complexity.

Snow Emperor arranged her clothes and skirts as if no one was around, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her.

The moment of failure left Huo Yuhao feeling empty in his heart, and his elbows dropped weakly.

The Snow Emperor slowly stood up and looked into the narrow space of the ice field.

At this moment, she gently waved her sleeves and instantly lifted the windless realm around her.

In an instant, the originally calm air was disrupted by a biting cold wind.

This cold wind was like countless sharp knives, cutting Huo Yuhao's body mercilessly.

He couldn't help but shudder, and suddenly he was sober.

Snow Emperor stood quietly on the edge of the narrow room, looking into the distance, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her.

Her calm expression seemed to have not taken the previous events to heart at all.

Huo Yuhao's face looked a little complicated. He stared at the Snow Emperor silently, with an indescribable emotion welling up in his heart.

Unknowingly, the feelings seemed to have undergone a subtle change.


In the following days, Huo Yuhao has been practicing hard in the narrow ice field to hone his strength.

Whenever he is close to the limit of endurance, the Snow Emperor will always use the Windless Barrier to block out the severe cold and strong winds from the outside world.

Outside the realm, the cold wind raged and the roar was deafening;
Within the realm, there is peace and tranquility, and the wind and waves are still gentle;
Huo Yuhao adjusted his condition in this windless barrier, regained his energy, and prepared for the next round of training.

During this period of time, although the two communicated very little during this period, they could often understand each other's intentions with just one look.

Many changes happen inadvertently, especially in relationships.

Snow Emperor's small test was like a pebble thrown into a lake, causing ripples and breaking Huo Yuhao's inner peace.

This forced him to re-examine this relationship and think about what it meant.

As time goes by, this emotion becomes deeper and deeper, like a seed buried deep in the ground, gradually taking root and sprouting.

Huo Yuhao also gradually understood that no matter what the future holds, he can no longer ignore the existence of this feeling.

Looking back to the beginning.

He reached the Far North for the first time.

When he met the Snow Emperor, he revealed that he came from the distant future.

At that time, he had shown that they were of vital importance to him and that they were close companions.

You are the existence that I am willing to give up my life and pay all costs to protect and save.

These are true expressions of emotion.

Feelings are all mutual.

He gained their trust through actions.

They believed they meant no harm and gradually began to accept his noise.

However, Huo Yuhao did not express this clearly from the beginning.

You are important to me, important enough that I would lay down my life for it.

This is the truth.

But the most important thing is - who are you?

In my mind, what is your position? What role is it in?
The connection between the Snow Emperor and him began when the Snow Emperor in his previous life transformed into a babbling Snow Girl.

It stems from the experience of sitting in a wheelchair and overturning the Sun and Moon Academy with the help of the snow girl.

Originating from the upper edge of Poseidon Lake...

Originating from Haotian Castle...

Too much too much.

Even if the Snow Emperor later recovered his cultivation and transformed into the arrogant and cold-blooded ruler of the far north, there was still an emotional bond between them.

This series of fetters is divided into family ties.

This is also the biggest problem.

At the beginning, he was still weak, but the Snow Emperor finally believed his words.

If it were revealed at that time, in the distant future, you would become my nominal daughter because of your reconstruction.

All my feelings for you originate from that family affection.

With the Snow Emperor's temperament, he would only feel offended; and then beat Huo Yuhao to death on the spot to avoid such outrageous things from happening in the distant future. Huo Yuhao avoids talking about the nature of emotion, but the emotions he expresses are so hot.

Of course he was too idealistic.

He gave everything to Snow Emperor wholeheartedly and without reservation.

But he missed a crucial point——

In Snow Emperor's eyes, what does his feeling belong to?
An old father's concern when he sees his daughter?

The protective, half-brother?

How can it be!

You know, Snow Emperor has always been arrogant.

In her subjective consciousness, she most likely took it for granted that as the ruler of the Far North, she saw a skinny human cub struggling to its death while wandering around the border.

She was just out of interest, just like picking up Xiaobai, but she just picked up an extra human cub.

So, she picked up "Xiao Yuhao" and brought it back to Windless Territory.

Later, she guided the other person in his practice.

Unexpectedly, that humble little guy turned out to be the son of luck.

As time goes by, she becomes stronger step by step, reaching the height she is at;

A picture book about the story of finally breaking through the shackles, becoming a god, and rising as a teacher.

Thinking of this, Huo Yuhao could only smile bitterly.

It's off, the trajectory is completely off.

It can be inferred from Snow Emperor's previous behavior that this relationship has obviously gone off the track.

In other words, she completely misunderstood the relationship.

You can only blame yourself for all this.

At first I couldn't clarify my intention.

Of course,
Now that things have come to this, what can be done?

This relationship puts Huo Yuhao at a fork in the road.

When he was ambiguous about this relationship at the beginning, he was destined to face the situation today.


Huo Yuhao quietly stared at the Snow Emperor who was practicing beside him, his eyes showing a trace of unnoticeable emotional fluctuations.

The Snow Emperor felt the gaze and gently opened his eyes, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, as if he was asking him.

Huo Yuhao took a deep breath, his voice as soft as the breeze.

"What kind of person am I in your heart?"

This problem still needs to be faced after all.

He wanted to know what Snow Emperor was thinking in his heart.

The previous temptation was an expression of true feelings or a "trick".

The Snow Emperor obviously did not expect Huo Yuhao to ask such a question, and he couldn't help but be startled.

She stared at Huo Yuhao and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Seeing such determination in his eyes, the Snow Emperor couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

Her eyes met Huo Yuhao's. Every time she came into contact with his clear, watery eyes, she would feel palpitations in her heart.

At the same time, she also understood that the other party was waiting for her answer.

Snow Emperor avoided his gaze and looked into the distance.

"For me, you are the beginning."

Her voice was faint, like the cold wind flowing back from the valley.

As the Snow Emperor spoke, he unconsciously crossed his arms around his knees, looking up at the towering snow cliffs and the whining wind in his ears.

"The narrow space of the ice field, this is actually the place where I was born. Ever since I became conscious, I have been wandering in this narrow space..."

"I used to feel deeply lonely. No one here could get close to me. In the end, I decided to leave this place and explore the wider world outside."

"Later, the gears of fate began to turn, and I met Bing'er. She understood my essence and wanted to strengthen herself by devouring my origin, but the result was that she was no match for me." Snow Emperor chuckled.

"At that time, she had just exceeded one hundred thousand years, and since I left this place, I have already reached nearly three hundred thousand years of cultivation."

"Maybe it's fate, she became my first best friend in life."

Mentioning the Ice Emperor, a faint smile appeared on the Snow Emperor's face.

"We fight side by side, support each other, and face countless difficulties and obstacles together."

"During these years, we forged a deep friendship and eventually reached the pinnacle of power in the Far North and became the undisputed master of this land."

"As for Xiaobai, he was a little guy I accidentally picked up deep in the ice cave. From the moment he was born, he relied on me and loved me like his biological mother. Time flies, and now he has grown up vigorously."

"Until you appeared..." Snow Emperor murmured softly, looking sideways at Huo Yuhao, his blue eyes filled with light, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously.

Huo Yuhao's heart trembled.

"There are many stories hidden in your eyes, and I am willing to believe everything you say." Snow Emperor said gently.

"Let me ask you, can you answer me?" Snow Emperor stared at Huo Yuhao beside him.

"Say." Huo Yuhao was nervous.

"In the future where you are, what exactly is the relationship between me and you?" Snow Emperor stared at him.

In an instant, Huo Yuhao was stunned.

For him, this issue was a complete proposition.

Seeing this, the corners of the Snow Emperor's mouth slightly raised, revealing an indifferent smile.

She has always been arrogant and never competes with others for anything, let alone sharing her own things with others.

Although his feelings for himself are extremely sincere, he is often restrained by ideals.

She actually had a hunch about the answer.

As early as when they first met, she wanted to ask, are you willing to stay with me and accompany me in this world of ice and snow?

In the end, she didn't say this.

He finally chose to come and leave the Far North.

She could only stay in this far north, silently waiting for his return.

Just like this, waiting day after day, year after year.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and she has never felt alone or lonely.

But now, just a few years of separation has caused her to suffer.

Huo Yuhao was her beginning.

Since meeting him, time has started to take effect.

"My love," Huo Yuhao said seriously, his eyes firm.

The Snow Emperor's pupils trembled slightly and he stared at Huo Yuhao silently, with complex emotions in his eyes.

Her movements were unusually slow, as if every tiny movement required great courage and strength.

Finally, she slowly approached Huo Yuhao.

Although the distance between them was not very far, it took Snow Emperor a long time to reach him.

She carefully stretched out her arms, hugged Huo Yuhao's body gently, and put her face close to his shoulder.

The two people's eyes met together, as if they were conveying the words deep in their hearts through their eyes.

Snow Emperor's breathing gradually became rapid, and she slowly leaned down, getting closer and closer to Huo Yuhao's face.

Her eyes followed his every move closely, as if looking for some kind of answer or confirmation of something.

As long as Huo Yuhao showed even the slightest trace of evasion or withdrawal, she would immediately retract her actions.

Huo Yuhao clearly realized that the moment he said those two words, the originally set destiny trajectory had quietly changed.

Then, in the stage of testing each other, we must not dodge.

Hesitation and withdrawal are the greatest harm.

Snow Emperor slowly approached Huo Yuhao, leaned over and kissed his lips, then slowly stood up.

"Yuhao, remember your answer today and don't let me down, okay?" Snow Emperor's voice was very soft, and his blue eyes revealed expectations.

Huo Yuhao's eyes fluctuated slightly due to these words, and he stretched out his hands to embrace her.

Snow Emperor, like a well-behaved cat, snuggled quietly in his arms, with a peaceful smile on his face.

At this moment, the strong wind was still raging and howling in the narrow space of the ice field, but the barrier of the windless realm seemed to form two completely different worlds.

The two embraced each other, enjoying the brief tranquility and beauty.

——(End of this chapter)

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