Icefield Hajama
Since the relationship was established, Huo Yuhao and Snow Emperor no longer have so many barriers.

We needed to keep a distance before, but now we seem much closer.

For Huo Yuhao, practice still has to continue.

The only thing that changed was their attitude towards each other.

Although they are in a narrow ice field, they actually only spend one hour together every day.

However, for Snow Emperor, it is also a kind of satisfaction to be able to watch him and guard him all the time.


Over time.

Just one month later.

Huo Yuhao's own resistance to extremely cold environments has been greatly improved.

Now, he can abandon the protection of the Ice and Fire Dragon King's soul bone and rely on his own body to withstand the cold current in the narrow ice field.

Huo Yuhao raised his head and looked deep into the narrow room.


"Yes." Snow Emperor was standing next to him at this time, his blue eyes flashing, and he roughly guessed what he was thinking.

"How about crossing this narrow space and going to the ice sea in the extreme realm?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"Okay." Snow Emperor nodded seriously without any hesitation.

Huo Yuhao held her warm palm smoothly, and the two of them walked side by side toward the depths of the narrow room without fear of the wind and snow.


Deep in the narrow space of the ice field, it is cold and silent, as if time has frozen here.

Huo Yuhao held the Snow Emperor's hand and was exploring the depths of the narrow space. Their footsteps echoed crisply on the ice.

Along the way, Huo Yuhao discovered some strange things inexplicably.

At first, there were only traces of carbonized plants frozen in ice, like imprints left by time.

As they moved forward, under Huo Yuhao's spiritual power exploration, they found some soul beast bones frozen between the ice narrows on both sides.

Huo Yuhao was attracted by these wreckage. Through the layer of black ice, he observed the huge double-necked snake skull skeleton in front of him. Although it was only part of it, its skull could reach five meters in size.

The remains of these soul beasts are extremely old and must have been extremely large in size during their lifetime.

Snow Emperor was standing next to him at this time, observing the snake skull.

Huo Yuhao took her and continued deeper.

Later, there were also some soul beasts with large skeletons and soul beast kings whose cultivation was over ten thousand years old.

Later, during Huo Yuhao's mental detection, he saw some fur tissue remaining on some frozen skeletons.

"This doesn't seem to be an ice soul beast." Huo Yuhao said softly.

He is still very solid in the theory of soul beasts, at least he can't make mistakes in the classification.

"This place may not have been frozen before, and the ice field has not yet formed." The Snow Emperor said.

She didn't know much about these things either.

She was born in a narrow space of ice, and it is difficult to judge more ancient things.

The ice field is a restricted area for soul beasts in the far north, let alone other soul beasts from outside.

Huo Yuhao nodded slightly, guessing that this place might have once been a piece of land, but due to geological changes, it became the ice sheet that it is today.

However, the next discovery made Huo Yuhao realize that things were not that simple.

As he went deeper, Huo Yuhao was surprised to find that there were some other corpses mixed around the soul beast corpses. These skeletons exhibit a strange distortion, with their shapes distorted.

The ice sealed some uncorrupted flesh, fur, and scales, and its claws were as sharp as hooks, resembling a humanoid lizard.

This discovery made Huo Yuhao's heart tighten, and an ominous premonition came to him.

What was shocking was that Huo Yuhao also saw what seemed to be the remains of ancient human beings.

What's even more strange is that he saw a rusted spearhead in the ice-covered narrow space. A metal object with inscriptions could be vaguely seen on the surface, and it was stained with rust.

Huo Yuhao's pupils suddenly condensed.

Could this be a soul guide?

"Xue'er, please step back first." Huo Yuhao said sideways.

The Snow Emperor followed his instructions and retreated behind him, watching his actions.

Seeing this, Huo Yuhao raised his palm and mobilized the power of the Fire Dragon King's torso bone in his body, a sharp edge flashed across his eyes.

"Jun Yan."

A dazzling spot suddenly bloomed in his palm, and the blazing fire suppressed everything.

In an instant, the terrifying explosion and the heaven-defying fire wave spread, the ancient black ice shattered, and the wind and snow evaporated in an instant with the blazing heat.

When the Snow Emperor saw this, he couldn't help but look aside and was frightened. The black ice in front melted away, exuding the remaining heat waves and the original cold breath.

There was only an inch between the broken ice and the metal object.

The power was controlled very delicately, without harming anything inside.

Huo Yuhao's palms burned with bright flames, easily melting the last layer of black ice barrier. Holding the rusty spearhead in his palm, all the flames dissipated.

The rusty metal object was longer than a palm. After analysis through the spiritual eyes, it was indeed a weapon with soul guidance technology.

It really is an ancient soul guide.

This discovery made Huo Yuhao frown slightly.

He once looked through some information in Poseidon Pavilion and found that the soul guide had a serious fault.

During the Wuhundian era, soul guidance device technology was in a state of extinction, and only some remaining storage soul guidance devices were still in use.

As for the reason for the fault of the ancient soul guide, there is no relevant record.

"What's wrong?" Snow Emperor walked forward and stood beside him.

"Ancient soul guide, a technology with gaps in records." Huo Yuhao said softly.

"You mean, they once appeared in the far north?" The Snow Emperor pondered slightly.

"It is also possible that the 'Ultra North' was not yet frozen at that time." Huo Yuhao said.

He knew that continents would drift.

The collision of the Sun and Moon Continent is the most vivid example.

Perhaps in the distant ancient times, the latitude of Douluo Continent was still low, and the location of the Arctic Land was not yet covered by ice and snow.

Huo Yuhao frowned and fell into deep thought.

The discovery of the Far North made him full of doubts and curiosity about this mysterious ice field.

What secrets are hidden here? Why are there so many weird corpses?
Huo Yuhao put the rusty soul guide spearhead into the star bracelet.

"Let's go and look behind us."


Snow Emperor followed him, and the two of them explored deeper.


Behind the ice field.

Under the ice, there is a bloody glacier.

Some of the skeletons of creatures were sealed in ice, eating and biting each other, revealing a murderous atmosphere.

Huo Yuhao took a breath of cold air.

large scale battlefield
Among them, there are soul beasts, humans, and alien creatures participating in the battle.

It seems to be a history of resistance
Huo Yuhao looked at Snow Emperor, and she just shook her head slightly.

She was born in a narrow place in the ice field. Although she has seen these scenes, she is not sure why.

Huo Yuhao understood clearly.

The origin of these corpses under the glacier must be traced back to the more distant past.

The bloody glacier stretches for nearly a hundred miles.

Along the way, Huo Yuhao paid close attention to exploring, mainly because he was worried about hidden dangers here.

We don’t know where the source of the disaster is, let alone whether it has been solved.

There are still so many things hidden in Douluo Continent.

It's just that he left too quickly after becoming a god.

There is a Silver Dragon King hidden deep in the Star Forest;

There is such an ancient frozen battlefield in the far north;

There are also the so-called three restricted areas of the ocean;

Is this really the Douluo Continent he is familiar with?

Huo Yuhao held the Snow Emperor's hand and embarked on this long and dangerous journey to the bloody glacier.

After a long and arduous journey, they finally reached the end of the ice field.

What lies before our eyes is an endless sea of ​​ice, with turbulent waves and majestic momentum.

Huo Yuhao and Snow Emperor stood on the solitary ice plateau.

A dazzling sun hangs high above the sky dome, shining brightly and bringing a touch of warmth to this cold Arctic sea.

The sky is always full of light, reflecting the entire ice and snow world in colorful colors.

They cuddled up to each other and watched the waves of the ice and sea together. (End of chapter)

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