Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 291 Brilliant Heavenly Power

Frost Kingdom
Huo Yuhao followed his steps, and where he walked, ice lotuses bloomed. As he swung his divine sword, a curled-up frost dragon suddenly rose behind him. At this time, it was protruding its head and exhaling with bared teeth.

When the Frost Goddess saw this scene, she couldn't help but shrink her pupils and look stunned.

He... learned it just by watching it once?
Even if this was placed in ancient times, it would still be a peerless genius that shocked the past and the present.

The resources to become a god!

His learning ability completely breaks the limitations of the contemporary soul ring system.

This boy's talent is as high as his own back then.

No wonder, his self-created unique skills are so amazing.

If he was given enough time, he might be able to create his own godhood!
The Frost Goddess looked at Huo Yuhao's back with a complicated look in her eyes.

"Where?" Huo Yuhao turned sideways and looked back, and happened to meet her complicated eyes.

The Frost Goddess was shocked, "Huh? It's up to you."

Then, she saw the frost blue dragon rushing towards her.

Frost Goddess: Huh?

She immediately waved the frost staff and annihilated the frost dragon, bursting out a large amount of frost mist.

A hint of anger flashed in the Frost Goddess's eyes.

This guy!
Huo Yuhao then waved the Frost Divine Sword.

[Second Style·Eternally Frozen Lotus]

The surrounding ice blocks shook and flew up one after another to gather towards the Frost Goddess, forming a blooming ice lotus, exuding a cold breath.

The Frost Goddess gritted her teeth and immediately broke the ice lotus seal, causing broken ice cubes to fly in all directions.

She was suspended in mid-air, with a white mist of cold air emerging from her blue robe, and her face was like frost.

"You asked for this!"

The Frost Goddess held her staff high, and a series of ice edges appeared on the sky, with the sharp edge locked on Huo Yuhao below.

"Let you feel the baptism of frost!"

Countless ice edges struck like a violent storm towards the ice field where Huo Yuhao was.

In an instant, the ice sheet shattered and floated, setting off waves of frost.

However, when the frost and ice fog dissipated.

The Frost Goddess was stunned for a moment.

On the broken ice field, a huge ice lotus bloomed.

Huo Yuhao named himself one of them.

As the Ice Lotus shattered and disintegrated, Huo Yuhao returned unscathed.

"Does this summoning soul skill have a corresponding magic scroll?" Huo Yuhao chuckled.

It seems that this goddess has mastered many magical skills, and they are all rubbing versions and can be learned.

"It's undeniable that you have a really high talent for learning. You can learn whatever you want—"

The Frost Goddess abandoned her staff directly, raised her hand and gathered cold breath in her palm, quickly condensing into a slender Frost Divine Sword.

"Come, let me teach you!" The Frost Goddess smiled, with deep malice in her eyes.

Huo Yuhao levitated in the air, raised the divine sword in his hand, and struck down decisively towards the location of the Frost Goddess!

"The third form: eternal destruction!"

The power of Huo Yuhao's sword also shattered the mountains and destroyed the plains, setting off a series of collapses and explosions, and a sword tomb was inserted into the broken area.

The Frost Goddess rushed out of the storm with a frosty sword——

Huo Yuhao approached quickly with the Frost Divine Sword in hand and faced him head-on.

The moment the sword blades intertwined and collided, a torrential snow shadow burst out, forming an extreme hedging scene.

A trace of emotion flashed across the face of the Frost Goddess, and then the sword blades were raised, the blades were staggered, and the snowfield cracked into terrifying canyon cracks.

Huo Yuhao slashed sideways with his sword, and the Frost Azure Dragon appeared out of the sky and directly collided with the Frost Goddess in front of her, sending her flying.

The Frost Goddess muttered something in her mouth, wiped the ridge of the sword with her hand, and then raised it high——

A bright light burst out from the tip of the sword and suddenly penetrated the sky.

A vast frost moon appeared in the vast void, scattered with cold moonlight.

The frost goddess's hair was flying, a cold light flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes, and her body exuded an aura of a god-level realm.

Today I want to see how deep your kid is hiding!
I don’t believe it. Can you still kill gods? !

Huo Yuhao looked at the situation that was a little out of control.

The Frost Goddess seemed to have been defeated by him, and she actually used the power of the gods shamelessly.

"Didn't you say that you would only teach the first three moves?" Huo Yuhao couldn't help but interrupt. "Don't worry, this is also part of the Nine Frost Moves. Seeing that you are very talented, I will teach you all of them—" The Frost Goddess smiled innocently, but her words sounded like she was gritting her teeth.

Huo Yuhao sighed softly.

Is this fight necessary?

Seeing this, Huo Yuhao jumped up.

He was suspended in the air, imitating cats and tigers, and imitating the same operations.

Although he didn't know what magic formula the Frost Goddess was reciting just now; but, who doesn't know how to make up formulas?
The other party's attribute is ice. If you want to restrain it, it seems that the only way is——

Huo Yuhao activated the fourth soul ring, and when he raised his hand to wipe the sword's spine, a series of dark purple thunder arcs burst out, pointing straight into the sky——

"Nine Heavens Xuansha, turned into divine thunder"

"The brilliant power of heaven, lead it with the sword!"

Huo Yuhao sang loudly.

What he didn't expect was that the clouds in the sky suddenly changed.

Thick black clouds gathered together to form a vortex on the top of the clouds, which "clicked" with terrifying thunder, like tree-like veins.

The Frost Goddess looked stunned when she saw this scene.

This...what is this?
Divine punishment?

God of Destruction? !
However, at this time, the arrow was already on the string and had to be fired.

The Frost Goddess' face was solemn and solemn, her eyes were bright, and she slashed down with the Frost Divine Sword in her hand.

The moonlight is like a tide, and the vastness comes.

Huo Yuhao stepped forward in response to the situation, holding a divine sword and carrying the Divine Thunder of Divine Punishment.

The moment the two intertwined with each other, dark purple arcs suddenly appeared on the surface of the ice, and they exploded one after another.

The thick, dazzling lightning was swallowing the Frost Goddess head-on, and her ice-blue eyes couldn't help but condense -

The originally proud Frost Goddess fell from the sky and submerged into the snowy field, making no sound.

After Huo Yuhao used this attack, his own strength was greatly consumed, and he fell weakly on the ice field.

He originally just wanted to try to imitate it, but he didn't expect that he accidentally triggered some kind of thunder power.

The ice sheet was lonely for a long time, with the wind and snow blowing by.

What about that guy?
Huo Yuhao frowned slightly.

He carried the Frost Divine Sword and headed towards the place where it fell in front of him.


"Is he dead?"

The Frost Goddess was currently lying on the ice and snow field, looking blankly at the sky.

At this time, she had completely stopped caring about worldly affairs.

Finally, Huo Yuhao found her traces.

He just stood there, quietly looking at a certain goddess lying on the snow, her eyes dull.

The Frost Goddess climbed out of the snowfield with difficulty and patted her robe gently.

"Tell me, what does 'destruction' have to do with you?" Her resentful eyes seemed to have a special meaning.

Huo Yuhao:? ? ?

"I do not have……"

"Forget it, I don't want to hear your sophistry, just think of it as asking for trouble." The Frost Goddess silently shook off the snow stains on her sleeves.

The Divine Power of Divine Punishment clearly has the authority to destroy the God King.

She had long realized that there was something wrong with this boy's background, and that there were gods helping him secretly.

No wonder, God Shura would choose him as his successor.

Damn it, they're all having fun with me!
The Frost Goddess gritted her silver teeth, a trace of shame and anger flashed in her eyes.

"Stop your inexplicable imagination, I am who I am, not the son of some god!" Huo Yuhao's cold voice sounded from behind.

The Frost Goddess turned sideways and looked back, meeting those cold and bright golden eyes.

The black robe floated in the wind and snow.

Huo Yuhao suddenly turned around and left, leaving behind only a proud back. His body began to become illusory, and he actually left the Frost Kingdom on his own initiative.

The Frost Goddess looked at this scene blankly, a little dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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