Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 292 Bathing in the Glory of the Goddess

God Realm, Frost Temple.

The Frost Goddess sits high on the throne, but her expression is somewhat complicated.

In the end, she decided to reissue the reward for the fifth test.

Huo Yuhao was far more terrifying than she imagined, and he was even vaguely cunning, making it hard for people to see through.

The magical skills she displayed were easily picked up by the other party just after seeing them once, and the situation happened again.

The Kingdom of Frost is the spiritual world she opened up.

Even with the use of god-level power, she was still defeated by the opponent, which speaks volumes.

his soul
To be precise, it is a divine soul. It possesses extremely terrifying original power. It must be a god!
A long time ago, according to her observation, there was a mysterious god who secretly helped him grow, removed obstacles for him, supported his growth, and guided him on the road to becoming a god.

At the time, she thought it was a fallen god. Seeing Huo Yuhao's outstanding talent, she became his "Grandpa Ring".

When he was in the Kingdom of Frost God, the thunder power that Huo Yuhao displayed was exactly like the power wielded by the God King of Destruction.

This made her subconsciously associate him with the God King of Destruction.

As a result, Huo Yuhao saw through her idea and rejected it before she even started to think about it.

In addition, it seems that the God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life have no offspring.

Those two were the first-generation god-kings who were transformed by rules, and it was unlikely that there would be such a thing as "illegitimate children".

What Huo Yuhao said is indeed right -

He is indeed just an ordinary person now, but he has a unique "soul".

It is very similar to a god who has a soul but once again traveled to the lower plane in a human body.

The thunder method he used in the Frost God Kingdom was by no means an ordinary one. At least he was a being who held some of the power of thunder.

Could it be him?

A figure appeared in the Frost Goddess' mind.

Many main gods died in the battle against the Dragon God, and they have not all returned to their positions to this day, and the God of Thunder is one of them.

The methods Huo Yuhao showed before are all replicas.

But in the end, an intriguing thunder skill came out of nowhere.

Is this actively revealing it to her?
In addition, his dragon-type martial spirit, which masters the two ultimate elements of ice and fire, always feels a little fishy.

This guy is really an onion, he hides it very deep.

The only thing that is certain is that he is no ordinary person.

The Frost Goddess shook her head and sighed softly.

I don't want to worry about these things for now.

She raised her hands and waved her sleeves, and the whole prayer appeared in front of the mist.

It was a cult she established in other worlds.

She had previously released the "Assessment Content Design Problems" to believers from all over the lower plane to see if they had any good suggestions.

[Dear Frost Goddess, regarding your question, this is the countermeasure option we, the bishops, have jointly considered and considered for a long time to provide you, please review it]

[First, you can negotiate with another god to decide]

When the Frost Goddess saw this, she rejected it directly.

She didn't want to deal with Shura.

[Second, you can ask the other party to upgrade their cultivation to the holy level within three years and master the corresponding holy level magic]

this is not bad.

The Frost Goddess's eyes brightened slightly.

Huo Yuhao can be asked to raise his cultivation level to level ninety within three years and be equipped with a complete soul ring.

(Note: Level 90 may also be the eighth ring)
[Third, destroy the heretics and promote your glory, goddess]

Ignore this.

In Douluo Continent, her territory is in the far north, so it is difficult to preach.

[Fourth, Goddess, you will go out in person and give the opponent the highest standard of test]

Seeing this, the Frost Goddess's face suddenly darkened.

[Fifth, let him provide good welfare benefits within his jurisdiction, develop the Frost Holy See, and capture the faith of other regions]

Hey, the Snow Emperor has been abducted by him, how can we talk about development?
However, overall, this information still has reference value.


The far north, the Frost Temple.

The Snow Emperor stood guard next to the temple, occasionally looking back at Huo Yuhao's seated figure, feeling a little worried.

Frost Kingdom.

It is a mysterious place that only souls can go to.

There, Yuhao will face the Frost Goddess.

I don't know what's going on with him over there.

Xuedi also knew that this kind of situation usually did not lead to unexpected situations, but she was still worried in her heart.

In comparison, Zi Ling and Evil Emperor seemed heartless.

In other words, their absolute trust in Huo Yuhao.

Even when faced with a real crisis, nothing happened to him.

He was now heading to the mysterious spiritual world to practice his magical skills, so there was nothing to worry about. Huo Yuhao regained consciousness and slowly opened his eyes.

Snow Emperor stood in front of him, and when he saw him waking up, the stone hanging in his heart finally fell.

Bingdi leaned against the door in front of the hall, his hands folded, looking sideways, his profile reflecting the light and shadow from the outside world.

As if aware of Huo Yuhao's gaze, she snorted softly and turned to look outside the temple.

Zi Ling and Evil Emperor were both standing next to him at this time, focusing on him.

"Are you okay?" Snow Emperor asked softly.

"Yeah, it's okay." Huo Yuhao looked a little weak and shook his head slightly.

Excessive consumption in the Kingdom of Frost God, just take a few days to recuperate.

A blue-gold light beam fell from the sky and enveloped Huo Yuhao:
【Frost Divine Test】

[The Sixth Divine Test·Inherited Artifact]

[Assessment Content 1: Go to the Frost Temple and draw the Frost Divine Sword] (Completed)
[Assessment Content 2: Mastery of Frost Divine Sword 100%] (Achieved)
[Reward: Guardian of the Moon] (Given)
【Exceeded completion of divine test】

[Additional reward: God-given soul ring·one]

[Additional reward: Soul power improvement·Level 1] (Level 77)

[Additional reward: The second and fourth soul rings have increased life span·five thousand years]

Inside the blue-gold light pillar.

Huo Yuhao's soul power suddenly broke through and reached level seventy-seven;

His spiritual eye martial soul emerged, and seven gorgeous soul rings appeared under his feet.

Two wisps of purple light penetrated into the second and fourth soul rings one after another, making the aura of the two black ten thousand year soul rings a bit stronger.

Finally, a jade bead shining with blue-gold luster appeared in front of Huo Yuhao's eyes.

That jade bead was only the size of a dragon's eye, exuding pure soul power fluctuations.

Huo Yuhao raised his hand to pick it up and dropped it into his palm, the light dimmed slightly.

"My lord, what is this?" The Evil Emperor seemed to be confirming something and asked for the first time.

"God-given soul rings can be used to make up for the soul ring position." Huo Yuhao explained.

The original fifth divine test reward was finally given to him.

Hearing this, the Evil Emperor felt inexplicably sad.

Like longing for life, crying with joy, but also feeling extremely uncomfortable, complex emotions welled up in my heart.


【Frost Divine Test】

[Seventh Assessment: Promotion and Jump]

[Content: Cultivation reaches level 90, becoming a titled Douluo, equipped with a full set of soul rings]

[Limited time: three years]

[Reward: Unknown]


Huo Yuhao looked at the seventh assessment item.

It can be said that this assessment is part of his spiritual journey, but it just adds a time limit.

Within three years, he became a Nine-ring Titled Douluo.

His current cultivation level is at level seventy-seven, and he is still thirteen levels away from his goal.

Shura's fourth test, hunting three hundred thousand year soul beasts.

Both of these divine tests are very broad and even overlap to a great extent.

This means that you can spend the rest of your time as you wish.

Huo Yuhao looked up at Snow Emperor and showed a smile.

"Things are almost done, and it's almost time for us to set off."

He had promised the Snow Emperor that after things were done here, he would take her to see the world outside the Far North.

Now, most of the Frost Divine Test has been completed.

"Yes." Snow Emperor nodded slightly.

"Where are you going?" Ice Emperor, who was leaning against the door lintel and watching with his arms folded, suddenly became excited and stood up suddenly, looking a little alert.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you alone." Huo Yuhao chuckled.

After hearing this, the Ice Emperor's expression became slightly better. He turned his head and looked out of the hall, not wanting to talk to him.

Huo Yuhao smiled and said nothing.

This is the temperament of the Ice Emperor.

After being together for such a long time, he still understands.

In addition, Huo Yuhao was thinking about a question.

Now that the divine examination has come to an end, he has time to spare to arrange operations.

It's not good to keep Tang San locked up in the City of Slaughter all the time. It's time to let him out for a walk.

(End of this chapter)

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