Tiandou City, teahouse box
"Actually, I don't blame you. I know you can't help yourself." Ning Rongrong said silently.

Huo Yuhao was really shocked when he heard this.

Do you want to hear what you're saying?

I had a share in the crusade against your father, Sword Cutting Bone Douluo, and killing Sword Douluo, right?

Or was it that Ning Fengzhi had no chance to tell her this in the dungeon?
"How did you... come out?" Huo Yuhao asked.

It's unlikely that Wuhun Palace would let him go, as it would only create future troubles.

"It's Grandpa Bones." At the mention of this matter, Ning Rongrong's eyes suddenly dimmed a bit.

"About a year ago, there was a big shock in the dungeon of Wuhun Palace. It seemed that someone escaped forcibly. Grandpa Bones used the chaos to activate dimensional teleportation and sent me away." Ning Rongrong said sadly.

A year ago?
Huo Yuhao understood clearly.

It was obviously the commotion caused by the return of God King Tang San's will, but Bone Douluo took advantage of it. This old guy was really tough and knew some space-based soul skills.

Thinking about it this way, it is somewhat reasonable.

"Didn't he tell you anything?" Huo Yuhao asked.

He came with Yi Lao and beat Bone Douluo head-on. Although he didn't do it directly, the camp still understood it very well, right?

"Grandpa Bones told me, after you escape, run away and never come back again..." Ning Rongrong muttered, lowering her head, grabbing the hem of her clothes unwillingly.

Huo Yuhao understood immediately.

Bone Douluo sent Ning Rongrong away in the hope that she could survive anonymously, without expecting her to bring reinforcements to rescue the situation.

After all, the moment the last three sects' alliance collapsed, no force in the entire continent could compete with Wuhun Palace.

As for why Ning Rongrong was not told, Huo Yuhao's participation was actually quite understandable.

Bone Douluo: Do ​​you still need to teach this? This is how Wuhun Palace treats the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Although the little witch has a naughty personality, no matter how bad she is, she still won't go blind. She is still hanging out with the people of Wuhun Palace, right?

Therefore, in Ning Rongrong's eyes, Huo Yuhao's responsibility was inexplicably removed.

The Wuhun Palace is the Wuhun Palace, and the Holy Son is the Holy Son.

He has his own difficulties, and he can't help himself.

In theory, it's true.

At least there is no problem with the logic.

But Bone Douluo overestimated Ning Rongrong's... lower limit.

In fact, from Ning Rongrong's perspective, Huo Yuhao could understand a little bit.

Suffering a major blow, the Qibao Glazed Sect that supported her pride in the past "popped" and disappeared.

She no longer has the identity of the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, so naturally no one can surround her.

In fact, it was impossible for her to form a team with others to level up.

As soon as the Qibao Glazed Pagoda appeared, its identity was almost exposed.

She is destined to have no friends worthy of trust.

If she confessed her identity to others, she might be tied up and sent back to Wuhun Palace while she was sleeping.

In this situation, when the world was going through the ups and downs, she suddenly met her elder brother who had a good attitude towards her and even gave her gifts.

Inexplicably, grievances welled up in my heart, and I wanted to find someone to talk to.

Even if his identity is extremely sensitive.

Look at her emotions filled with self-blame and guilt.

Obviously, she also knew that her behavior was shameful. Her father and Grandpa Bones were still imprisoned in the Wuhun Palace dungeon. If her behavior was known to them, they would be angry to death.

At least, she knew that her behavior was...cheesy.

It seems that after more than a year of experiences, she is really lonely and scared.

Huo Yuhao is not a stingy person either.

He immediately took out a heavy bag of gold coins from the star bracelet, put it on the table and pushed it to her.

When Ning Rongrong saw this, she waved her hands in panic.

"No, it's not... I never thought about asking for Brother Huo's money."

"Do you still want him?" Bingdi, who was standing next to him, said sarcastically. As soon as these words came out, Ning Rongrong's face suddenly became a little stiff, and she couldn't get off the stage.

Zi Ling's eyes flickered, and a bright smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Sister Ice Emperor didn't mean that. She was just worried that Brother Yuhao had no sense of boundaries and would easily attract crazy bees and butterflies. This would affect the relationship between Brother Yuhao and Sister Snow Emperor."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong's face turned ugly.

Huo Yuhao was speechless.

You two live treasures are so direct in your speech.

Let you turn a corner, not ninety degrees.

"Sorry to bother Brother Huo..." Ning Rongrong stood up after saying that, with a sad look on his face.

Huo Yuhao was about to say something.

The Evil Emperor next to him suddenly seemed to have received some message. He immediately bowed and said next to Huo Yuhao:
"My Lord,... there is an emergency, and I need you to come there urgently."

He deliberately lowered his voice, but it was just enough for Ning Rongrong to hear a few words.

Huo Yuhao was really dumbfounded, as he was surrounded by drama queens.

"Sorry, I have an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with urgently." Huo Yuhao smiled a little apologetically.

"Then Rongrong won't bother you..." Ning Rongrong stood up and said, but the words 'Brother Huo' were not uttered after all.

"Well, I'll see you next time." Huo Yuhao stood up first and extended his palm to the Snow Emperor beside him.

Emperor Xue held his hand and stood up.

She just glanced at Ning Rongrong indifferently, which immediately made her feel inferior and she lowered her head in silence.

Huo Yuhao led Snow Emperor, followed by Ice Emperor and the others, and left the box.

The entire private room became deserted, and Ning Rongrong was the only one left.

She sat back on the sofa limply, staring silently at the cup of tea in front of her.

It seems that everything has changed.

She felt the tip of her nose was sore, and her eyes couldn't stop tears from falling down her cheeks.

Seeing this, she seemed to panic, and quickly raised her hand to put on the hood, and wiped the tears on her face carelessly and with a little haste.

After sitting on the sofa for a while, she stood up silently and left the scene.


at the same time
Huo Yuhao and his group were walking through the streets, and he was amazed by the smooth cooperation of the three of them.

The Ice Emperor's harsh words and Zi Ling's yin and yang aura are the most appropriate transition to the Evil Emperor.

"Brother Yuhao, who was that woman just now?" Zi Ling asked.

"You have met before, the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect." Huo Yuhao said.

"Really? I don't remember clearly." Zi Ling smiled with a little crescent moon, feeling a little dark.

"It was Xue'er and I who met at that time." Ice Emperor glanced at Huo Yuhao coldly and snorted coldly.

Huo Yuhao suddenly remembered, his face was a little stiff, and he couldn't help but laugh.

At that time, when he was in the Qibao Glazed Sect, he happened to bump into Tang San making use of hidden weapons. At that time, he retaliated by giving Ning Rongrong a soul guide necklace...

Snow Emperor was a little confused.

That should be her experience as a snow girl, but she didn't know the specific experience.

Fortunately, Ice Emperor just snorted and didn't go into details.

"I found that Brother Yuhao doesn't seem to know how to refuse. He treats everyone with such a good attitude, which is easy for people to misunderstand." Zi Ling mentioned it with a pretending to be aware, and winked.

Zi Ling: Don’t look at me, I’m just speaking on your behalf.

"A habit developed many years ago." Huo Yuhao explained, turning to look at the Snow Emperor beside him.

Snow Emperor was as calm as ever, and he fell in love with Zi Ling even more.

(End of this chapter)

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