Douluo: Me! Huo Yuhao, Holy Son of Wuhun Palace.

Chapter 296: Xingdou Great Forest, Qiu'er Reunites

Huo Yuhao was a little surprised to meet Ning Rongrong in Tiandou City.

It was just a simple exchange, but he would not report it backhand.

Zi Ling said he didn't know how to refuse? This is true.

His attitude towards people has always been a bit soft, and if it doesn't really hurt him, he will basically maintain basic courtesy.

Facing the Snow Emperor, he focused on sincerity.

As early as in the ice field, he had revealed the existence of the other two people.

For now, Xue'er (Qian Renxue) has not figured out how to meet the Snow Emperor.

Before you are sure of solving the problem, the best way is to avoid it first to avoid the situation of "king meeting king" and the explosion of Shura field.

At the very least, Xue'er (Qian Renxue) must first know about the existence of Emperor Xue and Qiu'er.

Deal with it alone first, and then consider meeting each other after she can accept this fact.


"Where are we going next?" Ice Emperor asked.

"Let's go to the Star Forest." Huo Yuhao held the Snow Emperor's hand tightly.

Wuhun Palace, avoid it for now.

In any case, he was surrounded by soul beasts, and there was an essential conflict with representatives of human organizations like the "Holy See" such as Wuhun Palace.

It seemed safer to go to the Star Forest. Speaking of which, he might not have seen Qiu'er for a long time.

Star Forest.

Everyone had no objection to Huo Yuhao's proposal.

Compared to the human capital, the spirit beast forest made them feel more intimate.

There is another crucial reason.

Although Zi Ling acted very out-of-the-box, she would stumble Huo Yuhao from time to time, like a answering machine for the Ice and Snow Emperors, and would ask some heart-wrenching questions.

But on the "sovereignty issue" that is a big right and wrong, she is still very measured.

Even if she could guess the Snow Emperor's thoughts and wanted to see the "little angel" of Wuhun Palace, she would only pretend to be deaf and dumb at this time.

To please the boss lady is the basic quality of an employee.

If you offend your boss, then wait for death.

As for the Evil Emperor, it's even simpler.

His identity is more sensitive and he chooses to be the "boss" without hesitation.

Without him, I just want to survive.

Compared to Zi Ling, he doesn't have so many opportunities for trial and error.

Now he just wants to "turn into a regular employee."

Soul? Lie down and become a god?
Although he wouldn't really die that way, he would be destined to have no freedom, which was not what he wanted.


With the blessing of the Evil Emperor's true form, it only takes a few hours from Tiandou City to the Star Dou Forest.

When the evil emperor travels, he will release a layer of covering fog.

To people on the ground, it looks like a big white cloud floating in the sky from a distance.

Just as they were wondering if it would rain, the cloud had drifted away.

Huo Yuhao continued to practice while the Evil Emperor was on his way.

Although his soul power has reached level seventy-seven, he has never slacked off in his cultivation.

Now, he has risen even more rapidly than in his previous life.

He is only a seventh-ringed man with a soul core.

If there was a competition in terms of combat power, he could completely crush the ninety-five level titled Douluo unilaterally, and it would be no problem to face the ninety-sixth level Douluo.

He never feels satisfied, there is always a sense of urgency that drives him not to waste time.

Fast pace, just wait until you become a god.

After becoming a god, just wait until you become a god king.

He knows that strength is the basis of all guarantees, and he cannot wait until a crisis comes before regretting it.

I heard Zi Ling next to me exclaiming with joy and laughter like a bell.

Huo Yuhao slowly opened his eyes and saw the endless green ocean ahead from a high altitude.

Vigorous ancient trees stand up from the sky, and under the blue sky, there are a few remaining clouds in the sky.

The weather was fine and beautiful. The Evil Emperor slowly drifted towards the depths of the forest, and the terrifying spiritual fluctuations he emitted frightened away the surrounding soul beasts.


Deep in the Star Dou Forest, it is an ancient restricted area.

Qiu'er is currently perching under a tree in the ancient forest. The bright sunshine shines through the mottled leaves, the gentle breeze blows, and the light is like broken shadows.

She has been practicing seriously during this time.

Before Huo Yuhao left, he told her not to follow those hundred thousand year soul beasts in Star Lake.

She is still very obedient.

However, she has been practicing hard for more than half a year, and although her cultivation has improved a lot, compared with the Red King and the Ten Thousand Demon King, the gap is still too big.

If you want to reach their level, you will need a long time to settle.

Suddenly, a huge dark dragon shadow suddenly appeared deep in the forest.

The black dragon was as big as a mountain, with jet-black dragon scales shining brightly. Its rugged dragon head was revealed in the clouds, and it opened a pair of bright golden eyes, currently peeping at a certain area outside the forest.

Qiu'er suddenly raised her head, looking at the awakening golden-eyed Black Dragon King with her blood-jade red eyes, as if she felt something in her heart.

Could it be that he is here?

The huge mountain-like black dragon shadow changed its shape and turned into a burly man wearing jet black armor and a red cloak on his shoulders. He had jet black dragon horns on his head and his eyes were golden and shone with a cold light.

Beast God·Emperor
The Red King was also an excited person and immediately came to greet him respectfully, calling him "Emperor Tian".

Di Tian ignored it and stared outside the forest.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons also woke up from his slumber. A human face appeared on its thick main trunk. It opened a pair of purple eyes and twisted and fiddled with the twisted roots and branches.

From the depths of the forest, an emerald green figure curled out.

She was wearing a close-fitting green dress, her appearance was beautiful and flawless, her eyes were like jade, and there was a smile at the corner of her mouth. Two pairs of swans spread their wings in their emerald hair.

Emerald Swan Brigitte
The Red King also looked alert at this time, as if he had noticed something.

Seeing this scene, Qiu'er became more and more convinced even though she didn't have that strong sense of perception.

There was a faint expectation in her heart, and she looked up at the outskirts of the forest.

A huge dark shadow appeared outside the forest in the distance. It was a huge floating vertical pupil, with dark tentacles all over its body, and several figures standing on top.

With just one glance, Qiu'er saw that familiar figure.

The black robe flutters in the wind, and the short dark blue hair.

Huo Yuhao came to land with the Ice and Snow Emperor and Zi Ling.

When he saw Qiu'er, a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Qiu'er, long time no see."

The evil emperor high in the sky behind him exuded strong mental fluctuations, and his body appeared colorful black, and then transformed into a red-robed figure, quietly descending behind Huo Yuhao.

"Huo Yuhao?" Di Tian frowned slightly as he looked at the uninvited guest in front of him.

At the same time, he naturally noticed the Ice and Snow Emperor next to him.

Why are they here too?
Qiu'er was standing next to the Red King at this time.

Hearing Huo Yuhao's greeting, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. She was a little shy, but she still nodded lightly.

Snow Emperor's eyes fell on her.

The auspicious beast of the emperor.

Is it her?

Qiu'er also noticed the presence of Snow Emperor at this time, her eyes were a little dodgeful, and her eyes were filled with envy. sassy.

"What's the matter?" Di Tian's attitude was quite cold and he was quite wary of Huo Yuhao.

Bringing the Ice and Snow Emperors here, they probably have something to ask for.

"I'm here to see Qiu'er." Huo Yuhao spoke quite straightforwardly.

I'm not here to find you.

Di Tian was ignored and looked indifferent.

Bi Ji came to Di Tian's side and looked at Huo Yuhao and Snow Emperor curiously.

It seems that there is something going on.

(End of this chapter)

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