Rebirth begins with rejecting Qingmei

Chapter 1040 Worthy of being mother and daughter

Chapter 1040 Worthy of being mother and daughter

It's quiet at night.

Xiao Youran and Song Siyu were lying on the bed, neither of them able to fall asleep.

"Siyu, are you asleep?" Xiao Youran asked.



"What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, Xiao Xu is so pitiful."

Song Siyu: "..."

"How is he pitiful?"

"Xiao Xu was abandoned by his parents when he was young. Isn't that pitiful?"

Song Siyu: "..."

Xiao Youran, do you have to be so love-brained?
Song Siyu said: "I don't think he is pitiful. Even if he stays at his biological parents' home, will they treat him well? On the contrary, it seems better for him to live with his aunt, who will treat him as her own son."

Xiao Youran thought about it and felt that it made sense.

She hesitated for a moment and asked, "Siyu, should we tell Xiao Xu about this?"

"Didn't you agree not to tell?"

Xiao Youran bit her lip and said, "But I think Xiao Xu might want to find his biological parents."

Song Siyu felt that with Xiao Youran's personality, there was a high probability that he would tell Xu Xiuwen in the end.

She thought for a moment and said, "I think you can ask your aunt first. See if she wants Xu Xiuwen to know."


"If you don't tell me, Xu Xiuwen and Auntie are still mother and son. But if you tell me, what if their relationship is not as good as before? Do you think Auntie will blame you then?"

When Xiao Youran heard this, he was scared.

She quickly said, "I won't say anything more!"

Song Siyu said: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed."

Silent all night.

The next morning, Xiao Youran took Song Siyu to the breakfast shop at the door for breakfast.

During this time, he kept looking outside the store, as if expecting someone to appear.

But until after breakfast, there was still no sign of that person, and Xiao Youran withdrew his gaze in disappointment.

After breakfast, the two had two choices.

1. Go find Xu Xiuwen.

Second, go hiking.

She told Song Siyu her idea.

Song Siyu chose to go hiking without any hesitation.

Xiao Youran was stunned, "Siyu, aren't we going to look for Xiao Xu?"

Song Siyu said: "If Xu Xiuwen wanted to see us, he would definitely contact us. He didn't, which means he doesn't want to see us now. Let's give him some private space."

Xiao Youran thought about it and had to agree.

Then Xiao Youran took Song Siyu to climb the mountain.

As soon as the two men left, Xu Xiuwen arrived at the breakfast shop.

Xu Xiuwen bought breakfast and then came to Xiao Youran's house.

He knocked on the door.

"Dong Dong~"

The door quickly opened from the inside.

The person who opened the door was Zhang Ruoshu.

When Zhang Ruoshu opened the door and saw Xu Xiuwen, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared.

She said calmly, "Come in."

Go inside and change into slippers.

When Xu Xiuwen turned around, he saw Zhang Ruoshu with her arms crossed over her chest.

This is a defensive posture.

This further shows that Zhang Ruoshu was not in a good mood when facing him.

She asked calmly, "What are you doing here?"

Xu Xiuwen certainly knew why Zhang Ruoshu had this attitude.

Not to mention his previous offense against Zhang Ruoshu, just the fact that he broke up with Xiao Youran was enough to make Zhang Ruoshu angry.

If he were Zhang Ruoshu, he wouldn't even let anyone in if they dared to break up with his daughter.

Xu Xiuwen raised the plastic bag in his hand and said, "Aunt Zhang, you haven't had breakfast yet, right? I bought some pot stickers and brought them to you."

Zhang Ruoshu said, "No need. Wanqiu and I have already eaten. Youran and her roommate went out for breakfast."

The smile on Xu Xiuwen's face froze, "Then save it for lunch."

"Take it back. No one will eat your food."

Xu Xiuwen looked bitter, "Aunt Zhang, I didn't offend you, but you made me feel uncomfortable."

Zhang Ruoshu raised her eyebrows, "Are you still not feeling well?"

Xu Xiuwen was silent for a second, then said, "I know I did do something to upset you before, but it's all in the past. There's no need for you to target me."

"Which eye of yours saw that I was targeting you?"

Xu Xiuwen looked Zhang Ruoshu in the eye and said, "You said Youran and Siyu went out, I believe you, but you said you and my mom had already eaten, I don't believe it. There is still eye mucus in the corner of your eye, which means you just got up and haven't had time to wash up, and you haven't washed your hair either. If you didn't wash your hair, you would definitely not eat breakfast."

Xu Xiuwen's words made Zhang Ruoshu blush.

Especially the sentence where there is eye boogers in the corners of the eyes.

She quickly turned around and rubbed the corner of her eyes, but found that there was no eye booger at all.

She was obviously deceived.

She turned around and said, "Who told you that I won't eat breakfast if I don't wash my hair? Do you think you know me well?"

She was a little surprised.

Xiao Xu really knows her well, even better than Xiao's father.

She must wash her hair in the morning before eating.

Once before, Xiao's father bought breakfast and saw that she didn't eat it, so he asked her why.

It was then that she realized that Father Xiao didn't even know about her habit of washing her hair in the morning.

Xu Xiuwen didn't know what Zhang Ruoshu was thinking, so he subconsciously replied, "I definitely know you better than you think."

Zhang Ruoshu suddenly couldn't continue.

In the end, she had to resort to a woman's ultimate weapon - being unreasonable.

Zhang Ruoshu snorted coldly, "So what if I lied to you? I don't want to eat the food you bought, is that okay?"

Xu Xiuwen said calmly, "Of course you can, but this breakfast is not for you alone. Shouldn't you ask my mother's opinion before you refuse? What if she wants to eat it?"

Zhang Ruoshu sneered.

Ning Wanqiu didn't want to go home now. She didn't even want to see him and she wanted to eat the breakfast he bought.

Just think about it and you know it's impossible.

But she had no way to refute Xu Xiuwen.

Because she didn't ask.

Just like Schrodinger's cat.

If Zhang Ruoshu asked, the answer would most likely be no.

But she didn't ask, so she was in a state of rejection and non-rejection.

Zhang Ruoshu was quiet for a moment and said, "I'll go ask her now."

"Okay, I'll wait."

Zhang Ruoshu glanced at him, then turned and walked towards the bedroom.

After arriving at the bedroom.

Ning Wanqiu is folding the quilt.

Zhang Ruoshu explained the situation to her.

But after she finished speaking, Ning Wanqiu did not answer, but looked behind her.

Zhang Ruoshu realized it later and turned around to look back.

Only then did he realize that Xu Xiuwen had followed him in.

Zhang Ruoshu suddenly felt unhappy.

"Who let you in?"

Xu Xiuwen ignored her.

He looked into Ning Wanqiu's eyes, walked slowly to her, and said seriously, "Mom, I really know I was wrong. I don't ask you to forgive me immediately, but please don't stay away from home, okay?"

Seeing that Xu Xiuwen ignored her, Zhang Ruoshu couldn't help but give him a blank look.

She thought to herself: Humph, you little bastard, not only did you dare to lie to me, you also dared to ignore me, you are so disrespectful to your elders. I want to see how Wanqiu rejects you!
However, she was dumbfounded the next second.

Because Ning Wanqiu glanced at him and nodded, "Okay."

She actually agreed.

Zhang Ruoshu's eyes widened instantly and she was stunned.

She couldn't help but ask, "Wanqiu, why...why did you agree?"

Before Ning Wanqiu could speak.

Xu Xiuwen said, "Aunt Zhang, even if you don't want me and my mother to get along, you don't have to make things difficult for me. What are you talking about? Isn't it natural for my mother to come home with me?"

Zhang Ruoshu immediately turned around and glared at him, "If I go home with you, a little bastard, I'm afraid you'll piss Wanqiu off to death!"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she reacted.

How can you say what's in your heart?

Even if she has a lot of complaints about Xu Xiuwen now, she can't just call him a little bastard.

Wanqiu is still beside us.

Zhang Ruoshu couldn't think of any way to make amends for the moment, so she could only hope that the two men didn't pay attention to her choice of words.

But how could Xu Xiuwen not notice it?

He immediately complained to Ning Wanqiu: "Mom, listen, Aunt Zhang just called me a little bastard, is there anyone who treats an elder like that?"

Zhang Ruoshu quickly waved her hands to deny: "I didn't..."

"You still don't admit it after saying it, how hypocritical!"

Xu Xiuwen seized Zhang Ruoshu's weakness and was not polite. He didn't care how Zhang Ruoshu treated him in the future.

From the moment I walked in, I was filled with anger.

Zhang Ruoshu's face changed, and her beautiful eyes stared at Xu Xiuwen, "You scolded me?"

"I don't!"

"You obviously scolded me!"

Xu Xiuwen simply didn't argue with her and said to Ning Wanqiu, "Mom, let's go back."

Zhang Ruoshu hurriedly stopped him, "You are not allowed to go back?"

After these words were spoken, Xu Xiuwen and Ning Wanqiu were stunned.

Xu Xiuwen sneered, "You still want to restrict my mother's personal freedom?"

Zhang Ruoshu quickly explained: "Wanqiu, that's not what I meant. I think it's best for you not to go back with him now."

"Mom, let's ignore her and go home."

Ning Wanqiu thought about it seriously, and said to Zhang Ruoshu: "Sister Zhang, I'd better go home and not stay to disturb you."

Zhang Ruoshu was anxious, "Wanqiu, I don't feel disturbed, you can stay."

Xu Xiuwen couldn't help but ask, "Aunt Zhang, you have been stopping my mother from going home. What are you thinking?"

Without waiting for Zhang Ruoshu to answer.

Ning Wanqiu suddenly asked in a cold voice: "How do you talk to your Aunt Zhang?"

"I..." Xu Xiuwen wanted to explain, but when he saw Ning Wanqiu's eyes, he couldn't go on.

Zhang Ruoshu felt a little better after hearing this.

"Mom, let's go."

Ning Wanqiu nodded: "Sister Zhang, I'm going back."

Zhang Ruoshu had no choice but to accept it.

Then she watched them leave.

It wasn't until the door closed that she suddenly realized what was happening.

The little bastard didn't even leave her any pot stickers!

She was so angry that her teeth were itching.

I used to think Xiao Xu was a good kid in every way.

Now I realize that it is not the case at all.

Even in terms of filial piety, he fails.

Not to mention that he was so bold as to dare to...

But he was quite considerate and even knew that she had to wash her hair before eating.

Xu Xiuwen and Ning Wanqiu went out and walked towards home.

Ning Wanqiu didn't say a word along the way.

Xu Xiuwen took the initiative to speak, but she did not respond.

After arriving home.

Xu Xiuwen quickly apologized: "Mom, I know I was wrong, please don't be angry."

Ning Wanqiu didn't say anything, but walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Xu Xiuwen also followed.

He stood obediently in front of Ning Wanqiu, like a child who knew he had made a mistake.

Ning Wanqiu suddenly said: "You want to break up with Sister Gu!"

Xu Xiuwen said: "Mom~"

Ning Wanqiu shook her head, her face firm: "This matter is not negotiable, you must break up with Sister Gu."

"Why do you want me to break up with Aunt Gu? We haven't done anything against the law."

Ning Wanqiu glared at him and said, "It's true that it's not against the law, but it's against good morals. Once your affairs are known to the people in the community, how will they look at you and me? Have you considered the consequences?"

Xu Xiuwen said stubbornly: "Then why don't we just not let other people know about it?"

"Do you think you can keep this a secret? Even if I don't find out, Xiaoyu will. What will you do then?"

"The little fish didn't notice it either."

"You!" Ning Wanqiu was angry again.

Xu Xiuwen simply refused to listen.

Xu Xiuwen said: "Even if I agree to break up, Aunt Gu won't agree."

Ning Wanqiu heard this and said, "Don't worry, Sister Gu sent me a text message last night. She said she won't meet you anymore."

Xu Xiuwen's face darkened.

It was just as he expected.

Gu Pandi did not go to the hospital and did not answer his calls afterwards, which proved to be her intention.

This stupid woman!
Xu Xiuwen was really speechless.

He is still persisting, but this woman always wants to give up.

"Have you made up your mind?" Ning Wanqiu asked.

Xu Xiuwen seemed to have no choice.

Gu Pandi has already "expressed her opinion", so what's the point for him to insist on his own?

Xu Xiuwen said: "I understand."

Ning Qiqiu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Finally, this matter is resolved.

Seeing Sister Gu naked on Xu Xiuwen's bed yesterday was such a shock to her that she still hadn't digested it even after a whole night.

Now I can finally rest assured.

However, what she didn't know was that although Xu Xiuwen agreed, it didn't mean that he had really given up.

Ning Wanqiu said: "Then I'll go get some sleep."

She hardly slept last night, she was always worrying about Xu Xiuwen.

"Mom, I bought you breakfast, eat it and then go to sleep."

Ning Wanqiu shook her head and refused.

"Well, you should have a good rest."

It's noon in a blink of an eye.

Xu Xiuwen suddenly received a call from Xiao Youran.

"Xiao Xu, has Aunt Ning returned home?"


"So are you guys okay?"

"It's okay now."

"That's good." Xiao Youran breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, I'm hanging up."

"Something happened."

"You say it."

"Xiao Xu, my mother seems angry too."

Xu Xiuwen thought about what happened in the morning and asked knowingly, "Why is she angry?"

Xiao Youran said carefully: "Xiao Xu, when you came to my house this morning, did you buy breakfast?"


"Why don't you stay a little longer then."

Xu Xiuwen was speechless, "Isn't she angry about this?"

Xiao Youran also felt embarrassed.

Who would have thought that Zhang Ruoshu would get angry over such a small matter.

Xiao Youran said: "My mother said that she misjudged you. You are not a filial child at all."

Xu Xiuwen: "..."

Seeing Xu Xiuwen didn't say anything, Xiao Youran begged, "Xiao Xu, my mom has been in a bad mood because of my dad. For my sake, please don't make her angry in the future, okay? I beg you."

Hearing Qingmei's pleading, Xu Xiuwen felt a little reluctant.

He nodded and said, "I understand."

"Xiao Xu, you are so nice."

"Yeah. If nothing else, I'll hang up first. I'm going to Xu Chengwei's house for dinner later."

"What about Aunt Ning?" Xiao Youran said, "I'll bring food to Aunt Ning later."


After hanging up the phone, Xiao Youran went to the bedroom.

"Mom, I just called Xiao Xu."

Zhang Ruoshu was lying on the bed and looked like she was asleep.

Actually not.

"Xiao Xu said he accidentally forgot, and he also said he would never be angry with you again."

Zhang Ruoshu turned around and said, "That's more like it."

Xiao Youran breathed a sigh of relief, but then felt a little helpless.

My mother is just as petty as she is.

"Mom, hurry up and cook. Xiao Xu has something to do at noon, and I have to deliver food to Aunt Ning later."


Zhang Ruoshu got up and cooked.

Xiao Youran returned to the room.

Song Siyu saw her coming back and asked, "How is Auntie?"

"never mind."

Song Siyu couldn't help but say, "Youran, you and Auntie really are worthy of being mother and daughter."

Even their small-mindedness is similar.

She really didn't expect that Xiao Youran's mother would be angry because Xu Xiuwen didn't keep the pot stickers.

Xiao Youran also reacted, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

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