Rebirth begins with rejecting Qingmei

Chapter 1041 You're not jealous of my cousin

Chapter 1041 You're not jealous of my cousin

Xu Xiuwen drove to Xu Chengwei's house.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Xu Chengwei's lover.

Xu Xiuwen handed over the gift in his hand.

Xu Chengwei's lover complained that he shouldn't bring the gift, but she still took it.

"Mr. Xu is in the study. You guys chat while I go cook. We'll be ready to eat soon."

"it is good."

Xu Xiuwen came to the study and was stunned as soon as he entered the door.

The reason was that there was not only Xu Chengwei in the study, there was also another man.

When Xu Xiuwen saw the man, he pretended not to see him and just greeted Xu Chengwei.

After saying hello, Xu Xiuwen said, "Uncle Xu, can I watch TV for a while?"

Xu Chengwei was stunned, glanced at the man next to him, and then said, "Okay."

Xu Xiuwen left the study without even looking at the man.

It was not until before dinner that Xu Chengwei and the man came out of the study.

Xu Chengwei's family of three, plus Xu Xiuwen and the man, sat around the dining table and had lunch.

The process was relatively peaceful.

After lunch.

Just as Xu Xiuwen was about to find an excuse to leave, he heard Xu Chengwei say to his lover, "Take Xianxian out for a walk."

Xu Chengwei's lover quickly agreed.

Soon he took Xu Xian away from home.

Soon, only Xu Xiuwen, Xu Chengwei and the man were left in the room.

Xu Chengwei didn't keep the secret.

He looked at Xu Xiuwen and said, "I called you here today because I have something to tell you. Be prepared."

Xu Xiuwen had already guessed what Xu Chengwei wanted to say.

Later, when Xu Chengwei revealed that he was Xu Chengyi's son, Xu Xiuwen was not surprised at all.

Xu Chengwei and Xu Chengyi were a little surprised.

Xu Xiuwen's reaction was too calm.

Xu Xiuwen said: "Whether he is my father or not, it doesn't matter. I only recognize my mother now!"

The implication is that I don't recognize him.

Xu Chengyi was very disappointed.

Xu Chengwei didn't give up yet, and continued: "There is one more thing I need to tell you. Your current mother, Ning Qiu - no, it's Ning Wanqiu, not your biological mother. At the beginning..."

He thought Xu Xiuwen would react violently after he told this big secret.

However, Xu Xiuwen remained calm.

This made Xu Chengwei lose his composure.

"You already knew?"

Xu Xiuwen hummed.

After learning Ning Wanqiu’s blood type in the hospital last time, he realized that he was not her biological son.

But not important.

In Xu Xiuwen's eyes, Ning Wanqiu is his biological mother.

Seeing this, Xu Chengyi finally couldn't help but speak.

"I didn't know your mother gave birth to you, so I ignored you for so many years. If I knew you existed, I would have taken you back a long time ago."

Hearing Xu Chengyi's words, Xu Xiuwen felt a little warm in his heart.

No matter whether he is sincere or not, at least he will feel more comfortable listening to it.

"Maybe, but it doesn't matter."

Xu Chengyi said: "It may not be important to you, but it is very important to me."

"Then what do you want to do?"

Xu Chengyi said: "Come home with me."

Xu Xiuwen refused without even thinking, "Impossible! If I go home with you, what will happen to my mother?"

Xu Chengyi said: "Your current mother has helped me take care of you over the years, and she has taken good care of you. I will compensate her."

Xu Xiuwen smiled.

But it was a sneer.

"In your eyes, can anything be compensated? Where were you when I was laughed at for not having a father? Where were you when I was bullied? Now you want me to go home with you, do you think I still need a 'father' like you?"


Xu Chengyi was in great pain.

Having grown up without a father, it is conceivable that Xu Xiuwen must have suffered a lot of troubles and ridicule.

But he really didn't know he had a son at that time.

Xu Xiuwen said: "Okay, there is no need to say more. Nothing else, I'll leave first."

After saying that, he turned around and left without paying attention to the brothers' reactions.

Xu Chengwei and Xu Chengyi watched him leave without trying to stop him.

Until the door closes.

Xu Chengwei asked, "Brother, are you just going to let him go like this?"

"Let him go. He won't be able to accept me for a while."


After leaving Xu Chengwei's house, Xu Xiuwen was quite depressed.

He had been trying not to think about it before, but now he had to think about it.

To be honest, he didn't really hate Xu Chengyi.

It is normal for the other party to ignore him since he doesn't know he has a son.

What he couldn't accept was why his biological mother gave him to a schoolmate and then never cared about him again?

This is what Xu Chengwei said just now.

Xu Xiuwen's mother was a senior in college when she gave birth to him.

That year, Ning Wanqiu was a freshman in college and met Xu Xiuwen's mother.

The other party handed Xu Xiuwen to Ning Wanqiu and then left the school.

Ning Wanqiu took him back and took care of him while he went to school.

After listening to this, Xu Xiuwen also felt more fond of Ning Wanqiu.

If the identities were swapped, in that situation, he might not be able to achieve what Ning Wanqiu did.

Plus Ning Wanqiu's kindness in raising him over the years.

This kindness is hard to repay in a lifetime.

There was no way he would abandon Ning Wanqiu and choose to return to Xu Chengyi.

Although Xu Chengyi may give him more help in his career.

But who cares?

After his rebirth, he relied on himself and walked step by step to where he is today. He didn't need Xu Chengyi's help at all!

After returning home, Xu Xiuwen went to the bedroom first and saw Ning Wanqiu.

The other person is still sleeping.

When Xu Xiuwen closed the door and was about to leave, he heard Ning Wanqiu say, "If there is nothing else, you should go back to school early."

Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment, then replied, "Um... OK."

"Qingling didn't come back this time. She said something happened. Is that true?"

Xu Xiuwen didn't know how to answer.

Should he tell what Du Qingling did to him?

Obviously not!

Xu Xiuwen said: "That should be it."

"Nothing happened to you, did you?"

I have to say that Ning Wanqiu's sixth sense is very accurate.

Xu Xiuwen denied it: "What could possibly happen to us?"

"That's good. Qingling is so pitiful, please don't bully her, be nice to her."

"I...I know."

Ning Wanqiu has always been a very kind woman, a truly beautiful and kind person.

"And Lili, I heard she's also staying at school and not going home for the holiday. You can go to school to see her this afternoon. I've cooked some rice dumplings, you can bring some over."

"it is good."

"Close the door."

"Mom, have you had lunch?"

Ning Wanqiu said: "Youran brought me food."

"That's good."

"Youran is a good girl, you can't let her down."

"I know."


Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief after leaving the room.

Ning Wanqiu was so angry just because she knew about his relationship with Gu Pandi.

If she knew that he had so many other women, she would probably be so angry that she would die.

This also reminded him that he should be more low-key and careful in the future and not act too willfully.

After Xu Xiuwen returned to the room, he called Xiao Youran.

The call was connected. "Youran, I'm going back to school. Do you and Siyu want to come with me, or come back after dinner?"

Xiao Youran was very surprised, "Xiao Xu, are you going back?"


"I'll go back with you."

"Why don't you ask Aunt Zhang? She must miss you a lot since you haven't been back for so long."

Xiao Youran said: "Then I will go ask her."


After a while, Xu Xiuwen received a call from Xiao Youran.

Qingmei said on the phone that she would go back in the evening.


"Xiao Xu, Siyu will go back with you."

"it is good."

A few minutes later, Song Siyu came to his house and said goodbye to Ning Wanqiu.

Xiao Youran also followed.

After going downstairs, I came to the car.

Xiao Youran looked at Xu Xiuwen reluctantly.

Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, "It's not like we'll never see each other again. Won't we meet tomorrow?"

Xiao Youran said nothing, but just walked up and hugged him easily.

Then he smiled and said, "Okay, go now."

Under Qingmei's gaze, Xu Xiuwen drove Song Siyu away.

in the car.

Song Siyu asked, "Auntie, is it okay to be home alone?"

Xu Xiuwen asked, "Why, do you want to stay and serve your future mother-in-law?"

Song Siyu rolled her eyes at him and said, "Who wants to marry you!"

Xu Xiuwen nodded and said, "It's fine if you don't marry me. I don't want to marry either."

If it were Xiao Youran, he would definitely be anxious.

Song Siyu didn't.

She looked at Xu Xiuwen with a smile and asked, "Who do you want to marry? Youran? Or Chenglu?"

Xu Xiuwen felt that her smile was very dangerous, and he shuddered unconsciously.

"Siyu, I was just joking, don't be angry."

Song Siyu asked in confusion: "Why should I be angry? Youran is your girlfriend, and the person you married was not me. What should I be angry about?"

Although Song Siyu looked relatively calm, she even had a smile on her face.

But Xu Xiuwen felt that the temperature inside the car was getting lower and lower.

He quickly promised: "Siyu, don't worry, I will definitely marry you."

Song Siyu said: "You said that, I didn't force you."

Xu Xiuwen said: "You didn't force me, I did it voluntarily."

Song Siyu smiled and said, "Drive carefully."

Xu Xiuwen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Ever since Siyu and Xiao Youran became his girlfriends, she has become more gentle and considerate.

On the one hand, he felt that he owed Song Siyu, but on the other hand, he was worried that it was the calm before the storm.

After the car arrived in Jinling, Xu Xiuwen said, "I'll take you back to school first."

Song Siyu caught the word "first" and asked, "Where else are you going?"

Xu Xiuwen said: "My cousin didn't go home for the Dragon Boat Festival, I went to see her and gave her some rice dumplings."

Hearing the name of her cousin, Song Siyu thought of that lively and lovely girl.

At this moment, she suddenly thought: Xu Xiuwen and Ning Wanqiu have no blood relationship, so his cousin is not a real cousin.

Doesn't that mean...

In the past, Song Siyu wouldn’t have worried.

But now she is becoming more and more aware of Xu Xiuwen's true nature.

This person is simply a playboy.

To be honest, if one day Xu Xiuwen suddenly told her that he had cheated on someone again, she wouldn't be surprised at all.


Xu Xiuwen raised his eyebrows, "What's your reaction?"


Xu Xiuwen thought for a second and couldn't help but ask, "You're not jealous of my cousin, are you?"

"Who's jealous?"

"I will criticize you if you do this."

"Hehe..." Song Siyu didn't care about her clothes.

Xu Xiuwen felt helpless.

After sending Song Siyu back to school, Xu Xiuwen drove to meet Ning Jiali.

He didn't tell Ning Jiali in advance, and only sent a text message to the girl when he drove to the dormitory building.

Less than three minutes after receiving the text message.

Ning Jiali came out of the dormitory.

She quickly looked for Xu Xiuwen's car, and when she saw it, she walked over quickly.

After the girl got in the car, Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, "Long time no see, Lili."

Ning Jiali snorted, "Cousin, you are too much. You haven't come to see me for such a long time."

Xu Xiuwen explained: "I have been too busy during this period."

"Okay, I'll forgive you for now." Ning Jiali was surprisingly generous.

Xu Xiuwen took out a plastic bag from the box at the back, which contained red dates and salty pork dumplings.

"My mother cooked this and asked me to bring it to you."

Ning Jiali took it immediately and said with a smile, "Thank you, auntie."

Xu Xiuwen asked: "Why don't you thank me?"

Ning Jiali said: "Thank you, cousin too."

"It's so perfunctory."

Ning Jiali said with a smile: "In that case, brother, don't leave tonight, I will treat you to dinner."

"Forget it, I'll treat you. I don't want to eat at a street stall."

A speechless expression appeared on Ning Jiali's pretty face.

"Cousin, please stop looking down on me. I have money to treat you."

"It's not the money given by adults."

Ning Jiali said: "It's the money I earned from my part-time job."

"You still work part-time?"

Ning Jiali chuckled and said, "Yes, it's the part-time job that Sasha introduced to me."

Xu Xiuwen suddenly became nervous when he heard this.

"Where do you work part-time? Not in a club or something like that, right?"

Ning Jiali rolled her eyes at him again and said, "What are you thinking? My part-time job is as a tutor for high school seniors, helping others with their homework."

Xu Xiuwen breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately couldn't help asking, "Can you still be a tutor for high school students?"

Ning Jiali was immediately unhappy, "Cousin, don't look down on me. Why can't I be a tutor?"

"Your grades aren't particularly good."

Ning Jiali became even angrier, "My grades aren't bad, okay!"

Seeing that the girl seemed to be really angry, Xu Xiuwen quickly said: "Okay, I'm just teasing you."

Ning Jiali rolled her eyes at him and said, "There is a restaurant near our school that does very good business. Many students go there to eat every day. I'll treat you to a meal there."


Ning Jiali suddenly asked, "Cousin, I want to call Shasha too."

"She didn't go home."

Ning Jiali looked at him as if he was an idiot. "Her home is in Chengdu. It's so far away. How can she possibly go home?"

Xu Xiuwen nodded: "Okay, you decide."

Ning Jiali immediately took out her cell phone and contacted Guo Shasha.

Soon, Guo Shasha walked out of the dormitory building and walked towards them.

Guo Shasha walked to the back door, opened it and got in.

A crisp "Senior".

Xu Xiuwen didn't turn around and replied calmly, "Yeah."

When Guo Shasha saw this scene, she immediately bit her lip.

But soon the smile returned to his face.

Ning Jiali gave the rice dumplings she had just received to Guo Shasha to share.

Hearing that Xu Xiuwen brought it from home, Guo Shasha took one on her own initiative.

"Senior, I don't know how to peel it, can you help me peel it?"

Xu Xiuwen said coldly: "I don't know how to do that either."

Guo Shasha was suddenly embarrassed.

In the end, it was Ning Jiali who said, "I'll help you peel it," which eased the awkward atmosphere.

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