Rebirth begins with rejecting Qingmei

Chapter 1042: Seducing my cousin so directly?

Chapter 1042: Seducing my cousin so directly?

Came to a hotel near the school.

Since this restaurant was recommended by Ning Jiali, she was naturally responsible for taking the orders.

Xu Xiuwen sat aside.

Guo Shasha tried to talk to him, but he never looked at her and had an attitude that said "keep away from me".

The girl felt very aggrieved.

She was still very excited to see Xu Xiuwen again after not seeing him for such a long time.

But Xu Xiuwen's attitude towards her seemed even worse than last time.

This made the girl doubt her own charm again.

She sat quietly aside, looking at Xu Xiuwen with resentment.

After Ning Jiali ordered the dishes, she asked, "Cousin, when will you have your holiday?"

"Around early July."

"What's the specific time?"

"I haven't paid attention to it. I'm not sure."

"That's it."

"Why do you ask this?"

"Hey, curious."

"No silly smiles, pay attention to your image."

Ning Jiali said angrily, "Cousin, why do you care more than my mom?"

Xu Xiuwen said: "I am your brother, isn't it right for me to control you?"

Ning Jiali immediately smiled and said: "Yes~"

Guo Shasha interjected: "Lili, you two have a really good relationship as siblings."

Ning Jiali smiled and said, "My cousin has been the best to me since I was a child."

Xu Xiuwen said: "If grandpa and grandma heard what you said, they would probably be very sad."

Ning Jiali immediately said: "I mean besides them."

"Isn't my mother good to you? You're done. I want to tell her that Lili thinks you're not good enough to her..."

Ning Jiali was anxious, "Aunt is very kind to me, cousin, why are you like this..."

She couldn't help but raise her fist and hit Xu Xiuwen on the shoulder.

Xu Xiuwen also laughed.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Guo Shasha on the side: "..."

He was ignored by the two again.

She felt like a light bulb, redundant.

Guo Shasha suddenly said, "Lili, I want to go back. You and senior can eat."

Ning Jiali was stunned and asked, "Sister Shasha, do you want to go back now?"

Guo Shasha's smile was very forced, "Yes, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to deal with."

Ning Jiali asked: "Can't we go back after dinner and deal with it later?"

Guo Shasha glanced at Xu Xiuwen beside her.

If the other party asks her to stay now, she can stay.

However, from beginning to end, Xu Xiuwen didn't say a word.

Guo Shasha was very disappointed.

She shook her head and said, "It's urgent. I can't wait."

"Well... okay." Ning Jiali had no choice but to agree.

"I'm leaving."

Ning Jiali looked at Xu Xiuwen in confusion.

I don't understand why he didn't say a word.

She finally guessed some of the reasons, so she took the initiative to say to Xu Xiuwen: "Cousin, please send Sister Shasha off."

Xu Xiuwen hesitated.

Seeing this, Guo Shasha did not humiliate herself and took the initiative to say, "No need to send me off. I can go back by myself."

"That's fine." Xu Xiuwen agreed.

Ning Jiali was helpless, "Then go back and be careful."


Then Guo Shasha got up and left.

After Guo Shasha left, Ning Jiali immediately asked, "Cousin, why did you act like that just now?"

Xu Xiuwen pretended to be stupid: "What's my attitude?"

"It's about your attitude towards Sister Shasha? Why are you so cold? She talks to you, but you ignore her."

"I didn't ignore it. Didn't I respond?"

Ning Jiali snorted, "Is that what you call a response? Just um, oh...if someone doesn't know, they would think you're feeling unwell."

Xu Xiuwen smiled bitterly and said, "Should I be particularly enthusiastic towards her? Don't forget, I have a girlfriend."

Ning Jiali was silent for a second.

She might be feeling guilty, or she knew she was in the wrong, so she whispered, "I'm not asking you to do anything to Sister Shasha, I'm just asking you not to be so cold..."

Xu Xiuwen said: "Have you ever thought about what would happen if she fell in love with me if I was too enthusiastic towards her?"

Ning Jiali stopped talking immediately.

There is no need to worry. The person Guo Shasha asked the most was Xu Xiuwen. Every time he asked her questions like whether her brother had contacted her or why her brother didn't come to play with her.

Ning Jiali is not stupid. Of course she knows that Guo Shasha might have some feelings for her cousin.

She also tried to persuade Guo Shasha tactfully, but she remained unmoved.

She had no choice but to give up persuading him.

at this time.

Suddenly, they heard a scream and the sound of a plate falling to the ground.

Then the noisy sound was heard again.

The two looked in the direction of the sound.

In the aisle not far away.

Guo Shasha was sitting on the ground, her body was covered with bright red soup, there was also soup on the ground, and there was a broken plate.

Opposite her there was also a restaurant waiter sitting on the ground.

In this scene, it is not difficult to see that Guo Shasha and the waiter bumped into each other.

The waiter stood up quickly.

Guo Shasha also wanted to get up, but as soon as she exerted force on her feet, she sat back down in pain.

She covered her ankle, her face full of pain.

At this time, other people also gathered around to watch.

Xu Xiuwen and Ning Jiali did not expect such an accident to happen suddenly.

Ning Jiali stood up and ran towards Guo Shasha.

Xu Xiuwen was also forced to stand up and walk away quickly.

The waiter stood up and apologized quickly.

Ning Jiali pushed through the crowd and squeezed next to Guo Shasha.

She first said to the waiter: "Why don't you be more careful."


Then Ning Jiali looked at Guo Shasha and asked with concern: "Sister Shasha, are you okay?"

Guo Shasha looked up at Ning Jiali, a painful expression on her face, and said in a tender voice: "Lili, my foot... seems to be sprained."

Xu Xiuwen also came over and heard the conversation between the two women.

He couldn't say anything at this moment, "Can you still stand up?"

Guo Shasha glanced at him and said, "I'll try again~"

She supported herself on the ground and tried to stand up, but she fell back down again as soon as she stood up.

The pain on his face intensified.

Xu Xiuwen walked up to Guo Shasha, squatted down, gently lifted her feet, and looked at her ankle. "Does it hurt?"

Guo Shasha said in a tender voice: "It hurts a little..."

Xu Xiuwen said: "It seems that there are no broken bones, it's OK."

Ning Jiali asked: "Do we need to go to the hospital?"

Xu Xiuwen shook his head: "Don't bother, just apply some medicated oil and it will be fine in two days."

"That's good." Ning Jiali breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he added, "Sister Shasha, you can't walk anymore, let my brother take you back."

Guo Shasha did not agree immediately, but looked at Xu Xiuwen, hesitant to speak.

Xu Xiuwen hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll take you back."

Guo Shasha exhaled lightly, and then a smile appeared on her face, "Then thank you for your help, senior."


Xu Xiuwen stood up and looked at the nervous waiter beside him, and said soothingly: "This is an accident, don't worry too much, just be more careful next time."

The waiter was very touched and immediately offered to compensate.

Upon hearing this, Guo Shasha took the initiative to refuse and generously expressed forgiveness.

Xu Xiuwen asked Ning Jiali to pay the bill.

Seeing this, the waiter quickly asked him to pay.

Xu Xiuwen thought about it and agreed.

It’s not that he is trying to get a bargain, but the dishes haven’t been cooked yet and can be returned.

The waiters shouldn't need to pay.

After dealing with the waiter, Xu Xiuwen looked down at Guo Shasha, as if he was hesitating about what to do. Finally, he squatted in front of Guo Shasha with his back to her.

"Come on up, I'll carry you back."

Ning Jiali wanted to refuse at first, but after Ning Jiali's persuasion, she had to agree.

Guo Shasha stood up on one leg.

Ning Jiali carefully supported him from the side.

Then she lay on Xu Xiuwen's back.

As soon as he lay down, Xu Xiuwen felt something soft.

You know what it is without even thinking about it.

He looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, and did not let his attention be focused on his back.

After the girl's hands also hugged his neck, Xu Xiuwen reminded her: "Hold tight."

"Yeah." Guo Shasha responded vigorously.

Then Xu Xiuwen stood up.

In order to ensure that the girl did not fall, his hands naturally hooked back and grasped the inside of the girl's thighs.

Xu Xiuwen carried Guo Shasha on his back and walked out of the hotel.

Left the hotel.

Xu Xiuwen asked: "Where are the pharmacies around here?"

Ning Jiali immediately pointed in the direction of the school and said, "We have a school hospital."

Xu Xiuwen nodded, and then followed Ning Jiali's instructions and went to the school hospital.

Registration, inspection...

The doctor's judgment was similar to Xu Xiuwen's. He only needed to apply some medicated oil and then go back and rest for a few days to recover.

Xu Xiuwen bought some medicine and then carried Guo Shasha out of the school hospital in a princess-like manner.

Came to a nearby bench.

Xu Xiuwen gently put Guo Shasha down.

Then he handed the purchased medicinal oil to Ning Jiali and said, "Lili, help her apply it."

Ning Jiali said: "But I can't."

"Drop the oil on the surface of the skin, then slowly rub it with the palm of your hand, that's it." Xu Xiuwen imparted his experience.

Ning Jiali was still worried, "Cousin, you should come. I'm afraid that Sasha's injury will get worse."

I saw the brother and sister rejecting each other.

Guo Shasha's face turned red.

Of course it's not because of shyness, but a little angry.

She suddenly said, "No need for you, I can apply it myself!"

After saying that, he tried to grab the medicinal oil from Ning Jiali's hand and prepared to do it himself.

Seeing her angry behavior, Xu Xiuwen sighed.

"I'll do it."

Guo Shasha bit her lip, said nothing, looked aggrieved, and held the medicated oil tightly in her hand.

Xu Xiuwen explained: "It's not that I dislike you, but I want to avoid suspicion."

Guo Shasha was not particularly satisfied with this explanation.

She snorted barely noticeably and asked, "So you're not avoiding suspicion anymore?"

Xu Xiuwen said: "You and Lili have no experience, so let me do it."

After hearing this, Guo Shasha handed over the medicated oil.

Xu Xiuwen took it and put it on a chair beside him.

Then he squatted down in front of the girl and said, "I'm going to take off my shoes."

Guo Shasha nodded with a slight blush on her cheeks.

This foxy face really exudes an alluring aura all the time.

Xu Xiuwen forced himself not to look and looked down at Guo Shasha's feet.

He reached out and gently untied the laces of the little leather shoes, then pinched her ankle with one hand and the heel of the shoe with the other hand, and gently pulled down to take the little leather shoes off the girl's feet.

After taking off the shoes, the feet in socks are exposed.

He wrinkled his nose subconsciously.

When Guo Shasha saw this, she immediately said coquettishly: "Senior, my feet don't have any smell."

Xu Xiuwen didn't respond and continued to take off her socks.

The reason is certainly not that he is an LS and just wants to take a look at the girl's feet.

But I am worried that the medicine oil will get on my socks when I apply it.

Guo Shasha was a little unhappy when she saw Xu Xiuwen ignoring her, but she didn't dare to get angry.

The main reason is that she knows Xu Xiuwen really doesn't indulge her.

If it were those boys who were pursuing her, she would just frown and those guys would speculate for a long time.

But she just wanted Xu Xiuwen to pay attention to her.

So when Xu Xiuwen helped her take off her socks, she tried to lift her feet and put her jade feet close to Xu Xiuwen.

Of course she knew that doing this might annoy Xu Xiuwen, but even being scolded was better than having him ignore her.

Xu Xiuwen was startled.

His nose and mouth almost touched the soles of Ning Jiali's feet.

If this really happened, he would be disgusted.

This is not Weiwei's three-inch golden lotus, he can't stand it.

Xu Xiuwen's face turned cold and he scolded, "What are you doing?"

Guo Shasha immediately said aggrievedly: "I didn't do anything?"

Xu Xiuwen also had no evidence to prove that she did it on purpose, but he couldn't just say nothing.

Otherwise the other party will become more aggressive.

He just had to knock it.

"Don't move. Your ankle is injured. If you don't behave yourself, your injury may get worse. Then you'll be lame and it will be too late."

Guo Shasha didn't dare to refute after being scolded, but just glared at him secretly.

She didn't even dare to glare at him openly for fear of making him unhappy.

Ning Jiali, who was standing by, saw this scene and said nothing.

A strange feeling arose in my heart.

Guo Shasha is very popular in school and has many suitors.

She had seen many times that the other party was cold and indifferent in front of other boys.

But in front of my cousin, the cat is like the most well-behaved cat and doesn't even dare to get angry.

She knew that Guo Shasha liked her cousin.

But I am still amazed by my cousin's charm.

But at the same time she also had a headache.

It would be fine if my cousin never accepted Sister Sasha’s feelings.

What if her cousin also likes Sister Sasha? She doesn’t know how it will end, let alone how to face Xiao Youran in the future.

But deep down in her heart, she still prefers Guo Shasha a little more.

After all, they are together day and night.

As for Xiao Youran, they can only see each other a few times a year.

People are always swayed by emotions!
Xu Xiuwen pinched a corner of the sock and put it on a chair beside him.

Guo Shasha said loudly: "My feet really don't smell! Even my socks don't!"

"Be quiet!" Xu Xiuwen scolded directly.

Guo Shasha was stunned, then she curled her lips.

This man has no compassion for women at all, he just knows how to be mean to her, so annoying!

Xu Xiuwen doesn't care what Guo Shasha thinks.

He quickly dropped the medicated oil onto the sprain and spread it with his fingers.

Then rub your palms together to warm them up, then cover the area with your palms and rub gently.

As he moved, the medicated oil was gradually absorbed beneath the skin.

The hot feeling made Guo Shasha couldn't help but let out an "ah".

Her voice is pleasant to begin with, and this irrepressible sound makes it easy for people to imagine.

Ning Jiali's face turned red instantly.

Sister Sasha is really...

Are you seducing your cousin so directly?

Can't you be more tactful?
The most important thing is that she is still next to me.

Guo Shasha regretted it after she made the sound.

She also knows that her voice can be misunderstood.

She looked at Xu Xiuwen cautiously, thinking that the other party would have a different reaction.

However, Xu Xiuwen's indifferent look made her lose her indifference instantly.

Guo Shasha took the initiative to apologize: "Senior, I didn't mean it, I really couldn't help it..."

Xu Xiuwen said calmly: "Be quiet!"

It means she shouldn't talk.

Guo Shasha almost got furious.

If it were any other boy, she would be furious.

But in the end I managed to hold it in.

When applying the medicinal oil to Guo Shasha, his eyes inevitably fell on the girl's jade feet...

(End of this chapter)

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