Rebirth begins with rejecting Qingmei

Chapter 1043: Probing Questions

Chapter 1043: Probing Questions
According to Xu Xiuwen's experience: beautiful girls' feet are not necessarily good-looking, and girls who are not good-looking do not necessarily have ugly feet, and not all feet can be called jade feet.

Being a connoisseur is not about that - it’s about having a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty.

The foot in my hand is very small and can be held in the palm of one hand and played with.

The instep is white, with tiny blue blood vessels scattered under the skin and clearly visible. The arch of the foot is slender, the tender flesh on the sole of the foot has a hint of pink, and the five round and slender toes look very cute and delicate.

When I took off my socks just now, my fingertips accidentally slid across the instep, and the touch was so silky smooth.

This is definitely worthy of the word "jade foot".

Xu Xiuwen didn't know that Guo Shasha's cheeks were getting hotter and hotter because of his gaze.

Ning Jiali on the side couldn't help but cast a puzzled look.

Isn’t my cousin too perverted?
How can you stare at a girl's feet?
She couldn't bear to watch it anymore, so she coughed.

"Cough cough~"

Hearing the voice, Xu Xiuwen looked at Ning Jiali in surprise and asked with concern: "Is your throat uncomfortable?"

Ning Jiali said helplessly: "Cousin, how can you keep staring at a girl's feet like this? It's so rude."

Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Guo Shasha suddenly whispered: "It's okay, I don't mind."

This sentence instantly confirmed that Xu Xiuwen was a foot fetishist.

Xu Xiuwen naturally cannot take the blame.

Although he did have a foot fetish, he was just taking a casual look just now.

He had no idea about Guo Shasha's beautiful feet.

Xu Xiuwen asked: "Lili, what are you thinking about?"

Seeing that he didn't admit it, Ning Jiali curled her lips and said, "Cousin, grandpa has taught us since we were young that we should admit our mistakes."

"I admit that I did, but I was looking at her toenails. They were a little long and needed to be cut."

This sentence stunned both women.

Guo Shasha, who was the first to react, immediately felt embarrassed.

She pulled her feet back, trying to free her feet from Xu Xiuwen's hands.

However, Xu Xiuwen just glanced at her and said calmly but forcefully: "Don't move!"

She didn't dare to move.

But of course I had to defend myself by saying, "I just didn't cut my hair these two days. Besides, how can it be longer?"

"Don't be shy, it has indeed grown."

Seeing him say that, Guo Shasha also got angry and said directly: "Since you think it's too long and it bothers you, then help me cut it!"

After these words were spoken, Ning Jiali was confused again.

Sister Sasha, do you really have to be so brave?

She was too embarrassed to ask her cousin to cut her toenails.

Guo Shasha regretted what she said the moment she said it.

But once words are spoken, like water spilled, it is impossible to take them back.

She could only keep a straight face and stand firm.

Xu Xiuwen was speechless when he heard this.

No, don’t you all have no sense of boundaries?

So he chose to pretend not to hear it.

After rubbing her feet for a few more times, Xu Xiuwen put them down, stood up and said, "Take the medicated oil back with you, and apply it like I did just now. It should heal quickly."

Guo Shasha whispered: "Thank you, senior."

Xu Xiuwen did not respond, but said: "Let me take you back to the dormitory first."

He turned around and faced away from Guo Shasha.

The other party hesitated for a moment and lay down again.

Xu Xiuwen carried the girl on his back and stood up, then said to Ning Jiali beside him: "Take your shoes and things."

"Uh... ok."

Then Xu Xiuwen carried Guo Shasha on his back and walked towards the girls’ dormitory.

Inevitably, I met many students on the way.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women naturally attracts attention.

What's more, Guo Shasha was barefoot.

Guo Shasha felt a little uncomfortable and subconsciously buried her face in Xu Xiuwen's neck.

Smelling the scent of Xu Xiuwen, the girl felt that she had the potential to become a crazy lover.

Because this man smells really good!

Arriving at the bottom of the girls' dormitory, Xu Xiuwen said, "I won't go up. Lili, call another roommate down, and you can help her upstairs together."

Ning Jiali nodded and then quickly ran into the dormitory building.

So Xu Xiuwen and Guo Shasha were left alone.

Guo Shasha couldn't help but ask: "Senior, did I do something to make you unhappy?"

"No." Xu Xiuwen's answer was very concise.

"Then...then why are you so indifferent to me?"

"You are too sensitive. I am not being indifferent to you."

Seeing that Xu Xiuwen didn't admit it, Guo Shasha continued to ask: "You haven't come to see Lili for so long, is it because you don't want to see me, so you deliberately don't come?"

"You think too much."

"really not?"

"really not."

Hearing this, Guo Shasha's eyes moved nimbly and she said, "Senior, you promised to treat me to a meal, but you haven't done it yet."

"Do I have it?" Xu Xiuwen was not sure.

Guo Shasha snorted, "Of course there is. Would I not say yes?"

"Well, let's just take it as it is."

Guo Shasha thought: Obviously it is there!

"So when will you treat me to dinner?"

Xu Xiuwen said nothing.

Guo Shasha curled her lips and then said, "If you don't have money, I can treat you."

When most male college students hear this kind of talk, they might want to save face and would not be able to resist offering to treat them.

Xu Xiuwen is not an ordinary college student.

He is thick-skinned and doesn't care at all.

Xu Xiuwen said, "I don't have time recently. Let Lili treat you to a meal later. Just consider it as my treat."

Guo Shasha immediately shook her head: "How can that be possible? Isn't it the same thing for Lili to treat us and for the senior to treat us?"

There was a pause.

The girl continued: "It's okay, if you're busy, I can wait a little longer."

"Then just wait."

Guo Shasha changed the subject, "Senior, thank you for carrying me and helping me apply the medicine."

"You are welcome."

"Senior, you are the first boy to see my feet~" Guo Shasha said in a low voice.

After saying this, two blushes appeared on her pretty face.

Xu Xiuwen's nerves jumped.

I seem to have heard Weiwei say this.

Considering that both women are from Sichuan and Chongqing.

There shouldn't be any special customs there.

Xu Xiuwen was worried that Guo Shasha would say something shocking, such as asking him to take responsibility.

He quickly said, "But I'm not the only one who saw it. The boys I met on the road just now also saw it."

Guo Shasha: "..."

Senior, I didn’t ask you to take responsibility. Why are you resisting so obviously?

She began to doubt her own charm again.

What else did Guo Shasha want to say.

Ning Jiali had already called her roommate down.

When the two roommates saw Xu Xiuwen, they immediately recognized him and greeted him politely.

Xu Xiuwen was much more enthusiastic when facing them and smiled back at them.

When Guo Shasha saw this scene, she became more and more dissatisfied.

He was so cold to her alone!

Targeting, right?
Xu Xiuwen put Guo Shasha down, and after the girl stood on one leg, he said, "Help her back to the dormitory to rest."

"Okay." x3.

The three girls helped Guo Shasha back to the dormitory.

Before Ning Jiali entered the dormitory, she warned, "Brother, don't leave yet, wait for me."

"it is good."

Soon, Ning Jiali came out of the dormitory building again.

"Brother, you haven't eaten yet, let me accompany you to the cafeteria to eat."

Xu Xiuwen thought about it and agreed.

Had dinner with Ning Jiali in the cafeteria of Jinling Normal University.

After saying goodbye to his cousin, Xu Xiuwen drove back to Jiangling University.

He drove to the library and waited in the car. Soon, Du Qingling arrived.

Xu Xiuwen picked up another bag and handed it to the girl, "This is the rice dumplings my mother made. It's cooked. Take it home and eat it."

Du Qingling looked at the plastic bag in Xu Xiuwen's hand and did not take it immediately.

"Why didn't you answer?"

Du Qingling then took it and said thank you in a low voice.

Without waiting for Xu Xiuwen to say more, Du Qingling said, "I'm going back to read."

"it is good."

Du Qingling turned and left.

Looking at the girl's back, she seemed to have returned to her former quiet and cold self.

Xu Xiuwen thought this was a good thing.

He was really scared by Du Qingling's crazy behavior.

After meeting Du Qingling, Xu Xiuwen had to meet someone else.

White moon.

She finally got a few days off this time.

Xu Xiuwen had promised her before that he would go to see her during the Duanwu Festival.

Thinking of this, Xu Xiuwen drove to Bai Yueer's house.

However, when he rushed here, he found that Cheng Lu was there too.

The person who opened the door for Xu Xiuwen was Cheng Qiuyun.

Entering the living room, Xu Xiuwen saw Cheng Lu.

Cheng Lu also saw him and looked surprised.

Although Cheng Lu didn't ask, Xu Xiuwen still took the initiative to explain: "Isn't today a holiday? I just happened to be passing by, so I came to see Aunt Cheng."

Cheng Lu had some doubts in his heart.

I just happened to be passing by, do I need to take these 'gifts'?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like someone just happened to pass by, but more like it was carefully prepared.

Bai Yue'er was also in the living room at this moment, sitting next to Cheng Lu.

She was extremely excited when she saw Xu Xiuwen.

"Xu Xiuwen, you are here."

"Long time no see, Yue'er." Xu Xiuwen said with a smile.

Bai Yueer complained: "You didn't even come to the crew to see me. I thought you forgot about me."

Cheng Lu listened to the tone of the two people talking and felt...

Fortunately, Cheng Qiuyun diverted her attention in time.

"Xiao Xu, have you eaten yet?"

Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, "Auntie, I ate before coming here."

"Then eat some zongzi."

"Okay." Xu Xiuwen did not refuse.

Cheng Qiuyun decisively went to the kitchen to get a rice dumpling and put it in a bowl.

The rice dumplings have been peeled.

Xu Xiuwen took the bowl and chopsticks and started to taste the food.

After tasting it, he praised it for being delicious.

Cheng Qiuyun then said: "Xiao Xu, I am very happy that you can come to see me."

Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, "It's a holiday today."

Cheng Qiuyun noticed her presence and the three of them seemed unable to relax, so she took the initiative to suggest going out for a walk.

After Cheng Qiuyun left, Xu Xiuwen pretended to ask Bai Yueer about the situation in the crew.

When talking about the crew, Bai Yue'er talked nonstop.

Including all kinds of gossip about the crew.

Xu Xiuwen didn't like to listen to gossip very much. He quietly glanced at Cheng Lu standing aside.

Looking at Cheng Lu's beautiful face, Xu Xiuwen couldn't help but think of what happened last time.

Just thinking about it, I felt a sense of righteousness rising in my body.

Cheng Lu keenly noticed that his eyes seemed a little unserious, and glared at him secretly.

Seeing that he still didn't know how to restrain himself, Cheng Lu suddenly interrupted Bai Yue'er and said, "Yue'er, it's getting late. I'm going back to the dormitory."

"Ah, leaving so soon?"


"OK then."

Bai Yue'er was a little disappointed.

Okay, I was pretending.

Xu Xiuwen also took the opportunity to suggest leaving with Cheng Lu.

When Bai Yue'er heard this, her lips almost curled up to the sky.

That resentful look made Xu Xiuwen feel like a heartless man.

In front of Cheng Lu, Xu Xiuwen didn't dare to give Bai Yue'er too much response.

He could only pretend not to see it.

When Cheng Lu heard that Xu Xiuwen wanted to leave with her, she did not refuse.

Then the two left together.

When Cheng Lu was changing shoes, Xu Xiuwen gave her a look that said 'wait for me'.

Bai Yueer felt a little relieved after receiving it.

Then there was a hint from her eyes: I will wear your favorite pajamas later...

Xu Xiuwen's breathing quickened.

Go downstairs with Cheng Lu.

Seeing Cheng Lu walking straight towards the gate of the community, Xu Xiuwen couldn't help but said, "Lulu, my car is here."

Cheng Lu stopped, turned around and asked, "When did I agree to take your car?"

Xu Xiuwen smiled awkwardly, "Didn't we agree to go back together?"

"Did I tell you?"

Seeing Cheng Lu's attitude, Xu Xiuwen was not panicked.

"If you don't take my car, I will go to the school forum and expose you, saying that you cheated on me and then abandoned me, saying that you are not responsible after sleeping with me."

Cheng Lu opened her eyes wide, she didn't expect Xu Xiuwen to be so shameless.

But after thinking for a moment, he still succumbed to Xu Xiuwen's threat.

She glared at Xu Xiuwen, then turned and walked towards the car.

Xu Xiuwen chuckled and hurried to catch up.

He knew that Cheng Lu would never allow him to post information on the forum, especially to say that they had slept together.

Once this matter reaches Cheng Lu's mother's ears, it will be difficult to resolve.

Cheng Lu is so smart, so he can naturally think of this.

Xu Xiuwen also knew that it was a bit shameless for him to threaten Cheng Lu in this way.

But when dealing with a girl as determined as Cheng Lu, you sometimes have to be a little shameless.

After getting in the car.

Xu Xiuwen wanted to talk to Cheng Lu.

As a result, the other person tilted his head against the window and looked out.

I look like I don't want to pay attention to you.

Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen didn't say much. He started the car silently and drove towards the girls' dormitory building of Jiaotong University.

The car quickly drove to the bottom of the girls’ dormitory.

Xu Xiuwen reminded: "We're here."

Cheng Lu looked carefully outside the car and found that it was indeed the gate of the dormitory building.

Cheng Lu was surprised.

Xu Xiuwen actually sent her back honestly?

Although she was surprised, she didn't intend to say anything more.

She opened the door and got out of the car.

Cheng Lu was still very surprised until he saw the car driving away.

Xu Xiuwen left so happily.

For a moment, Cheng Lu felt a little complicated.

To say I’m happy, doesn’t seem to be the case.

Call it disappointing, but this was clearly what she wanted to see.

Cheng Lu shook his head and put these thoughts behind him.

She was about to go upstairs when she heard someone calling her name.

I turned around and saw Song Siyu.

She was not at all panicked. She nodded calmly towards Song Siyu, then turned and walked upstairs.

Song Siyu quickly caught up and asked, "The person who drove you back just now was Xu Xiuwen, right?"

She only heard the sound of the car but didn't see it.

Plus, I happened to meet Cheng Lu, so I asked this probing question.

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