Chapter 1044 Deserve it
Cheng Lu was very hesitant.

She is not a person who likes to lie.

She has always been open and honest in her conduct and has a clear conscience.

But since that night, it was hard for her to say that she had a clear conscience.

Now he faces Song Siyu's suspicion again.

She didn't know how to answer for a moment.

However, in Song Siyu's eyes, her hesitation was tantamount to acquiescence.

Song Siyu's eyes darkened.

She felt very sad about Xu Xiuwen's deception.

I even had a suspicion: Did Xu Xiuwen and Cheng Lu rekindle their old love?

Song Siyu never thought that she was worse than Cheng Lu.

She was proud too.

But for Xu Xiuwen, she has repeatedly put aside her dignity and pride.

She even accepted two women and one husband.

But Xu Xiuwen was still not satisfied and secretly went to see Cheng Lu without telling them.

To her, this was undoubtedly a betrayal.

Therefore, she was a little emotional and asked, "Did you find him first, or did he find you first?"

Cheng Lu did feel guilty, but it was a guilt towards morality, not towards a specific person.


She stood there, glanced at Song Siyu, and asked, "Song Siyu, are you questioning me now?"

Song Siyu asked back: "Is it not possible?"

Cheng Lu: "Who are you asking me?"

Song Siyu said: "I am her daughter...ex-girlfriend..."


Cheng Lu repeated these three words.

She found it funny to see Song Siyu acting so confident.

She didn't care about the other person's face, and said calmly but forcefully: "If you were still his girlfriend, I wouldn't say anything if you questioned me. But now that you've broken up with him, don't you think I'm meddling too much when you ask me these questions?"

Song Siyu frowned.

Was Cheng Lu laughing at her just now?

But when she looked again.

Cheng Lu still looked calm.

She wasn't sure if the other person was smiling.

What if the other person didn't laugh and she was mistaken? It would seem like she was deliberately looking for trouble.

Song Siyu decided to pretend she didn't see it.

She looked into Cheng Lu's eyes and said, "You Ran and I are good friends. I asked on her behalf. Is that not okay? Don't forget that you two have broken up. Xiao You Ran is his girlfriend. As You Ran's roommate, shouldn't you avoid suspicion?"

Seeing Song Siyu using Xiao Youran as an excuse, Cheng Lu fell silent.

Just when Song Siyu thought that Cheng Lu's momentum had been suppressed by her.

But then I heard Cheng Lu say, "The Queen is not anxious, but the maids are."

"What did you say?"

Song Siyu opened her eyes wide, a look of disbelief on her face.

Was it Cheng Lu who said that just now?
Is this still the Cheng Lu she knew?

Cheng Lu looked Song Siyu straight in the eye and said, "I am not obliged to answer you. If you want to know so much, you can go and ask him in person. Also, if Xiao Youran wants to know, let her ask in person."

After saying that, Cheng Lu ignored Song Siyu's reaction, lifted her long and beautiful legs and walked forward.

Looking at her back, Song Siyu clenched her fists...


Xu Xiuwen didn't know that Song Siyu had already found out that he had sent Cheng Lu back to the dormitory.

Come to Bai Yueer's house again.

Before Xu Xiuwen knocked on the door, it had already been opened from the inside.

The person who opened the door was Bai Yueer.

She chuckled and then jumped onto Xu Xiuwen.

The girl's slender white arms were tightly hooked around Xu Xiuwen's neck, her beautiful legs were wrapped around Xu Xiuwen's waist, and her beautiful eyes were fixed on Xu Xiuwen's eyes without moving.

Xu Xiuwen originally wanted the girl to get off him first.

But when he noticed the undisguised love in the girl's eyes.

He couldn't say it anyway.

"How did you know I was coming?"

Bai Yueer said with a smile: "I saw your car on the balcony."

"You've been looking down from the balcony?"


"You really want to see me sooner?"

Bai Yueer nodded: "Xu Xiuwen, I miss you."

Although the girl's words were simple, they contained deep affection.

Xu Xiuwen looked down at the girl's eyes and said, "I miss you, too."

The two looked at each other lovingly.

Just when they were about to kiss, there was a sudden cough from behind.

Bai Yueer looked behind him and immediately got off him. She lowered her head to tidy up her clothes. When she was no longer embarrassed, she shyly asked, "Mom, why are you back?"

That’s right, the person who came was Cheng Qiuyun.

Xu Xiuwen also saw the other party at this moment, but he was very calm.

Cheng Qiuyun felt a little complicated when she saw her daughter and Xu Xiuwen hugging each other and almost kissing each other at the door.

On the one hand, I am happy for my daughter, but on the other hand, I am worried about how this will end.

She prayed in her heart: Please don't let the cousins ​​Cheng Lu and Yue'er fight over a man in the end.

It would be best if Cheng Lu and Xu Xiuwen broke up completely.

Many thoughts flashed through Cheng Qiuyun's mind.

She forced herself to remain calm and said, "I'm a little sleepy, so I'm going to sleep. You guys continue, don't worry about me."

These words made Bai Yue'er's face even redder.

She said coquettishly: "Mom, what are you talking about? I was just helping him blow the dust out of his eyes..."

Xu Xiuwen's mouth twitched.

This reason is really ridiculous!
Cheng Qiuyun naturally would not expose her daughter's words and said, "Maybe I saw it wrong. I'll go back to my room."

Then he hurried back to the room.

Bai Yueer turned to look at Xu Xiuwen, and seeing a hint of smile on his face, she glared at him, put on a fierce look, and asked, "Are you also laughing at me for being too proactive in your heart?"

Xu Xiuwen shook his head: "How could that be? I like you so much that I can't wait."

"Hmph, you better not lie to me." Bai Yue'er wrinkled her nose at him.

Such small movements, coupled with a face that resembles Akina Nakamori, make her look extremely cute.

There are many girls around him, with all kinds of personalities, and some of them are very cute in front of him.

But there are not many girls like Bai Yue'er, who can't help but feel happy as long as you see her face.

Bai Yue'er smiles very sweetly, and looks very cute even when she's not smiling.

Being with her, Xu Xiuwen felt particularly relaxed.

He stared at Bai Yue'er's red lips, ready to make a move.

Bai Yueer saw it and quickly reminded: "Go to my room."

Xu Xiuwen shook his head and refused.

"But I can't help it!"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Xiuwen reached out and grabbed Bai Yue'er's hand, pulling her onto his lap.

Then, without waiting for the girl's reaction, he kissed her.

Bai Yue'er only had time to utter a "hmm~" sound before her mouth was blocked.

Xu Xiuwen also pressed her hands firmly on her legs.

Bai Yue'er just felt her mind go blank.

At this time, Xu Xiuwen took the initiative to end the kiss.

Bai Yue'er took a while to calm down.

Noticing Xu Xiuwen staring at her, out of her shy nature as a woman, she raised her fist and hit Xu Xiuwen's shoulder, saying angrily, "Who told you to kiss me secretly?"

Xu Xiuwen laughed: "Was that stealing? That's called a forced kiss!"

Bai Yue'er was impressed by his 'dominance', but still said angrily: "You just bully me!"

Hearing this, Xu Xiuwen was silent for a few seconds.

Then, he suddenly pushed her off his legs, stood up and said, "Since you don't like it, I'm leaving~"

Bai Yue'er panicked instantly.

Even though she knew Xu Xiuwen was most likely teasing her.

But the girl was still unwilling to take any risk.

It was not easy to see Xu Xiuwen, and the girl cherished the time she was with him more than ever. She didn't care about being shy anymore, and quickly reached out and grabbed the corner of Xu Xiuwen's clothes.

When Xu Xiuwen turned around to look.

Bai Yue'er said coquettishly: "Please don't leave, I was wrong."

Xu Xiuwen became more and more aggressive: "What's wrong with you?"

Bai Yue'er was so angry that her teeth itched.

When they were freshman in college and were filming together, Xu Xiuwen liked to play tricks on her.

Now she has become his woman.

Still likes to bully her.

Is she someone who is easy to bully?

Although he was unhappy in his heart, he didn't dare show it on his face.

Bai Yue'er lowered her head, not wanting Xu Xiuwen to see her expression, "I don't know...but if you tell me where I went wrong, then I went wrong!"

Xu Xiuwen said: "Since you have a good attitude in admitting your mistakes, I won't leave. But -"

His voice changed.

"But what?" Bai Yue'er couldn't help but ask.

Xu Xiuwen said: "Human passion is limited. Because of your performance just now, I am no longer in the mood, so you can take the initiative to kiss me. If I think it's okay, I will forgive you."

Bai Yue'er's eyes widened unconsciously.

It's hard to imagine such shameless words coming out of his mouth.

How on earth could he say that?
But Bai Yue'er still had to succumb to his tyranny.

Bai Yue'er took two deep breaths and tried to adjust herself mentally.

Then, he closed his eyes and kissed her.

Because of the height difference, she had to stand on tiptoes and raise her chin.

Look at it from Xu Xiuwen's perspective.

The proactive Bai Yue'er is so cute.

Xu Xiuwen did not let the girl down...

Another kiss ended.

Bai Yue'er leaned in Xu Xiuwen's arms, listening to his heartbeat, and said angrily, "You always like to bully me. It was like this on the crew before, and it's still like this now. Can't you just let me go?"

Xu Xiuwen shook his head without hesitation: "No!"

Bai Yue'er looked at him with resentment.

Xu Xiuwen smiled and explained, "Because I just like the way you feel helpless after being bullied by me. It's so funny."

Bai Yueer protested dissatisfiedly: "I'm not your toy!"

Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, "I don't see you as a toy. Besides, if I want, there are countless girls willing to be my toy. Don't be ungrateful for what you have."

Bai Yueer was jealous.

"Then you go find them!" Then he turned around.

If Xu Xiuwen didn't coax her, she would never forgive him this time no matter what!
This bad man!
She worked hard on filming and running various schedules to make money for the company, and also for him.

He still mad at her like this!


Xu Xiuwen didn't take it too seriously at first.

Until he noticed that Bai Yue'er's shoulders trembled slightly.

A thought flashed through his mind: No way, you’re crying like this?
Xu Xiuwen put his hand on the girl's shoulder and asked with concern: "You won't cry, will you?"

Bai Yue'er slapped his hand away and denied, "Who... who is crying? Don't look down on others."

However, what she said made Xu Xiuwen more convinced that she was crying.

When Xu Xiuwen thought about how he had made Bai Yue'er cry, he felt both amused and a little regretful.

He said softly, "I'm sorry, Yue'er."

Bai Yue'er still had her back to him and asked, "What did you do wrong?"

She returned to him what he had just said to her.

Xu Xiuwen didn't react for a moment, and said, "I shouldn't tease you, mainly because I really love to see your coquettish look."

Bai Yueer stopped talking.

Xu Xiuwen asked: "Are you still angry with me?"

Bai Yue'er still didn't speak.

Xu Xiuwen was about to continue apologizing when he suddenly noticed that the girl's shoulders were shaking a few more times.

Thinking the girl was still crying, he put his hands on her shoulders and forced her to turn around and face him.

However, when Bai Yue'er turned around, there was not a single tear on her face.

On the contrary, her eyes and mouth were full of smiles.

Although she tried her best to hold back her laughter, her shoulders betrayed her.

Xu Xiuwen realized that he had been cheated.

Everything Bai Yue'er did just now was just acting.

After realizing that he had been cheated, Xu Xiuwen held his forehead and sighed.

I forgot she was an actress!
However, Xu Xiuwen was not deceived and remained indifferent.

However, Bai Yue'er also knew him well.

He hasn't even figured out how to get back at them.

Bai Yue'er dodged and stepped back.

Xu Xiuwen instinctively reached out to grab her wrist, but failed.

Xu Xiuwen didn't give up and chased after him.

As a result, Bai Yue'er ran directly to the door of Cheng Qiuyun's room.

Her hand even stopped directly on the door handle.

Just press it to open the door.

Bai Yue'er turned and looked at Xu Xiuwen with a provocative look on her face.

The smiling eyes are saying, if you have the ability, just do it!

Bai Yue'er thought Xu Xiuwen would be concerned about her mother and would not dare to do anything rash.

However, she underestimated Xu Xiuwen's courage.

Xu Xiuwen simply stretched out his hands, grabbed Bai Yue'er's wrists, and pressed her against the door.

By the time Bai Yue'er reacted, it was too late to struggle.

Watching Xu Xiuwen getting closer, I thought of my mother who was just inside the door.

She kept shaking her head and begged in a low voice: "No~"

However, when Xu Xiuwen kissed her lips.

Bai Yue'er no longer had the thought or strength to resist.

Even when Xu Xiuwen had let go of her hand, she didn't notice and instead hugged Xu Xiuwen's neck.

The two of them leaned against the door and kissed passionately.

at this time.

The door suddenly opened from inside.

Bai Yue'er, with her back leaning against the door, fell backwards.

Xu Xiuwen also fell down because of Bai Yue'er's pulling.

next second.

The two fell to the floor along with the door.

And right in front of them were Cheng Qiuyun's legs.

Xu Xiuwen and Bai Yue'er immediately got up from the ground.

Cheng Qiuyun looked at the two of them with wide eyes, unable to speak.

Seeing their evasive looks and her daughter's ruddy complexion, she didn't know what to say, so she could only pretend she didn't see anything and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to get a glass of water."

Wait until Cheng Qiuyun walked into the kitchen.

Bai Yue'er couldn't hold her anger any longer, so she raised her leg and kicked Xu Xiuwen hard on the calf.

Xu Xiuwen suddenly cried out in pain.

He looked at Bai Yue'er in confusion: "Yue'er?"

Bai Yueer gave him a fierce look: "You deserve it!"

Then he became annoyed again, "How can I explain this to my's all your fault..."

Xu Xiuwen stopped joking and said to the girl, "If Auntie asks about it tomorrow, you can put all the responsibility on me."

Bai Yueer felt better after hearing this.

When Cheng Qiuyun came back, Xu Xiuwen and Bai Yue'er had already returned to Bai Yue'er's room.

Cheng Qiuyun stood at the door, hesitated for a moment, and knocked on the door, reminding: "I'm asleep, you... don't make too much noise..."

In the end, all he could say was "Don't make too much noise."

However, the two people in the room had no time to pay attention.

After entering the room, Xu Xiuwen did not hesitate any longer. He picked up the girl and walked towards the bed.

He threw the girl onto the bed and watched her delicate body rise and fall on the mattress.

Xu Xiuwen also quickly took off his clothes and pressed on...

Thank you all for your subscriptions, comments and monthly tickets, thank you for the reward from 'Lazy Brother', thank you for the reward from Love in the Wind and Rain, and thank you for the support from other book friends.

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