Rebirth begins with rejecting Qingmei

Chapter 1045: 'Simple' Wang Juncai

Chapter 1045: 'Simple' Wang Juncai

Wang Juncai did not go home this Dragon Boat Festival.

However, he did not choose to stay in school just because Song Siyu did not go home.

The real reason was that he had no money.

As a native of Beijing, Wang Juncai's family conditions are not bad, and are even much better than those of ordinary college students.

The living expenses my family gives me every month are much higher than those of my classmates.

He likes smoking and playing games, but other than that he doesn't have much spending.

He never lacked money during his freshman year.

However, he touched the thing he shouldn't have touched.

The story begins some time ago.

Because she was caught cheating on Yang Baishan in bed, and then because of his indecision, Qian Yue became completely disappointed in him and they stopped having any contact from then on.

But ever since he tasted the meat, Wang Juncai could not forget the taste.

He doesn't have a girlfriend.

The noble people of Beijing naturally cannot rely on their hands.

Just at this time he met a girl online.

The girl said that she also went to school in Jinling, and coincidentally, she was also a student of Jiangling College.

Eager to find a way to release his emotions, Wang Juncai launched a fierce offensive against the girl online.

Soon, the girl agreed to meet offline.

The two made an appointment to meet at the snack street.

After meeting, Wang Jun was overjoyed when he saw the girl's appearance.

There was such a beautiful girl in the school and he didn’t even know!
The girl was not very satisfied with Wang Juncai's image, but because he was generous, she gradually accepted him.

The two quickly established a relationship.

Although Wang Juncai had doubts, everything went too smoothly after all.

But I still can’t resist the benefits of having a girlfriend.

After they got together, Wang Juncai was worried that being too impatient would scare the girl, so he didn't rush into anything.

Plus the girl happened to be quite conservative.

So the two of them never had a relationship.

Just this day.

As soon as he saw the girl, he turned his back and wiped his eyes quietly.

When Wang Juncai saw his girlfriend crying, he hurried forward to show concern.

After his continued questioning, he finally understood the girl's difficulties.

It turned out that the girl's mother was sick.

Wang Juncai immediately took out all his living expenses and gave them to the girl.

It was precisely because of this action that the girl was completely moved.

So that night the girl gave herself to Wang Juncai.

After feeling refreshed, Wang Jun realized that something was not right.

The girl has always been very conservative.

So he thought the girl was cn.

However, no fall/red was seen.

He couldn't help but ask the girl.

The girl told him that her cn membrane was ruptured because she learned to dance when she was a child.

This reason is similar to the one Qian Yue used to deceive Yang Baishan before.

Wang Juncai was very skeptical.

But when he saw the girl's sincere eyes, he still chose to believe her.

But after I went back, I gradually came to my senses.

The girl's reaction in bed was very unlike her first time.

He increasingly suspected that the girl had cheated on him.

But he didn't dare to ask the girl again.

In case he was overthinking it, this action would definitely annoy the girl.

His new girlfriend is also easy to lose.

Maybe the girl is gifted and has learned everything on her own!

He finally convinced himself: We don't have to get married anyway, so why bother sleeping with her a few more times if it's her first time?

But what he didn't expect was.

After that, whenever he asked the girl out, she always refused with various reasons.

I wanted to take the girl to a hotel, but not only did I have no money, the girl also refused to agree.

Later he simply stopped replying to messages.

Only then did Wang Jun realize that he might have been dumped.

He was very unwilling and wanted to talk to the girl face to face.

Even if the girl insists on breaking up and not talking about it anymore, at least get back the money you lent her.

When he tried to find the girl, he found that he couldn't find her.

The major and grade the girl told him were all correct, but when she found the girl's class, she couldn't find out the girl's name.

Only then did Wang Jun realize that he was not dumped, but cheated!

Although he reacted, he couldn't do anything because he couldn't find the girl.

Wang Juncai originally planned to take this loss silently.

But God seemed to be helping him.

One day I happened to see the girl on the road.

But he wasn't sure if the girl was the one he knew.

Because the other person's mature and sexy style was completely different from the girls he knew.

Wang Juncai followed the other person all the way to a nightclub.

He looked at the sign in front of him, feeling a little confused.

When he came to his senses, the other person had disappeared.

After hesitating, Wang Juncai decided to go in and take a look.

He walked around inside and was lucky enough not to run into any staff or be kicked out.

But he didn't find the girl either.

Just then, he saw a group of sexy-dressed women walking towards him.

He saw the girl in the middle and called out her name directly.

Hearing this, the girl turned and looked at Wang Juncai.

After seeing his appearance clearly, she immediately turned her head away and pretended not to see it.

However, Wang Juncai has already confirmed that the other party is his "girlfriend".

He rushed over angrily, grabbed the girl's wrist and demanded, "What are you doing here?"

He held her hand too tightly, making the girl uncomfortable, so she shook his hand off.

The girl said coldly: "It's time to go to work~"

Wang Juncai was struck by lightning.

Working in a place like this, doesn't that mean his new girlfriend is too beautiful?
"How could you be so self-degrading?"

His words immediately aroused the disgust of the other women.

Seeing this, the girl took the initiative and quickly pulled Wang Juncai aside.

She let go of his hand, crossed her arms across her chest, and said coldly, "What does it have to do with you where I work?"

Wang Juncai felt that the girl was very strange and was not the gentle and lovely female netizen he had met before.

He suddenly thought of something and asked, "Are you doing this because you are short of money? Tell me, I can help you raise money."

The girl glanced at him and said sarcastically, "Where do you have the money?"

Wang Juncai paused, "I can borrow it!"

The girl snorted, "Then come back to me when you have borrowed it. Also, I don't want to see you now, so go away."

After that, he turned and left.

Wang Juncai looked at the girl's departing back, his face changing from gloomy to happy.

After returning to the dormitory, I went through a fierce psychological struggle.

He finally decided to trust the girl again.

Maybe she really was in trouble.

Isn’t that how they shoot TV dramas?

Wang Juncai decided to raise money to help the girl.

He first asked his family for money.

He didn't dare say that he had lent all the money to others, he just said that he had spent it all.

When his parents heard that he had spent all his living expenses, they were very angry and couldn't help but say a few words to him.

So Wang Juncai said angrily that he would not use their money anymore.

Then he asked other people to borrow money.

But he was too embarrassed to speak to the people he knew.

Finally, after seeing the "advertisement" posted on the wall, Wang Juncai called the other party.

After much "hard work", Wang Jun finally borrowed 1 yuan.

He felt that it was not enough, so he even sold his computer. In the end, he collected 2 yuan in total.

After he had money, Wang Jun came to this nightclub again.

This time he did not hide from the staff like last time, but took the initiative to open a private room.

Then he asked someone to call the girl over.

It turns out that the other party is still working here.

The girl was wearing a work uniform and black stockings on her legs, which made her look extremely sexy.

Wang Juncai just took a look and his breathing quickened.

But the girl looked at him with disgust.

"Why are you here again?"

Wang Juncai was stunned when he heard the girl's tone, and then explained: "I came to find you!"

"Who asked you to come to me?"

"Why can't I come to you?"

"I still have to work and don't have time to play with you!" The girl said and wanted to leave.

Wang Juncai was instantly annoyed, "What kind of job is this? It's just sleeping with men."

He thought his words would hurt the other person's self-esteem.

However, the girl did not refute, but followed his words and said: "You are right, my job is to sleep with other men, whoever has money I will sleep with, do you have money?"

Wang Juncai felt heartbroken when he heard this.

He took a handful of money out of his pocket and threw it on the table, saying, "I have money, you stay with me tonight!"

When the girl saw Wang Juncai take out the money, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Then her attitude did a 360-degree turn.

Not only that, she also began to talk about the reasons why she came to work here.

After listening to this, Wang Juncai felt that the girl was a filial and strong girl, and that she was worthy of admiration for sacrificing herself for her mother.

He immediately hugged the girl and promised to help her.

After the girl said a few personal words, Wang Jun gave all the borrowed money to her.

When he suggested that the girl resign and stop working here.

The girl did not agree on the spot, but said she would go back and think about it.

Wang Juncai felt hot in his heart when he saw the sexy girl in front of him.

He started to take advantage of the girl.

But soon the girl pushed him away and asked angrily: "Who do you think I am?"

Wang Juncai didn't know how to answer.

But the girl said to him in a soft voice that this was not a suitable place for him to come, and asked him to go back first and she would come back to him later.

Wang Juncai left like a fool.

However, after returning, he never received any contact from the girl.

He finally realized that he had been cheated again.

Last time we at least slept together, this time we just hugged for a while and didn’t even kiss.

Wang Juncai felt that he was the biggest fool in the world.

Naturally, he was unwilling to give up, so he found the girl's workplace again.

But he was told that the girl had resigned.

Now he couldn't find the girl at all.

What’s even worse is that the person who borrowed the money has started to urge him to pay it back.

Wang Juncai didn't dare tell his family and could only find a solution on his own.

His first thought was his roommate.

He knew that Xu Xiuwen was very rich, and as long as he was willing to lend it, this amount of money would definitely not be a problem.

But he was not sure whether Xu Xiuwen would lend it to him.

At the same time, he was too embarrassed to ask Xu Xiuwen for money.

As for Yang Baishan, it is even more impossible.

He borrowed from everyone else in the dormitory, but the money he collected was just a drop in the bucket.

At this time, Wang Jun thought of Song Siyu.

He called Song Siyu.

Song Siyu was feeling sad at the moment because Xu Xiuwen had cheated on her, so when she saw Wang Juncai's number, she didn't want to answer it and just hung up.


Xu Xiuwen stripped off Bai Yue'er's clothes and was immediately disappointed when he saw the underwear underneath.

"Didn't we agree to wear sexy lingerie?"

Bai Yueer rolled her eyes at him and said, "You came up so anxiously, I didn't even have time to put on my clothes~"

"Then put it on quickly."

Bai Yue'er said: "Then you go out first."

"I still have to go out?"


"Isn't it necessary?"

"If you don't go out, I won't wear it. It's your choice."

Xu Xiuwen had no choice but to get up, put on his clothes, and walk out of the room.

After a while, I heard Bai Yue'er say yes.

Xu Xiuwen opened the door and walked in.

The lights are turned off.

As long as the moonlight shining in from the window adds a touch of brightness to the room.

At this moment, Bai Yue'er was lying on the bed.

She was wearing a very sexy lingerie.

Not only is it as thin as a cicada's wing, but even the skin underneath is faintly visible.

Bai Yue'er closed her eyes, but her eyelashes trembled slightly, showing the girl's shyness and nervousness.

Xu Xiuwen slowly moved forward.

As if she felt his presence, the girl's toes curled up slightly.

Xu Xiuwen looked at the girl in front of him quietly.

Like a work of art.

It's breathtakingly beautiful.

Xu Xiuwen couldn't help but say: "Yue'er, you are so beautiful~"

Bai Yueer slowly opened her eyes and looked over.

She mustered up the courage to hold out her arms for a hug.

Xu Xiuwen slowly leaned over and kissed the girl's cheek.

He was no longer as anxious as before. Instead, he slowed down his pace and gently stroked the girl's body with his soft fingertips as if he was caring for a work of art.

Wherever they went, Bai Yue'er's breathing became faster.

Until she could no longer hold on and pushed Xu Xiuwen away.

Looking at the girl tilting her head and breathing rapidly, Xu Xiuwen couldn't help but laugh.

Bai Yue'er said coquettishly: "Are you still laughing at me?"

Xu Xiuwen explained: "I'm not laughing at you, I just think you're really cute."

Bai Yue'er felt sweet inside: "Of course, I'm Bai Yue'er! My fans all praised me for being cute."

“You have quite a few fans now, right?”

"What? Are you scared? Humph, if you bully me again in the future, I will tell my fans and let them scold you!"

Xu Xiuwen was amused by her words.

"If your fans knew about our relationship, do you think they would scold me first or you first?"

"My fans won't scold me!"

Xu Xiuwen did not argue.

He suddenly thought of something.

"The leading female role in Hang Fei's new play has been given to someone else."

Bai Yueer hummed, "I know."

"As long as you're not angry."

Bai Yue'er snorted, "Xu Xiuwen, do you think I'm such a petty person?"

Without waiting for Xu Xiuwen to answer, the girl continued, "You gave me the opportunity to act, and the company's resources also give priority to me. I have always known this. Even if you don't give me any roles in the future, I won't blame you."

Xu Xiuwen was moved.

But he felt the atmosphere was a bit heavy, so he changed the subject, "You are so sensible, isn't that unlike you?"

Bai Yue'er retorted: "I have always been very sensible, okay?"

"Let's not talk about this anymore, let's move on."

Bai Yue'er remembered something else.

"Wait a moment."


"Tell me the truth, did you have any hidden feelings towards Yu Zhi and Leng Rou?"

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