wealthy lord

Chapter 327 One night of work

Chapter 327 Working overnight

"Then Madam, are you willing to go to Beijing with me to do business? I can go back to your hometown to see you in a moment!"

Ye Wanqing suddenly became excited.

It has been a year and a half since she was captured by the feudal lord Lin family on charges of treason and rebellion.

Naturally, I have long wanted to go home and visit my parents.

Moreover, although the money she owed the Lin family had not yet been repaid, in her opinion, it was still a problem that the money would not be repaid.

After all, if Lin Yun and the Lin family broke up, she, as Lin Yun's wife, would not have to repay the Lin family's money.

What's more, this money was forced on her by the Lin family, and its purpose was to exploit an exiled bastard like Lin Yun.

"Since your husband has said so, then I have to be more respectful than obey my orders!"

Ye Wanqing is in a good mood. After a year and a half, she can still go home to visit relatives. This is great news.

On the side, Oona also followed suit and said, "Ms. sir, I miss home too! When will you take me home to see you too?"

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said: "Your home is in the grasslands outside the Southern Barbarians, far away from the Daduan Dynasty. How do you want me to take you home? Do you have to cross the border?"

Oona's eyes suddenly dimmed, and she nodded: "That's right! Oh, forget it, I'm going back to rest!"

Looking at Oona's lonely back, Lin Yun also understood that this girl must be homesick.

It is also understandable that she is in a foreign land, and the Nanman and the Daduan Dynasty are hostile to each other. There is no contact between the two countries at all. Once they cross the border illegally, they are likely to be attacked and killed.

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "Oona! Wait a moment!"

Only then did Oona stop.

Lin Yundao said: "If you believe me, just wait a little longer. When my husband has greater ability in the future, he will definitely take you home to visit your parents!"

Only then did Wu Na break her tears into a smile, nodded and left.

At this time, Lin Wuyue also came with hot food and placed it in front of Lin Yun.

In fact, she had just heard the conversation between Lin Yun and others, but Lin Wuyue also pretended not to know anything.

It's not that she misses home, it's that she has no home other than here.

Her parents and relatives have long since died.

After all, Lin Wuyue was an ordinary farm woman. Her family were all farmers and she relied on God for food.

A severe drought and the exploitation of the Lin family caused her family to be destroyed and she became a slave of the Lin family.

If Lin Yun hadn't rescued her, she might have been executed long ago.

Lin Yun lowered his head and smelled the fragrant food, then grabbed Lin Wuyue's little hand. The keen Lin Yun had noticed that the corners of the eldest lady's eyes were slightly red, which must have been caused by wiping tears.

He knew that Lin Wuyue was also homesick, but there was no one at home, so it was useless to say anything.

Lin Yun took a big mouthful of food and said: "Wuyue, your family and I, as well as Wanqing and Oona Xuemeng, you are not alone! If you have any worries in the future, just say it directly!"

Lin Wuyue smiled and nodded, but said nothing.

Lin Yun also knew that he, the eldest lady, had endured too much. This kind of maturity was not like that of Ye Wanqing and Wu Nasun Xuemeng, but a unique temperament and character that had truly endured the years and the heavy pressure of life.

Because of this, Lin Wuyue is the most important person in Lin Yun's heart, because she is the only one who understands Lin Yun best.
  In fact, he and Lin Wuyue had a similar fate.

Lin Wuyue is a member of the family.

And because Lin Yun came from time travel, he had no sense of belonging in the Lin family, and was suppressed and framed.

Therefore, he is also lonely inside. Only Lin Wuyue can understand this kind of loneliness, and only she can give Lin Yun the most caring and practical feeling.

Afterwards, Lin Yun returned to the operation room after eating and drinking.

He also continues to complete the parts used in manufacturing machine tools.

Because this was just an experiment, the machine tools he built were only suitable for making bullets.

When the technology matures in the future, he will manufacture more sophisticated machine tools for the production of other iron products.

But this time, he finally felt the pain of Yang Tiexin's previous efforts to make copper-iron bullets.

Each of the components required for machine tools is very precise, and it takes a lot of time to meet the requirements.

But because in this most primitive feudal society, the tools he could use were limited, and he could only rely on calcination, hammering, and polishing to complete the work.

After a whole night, he finally completed the machine tool, which was only the size of a dining table.

But it still made him very tired. After a night, Lin Yun's eyes were dazzled, and his physical fatigue made him complain endlessly.

Fortunately, the final result is good.

He connected the steam engine to the machine tool, and after heating the pressure cooker, the sealed high-pressure steam finally flowed into the machine tool along the thin pipes.

With the power of the machine tool running, although it was still a little dry, Lin Yun finally completed the initial running-in after adding the oil.

The noise of the machine's operation gradually becomes smaller.

Driven by the high-speed rotating gears, Lin Yun immediately polished the copper-iron mixed metal prepared in advance with a machine tool.

In just one hour, he produced more than a dozen bullet casings.

Everything was done, and Lin Yun finally let go.

At this moment, the genius was bright and the closed door was opened.

Yang Tiexin came, and when he saw Lin Yun with red eyes, he sighed inwardly.

What an honor it is to follow such a master.

No matter how tired I am, I am definitely not as tired as Mr. Lin.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, is this a success?"

Lin Yun proudly took out the manufactured cartridge case and said with a smile: "Look, how is the quality of this cartridge case?"

Yang Tiexin held a handful of bullet casings in his hand and observed them carefully, and said in surprise: "This...is this what Young Master made in one night?"

Lin Yun nodded with a smile.

Yang Tiexin was completely speechless. He had spent a lot of time making these copper-iron bullets for Lin Yun. Moreover, his speed was only possible due to his superb skills. If his tempering skills were inferior, it would be impossible for him to make them in a short time. Finish.

"That's awesome!" Yang Tiexin muttered while holding the bullet shell in his hand, then suddenly looked at Lin Yundao and said: "Master Lin, with this machine tool, the efficiency of manufacturing copper and iron bullets will definitely be greatly improved!"

Lin Yun nodded and said: "I will go back to sleep later and demonstrate it to you again. I will give you a task. Make three hundred finished bullets for me in one day!! I will check when I wake up. If If you can’t finish it, I’m going to talk to you about it!”

Yang Tiexin agreed immediately and said: "No problem! The young master stayed up all night for this machine tool. I will definitely be able to complete the task!!"

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and got ready.

Afterwards, watching Lin Yun skillfully operate the machine and successfully manufacture a bullet casing, he finally understood the principle of use.

Lin Yun added: "Remember, water must be added to this pressure cooker every two hours! Don't dry the pot, otherwise it will cause an explosion! Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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