wealthy lord

Chapter 328 Wherever there is a woman, there is a world

Chapter 328 Wherever there is a woman, there is a world

Yang Tiexin nodded in agreement and performed the operation himself.

It is said that Yang Tiexin knows everything, and Yang Tiexin is a skilled old blacksmith. With just a little guidance from Lin Yun, he has completely mastered the method of use.

And he was also the first person in the world to use steam engines and machine tools.

After Lin Yun finished explaining everything, he went home and went to sleep.

When he woke up again, it was already the second watch of the night.

This surprised him, he didn't expect to sleep so deeply.

But it is actually understandable that his labor last night was extremely intense. Although it was not purely physical work, even playing with these parts that were only as big as a palm was still very labor-intensive.

In addition, Lin Wuyue felt sorry for Lin Yun and did not allow anyone to disturb him, so he could sleep peacefully.

As soon as Lin Yung sat up and wanted to go out, Lin Wuyue walked in and said with a smile: "Mr., you are finally awake!"

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and said, "Why didn't you wake me up earlier!!"

"I also want you to sleep a little longer. The work cannot be done in one day. You are the backbone of this family. What should you do if you are exhausted?"

Lin Yun nodded and said, "That's right! Did Yang Lao say anything?"

"Said! He asked me to tell you that today, he completed a total of four hundred and fifty fifty bullets!"

As he said that, he opened a small wooden box containing jewelry on the dressing cabinet nearby, which was filled with a box of bullets.

Lin Yun's eyes lit up, he quickly grabbed a handful and inspected them carefully.

Lin Wuyue came forward curiously and asked: "Mr. sir, what are these little things used for? They only look so small, but they are quite heavy! When Mr. Yang gave these things to others, he almost didn't take them. Live on the ground!”

Lin Yun smiled and said: "This is the first bullet I developed. It is more powerful than the bulk ammunition used in the bamboo gun! The range is also longer!!"

Seeing Lin Yun's eyes shining, Lin Wuyue curled her lips and said, "Aren't they just some murderous things? Why is my husband so precious?"

"Hey, Wuyue, you don't understand this! I worked hard to make these bullets, and this is a breakthrough that crosses a milestone. With these bullets, our Niubei Village's strength will be even higher. building!"

Just imagine, the enemy is still wielding guns and clubs and fighting in the most primitive way, while Niubei Village has already undergone an industrial revolution.

We have created a weapon that spans the ages. Once a head-on battle begins, the opponent may be completely wiped out before they even get close.

Lin Yun has always adhered to the principle of focusing on elite troops rather than large numbers.

In modern wars on earth, although people are always the key to everything, weapons and equipment are still the core that can change the outcome.

Therefore, even if the opponent has thousands of troops, he can rely on these timeless weapons to win with less and win more.

And this is also the key to his future settlement.

Especially in this feudal dynasty, whoever has the biggest fist has the right to speak and make decisions.

Lin Yun can completely rely on these sophisticated weapons to achieve success.

Lin Yun stood up and was about to put on his clothes. Lin Wuyue grabbed him and said, "Ms. sir, it's already so late, so don't go out!"

Lin Yun smiled evilly and said, "What do you want to do, girl?"

Lin Wuyue blushed slightly, and said: "I know that you will go away tomorrow, and you don't know when you will come back. Tonight, no matter what, you have to stay with me!"

Lin Yun held her in his arms and said with a smile, "When did the eldest lady become so impatient?"

"Hmph, you are too busy to catch Ying'er now. It's not enough to accompany Wanqing and Oona. Now there is Xue Meng. You can't favor one! I am also a woman, you have to drink a bowl of water!"

Lin Yun sighed in his heart, luckily he had the foresight to make a tonic like Dali Pill, otherwise, these four ladies would have allowed him to walk and hold on to the wall! After that, Lin Yun also gave up his plan to go to the operating room and returned to the bed directly with Lin Wuyue in his arms. The bed curtains on both sides were opened to block them. Soon, the only sound left in the room was the sound of the two breathing heavily. .

Silent all night.

In order to ensure that he would be energetic tomorrow, Lin Yun calmed down the eldest lady and then fell into a deep sleep, just to catch up on his sleep.

When Lin Yun got up early the next morning, Lin Wuyue was already gone.

He dressed neatly and walked out of the room, and saw Ye Wanqing sitting on the imperial chair.

The sound of Oona dancing with a gun and a stick came from inside the house. Although no one was seen, she could hear the whining sound of the long stick as she danced it.

As for Sun Xuemeng, he returned to Sun's house yesterday.

After all, Lin Yun had a big deal to explain to her that night. If she wanted to open Baicaotang in Taoyuan Town, she had to discuss it with her second uncle first.

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Hey, it's so early!"

Ye Wanqing curled her lips and said, "Morning?" It’s time now! It's not that I got up early, but that my husband got up too late! Say, what were you busy with last night? '

Lin Yun laughed twice and immediately changed the subject: "What can I do? I was busy with business, so I just woke up!"

"Bah!! Who are you lying to? Sister Wuyue told me just now!"

Lin Yun glared and said, "I told you, and you still ask me?"

Ye Wanqing smiled slyly and said, "Yes, I'm just asking you, what's wrong?"

Lin Yun was asking for trouble, knowing that this girl was deliberately looking for trouble, so he could only touch his nose and turn around to wash up.

When he came back from washing, Lin Wuyue had already prepared breakfast. The three women were sitting around the table, but none of them moved their chopsticks.

Lin Yun sat at the table and said, "Why are you looking at me? Eat!"

Oona said: "Ms. sir, are you really going to the capital with Sister Wanqing today?"

"Yes! Didn't we agree to it the day before yesterday?"

"Then you might as well take me with you!!"

"You... just don't go! What I'm doing this time is of great importance, and it's not just a pleasure trip!"


Seeing that there was no chance, Oona angrily picked up a steamed bun on the table and took a bite.

Ye Wanqing was secretly happy. Although she and Oona had no holidays and their relationship was good, she finally had a chance to be alone with Lin Yun, and this time she had to go back to her parents' home.

She naturally hoped that Lin Yun would bring only herself and no one else.

Lin Yun also picked up the steamed bun and asked for a bite, then took another bite of vegetables and asked, "By the way, where is Xue Meng? Why didn't she come out?"

Lin Wuyue thoughtfully served him a bowl of porridge and said, "Xuemeng went back to Sun's house yesterday! She also knows that you are going to Beijing, and she will probably stay at Sun's house for a few days, waiting for your return!"

Lin Yun nodded and said, "That's fine!"

Ye Wanqing curled her lips and said, "You are already married to your husband, and you still run home all day long. How unbecoming is that?"

Lin Yun immediately retorted: "Wanqing, just say this now! You can't say this in front of Xue Meng!"

(End of this chapter)

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