wealthy lord

Chapter 694 The last member of the Sun family, the emperor’s poisonous plan

Chapter 694 The last member of the Sun family, the emperor’s poisonous plan

Zheng Li on the side looked gloomy. In his opinion, Sun Xing was here to die.

If Lin Yun returns to Beijing tomorrow and he continues to dominate Fengyang County, Lin Yun may not be able to do anything to him for a while.

But who let him hit the muzzle of the gun?
Moreover, he could vaguely guess that the emperor did not really want to deal with him, but deliberately forced him to kill Sun Xing so that the emperor would have an excuse to take away Niubei Village.

Once some secrets of Niubei Village are leaked, Lin Yun will lose everything.

Especially since he has already discussed with Panda Royal Court to transport back the craftsmen and chrome ore from the Moon Worshiping Kingdom.

There must be no room for error on this issue.

Even if this incident led to a complete break between Lin Yun and the court, he would not hesitate.

But Lin Yun knew very well that even if the emperor had murderous intentions towards him, he would never fall out with him in person because the price would be too high for the emperor to bear.

Lin Yun's return to Fengyang County this time has yielded a huge harvest.

Not only did he receive an olive branch from King Chujiang, but he also established a close relationship with King Panda.

If the emperor dares to turn against him at this juncture, Lin Yun is guaranteed to instantly detonate all hidden dangers in the entire Daduan Dynasty.

At this time, Lin Yun smiled sinisterly and leaned forward in front of Sun Xing.

"Sun Xing, should I call you smart or stupid? You really overestimate your abilities! Let me tell you, whether it was then or now, you, Sun Xing, are not qualified to show off in front of me!"

"Besides, it doesn't matter to you or me whether we were right or wrong! As soon as you die, everything will be over!"

"Jie Jie..." Sun Xing spat out a mouthful of blood and said crazily: "Lin Yun, stop dreaming! I admit that I made a mistake this time, and I would not regret dying. But if you want to end it, there is no way! I Let me tell you, this killing started with you, but it cannot be ended with you!”

Lin Yun frowned secretly and said, "Why?"

"It's okay to tell you! You should know that I'm just the second master of the Sun family, right? That girl Xue Meng is just my niece. Do you know who her biological father is?"

Lin Yun slightly narrowed his eyes and said, "Sun Xuemeng's biological father is still alive?"

"Of course! Her father, my eldest brother, is the founder of Baicaotang, but he was forced to remain anonymous due to some reasons! But now, I can only tell the truth. He is now the personal assistant of the current Empress Dowager The imperial physician Sun Hai was favored by the Empress Dowager and was given the name Sun Dehai! Just wait, my eldest brother will definitely avenge my Sun family!"

Lin Yun looked very ugly. He never dreamed that the Sun family would hide such a big fish.

If Sun Dehai is really so powerful, why didn't the Sun family take action when they were in trouble before?

There must be a lot of articles in this.

Even Sun Xuemeng never mentioned anything about his father to him.

Lin Yun sneered and said: "Very good! Although I am indeed surprised, I have finally dug up the roots of your Sun family! Don't worry, it won't take long for me to reunite everyone in your Sun family below!"

"You're dreaming..."

Sun Xing cursed angrily.

Lin Yun pulled out the golden sword and pierced his heart again. Blood spurted out and splashed Lin Yun's face. Zheng Lili, who was holding Sun Xing's shoulders, looked at Lin Yun with a shocked expression.

At this moment, Lin Yun was like a hungry tiger descending from the mountain.

Although he usually behaves like a humble young man, he knows that Lin Yun's true side is now.

In the end, Sun Xing died tragically on the spot, but he still had a trace of ridicule on his face after death.

It seemed that he was completely freed, and he also seemed to have seen the scene where Lin Yun was about to be liquidated by the emperor.


Lin Yun put the golden sword in his hand directly on the desk, pinched his waist and turned around to the window, with his back to Zheng Lili.

Zheng Li took a deep breath and asked in a low voice: "Fourteenth Master, what should we do next? After all, Sun Xing was personally appointed by the emperor. If we return to the capital, the emperor will definitely not give up!"

Lin Yun said in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter! He Li Jing has a good plan, and I also have a wall ladder! I want to see if Li Jing has the courage to really fall out!"

If things really come to the final stage, Lin Yun will have no choice but to rebel even if he is unwilling to do so.

In fact, he had known for a long time that this day would come sooner or later. As long as the emperor put the butcher knife on his neck, he would definitely resist.

Zheng Li bowed, clasped his fists and said, "Fourteenth Master, let's not go back to the capital at all! Take this opportunity to directly declare yourself king. With our current strength, we can completely live up to a palace riddled with holes." ! What's more, in addition to the various vassals with different surnames, we also have the support of the Panda Royal Court in the south!"

Lin Yun stared at him seriously. Zheng Li couldn't resist Lin Yun's deep gaze, so he could only lower his head in embarrassment.

Lin Yun sighed: "You asked me to become the king. Do you want me to become the emperor in the next step?"

"Then why not? The Fourteenth Master not only has great talents and great plans, but also owns a military factory like Niubei Village. As long as you declare a wartime state and use all the resources in Fengyang County for weapons manufacturing, you will definitely be able to use it as quickly as possible." Create a well-equipped cavalry!"

Zheng Li became more and more excited as he spoke, and his eyes gradually filled with tears of excitement.

Lin Yun sneered and said: I didn't expect that you kid would have such great ambitions! But if only it were as easy as you say! Do you know what the consequences will be if this young master is the first to stand out? "

Zheng Li shook his head in embarrassment.

Lin Yun continued: "Once I become the king and build hundreds of thousands of cavalry as you said, I will definitely become a thorn in the side of all forces! By then, we will have no choice but to cope with it or even be isolated! Remember, Going militarily is just a bad idea! Only if we have money in our pockets can we compete for the world, do you understand?"

Zheng Li clasped his fists and said, "What the Fourteenth Master has taught me is that the low-level officials are short-sighted! But if we go back to Beijing directly, we will definitely be in danger!"

Lin Yun said: "Don't worry, your master, I won't make fun of my own life! Send the order and ask Yang Lin to come over! This young master wants him to do an earth-shattering event!"

When Zheng Li saw Lin Yun's evil smile, his heart skipped a beat and he immediately took the order and left.

About half an hour later, Zheng Li and Yang Lin walked quickly towards the study.

Yang Lin asked curiously: "Favorable, why is the Fourteenth Master so anxious about something?"

Zheng Li smiled mysteriously: "You know that no one can guess the thoughts of the Fourteenth Master. It's useless to ask me. The Fourteenth Master will tell you later! However, I can reveal some inside information. I'm afraid you will have to ask me again this time. Killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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